! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/co2calc.F subroutine co2calc_SWS (t, s, dic_in, ta_in, xco2_in, pt_in &, sit_in, atmpres, depth, phlo, phhi, ph &, co2star, dco2star, pco2, hSWS &, CO3, Omega_c, Omega_a) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modified from co2calc.f (RCS version 1.8, OCMIP-2) ! Constants are given on "seawater" H scale (hSWS) except for the "free" ! H scale dissociation constants for S and F (necessary to work with hSWS). ! PURPOSE: Calculate delta co2* (dco2star) ! INPUT: ! t = temperature (degrees C) ! s = salinity (PSU) ! dic_in = total inorganic carbon (mol/m^3) ! ta_in = total alkalinity (eq/m^3) ! xco2_in = atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppmv) ! pt_in = inorganic phosphate (mol/m^3) ! sit_in = inorganic silicate (mol/m^3) ! atmpres = atmospheric pressure in atmospheres (1 atm==1013.25mbar) ! depth = ocean depth (m) ! phlo = lower limit of pH range ! phhi = upper limit of pH range ! OUTPUT: ! co2star = ocean CO2* (mol/m^3) ! dco2star = delta (atm-ocn) CO2* (mol/m^3) ! pco2 = oceanic pCO2 (uatm) ! hsws = H+ on seawater H scale !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real permil, pt, pt_in, sit, sit_in, ta, ta_in, dic, dic_in real permeg, xco2, xco2_in, tk, t, tk100, tk1002, dlogtk, s real sqrtis, s2, sqrts, s15, scl, bt, st, ft, ff, x1, phhi real x2, phlo, xacc, hSWS, drtsafe, hSWS2, co2star, co2starair real atmpres, dco2star, ph, pco2, invtk, is, is2, k0, k1 real k12, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi, C2K real Kspc, Kspa, ca, co3, omega_c, omega_a, depth, pres real t2, dvc, dva, dk, pitkR, p2itkR, Rgas, fugf !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Models carry tracers in mol/m^3 but this routine uses umol/kg ! Change units from the input of mol/m^3 -> mol/kg: ! (1 mol/m^3) x (1 m^3/1024.5 kg) ! where the ocean's mean surface density is 1024.5 kg/m^3 permil = 1./1024.5 ! to convert mol/m^3 to mol/kg permeg = 1.e-6 ! to convert uatm to atm. Rgas = 83.1451 ! ideal gas constant R in cm3 bar k-1 C2K = 273.15 ! to cinvert C to K ! Convert input dic = dic_in*permil ! change mol/m^3 to mol/kg ta = ta_in*permil ! change mol/m^3 to mol/kg xco2 = xco2_in*permeg ! change units from ppmv to parts by volume. pt = pt_in*permil ! change mol/m^3 to mol/kg sit = sit_in*permil ! change mol/m^3 to mol/kg pres = depth*0.1 ! change from meters to decibars !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate all constants needed to convert between various measured ! carbon species. References for each equation are noted in the code. ! Version 2 of "Handbook of Methods for the Analysis of the Various ! Parameters of the Carbon Dioxide System in Seawater", DOE, 1994 ! (SOP No. 3, p25-26). ! Derive simple terms used more than once tk = C2K + t tk100 = tk/100. tk1002 = tk100*tk100 invtk = 1./tk dlogtk = log(tk) is = 19.924*s/(1000. - 1.005*s) is2 = is*is sqrtis = sqrt(is) s2 = s*s t2 = t*t sqrts = sqrt(s) s15 = s**1.5 scl = s/1.80655 pitkR = pres/tk/Rgas p2itkR = pres*pitkR !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Calculate concentrations for borate, sulfate, and fluoride ! Uppstrom (1974) bt = 0.000232*scl/10.811 ! Morris & Riley (1966) st = 0.14*scl/96.062 ! Riley (1965) ft = 0.000067*scl/18.9984 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! f = k0(1-pH2O)*correction term for non-ideality ! Weiss & Price (1980, Mar. Chem., 8, 347-359; Eq 13 with table 6 values) ff = exp(-162.8301 + 218.2968/tk100 + 90.9241*log(tk100) & - 1.47696*tk1002 + s*(.025695 - .025225*tk100 & + 0.0049867*tk1002)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! k1 = [H][HCO3]/[H2CO3] ! k2 = [H][CO3]/[HCO3] on hSWS ! Millero p.664 (1995) using Mehrbach et al. data on SEAWATER scale ! (Original reference: Dickson and Millero, DSR, 1987) k1 = 10**(-1.