! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/common/isleperim.F subroutine isleperim (kmt, map, iperm, jperm, iofs, nippts, nisle &, imt, jmt, km, mnisle, maxipp &, xu, yu, zw) !======================================================================= ! Island and Island Perimeter Mapping Routines ! The main computational subroutine, expand, uses a "floodfill" ! algorithm to expand one previously unmarked land ! point to its entire connected land mass and its perimeter ! ocean points. Diagonally adjacent land points are ! considered connected. Perimeter "collisions" (i.e., ! ocean points that are adjacent to two unconnected ! land masses) are detected and error messages generated. ! Perimeter collisions must be removed because the stream ! function cannot be unambiguously defined on such cells. ! The subroutine isleperim will not return until all perimeter ! collisions are removed. ! The subroutine expand uses a queue of size maxq of ! coordinate pairs of candidate points. Suggested ! size for maxq is 4*(imt+jmt). Queue overflow stops ! execution with a message to increase the size of maxq. ! Similarly a map with more that maxipp island perimeter ! points or more than mnisle land masses stops execution ! with an appropriate error message. ! Computes map of land masses and island perimeters ! Input: ! kmt = array of depths. (0 for land) (>0 for ocean) ! Outputs: ! map = map of land masses and their ocean perimeters ! mid-ocean cells are labelled 0 ! land masses are labelled 1, 2, 3, ..., ! their perimeter ocean cells -1, -2, -3, ..., ! iperm = i coordinates of perimeter points ! jperm = j coordinates of perimeter points ! iofs = offset of each land mass in iperm, jperm ! nippts = number of island perimeter points by isle ! nisle = number of land masses ! Array size inputs: ! imt = east/west array extents ! jmt = north/south array extents ! mnisle = maximum number of land masses ! maxipp = maximum number of island perimeter points ! Arguments used in editing kmt field ! kmt_opt= selectable options for kmt changes ! kmt_changes = changes to kmt field ! nchanges = number of changes to kmt field ! i_del_kmt = i/o unit for changes in kmt ! xu = longitude (degrees) at "u" points ! yu = latitude (degrees) at "u" points ! zw = depth at bottom of cells !======================================================================= implicit none integer imt, jmt, maxipp, mnisle, km, maxq, land, kmt_land integer kmt_ocean, i, j, maxqsize, label, nerror, jnorth integer iwest, ieast, nisle, isle, linewidth common /qsize/ maxqsize integer kmt(imt,jmt), map(imt,jmt), iperm(maxipp), jperm(maxipp) integer nippts(mnisle), iofs(mnisle) include "isleperim.h" real xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km) parameter (maxq=10000) integer iq(maxq) integer jq(maxq) integer qfront, qback integer ocean parameter (land=1, ocean=0) parameter (kmt_land=0, kmt_ocean=1) print '(/,a,/)','Finding perimeters of all land masses' ! initialize number of changes to kmt nchanges = 0 1 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! copy kmt to map changing notation ! initially, 0 means ocean and 1 means unassigned land in map ! as land masses are found, they are labelled 2, 3, 4, ..., ! and their perimeter ocean cells -2, -3, -4, ..., ! when no land points remain unassigned, land mass numbers are ! reduced by 1 and their perimeter ocean points relabelled accordingly !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt do j=1,jmt if (kmt(i,j) .gt. 0) then map(i,j) = ocean else map(i,j) = land endif enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! find unassigned land points and expand them to continents !----------------------------------------------------------------------- maxqsize = 0 call qinit (iq, jq, qfront, qback) label = 2 iofs(label) = 0 nippts(label) = 0 nerror = 0 jnorth = jmt iwest = 2 ieast = imt-1 do j=jnorth,1,-1 do i=iwest,ieast if (map(i,j) .eq. land) then call qpush (i, j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) call expand (map, label, iq, jq, qfront, qback, nerror &, iperm, jperm, iofs, nippts &, imt, jmt, km, mnisle, maxipp, kmt &, xu, yu, zw) print '(a,i2,a,i4)', & 'number of island perimeter points: nippts(',label-1,')=', & nippts(label) label = label + 1 if (label .gt. mnisle) then print '(a,i3,a)','ERROR==> mnisle=',mnisle,' is too small' stop '==> expand' endif iofs(label) = iofs(label-1) + nippts(label-1) nippts(label) = 0 endif enddo enddo nisle = label - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! relabel land masses and their ocean perimeters !