! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mom/mom_rest.F subroutine mom_rest_in (fname, ids, ide, jds, jde) !======================================================================= ! input routine for ocean restarts ! data may be sized differently in x and y from the global fields. ! fields may be written with or without a time dimension. data ! should be defined with the routine defvar and written with putvar. ! if no time dimension, then data is only written once per file. ! make sure the it, iu, ib, and ic arrays and are defining the ! correct dimensions. ln may also need to be recalculated. ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! ids, ide ... = start and end index for data domain !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname character(32) :: nstamp character(3) :: a3 character(120) :: var1, var2 integer i, iou, j, ln, n, ntrec, ids, ide, jds, jde, ils integer ile, jls, jle, kls, kle, ib(10), ic(10), jrow, k integer nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec logical inqvardef, exists, warning real tmp real, allocatable :: tmpij(:,:), tmpik(:,:) include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "csbc.h" include "emode.h" include "grdvar.h" include "iounit.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local domain size (minimum of data domain and global read domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ils = max(ids,1) ile = min(ide,imt) jls = max(jds,1) jle = min(jde,jmt) kls = 1 kle = km allocate ( tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) ) allocate ( tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp = nots call getvars ('nots', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) nots = tmp tmp = dayoyr tmp = itt call getvars ('itt', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) itt = tmp tmp = irstdy call getvars ('irstdy', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) irstdy = tmp tmp = msrsdy call getvars ('msrsdy', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) msrsdy = tmp tmp = relyr call getvars ('relyr', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) relyr = tmp tmp = year0 call getvars ('year', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nyear = tmp tmp = month0 call getvars ('month', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nmonth = tmp tmp = day0 call getvars ('day', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nday = tmp tmp = hour0 call getvars ('hour', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nhour = tmp tmp = min0 call getvars ('minute', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nmin = tmp tmp = sec0 call getvars ('second', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) nsec = tmp call mkstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) if (init_time_in) then itt = 0 irstdy = 0 msrsdy = 0 relyr = 0. call mkstmp (stamp, year0, month0, day0, hour0, min0, sec0) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read 2d data (x,y) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2) ! check if kmt is consistent tmpij(:,:) = kmt(ils:ile,jls:jle) call getvara ('kmt', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) warning = .false. do j=jls,jle do i=ils,ile if (kmt(i,j) .eq. 0 .and. int(tmpij(i,j)) .ne. 0) then print*, ' ' print*, '==> Error: restart kmt is different. ocean point' print*, ' has been changed to land. this usually' print*, ' causes problems in the ocean solver.' print*, ' ' stop '=>mom_rest_in' endif if (kmt(i,j) .ne. int(tmpij(i,j))) warning = .true. enddo enddo if (warning) then print*, ' ' print*, '==> Warning: restart kmt is different. this often ' print*, ' causes problems in the ocean solver.' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read 3d data (x,y,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ib(3) = 1 ic(3) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3) taum1disk = mod(itt+1,2) + 1 taudisk = mod(itt ,2) + 1 taup1disk = taum1disk ! update pointers to tau-1, tau, & tau+1 data in the MW based on itt if (wide_open_mw) then ! rotate time levels instead of moving data taum1 = mod(itt+0,3) - 1 tau = mod(itt+1,3) - 1 taup1 = mod(itt+2,3) - 1 endif ! first do psi at "tau" then at "tau+1" tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,1) call getvara ('psi1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,1) = tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,2) call getvara ('psi2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,2) = tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) ! guess fields tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) call getvara ('ptd1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) call oput (kflds, nwds, nkflds-1, ptd) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) call getvara ('ptd2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) call oput (kflds, nwds, nkflds, ptd) ! construct depth arrays associated with "u" cells call depth_u (kmt, imt, jmt, zw, km, kmu, h, hr) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read 4d data (x,y,z,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = 1 ib(3) = 1 ic(3) = kle-kls+1 ib(4) = 1 ic(4) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3)*ic(4) ! read the "tau" latitude rows do jrow=1,jmt if (wide_open_mw) then j = jrow else j = jmw call getrow (latdisk(taudisk), nslab, jrow, u(1,1,j,1,tau) &, t(1,1,j,1,tau)) endif ib(2) = jrow do n=1,nt if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n var1 = 'tracer1_'//trim(a3) if (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'temp') then if (inqvardef('temp1', iou)) var1 = 