*(3670.7*invtk - 62.008 + 9.7944*dlogtk & - 0.0118*s + 0.000116*s2)) k2 = 10**(-1*(1394.7*invtk + 4.777 - 0.0184*s + 0.000118*s2)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! k1p = [H][H2PO4]/[H3PO4] on hSWS ! Millero p.670 (1995) k1p = exp(-4576.752*invtk + 115.540 - 18.453*dlogtk & + (-106.736*invtk + 0.69171)*sqrts & + (-0.65643*invtk - 0.01844)*s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! k2p = [H][HPO4]/[H2PO4] on hSWS ! Millero p.670 (1995) k2p = exp(-8814.715*invtk + 172.1033 - 27.927*dlogtk & + (-160.340*invtk + 1.3566)*sqrts & + (0.37335*invtk - 0.05778)*s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! k3p = [H][PO4]/[HPO4] on hSWS ! Millero p.670 (1995) k3p = exp(-3070.75*invtk - 18.126 & + (17.27039*invtk + 2.81197)*sqrts & + (-44.99486*invtk - 0.09984)*s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ksi = [H][SiO(OH)3]/[Si(OH)4] on hSWS ! Millero p.671 (1995) using data from Yao and Millero (1995) ! change to (mol/ kg soln) ! depth dependancy assumed to be the same as boric acid ! typo in Millero 1994 corrected in sign of 0.1622 ksi = exp(-8904.2*invtk + 117.400 - 19.334*dlogtk & + (-458.79*invtk + 3.5913)*sqrtis & + (188.74*invtk - 1.5998)*is & + (-12.1652*invtk + 0.07871)*is2 & + log(1. - 0.001005*s)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! kw = [H][OH] on hSWS ! Millero p.670 (1995) using composite data ! pressure dependancy in Millero 1994 corrected for sea water from ! Millero 1983 kw = exp(-13847.26*invtk + 148.9802 - 23.6521*dlogtk & + (118.67*invtk - 5.977 + 1.0495*dlogtk)*sqrts - 0.01615*s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ks = [H][SO4]/[HSO4] on free H scale ! Dickson (1990, J. chem. Thermodynamics 22, 113) ! change to (mol/kg soln) ks = exp(-4276.1*invtk + 141.328 - 23.093*dlogtk & + (-13856*invtk + 324.57 - 47.986*dlogtk)*sqrtis & + (35474*invtk - 771.54 + 114.723*dlogtk)*is & - 2698*invtk*is**1.5 + 1776*invtk*is2 & + log(1. - 0.001005*s)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! kf = [H][F]/[HF] on free H scale ! Dickson and Riley (1979) ! change to (mol/ kg soln) kf = exp(1590.2*invtk - 12.641 + 1.525*sqrtis & + log(1. - 0.001005*s)) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! kb = [H][BO2]/[HBO2] on hSWS ! Dickson p.673 (1990) ! change from htotal to hSWS ! typo in Millero 1994 corrected in sign of 0.1622 kb = exp((-8966.90 - 2890.53*sqrts - 77.942*s & + 1.728*s15 - 0.0996*s2)*invtk & + (148.0248 + 137.1942*sqrts + 1.62142*s) & + (-24.4344 - 25.085*sqrts - 0.2474*s)*dlogtk & + 0.053105*sqrts*tk & + log((1+(st/ks)+(ft/kf))/(1+(st/ks)))) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate [H+] SWS when DIC and TA are known at T, S and 1 atm. ! The solution converges to err of xacc. The solution must be within ! the range x1 to x2. ! If DIC and TA are known then either a root finding or iterative method ! must be used to calculate hSWS. In this case we use the Newton-Raphson ! "safe" method taken from "Numerical Recipes" (function "rtsafe.f" with ! error trapping removed). ! As currently set, this procedure iterates about 12 times. The x1 and x2 ! values set below will accomodate ANY oceanographic values. If an initial ! guess of the pH is known, then the number of iterations can be reduced to ! about 5 by narrowing the gap between x1 and x2. It is recommended that ! the first few time steps be run with x1 and x2 set as below. After that, ! set x1 and x2 to the previous value of the pH +/- ~0.5. The current ! setting of xacc will result in co2star accurate to 3 significant figures ! (xx.y). Making xacc bigger will result in faster convergence also, but this ! is not recommended (xacc of 10**-9 drops precision to 2 significant figures). x1 = 10.