! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/mtlm.h !======================== include file "mtlm.h" ======================== !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Atmospheric CO2 variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CO2 = CO2 mass mixing ratio (kg/kg). ! EPCO2 = Ratio of molecular weights of CO2 real EPCO2, CO2 parameter (EPCO2 = 1.5194) common /land_r/ CO2(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Driving variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LYING_SNOW = Snow mass (kg/m2). ! LW = Surface longwave radiation (W/m**2). ! SW = Surface shortwave radiation (W/m**2). ! SWN = Net shortwave radiation (W/m**2). ! PSTAR = Surface pressure (Pa). ! Q = Specific humidity (kg/kg). ! SAT_D = Diurnal surface air temperature (K). ! TS1 = Sub-surface temperature (K). ! TIMEDAY = Time of day (s). ! W = Water incident at the soil surface (mm/day). ! WIND = Wind speed (m/s). ! LW_OUT = total net longwave radiation (W/m2) ! LHC = Latent heat of condensation (J/kg). ! LHF = Latent heat of fusion (J/kg). ! SIGMA = Stefan-Boltzman constant (W/m2/K4). real LYING_SNOW, LW, SW, SWN, PSTAR, Q, SAT_D, TS1, TIMEDAY real W, WIND, LW_OUT, LHC, LHF, SIGMA common /land_r/ LYING_SNOW(POINTS), LW(POINTS), SW(POINTS) common /land_r/ SWN(POINTS), PSTAR(POINTS), Q(POINTS) common /land_r/ SAT_D(POINTS), TS1(POINTS), TIMEDAY common /land_r/ WIND(POINTS), LW_OUT(POINTS), LHC, LHF, SIGMA !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Variables for forcing with climatological means !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DTEMP_DAY = Diurnal temperature range (K). ! QS = Saturated specific humidity (kg/kg). ! RAIN = Rainfall rate (kg/m2/s). ! SNOW = Snowfall rate (kg/m2/s). ! SNOWMELT = Snow melt (mm/day). ! SW_C = Surface shortwave radiation (W/m**2). ! SUN = Normalized solar radiation. ! SURF_ROFF = Surface runoff (mm/day). ! TIME_MAX = GMT at which maximum temperature occurs (s). ! T_C = Air temperature (K). ! W_C = Water incident at the soil surface (mm/day). ! RH_C = relative humidity from atmospheric model real DTEMP_DAY, QS, RAIN, SNOW, SNOWMELT, SW_C, SUN, SURF_ROFF real TIME_MAX, T_C, W_C, RH_C common /land_r/ DTEMP_DAY(POINTS), QS(POINTS), RAIN(POINTS) common /land_r/ SNOW(POINTS), SNOWMELT(POINTS), SW_C(POINTS) common /land_r/ SUN(POINTS,STEPSM), SURF_ROFF(POINTS) common /land_r/ TIME_MAX(POINTS), T_C(POINTS), W_C(POINTS) common /land_r/ RH_C(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Model parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TIMESTEP = Timestep for daily calculations (s). real TIMESTEP common /land_r/ TIMESTEP !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Soil parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ALBSOIL = Soil albedo. ! ALBSNOW = Snow albedo. ! ALBLAND = Surface albedo. ! Z0S = Roughness length for bare soil (m). ! ROOTDEP = Rootdepth (m). ! HCAP_SOIL = Soil heat capacity (W/m3/K). ! HCON_SOIL = Soil heat conductivity (W/m/K). ! HCON_D_P = Dry soil thermal conductivity (W/m/K) ! HCON_SNOW = Snow thermal conductivity (W/m/K) real ALBSOIL, ALBSNOW, ALBLAND, Z0S, HCAP_SOIL, HCON_SOIL ! parameter (HCAP_SOIL=3.3E5, HCON_SOIL=0.23) parameter (HCAP_SOIL=3.3E5, HCON_SOIL=0.75) real HCON_D_P,HCON_SNOW common /land_r/ ALBSOIL(POINTS), ALBSNOW(POINTS) common /land_r/ ALBLAND(POINTS), Z0S(POINTS) common /land_r/ HCON_D_P,HCON_SNOW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vegetation parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ALBSNC = Cold deep snow albedo. ! ALBSNF = Snow free albedo. ! CATCH = Canopy capacity (kg/m2). ! Z0 = Vegetative roughness length (m). ! VEG_FRAC = Vegetated fraction. ! FRAC_VS = Total fraction of gridbox covered by vegetation and soil. ! FRAC_MIN = Minimum areal fraction for PFTs. ! FRAC_SEED = "Seed" fraction for PFTs. real ALBSNC, ALBSNF, CATCH, Z0, VEG_FRAC, FRAC_VS, FRAC_MIN real FRAC_SEED parameter (FRAC_MIN=1.0E-6, FRAC_SEED=0.01) common /land_r/ ALBSNC(POINTS,NPFT), ALBSNF(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ CATCH(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ Z0(POINTS,NPFT), VEG_FRAC(POINTS) common /land_r/ FRAC_VS(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IVM Prognostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CS = Soil carbon (kg C/m2). ! FRAC = Areal coverage. ! LAI = Leaf area index. real CS, FRAC, LAI common /land_r/ CS(POINTS), FRAC(POINTS,NTYPE) common /land_r/ LAI(POINTS,NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IVM Fluxes and diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! C_VEG = Vegetation carbon (kg C/m2). ! CV = Gridbox mean vegetation carbon (kg C/m2). ! FTIME = Weighting factor for accumulations. ! HT = Canopy height (m). ! GPP = Gross Primary Productivity (kg C/m2/s). ! G_LEAF = Leaf turnover rate (/yr). ! G_LEAF_DAY = Daily mean leaf turnover rate (/yr). ! G_LEAF_PHEN = Daily leaf turnover rate including phenology (/yr). ! NPP = Net Primary Productivity (kg C/m2/s). ! RESP_S = Soil respiration rate (kg C/m2/s). ! LIT_C_T = Gridbox mean carbon litter (kg C/m2/yr). ! BF = Burn fraction real C_VEG, CV, FTIME, HT, GPP, G_LEAF, G_LEAF_DAY real G_LEAF_PHEN, NPP, RESP_S, LIT_C_T, BF common /land_r/ C_VEG(POINTS,NPFT), CV(POINTS), FTIME common /land_r/ HT(POINTS,NPFT), GPP(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ G_LEAF(POINTS,NPFT), G_LEAF_DAY(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ G_LEAF_PHEN(POINTS,NPFT), NPP(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ RESP_S(POINTS), LIT_C_T(POINTS), BF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Driving variables for TRIFFID !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! G_LEAF_DR = Accumulated leaf turnover rate (/yr). ! NPP_DR = Accumulated Net Primary Productivity (kg C/m2/yr). ! RESP_S_DR = Accumulated soil respiration rate (kg C/m2/yr). ! RESP_W_DR = Accumulated wood respiration rate (kg C/m2/yr). real G_LEAF_DR, NPP_DR, RESP_S_DR, RESP_W_DR common /land_r/ G_LEAF_DR(POINTS,NPFT), NPP_DR(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ RESP_S_DR(POINTS), RESP_W_DR(POINTS,NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Hydrology variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ESUB = Sublimation (kg/m2/s). ! FSMC = Moisture availability factor. ! MAF = Moisture availability factor PFT/soil dependence ! M = Total soil moisture (kg/m2). ! MNEG = Negative soil moisture (kg/m2). real ESUB, FSMC, MAF, MNEG common /land_r/ ESUB(POINTS), FSMC(POINTS), MAF(NTYPE) common /land_r/ MNEG(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Temperatures !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TSOIL = Temperature of bare soil (K). ! TSTAR = Surface temperature (K). real TSOIL, TSTAR common /land_r/ TSOIL(POINTS), TSTAR(POINTS,NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Inputs defining locations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LAND_PTS = Number of land points. ! LAND_INDEX = Indices of land points. ! VEG_PTS = Number of land points which include the nth vegetation ! type. ! VEG_INDEX = Indices of land points which include the nth vegetation ! type. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, VEG_PTS, VEG_INDEX common /land_i/ LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), VEG_PTS(NPFT) common /land_i/ VEG_INDEX(POINTS,NPFT) ! LAT = Latitude (degrees) ! LATMIN,LATMAX = Latitudinal limits of the area (degrees). ! GAREA = grid area (m2) ! LONG = Longitude (degrees) ! LONGMIN,LONGMAX = Longitudinal limits of the area (degrees). real LAT, LATMIN, LATMAX, LONG, LONGMIN, LONGMAX, GAREA common /land_r/ LAT(POINTS),LATMIN, LATMAX, GAREA(POINTS) common /land_r/ LONG(POINTS), LONGMIN, LONGMAX !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Time parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ISTEP = step counter. ! STEP_DAY = Number of steps in a day. ! LAND_COUNTER = number time steps for the model. integer ISTEP, STEP_DAY, LAND_COUNTER common /land_i/ ISTEP, STEP_DAY, LAND_COUNTER ! SEC_DAY = Number of seconds in a day (s). ! DAY_YEAR = Number of days in a year (days). ! SEC_YEAR = Number of seconds in a year (s). real DAY_YEAR, SEC_DAY, SEC_YEAR common /land_r/ DAY_YEAR, SEC_DAY, SEC_YEAR ! INT_VEG = .T. for interactive vegetation ! VEG_EQUIL = .T. if the vegetation equilibrium logical INT_VEG, VEG_EQUIL common /land_l/ INT_VEG, VEG_EQUIL !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Variables defining anthropogenic disturbance !