'temp1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'salt') then if (inqvardef('salt1', iou)) var1 = 'salt1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'dic') then if (inqvardef('dic1', iou)) var1 = 'dic1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'alk') then if (inqvardef('alk1', iou)) var1 = 'alk1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'o2') then if (inqvardef('o21', iou)) var1 = 'o21' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'po4') then if (inqvardef('po41', iou)) var1 = 'po41' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'phyt') then if (inqvardef('phyt1', iou)) var1 = 'phyt1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'zoop') then if (inqvardef('zoop1', iou)) var1 = 'zoop1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'detr') then if (inqvardef('detr1', iou)) var1 = 'detr1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'no3') then if (inqvardef('no31', iou)) var1 = 'no31' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'diaz') then if (inqvardef('diaz1', iou)) var1 = 'diaz1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'c14') then if (inqvardef('c141', iou)) var1 = 'c141' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc11') then if (inqvardef('cfc111', iou)) var1 = 'cfc111' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc12') then if (inqvardef('cfc121', iou)) var1 = 'cfc121' endif exists = inqvardef(trim(var1), iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,tau) call getvara(trim(var1), iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,tau) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: ', trim(var1) &, ' not found' endif enddo exists = inqvardef('u1', iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,1,tau) call getvara('u1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,1,tau) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: u1 not found' endif exists = inqvardef('v1', iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,2,tau) call getvara('v1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,2,tau) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: v1 not found' endif ! initialize every latitude if (wide_open_mw) then ! do nothing since "tau" data is in place in the MW else call putrow (latdisk(taudisk), nslab, jrow, u(1,1,j,1,tau) &, t(1,1,j,1,tau)) endif enddo if (wide_open_mw) then ! Initialize 1st and last latitude row for tau-1 to prevent ! use of uninitialized values on boundary row. do j=1,jmt,jmt-1 do k=1,km do i=1,imt u(i,k,j,1,taum1) = u(i,k,j,1,tau) u(i,k,j,2,taum1) = u(i,k,j,2,tau) do n=1,nvar-2 t(i,k,j,n,taum1) = t(i,k,j,n,tau) enddo enddo enddo enddo endif ! read the "tau+1" latitude rows do jrow=1,jmt if (wide_open_mw) then j = jrow else j = jmw call getrow (latdisk(taup1disk), nslab, jrow &, u(1,1,j,1,taup1), t(1,1,j,1,taup1)) endif ib(2) = jrow do n=1,nt if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n var2 = 'tracer2_'//trim(a3) if (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'temp') then if (inqvardef('temp2', iou)) var2 = 'temp2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'salt') then if (inqvardef('salt2', iou)) var2 = 'salt2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'dic') then if (inqvardef('dic2', iou)) var2 = 'dic2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'alk') then if (inqvardef('alk2', iou)) var2 = 'alk2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'o2') then if (inqvardef('o22', iou)) var2 = 'o22' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'po4') then if (inqvardef('po42', iou)) var2 = 'po42' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'phyt') then if (inqvardef('phyt2', iou)) var2 = 'phyt2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'zoop') then if (inqvardef('zoop2', iou)) var2 = 'zoop2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'detr') then if (inqvardef('detr2', iou)) var2 = 'detr2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'no3') then if (inqvardef('no32', iou)) var2 = 'no32' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'diaz') then if (inqvardef('diaz2', iou)) var2 = 'diaz2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'c14') then if (inqvardef('c142', iou)) var2 = 'c142' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc11') then if (inqvardef('cfc112', iou)) var2 = 'cfc112' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc12') then if (inqvardef('cfc122', iou)) var2 = 'cfc122' endif exists = inqvardef(trim(var2), iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,taup1) call getvara(trim(var2), iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,taup1) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: ',trim(var2) &, ' not found' endif enddo exists = inqvardef('u2', iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,1,taup1) call getvara('u2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,1,taup1) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: u2 not found' endif exists = inqvardef('v2', iou) if (exists) then tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,2,taup1) call getvara('v2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,2,taup1) = tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) else if (jrow .eq. 1) print*, '==> Warning: v2 not found' endif ! initialize every latitude if (wide_open_mw) then ! do nothing since "tau+1" data is in place in the MW else call putrow (latdisk(taup1disk), nslab, jrow &, u(1,1,j,1,taup1), t(1,1,j,1,taup1)) endif enddo call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) print*, '=> Ocn restart read from ',trim(fname),' on ', nstamp deallocate (tmpij) deallocate (tmpik) return end subroutine mom_rest_def (fname) !