! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/mom/ctmb.h !====================== include file "ctmb.h" ========================== ! meridional tracer balance ! to calculate the meridional tracer balance, each term in the ! tracer equation is integrated in depth,longitude and time for each ! latitude. the time integration is over "tmbint"(see switch.h) days ! for the calculation to make sense, the longitudinal ! integration must go around the world (in the case of an open ! latitude {eg: 60 deg S}) or between land masses (in the case of ! a closed latitude {eg: 30 deg S from south america to africa}) ! the domain may be divided into arbitrary basins (atlantic, indian ! pacific) but for certain latitudes, results from basins may have ! to be combined to satisfy the above conditions. ! ntmbb = number of basins over which the tracer meridional ! balance will be calculated. the test case assumes 1 ! basin as defined in "setocn.F" ! tstor = average latitudinal storage of tracer ! tdiv = average latitudinal divergence of tracer ! tflux = average latitudinal surface flux of tracer ! tdif = average latitudinal diffusion of tracer ! tsorc = average latitudinal additional source of tracer ! smdvol = ocean volume of basin at latitude ! msktmb = mask for basin numbers (1..ntmbb. 0 is reserved for ! sum of all basins) ! numtmb = number of time steps over which the terms have been ! accumulated integer ntmbb, msktmb, numtmb parameter (ntmbb=1) real tstor, tdiv, tflux, tdif, tsorc, smdvol common /tmb_r/ tstor(jmt,nt,0:ntmbb), tdiv(jmt,nt,0:ntmbb) common /tmb_r/ tflux(jmt,nt,0:ntmbb), tdif(jmt,nt,0:ntmbb) common /tmb_r/ tsorc(jmt,nt,0:ntmbb), smdvol(jmt,0:ntmbb) common /tmb_i/ msktmb(imt,jmt), numtmb