------------------------------------------------------------------------ do i=iwest,ieast do j=1,jnorth if (map(i,j) .ne. 0) then map(i,j) = map(i,j) - sign(1, map(i,j)) endif enddo enddo do isle=2,nisle iofs(isle-1) = iofs(isle) nippts(isle-1) = nippts(isle) enddo nisle = nisle - 1 do j=1,jmt map(1,j) = map(imt-1,j) map(imt,j) = map(2,j) enddo ! print '(/a)', ! & 'The following changes fix "PERIMETER VIOLATIONS"' call enter_kmt_changes() if (nerror .gt. 0) then print *,' Island perimeter statistics:' print *,'maximum queue size was ',maxqsize print *,'number of land masses is ', nisle print *,'number of island perimeter points is ', & nippts(nisle) + iofs(nisle) print *, ' ' print * &, '==>Remapping land masses to see if PERIMETER VIOLATIONS remain' print *, ' ' goto 1 endif print *,' Island perimeter statistics:' print *,'maximum queue size was ',maxqsize print *,'number of land masses is ', nisle print *,'number of island perimeter points is ', & nippts(nisle) + iofs(nisle) return end subroutine showmap (map, imt, jmt, linewidth) implicit none integer iline, imt, iremain, istart, isweep, j, jmt, linewidth integer map(imt,jmt), l, i, mmm linewidth = 125 print '(/,132a)',(' ',l=1,5+min(linewidth,imt)/2-13) &, 'Land Masses and Perimeters' istart = 0 iremain = imt do isweep=1,imt/linewidth + 1 iline = min(iremain, linewidth) iremain = iremain - iline if (iline .gt. 0) then print *, ' ' print '(t6,32i5)', (istart+i+4,i=1,iline,5) do j=jmt,1,-1 print '(i4,t6,160i1)', j,(mmm(map(istart+i,j)),i=1,iline) enddo print '(t6,32i5)', (istart+i+4,i=1,iline,5) istart = istart + iline endif enddo print *, ' ' return end function mmm(m) implicit none integer mmm, m mmm = 0 if (m .gt. 0) mmm = mod(m,10) return end subroutine expand (map, label, iq, jq, qfront, qback, nerror &, iperm, jperm, iofs, nippts &, imt, jmt, km, mnisle, maxipp, kmt &, xu, yu, zw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The subroutine expand uses a "flood fill" algorithm ! to expand one previously unmarked land ! point to its entire connected land mass and its perimeter ! ocean points. Diagonally adjacent land points are ! considered connected. Perimeter "collisions" (i.e., ! ocean points that are adjacent to two unconnected ! land masses) are detected and error messages generated. ! The subroutine expand uses a queue of size maxq of ! coordinate pairs of candidate points. Suggested ! size for maxq is 4*(imt+jmt). Queue overflow stops ! execution with a message to increase the size of maxq. ! Similarly a map with more that maxipp island perimeter ! points or more than mnisle land masses stops execution ! with an appropriate error message. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer imt ,jmt ,maxipp ,mnisle ,km ,maxq ,land ,mnisle2 integer label ,isle ,i ,j ,jn ,ie ,js ,iw ,nerror ,i1 ,j1 ,n integer map(imt,jmt), kmt(imt,jmt) integer iperm(maxipp) integer jperm(maxipp) integer nippts(mnisle) integer iofs(mnisle) include "isleperim.h" real xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km) character(32) :: problem parameter (maxq=10000) integer iq(maxq) integer jq(maxq) integer qfront, qback logical qempty integer offmap, ocean parameter (offmap = -1) parameter (land = 1, ocean = 0) parameter (mnisle2=100) logical bridge_to(1:mnisle2) print '(a,i3)', 'Exploring land mass ',label-1 if (mnisle2 .lt. mnisle) then print '(a,i4,a)', & 'ERROR: change parameter (mnisle2=',mnisle,') in isleperim.F' stop '==>isleperim' endif do isle=1,mnisle bridge_to(isle) = .false. enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! main loop: ! Pop a candidate point off the queue and process it. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 continue if (qempty (iq, jq, qfront, qback)) then call qinit (iq, jq, qfront, qback) return else call qpop (i, j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) ! case: (i,j) is off the map if (i .eq. offmap .or. j .eq. offmap) then goto 1000 ! case: map(i,j) is already labelled for this land mass elseif (map(i,j) .eq. label) then goto 1000 ! case: map(i,j) is an ocean perimeter point of this land mass elseif (map(i,j) .eq. -label) then goto 1000 ! case: map(i,j) is an unassigned land point elseif (map(i,j) .eq. land) then map(i,j) = label ! print *, 'labeling ',i,j,' as ',label call qpush (i, jn(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (ie(i,imt), jn(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (ie(i,imt), j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (ie(i,imt), js(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (i, js(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (iw(i,imt), js(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (iw(i,imt), j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) call qpush (iw(i,imt), jn(j,jmt), iq, jq, qfront, qback) goto 1000 ! case: map(i,j) is an ocean point adjacent to this land mass elseif (map(i,j) .eq. ocean .or. map(i,j) .lt. 0) then ! subcase: map(i,j) is a perimeter ocean point of another mass if (map(i,j) .lt. 0) then nerror = nerror + 1 print '(a,a,i3,a,i3,a,a,i3,a,i3)', & 'PERIMETER VIOLATION==> ', & 'map(',i,',',j,') is in the perimeter of both ', & 'land masses ', -map(i,j)-1, ' and ', label-1 ! if we just quit processing this point here, problem points ! will be flagged several times. ! if we relabel them, then they are only flagged once, but ! appear in both island perimeters, which causes problems in ! island integrals. current choice is quit processing. ! only fill first common perimeter point detected. ! after the first land bridge is built, subsequent collisions ! are not problems. if (.not. bridge_to(-map(i,j)-1)) then call clear_kmt_options () ! OK to set kmt to 0, but don`t change map because that would ! require complete relabelling of land masses ! option 1: fill common perimeter point to make land bridge call kmt_option (1, i, j, kmt(i,j), 0, kmt) ! option 2: user selected interactive changes ! option 3: change nearby land points on older land mass to ocean. ! we do not want to change points on the newer land ! mass because it may be incompletely explored at the ! current moment and some conflicting land points may ! be missed. do i1=-1,1 do j1=-1,1 if (map(i+i1,j+j1) .eq. -map(i,j) .and. & kmt(i+i1,j+j1) .eq. 0) then call kmt_option (3, i+i1, j+j1 &, kmt(i+i1,j+j1), kmt(i,j), kmt) endif enddo enddo problem = 'perim' call select_option ('perim' &, i, j, kmt, xu, yu, zw) ! see if option selected builds a land bridge do n=1,nchanges if (kmt_changes(n,1) .eq.i .and. & kmt_changes(n,2) .eq.j .and. & kmt_changes(n,4) .eq.0) then bridge_to(-map(i,j)-1) = .true. endif enddo endif goto 1000 endif ! case: map(i,j) is a ocean point--label it for current mass map(i,j) = -label nippts(label) = nippts(label) + 1 ! print *, 'iofs(label)=',iofs(label) ! print *, 'nippts(label)=',nippts(label) if (iofs(label) + nippts(label) .gt. maxipp) then print *, 'ERROR==> maxipp=',maxipp,' is not large enough' stop '==>expand' endif iperm(iofs(label) + nippts(label)) = i jperm(iofs(label) + nippts(label)) = j goto 1000 ! case: map(i,j) is probably labelled for another land mass ! ************* this case should not happen ************** else nerror = nerror + 1 print '(a,a,i3,a,i3,a,a,i3,a,i3)', & 'ERROR ==> ', & 'map(',i,',',j,') is labelled for both ', & 'land masses ', map(i,j)-1,' and ',label-1 endif goto 1000 endif return end subroutine qinit (iq, jq, qfront, qback) implicit none integer maxq parameter (maxq=10000) integer qfront, qback, iq(maxq), jq(maxq) qfront = 1 qback = 0 ! fake assignments to iq and jq to avoid "flint" warning iq(qfront) = 0 jq(qfront) = 0 return end subroutine qpush (i, j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) implicit none integer maxq, ishift, ip, i, j parameter (maxq=10000) integer qfront, qback, iq(maxq), jq(maxq), maxqsize common /qsize/ maxqsize qback = qback + 1 if (qback .gt. maxq) then if (qfront .ne. 1) then ! shift queue left to make room ishift = qfront - 1 do ip=qfront,qback-1 iq(ip-ishift) = iq(ip) jq(ip-ishift) = jq(ip) enddo qfront = 1 qback = qback - ishift else print *, 'queue fault in qpush' stop '==>qpush' endif endif iq(qback) = i jq(qback) = j maxqsize = max(maxqsize, (qback-qfront)) return end subroutine qpop (i, j, iq, jq, qfront, qback) implicit none integer maxq, i, j parameter (maxq=10000) integer qfront, qback, iq(maxq), jq(maxq) i = iq(qfront) j = jq(qfront) qfront = qfront + 1 return end function qempty (iq, jq, qfront, qback) implicit none integer maxq parameter (maxq=10000) integer qfront, qback, iq(maxq), jq(maxq) logical qempty qempty = (qfront .gt. qback) return end function jn(j, jmt) implicit none ! j coordinate to the north of j integer j, jmt, jn, offmap parameter (offmap = -1) if (j .lt. jmt) then jn = j + 1 else jn = offmap endif return end function js(j, jmt) implicit none ! j coordinate to the south of j integer j, jmt, js, offmap parameter (offmap = -1) if (j .gt. 1) then js = j - 1 else js = offmap endif return end function ie(i,imt) ! i coordinate to the east of i implicit none integer i, imt, ie, offmap parameter (offmap = -1) if (i .lt. imt-1) then ie = i + 1 else ie = (i+1) - imt + 2 endif return end function iw(i,imt) implicit none ! i coordinate to the west of i integer i, imt, iw, offmap parameter (offmap = -1) if (i .gt. 2) then iw = i - 1 else iw = (i-1) + imt - 2 endif return end subroutine enter_kmt_changes() !