======================================================================= ! definition routine for ocean restarts ! inputs: ! fname = file name !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname character(3) :: a3 integer iou, n, ntrec, igs, ige, ig, jgs, jge, jg, kgs integer kge, kg, it(10), iu(10), id_time, id_xt, id_xu integer id_yt, id_yu, id_zt, id_zw, id_xt_e, id_xu_e integer id_yt_e, id_yu_e, id_zt_e, id_zw_e real c100, c1e3, c1e20, c1e6 include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "iounit.h" include "csbc.h" include "mw.h" include "tmngr.h" c100 = 100. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e6 = 1.e6 c1e20 = 1.e20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set global write domain size !----------------------------------------------------------------------- igs = 1 ige = imt ig = ige-igs+1 jgs = 1 jge = jmt jg = jge-jgs+1 kgs = 1 kge = km kg = kge-kgs+1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! start definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call redef (iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global atributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'Conventions', 'CF-1.0') call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'experiment_name', expnam) call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'run_stamp', runstamp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defdim ('time', iou, 0, id_time) call defdim ('longitude', iou, ig, id_xt) call defdim ('latitude', iou, jg, id_yt) call defdim ('depth', iou, kg, id_zt) call defdim ('longitude_V', iou, ig, id_xu) call defdim ('latitude_V', iou, jg, id_yu) call defdim ('depth_W', iou, kg, id_zw) call defdim ('longitude_edges', iou, ig+1, id_xt_e) call defdim ('latitude_edges', iou, jg+1, id_yt_e) call defdim ('depth_edges', iou, kg+1, id_zt_e) call defdim ('longitude_V_edges', iou, ig+1, id_xu_e) call defdim ('latitude_V_edges', iou, jg+1, id_yu_e) call defdim ('depth_W_edges', iou, kg+1, id_zw_e) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_time call defvar ('time', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'T', 'D' &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 0-1-1') call putatttext (iou, 'time', 'calendar', calendar) call defvar ('nots', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'nots', ' ',' ') call defvar ('itt', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'itt', ' ',' ') call defvar ('irstdy', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'irstdy', ' ',' ') call defvar ('msrsdy', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'msrsdy', ' ',' ') call defvar ('relyr', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'relyr', ' ',' ') call defvar ('year', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'year', ' ',' ') call defvar ('month', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'month', ' ',' ') call defvar ('day', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'day', ' ',' ') call defvar ('hour', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'hour', ' ',' ') call defvar ('minute', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'minute', ' ',' ') call defvar ('second', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'second', ' ',' ') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (x, y or z) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt call defvar ('longitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yt call defvar ('latitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') it(1) = id_zt call defvar ('depth', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Z', 'D' &, 'depth', 'depth', 'm') it(1) = id_xu call defvar ('longitude_V', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yu call defvar ('latitude_V', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') it(1) = id_zw call defvar ('depth_W', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Z', 'D' &, 'depth', 'depth', 'm') it(1) = id_xt_e call defvar ('longitude_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'longitude edges', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yt_e call defvar ('latitude_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'latitude edges', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') it(1) = id_zt_e call defvar ('depth_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'depth edges', 'depth', 'm') it(1) = id_xu_e call defvar ('longitude_V_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'longitude edges', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yu_e call defvar ('latitude_V_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'latitude edges', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') it(1) = id_zw_e call defvar ('depth_W_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'depth edges', 'depth', 'm') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 2d data (x,y) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu call defvar ('kmt', iou, 2, it, c0, c1e3, ' ', 'I' &, 'kmt', ' ' ,' ') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 3d data (x,y,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu it(3) = id_time iu(3) = id_time call defvar ('psi1', iou, 3, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'psi1', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('psi2', iou, 3, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'psi2', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('ptd1', iou, 3, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ptd1', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('ptd2', iou, 3, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ptd2', ' ', ' ') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 4d data (x,y,z,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu it(3) = id_zt iu(3) = id_zt it(4) = id_time iu(4) = id_time do n=1,nt if (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'temp') then call defvar ('temp1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean potential temperature at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('temp2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean potential temperature at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'salt') then call defvar ('salt1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean salinity at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('salt2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean salinity at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'dic') then call defvar ('dic1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean carbon at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('dic2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'ocean carbon at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'alk') then call defvar ('alk1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'alkalinity at tau',' ', ' ') call defvar ('alk2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'alkalinity at tau+1',' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'o2') then call defvar ('o21', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'oxygen at tau',' ', ' ') call defvar ('o22', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'oxygen at tau+1',' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'po4') then call defvar ('po41', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'phosphate at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('po42', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'phosphate at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'phyt') then call defvar ('phyt1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'phytoplankton at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('phyt2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'phytoplankton at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'zoop') then call defvar ('zoop1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'zooplankton at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('zoop2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'zooplankton at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'detr') then call defvar ('detr1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'detritus at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('detr2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'detritus at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'no3') then call defvar ('no31', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'nitrate at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('no32', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'nitrate at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'diaz') then call defvar ('diaz1', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'diazotrophs at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('diaz2', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'diazotrophs at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'c14') then call defvar ('c141', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'carbon 14 at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('c142', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'carbon 14 at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc11') then call defvar ('cfc111', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'CFC11 at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('cfc112', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'CFC11 at tau+1', ' ', ' ') elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc12') then call defvar ('cfc121', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'CFC12 at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('cfc122', iou, 4, it, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'D' &, 'CFC12 at tau+1', ' ', ' ') else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3,'(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3,'(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3,'(i1)') n call defvar ('tracer1_'//trim(a3), iou ,4, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'D', 'tracer '//trim(a3)//' at tau', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('tracer2_'//trim(a3), iou ,4, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'D', 'tracer '//trim(a3)//' at tau+1', ' ' &, ' ') endif enddo call defvar ('u1', iou , 4, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'D', 'u1', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('u2', iou , 4, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'D', 'u2', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('v1', iou , 4, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'D', 'v1', ' ', ' ') call defvar ('v2', iou , 4, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'D', 'v2', ' ', ' ') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call enddef (iou) return end subroutine mom_rest_out (fname, ids, ide, jds, jde) !======================================================================= ! output routine for ocean restarts ! data may be sized differently in x and y from the global fields. ! fields may be written with or without a time dimension. data ! should be defined with the routine defvar and written with putvar. ! if no time dimension, then data is only written once per file. ! make sure the it, iu, ib, and ic arrays and are defining the ! correct dimensions. ln may also need to be recalculated. ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! ids, ide ... = start and end index for data domain !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname character(3) :: a3 character(32) :: nstamp character(120) :: var1, var2 integer i, iou, j, jrow, k, ln, n, ntrec, ids, ide, jds, jde integer igs, ige, ig, jgs, jge, jg, kgs, kge, kg, ils, ile integer jls, jle, kls, kle, ib(10), ic(10) integer nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec real c100, c1e3, c1e20, diag1, diag0 real, allocatable :: tmpij(:,:), tmpik(:,:) real, allocatable :: tmpi(:), tmpj(:), tmpk(:) real, allocatable :: tmpie(:), tmpje(:), tmpke(:) include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "csbc.h" include "emode.h" include "grdvar.h" include "iounit.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" real xt_e(imt+1), xu_e(imt+1), yt_e(jmt+1), yu_e(jmt+1) real zt_e(km+1), zw_e(km+1), tmp, bufsl(imt,km,2) real ext(imt,2) c100 = 100. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e20 = 1.e20 nstamp = stamp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set global write domain size !----------------------------------------------------------------------- igs = 1 ige = imt ig = ige-igs+1 jgs = 1 jge = jmt jg = jge-jgs+1 kgs = 1 kge = km kg = kge-kgs+1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local domain size (minimum of data domain and global write domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ils = max(ids,igs) ile = min(ide,ige) jls = max(jds,jgs) jle = min(jde,jge) kls = max(1,kgs) kle = min(km,kge) allocate ( tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) ) allocate ( tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) ) allocate ( tmpi(igs:ige) ) allocate ( tmpj(jgs:jge) ) allocate ( tmpk(kgs:kge) ) allocate ( tmpie(igs:ige+1) ) allocate ( tmpje(jgs:jge+1) ) allocate ( tmpke(kgs:kge+1) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (init_time_out) then tmp = 0. call putvars ('time', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = 0. call putvars ('itt', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = 0. call putvars ('irstdy', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = 0. call putvars ('msrsdy', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = 0. call putvars ('relyr', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) call mkstmp (nstamp, year0, month0, day0, hour0, min0, sec0) else tmp = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call putvars ('time', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = itt call putvars ('itt', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = iday(imodeltime) call putvars ('irstdy', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = msday(imodeltime) call putvars ('msrsdy', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = relyr call putvars ('relyr', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) endif tmp = nots call putvars ('nots', iou, ntrec, tmp, c1, c0) call rdstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) tmp = nyear call putvars ('year', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = nmonth call putvars ('month', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = nday call putvars ('day', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = nhour call putvars ('hour', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = nmin call putvars ('minute', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) tmp = nsec call putvars ('second', iou, 1, tmp, c1, c0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (x, y or z) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ig tmpi(igs:ige) = xt(igs:ige) call putvara ('longitude', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c1, c0) tmpi(igs:ige) = xu(igs:ige) call putvara ('longitude_V', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c1, c0) ic(1) = jg tmpj(jgs:jge) = yt(jgs:jge) call putvara ('latitude', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c1, c0) tmpj(jgs:jge) = yu(jgs:jge) call putvara ('latitude_V', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c1, c0) ic(1) = kg tmpk(kgs:kge) = zt(kgs:kge) call putvara ('depth', iou, kg, ib, ic, tmpk, c100, c0) tmpk(kgs:kge) = zw(kgs:kge) call putvara ('depth_W', iou, kg, ib, ic, tmpk, c100, c0) ic(1) = ig + 1 call edge_maker (1, xt_e, xt, dxt, xu, dxu, imt) tmpie(igs:ige+1) = xt_e(igs:ige+1) call putvara ('longitude_edges', iou, ig+1, ib, ic, tmpie &, c1, c0) call edge_maker (2, xu_e, xt, dxt, xu, dxu, imt) tmpie(igs:ige+1) = xu_e(igs:ige+1) call putvara ('longitude_V_edges', iou, ig+1, ib, ic, tmpie &, c1, c0) ic(1) = jg + 1 call edge_maker (1, yt_e, yt, dyt, yu, dyu, jmt) tmpje(jgs:jge+1) = yt_e(jgs:jge+1) call putvara ('latitude_edges', iou, jg+1, ib, ic, tmpje &, c1, c0) call edge_maker (2, yu_e, yt, dyt, yu, dyu, jmt) tmpje(jgs:jge+1) = yu_e(jgs:jge+1) call putvara ('latitude_V_edges', iou, jg+1, ib, ic, tmpje &, c1, c0) ic(1) = kg + 1 call edge_maker (1, zt_e, zt, dzt, zw, dzw, km) tmpke(kgs:kge+1) = zt_e(kgs:kge+1) call putvara ('depth_edges', iou, kg+1, ib, ic, tmpke, c100, c0) call edge_maker (2, zw_e, zt, dzt, zw, dzw, km) tmpke(kgs:kge+1) = zw_e(kgs:kge+1) call putvara ('depth_W_edges', iou, kg+1, ib, ic, tmpke, c100, c0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 2d data (x,y) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = kmt(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('kmt', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 3d data (x,y,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ib(3) = ntrec