! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/gaussian.F SUBROUTINE GAUSSIAN (NLEVS, A, B, C, D, XMIN, XMAX, X) IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Description: ! Solves a tridiagnonal matrix equation of the form: ! A(n) X(n-1) + B(n) X(n) + C(n) X(n+1) = D(n) ! by Gausian elimination, assuming boundary conditions: ! A(1) = 0.0 at the top ! C(N) = 0.0 at the bottom. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER NLEVS ! IN Number of levels for Gaussian elimination INTEGER N ! WORK Loop counters. REAL A(NLEVS) ! IN Matrix elements corresponding to X(n-1). REAL B(NLEVS) ! IN Matrix elements corresponding to X(n). REAL C(NLEVS) ! IN Matrix elements corresponding to X(n+1). REAL D(NLEVS) ! IN Matrix elements corresponding to the RHS REAL XMIN ! IN Minimum permitted value of X. REAL XMAX ! IN Maximum permitted value of X. REAL X(NLEVS) ! OUT Solution. ! WORK Transformed matrix elements REAL ADASH(NLEVS), BDASH(NLEVS), CDASH(NLEVS), DDASH(NLEVS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! By default set the implicit increment to the explicit increment ! (for when denominators vanish). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO N=1,NLEVS X(N) = D(N) ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Upward Sweep: eliminate "C" elements by replacing nth equation with: ! B'(n+1)*Eq(n)-C(n)*Eq'(n+1) ! where "'" denotes a previously tranformed equation. The resulting ! equations take the form: ! A'(n) X(n-1) + B'(n) X(n) = D'(n) ! (NB. The bottom boundary condition implies that the NLEV equation does ! not need transforming.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADASH(NLEVS) = A(NLEVS) BDASH(NLEVS) = B(NLEVS) DDASH(NLEVS) = D(NLEVS) DO N=NLEVS-1,1,-1 ADASH(N) = BDASH(N+1)*A(N) BDASH(N) = BDASH(N+1)*B(N)-C(N)*ADASH(N+1) DDASH(N) = BDASH(N+1)*D(N)-C(N)*DDASH(N+1) ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Top boundary condition: A(1) = 0.0, allows X(1) to be diagnosed !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (BDASH(1) .NE. 0.) X(1) = DDASH(1)/BDASH(1) X(1) = MAX(X(1),XMIN) X(1) = MIN(X(1),XMAX) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Downward Sweep: calculate X(n) from X(n-1): ! X(n) = (D'(n) - A'(n) X(n-1)) / B'(n) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO N=2,NLEVS IF (BDASH(N) .NE. 0.) THEN X(N) = (DDASH(N)-ADASH(N)*X(N-1))/BDASH(N) ENDIF X(N) = MAX(X(N),XMIN) X(N) = MIN(X(N),XMAX) ENDDO RETURN END