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! copy accumulated changes from the array kmt_changes ! to kmt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n include "size.h" include "isleperim.h" integer kmt(imt,jmt) if (nchanges .eq. 0) then print '(t4,a,/)', '' else auto_kmt_changes = .true. endif do n=1,nchanges kmt(kmt_changes(n,1), kmt_changes(n,2)) = kmt_changes(n,4) enddo print '(/)' nchanges = 0 return end subroutine clear_kmt_options () !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! clear all potential options for kmt changes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i_opt, j_opt, k_opt include "isleperim.h" do i_opt=1,max_opt do j_opt=1,len_opt do k_opt=1,4 kmt_opt(i_opt, j_opt, k_opt) = 0 enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine kmt_option (i_opt, i, jrow, kmt_old, kmt_new, kmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! add a change for kmt(i,jrow) from kmt_old to kmt_new to the ! options list for option i_opt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer kmt_new, kmt_old, i_opt, n, k_opt, j_opt, nn, i, jrow include "isleperim.h" include "size.h" integer kmt(imt,jmt) if (kmt_new .ne. kmt_old) then ! if current option is full, accept it and clear it if (kmt_opt(i_opt,len_opt,1) .ne. 0) then call accept_option(i_opt, kmt) do n=1,len_opt do k_opt=1,4 kmt_opt(i_opt,n,k_opt) = 0 enddo enddo endif ! enter the change in kmt_opt j_opt = len_opt do nn=len_opt,1,-1 if (kmt_opt(i_opt,nn,1) .eq. 0) then j_opt = nn endif enddo kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,1) = i kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,2) = jrow kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,3) = kmt_old kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,4) = kmt_new endif return end subroutine select_option (problem &, i, jrow, kmt, xu, yu, zw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use define options to select a default option for changing kmt, ! then accept and enter the changes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character(*) :: problem integer idefault, i_opt, j_opt, k_opt, jrow, i include "size.h" include "isleperim.h" integer kmt(imt, jmt) real xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km) ! select default option based on ifdef options if (problem .eq. 'perim') then idefault = 1 i_opt = idefault call accept_option(i_opt, kmt) elseif (problem .eq. 'bay') then idefault = 1 if (n_del_kmt .ne. 0) then idefault = 3 endif i_opt = idefault call accept_option(i_opt, kmt) elseif (problem .eq. 'pothole') then idefault = 1 if (n_del_kmt .ne. 0) then idefault = 3 endif i_opt = idefault call accept_option(i_opt, kmt) elseif (problem .eq. 'shallow') then idefault = 2 if (n_del_kmt .ne. 0) then ! clear option 2 i_opt = 2 do j_opt=1,len_opt do k_opt=1,4 kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,k_opt) = 0 enddo enddo idefault = 2 endif i_opt = idefault call accept_option(i_opt, kmt) endif return end subroutine accept_option(i_opt,kmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! copy selected option to kmt and kmt_changes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer j_opt, i_opt, ii, jj, kk, nn, jch include "size.h" include "isleperim.h" integer kmt(imt, jmt) do j_opt=1,len_opt if (kmt_opt(i_opt, j_opt, 1) .ne. 0 .and. & kmt_opt(i_opt, j_opt, 2) .ne. 0) then ii = kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,1) jj = kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,2) kk = kmt_opt(i_opt,j_opt,4) kmt(ii,jj) = kk nn = nchanges + 1 if (nn .gt. max_change) then print '(/,a,a,/,a,a,i6,a)' &, 'WARNING: kmt_changes buffer full. ' &, 'Changes written early to delta.kmt file.' &, 'To avoid this message, ' &, 'increase max_change = ', max_change,' in isleperim.h' call enter_kmt_changes() endif nchanges = nchanges + 1 do jch=1,4 kmt_changes(nchanges,jch) = kmt_opt(i_opt, j_opt, jch) enddo kmt(kmt_changes(nchanges,1), kmt_changes(nchanges,2)) = & kmt_changes(nchanges,4) endif enddo return end