ic(3) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3) ! first do psi at "tau" then at "tau+1" tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,1) call putvara ('psi1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = psi(ils:ile,jls:jle,2) call putvara ('psi2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) ! guess fields call oget (kflds, nwds, nkflds-1, ptd) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('ptd1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) call oget (kflds, nwds, nkflds, ptd) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ptd(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('ptd2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 4d data (x,y,z,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = 1 ic(2) = 1 ib(3) = 1 ic(3) = kle-kls+1 ib(4) = 1 ic(4) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3)*ic(4) ! save the "tau" latitude rows do jrow=1,jmt if (wide_open_mw) then j = jrow ! remove external mode from "tau". since psi has been updated ! psi(,,2) is at "tau" if (jrow .lt. jmt) then do i=2,imt-1 diag1 = psi(i+1,jrow+1,2) - psi(i ,jrow,2) diag0 = psi(i ,jrow+1,2) - psi(i+1,jrow,2) ext(i,1) = -(diag1+diag0)*dyu2r(jrow)*hr(i,jrow) ext(i,2) = (diag1-diag0)*dxu2r(i)*hr(i,jrow)*csur(jrow) enddo do k=1,km do i=2,imt-1 if (k .le. kmu(i,jrow)) then bufsl(i,k,1) = (u(i,k,j,1,tau) - ext(i,1)) bufsl(i,k,2) = (u(i,k,j,2,tau) - ext(i,2)) else bufsl(i,k,1) = c0 bufsl(i,k,2) = c0 endif enddo enddo call setbcx (bufsl(1,1,1), imt, km) call setbcx (bufsl(1,1,2), imt, km) else do k=1,km do i=1,imt bufsl(i,k,1) = c0 bufsl(i,k,2) = c0 enddo enddo endif else j = jmw call getrow (latdisk(taudisk), nslab, jrow, u(1,1,j,1,tau) &, t(1,1,j,1,tau)) do k=1,km do i=1,imt bufsl(i,k,1) = u(i,k,j,1,tau) bufsl(i,k,2) = u(i,k,j,2,tau) enddo enddo endif ib(2) = jrow do n=1,nt if (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'temp') then var1 = 'temp1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'salt') then var1 = 'salt1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'dic') then var1 = 'dic1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'alk') then var1 = 'alk1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'o2') then var1 = 'o21' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'po4') then var1 = 'po41' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'phyt') then var1 = 'phyt1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'zoop') then var1 = 'zoop1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'detr') then var1 = 'detr1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'no3') then var1 = 'no31' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'diaz') then var1 = 'diaz1' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'c14') then var1 = 'c141' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc11') then var1 = 'cfc111' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc12') then var1 = 'cfc121' else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n var1 = 'tracer1_'//trim(a3) endif tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,tau) call putvara(trim(var1), iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) enddo tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = bufsl(ils:ile,kls:kle,1) call putvara('u1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = bufsl(ils:ile,kls:kle,2) call putvara('v1', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) enddo ! save the "tau+1" latitude rows do jrow=1,jmt if (wide_open_mw) then j = jrow else j = jmw call getrow (latdisk(taup1disk), nslab, jrow &, u(1,1,j,1,taup1), t(1,1,j,1,taup1)) endif ib(2) = jrow do n=1,nt if (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'temp') then var2 = 'temp2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'salt') then var2 = 'salt2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'dic') then var2 = 'dic2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'alk') then var2 = 'alk2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'o2') then var2 = 'o22' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'po4') then var2 = 'po42' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'phyt') then var2 = 'phyt2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'zoop') then var2 = 'zoop2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'detr') then var2 = 'detr2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'no3') then var2 = 'no32' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'diaz') then var2 = 'diaz2' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'c14') then var2 = 'c142' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc11') then var2 = 'cfc112' elseif (trim(mapt(n)) .eq. 'cfc12') then var2 = 'cfc122' else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n var2 = 'tracer2_'//trim(a3) endif tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = t(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,n,taup1) call putvara(trim(var2), iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) enddo tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,1,taup1) call putvara('u2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) tmpik(ils:ile,kls:kle) = u(ils:ile,kls:kle,j,2,taup1) call putvara('v2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpik, c1, c0) enddo call rdstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) print*, '=> Ocn restart written to ',trim(fname),' on ', nstamp deallocate ( tmpij ) deallocate ( tmpik ) deallocate ( tmpi ) deallocate ( tmpj ) deallocate ( tmpk ) deallocate ( tmpie ) deallocate ( tmpje ) deallocate ( tmpke ) return end