**(-phhi) x2 = 10.**(-phlo) xacc = 1.e-10 hSWS = drtsafe (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi, bt, st &, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, x1, x2, xacc) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate [CO2*] as defined in DOE Methods Handbook 1994 Ver.2, ! ORNL/CDIAC-74, Dickson and Goyet, eds. (Ch 2 p 10, Eq A.49) hSWS2 = hSWS*hSWS co2star = (dic*hSWS2/(hSWS2 + k1*hSWS + k1*k2)) co2starair = xco2*ff*atmpres dco2star = co2starair - co2star ph = -log10(hSWS) ! Calculate [CO3] in mol/kg from co2star and hSWS CO3 = k1*k2*co2star/hSWS2 ! K0 and fugf from Weiss 1974 Marine Chemistry k0 = exp(93.4517/tk100 - 60.2409 + 23.3585*log(tk100) & + s*(.023517 - 0.023656*tk100 + 0.0047036*tk1002)) ! Fugacity factor (assumes pressure of 1 atm or 1.01325 bars) fugf = exp((-1636.75 + 12.0408*tk - 0.0327957*tk**2 & + 3.16528e-5*tk**3 + 2.*(57.7 - 0.118*tk))*1.01325/(Rgas*tk)) ! Calculate the partial pressures pCO2 = co2star/(k0*fugf)/permeg ! convert atm to uatm !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solubility products of calcite and aragonite at sea level ! CalciteSolubility: ! Mucci, Alphonso, Amer. J. of Science 283:781-799, 1983. Kspc = 10**(-171.9065 - 0.077993*tk + 2839.319/tk & + 71.595*dlogtk/log(10.) + (-0.77712 + 0.0028426*tk & + 178.34/tk)*sqrts - 0.07711*s + 0.0041249*sqrts*s) ! Aragonite Solubility ! Mucci, Alphonso, Amer. J. of Science 283:781-799, 1983 Kspa = 10**(-171.945 - 0.077993*tk + 2903.293/tk & + 71.595*dlogtk/log(10.) & + (-0.068393 + 0.0017276*tk + 88.135/tk)*sqrts & - 0.10018*s + 0.0059415*sqrts*s) ! Calculate saturation state (Omega) ! Riley, J. P. and Tongudai, M., Chemical Geology 2:263-269, 1967 Ca = (0.02128/40.087)*(s/1.80655) ! calcite (Omgc) Omega_c = Ca*CO3/Kspc ! aragonite (Omga) Omega_a = Ca*CO3/Kspa CO3 = CO3/permil ! convert from mol/kg -> mol/m^3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- co2star = co2star/permil ! convert from mol/kg -> mol/m^3 dco2star = dco2star/permil ! convert from mol/kg -> mol/m^3 return end real function drtsafe (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, x1, x2, xacc) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! File taken from Numerical Recipes. Modified R.M.Key 4/94 implicit none integer maxit, j real k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi, bt, st, ft, sit real pt, dic, ta real x1, fl, df, x2, fh, xl, xh, swap, dxold, dx, f, temp, xacc maxit = 100 call ta_iter_SWS (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, x1, fl, df) call ta_iter_SWS (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, x2, fh, df) if (fl .lt. 0.) then xl = x1 xh = x2 else xh = x1 xl = x2 swap = fl fl = fh fh = swap endif drtsafe = 0.5*(x1 + x2) dxold = abs(x2 - x1) dx = dxold call ta_iter_SWS (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, drtsafe, f, df) do j=1,maxit if (((drtsafe - xh)*df - f)*((drtsafe - xl)*df - f) .ge. 0. & .or. abs(2.*f) .gt. abs(dxold*df)) then dxold = dx dx = 0.5*(xh - xl) drtsafe = xl + dx if (xl .eq. drtsafe) return else dxold = dx dx = f/df temp = drtsafe drtsafe = drtsafe - dx if (temp .eq. drtsafe) return endif if (abs(dx) .lt. xacc) return call ta_iter_SWS (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, drtsafe, f, df) if (f .lt. 0.) then xl = drtsafe fl = f else xh = drtsafe fh = f endif enddo return end subroutine ta_iter_SWS (k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi &, bt, st, ft, sit, pt, dic, ta, x, fn, df) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This routine expresses TA as a function of DIC, hSWS and constants. ! It also calculates the derivative of this function with respect to ! hSWS. It is used in the iterative solution for hSWS. In the call ! "x" is the input value for hSWS, "fn" is the calculated value for TA ! and "df" is the value for dTA/dhSWS ! Modified from ta_iter_1.f (RCS version 1.2, OCMIP-2) implicit none real k1, k2, kw, kb, ks, kf, k1p, k2p, k3p, ksi, bt, st, ft, sit real pt, dic, ta, x, fn, df real rx, x2, x3, k12, k12p, k123p, c, rc, a, ra, da, b, rb, db real rkb, rksi, kwrx, ptra, xrc, crx, crx2, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6 rx = 1./x x2 = x*x x3 = x2*x k12 = k1*k2 k12p = k1p*k2p k123p = k12p*k3p c = 1. + st/ks + ft/kf rc = 1./c a = x3 + k1p*x2 + k12p*x + k123p ra = 1./a da = 3.*x2 + 2.*k1p*x + k12p b = x2 + k1*x + k12 rb = 1./b db = 2.*x + k1 rkb = 1./kb rksi = 1./ksi kwrx = kw*rx ptra = pt*ra xrc = x*rc crx = c*rx crx2 = crx*rx t1 = k1*dic*rb t2 = 2.*dic*k12*rb t3 = 1. + x*rkb t4 = 1. + x*rksi t5 = 1. + ks*crx t6 = 1. + kf*crx !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fn = hco3+co3+borate+oh+hpo4+2*po4+silicate-hfree-hso4-hf-h3po4-ta ! df = dfn/dx fn = t1*x + t2 + bt/t3 + kwrx + ptra*k12p*x + 2.*ptra*k123p & + sit/t4 - xrc - st/t5 - ft/t6 - ptra*x3 - ta df = t1 - t1*x*db*rb - t2*db*rb - bt*rkb/t3**2 - kwrx*rx & + (ptra*k12p*(a - x*da))*ra - 2.*ptra*k123p*da*ra & - sit*rksi/t4**2 - rc - st*t5**(-2)*(ks*crx2) & - ft*t6**(-2)*(kf*crx2) - ptra*x2*(3.*a - x*da)*ra return end subroutine calc_hSWS_approx (dic, ta, pt, sit, bt, k1, k2, & k1p, k2p, k3p, kb, kw, ksi, H) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! solve carbonate system for H+ ! based on code from M. Follows, T. Ito, S. Dutkiewicz ! see: Ocean Modelling 12 (2006), 290-301 !------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none real dic, ta, pt, sit, bt, k1, k2, k1p, k2p, k3p, kb, kw, ksi real H, gamm, hg, cag, bohg, h3po4g, h2po4g, hpo4g, po4g real siooh3g, recip, dummy ! dic = dissolved inorganic carbon ! ta = total alkalinity ! pt = dissolved inorganic phosphorus ! sit = dissolved inorganic silica ! bt = dissolved inorganic boron ! ta = total alkalinity ! k1, k2 = carbonate equilibrium coefficients ! kw = dissociation of water ! klp, k2p, k3p = phosphate equilibrium coefficients ! ksi, kb = silicate and borate equilibrium coefficients ! H = [H+] ! First guess of [H+]: from last timestep hg = H ! estimate contributions to total alk from borate, silicate, phosphate bohg = bt*kb/(hg + kb) siooh3g = sit*ksi/(ksi + hg) recip = 1./(hg*hg*hg + k1p*hg*hg + k1p*k2p*hg + k1p*k2p*k3p) h3po4g = (pt*hg*hg*hg)*recip h2po4g = (pt*k1p*hg*hg)*recip hpo4g = (pt*k1p*k2p*hg)*recip po4g = (pt*k1p*k2p*k3p)*recip ! estimate carbonate alkalinity cag = ta -bohg -(kw/hg) +hg -hpo4g -(2.*po4g) +h3po4g -siooh3g ! improved estimate of hydrogen ion concentration gamm = dic/cag dummy = (1. - gamm)*(1. - gamm)*k1*k1 - 4.*k1*k2*(1. - 2.*gamm) H = 0.5*((gamm - 1.)*k1 + sqrt(dummy)) return end