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FRACA = Areal fraction of agriculture. ! G_ANTH = Anthropogenic disturbance rate (/yr). real FRACA, G_ANTH common /land_r/ FRACA(POINTS), G_ANTH(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! New variables required for LAND module !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ET = Evapotranspiration (kg/m2/s). ! LE = Latent heat flux (W/m2). ! TSTAR_GB = Grid box average surface temperature (K). ! SH = Sensible heat flux (W/m2). real ET, LE, TSTAR_GB, SH common /land_r/ ET(POINTS), LE(POINTS), TSTAR_GB(POINTS) common /land_r/ SH(POINTS) ! DAY_PHEN = IN Number of days between phenology. ! DAY_TRIF = IN Number of days between TRIFFID. integer DAY_PHEN, DAY_TRIF common /land_i/ DAY_PHEN, DAY_TRIF ! L_PHEN = IN .T. if phenology to be updated. ! L_TRIF = IN .T. if vegetation to be updated. logical L_PHEN, L_TRIF common /land_l/ L_PHEN, L_TRIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Spatial characteristics of grid cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DZ_GND = Thickness of soil + rock layers ! NSOIL = Number of soil layers in a particular gridcell (default 8) ! ZTOP = Depth of top of soil layer ! ZBOT = Depth of bottom of soil layer integer NSOIL real DZ_GND(NGND) real ZTOP, ZBOT common /land_r/ ZTOP(NGND), ZBOT(NGND) common /land_i/ NSOIL(POINTS) DATA DZ_GND / 0.1, 0.17, 0.29, 0.50, 0.85, 1.44, 2.46, 4.19 &, 7.14, 12.18, 20.77, 35.42, 60.39, 104.4/ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DPSIDT = Rate of change of ice potential w/T ! RHO_I*LHF/(ZERODEGC*RHO_W_G) ! HCAP_I = Specific heat capacity of ice (J/kgK) ! HCAP_ROCK = Specific heat capacity of rock (J/kgK) ! HCAP_W = Specific heat capacity of water (J/kgK) ! HCON_ROCK = Thermal conductivity of rock (W/mK) ! RHO_I = Density of ice (kg/m3) ! RHO_S = Density of snow (kg/m3) ! RHO_W = Density of pure water (kg/m3) ! Z0_SOIL = Roughness length for bare soil (m). ! ZERODEGC = Celcius to Kelvin conversion real HCAP_I, HCAP_W, DPSIDP, Z0_SOIL real ZERODEGC real RHO_I, RHO_S, RHO_W, DPSIDT real HCAP_ROCK, HCON_ROCK parameter (ZERODEGC = 273.15) parameter (RHO_W = 1000., RHO_I = 917., RHO_S = 330.) parameter (Z0_SOIL = 0.0003) parameter (HCAP_W = 4180.0, HCAP_I = 2100.0, DPSIDT = 114.3) parameter (HCAP_ROCK = 2400000 , HCON_ROCK = 3.4) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Snow characteristics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SNOW_HT = Height of lying snow(m) ! DSNOW = Number of days out of the year that lying snow was present ! real SNOW_HT, DSNOW common /land_r/ SNOW_HT(POINTS), DSNOW(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Moisture characteristics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBSNOW = Sublimation from lying snow (total gridcell) (kg/m2/s) ! SUBSOIL = Sublimation from frozen soil (kg/m2/s) real SUBSNOW, SUBSOIL common /land_r/ SUBSNOW(POINTS),SUBSOIL(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Temperatures and Energy Fluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TSTAR_S = Bare soil skin temperature (K). ! TSTAR_P = PFT skin temperature (K). real TSTAR_S, TSTAR_P common /land_r/ TSTAR_S(POINTS), TSTAR_P(POINTS,NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Soil moisture parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! B = B parameter in Clapp-Hornberger parameterization ! H2OHEAT = Energy that needs to be added to / removed from soil column ! = to account for heat capacity of water moving through the soil ! F_ROOT = Fraction of roots in the nth soil layer as a function of PFT ! KS = Saturated hydraulic conductivity (kg/m2s) ! M = Total soil moisture (kg/m2).. ! PHIS = Saturated soil water suction (m) ! SF = Frozen soil moisture as a fraction of saturation ! SU = Unfrozen soil moisture as a fraction of saturation ! V_CRIT = Critical volumetric soil moisture ! V_SAT = Saturated volumetric soil moisture ! V_WILT = Wilting volumetric soil moisture real KS, PHIS, SU, SF, V_CRIT real V_WILT, F_ROOT, B real M real H2OHEAT, V_SAT common /land_r/ B(POINTS,NGND), KS(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ PHIS(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ F_ROOT(POINTS,NGND,NPFT) common /land_r/ SF(POINTS,NGND), SU(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ V_CRIT(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ V_WILT(POINTS,NGND), H2OHEAT(POINTS) common /land_r/ V_SAT(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ M(POINTS,NGND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Soil thermal parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GEOHEAT = Geothermal heat flux (W/m2) ! HCAP_D = Dry soil heat capacity (J/m3/K). ! HCON_B = Thermal conductivity at layer boundary ! (0 = surface, 1 = bottom of layer 1, etc...) ! HCON_D = Dry soil thermal conductivity (W/m/K). ! SPINUPTEMP = Temperature to initialize subsurface layers to if using ! quick spinup option (K) ! TGND = Sub-surface temperature (K). real GEOHEAT, HCAP_D, HCON_B real HCON_D,SPINUPTEMP real TGND common /land_r/ GEOHEAT(POINTS), HCAP_D(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ HCON_B(POINTS,NGND), HCON_D(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ SPINUPTEMP(POINTS) common /land_r/ TGND(POINTS,NGND) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Wetlands parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ANN_DWET = Number of days cell has met the wetlands moisture criteria ! = updated once per year ! DWET = Number of days the gridcell has met the wetlands moisture ! criteria ! WETMAP = Fraction of a gridcell covered by wetlands at a given time ! = WETMAP(:,1) = Total wetlands ! = WETMAP(:,2) = Peristant wetlands (DWET < 365) ! = WETMAP(:,3) = Seasonal wetlands (DWET > 365) ! SLOPEVAL = Values of slope corresponding to SLOPEMAP ! SLOPEMAP = Fraction of grid cell having slope less than corresponding SLOPEVAL ! YEARCOUNT = Counter for reassessing DWET and WETMAP ! real SLOPEVAL, SLOPEMAP, DWET, WETMAP, YEARCOUNT real ANN_DWET common /land_r/ DWET(POINTS), WETMAP(POINTS,3) common /land_r/ ANN_DWET(POINTS) common /land_r/ YEARCOUNT common /land_r/ SLOPEVAL(NSLOPE), SLOPEMAP(POINTS, NSLOPE) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Standard permafrost parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ACTIVELT = Active layer thickness (m) ! DFROZEN_A = Days out of past year ground has been frozen ! DFROZEN_C = Days since ground first froze - cumulative total ! DUNFROZEN_C = Days since ground thawed ! FROZENMAP = Map of permafrost / frozen ground / snow covered terrain! ! = 1. Permafrost distribution (Dfrozen > 730) ! = 2. Seasonally frozen ground (730 >= Dfrozen > 15) ! = 3. Intermittently frozen ground ( 15 >= Dfrozen >= 1) ! = 4. Diurnally frozen ground (1 > Dfrozen > 0) ! = 5. Seasonally snow covered ground (Dsnow > 15) ! = 6. Intermittently snow covered ground (15 >= Dsnow >= 1) ! = 7. Diurnally snow covered ground (1> Dsnow >0) ! PERMA = Depth to permafrost (m) ! PFTHICK = Thickness of PF layer (m) ! TALIK = Thickness of taliks (if present) (m) real PERMA,DFROZEN_A, DFROZEN_C, PFTHICK,ACTIVELT,TALIK real DUNFROZEN_C real FROZENMAP common /land_r/ FROZENMAP(POINTS, 7), DFROZEN_A(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ DFROZEN_C(POINTS,NGND), PERMA(POINTS) common /land_r/ PFTHICK(POINTS), ACTIVELT(POINTS) common /land_r/ TALIK(POINTS), DUNFROZEN_C(POINTS,NGND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Excess ice scheme parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! EXCESSI = Excess ground ice content (%) ! EXCOL = Column integrated excess ice percentage (%) ! LAYERICE = Excess ice content in soil layer ! ISEXSLAB = Does the grid cell still have slab excess ice? ! SUBSIDE = Degree of subsidence since model initialization (m) ! TSLAB = Temperature in slab ice model (K) ! MSLAB = Mass of ice in slab PF layer (kg/m2) real EXCESSI, SUBSIDE, TSLAB, MSLAB real EXCOL, LAYERICE logical :: ISEXSLAB common /land_r/ EXCESSI(POINTS), ISEXSLAB(POINTS) common /land_r/ SUBSIDE(POINTS), EXCOL(POINTS) common /land_r/ TSLAB(POINTS), MSLAB(POINTS) common /land_r/ LAYERICE(POINTS,NGND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Schafer algorithm variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SCHDMIN = active carbon depth tracer (layer #) ! SCHDMAX = maximim carbon depth (layer #) ! SCHON = flag to examin if function is working ! SCH_REST = Time to reset SCHDMIN during spinup (days) ! SCH_COUNT = Counts time steps for SCH_REST ! RESP_SD = Soil respiration rate in each layer (kg C/m3/s). ! C_WEIGHT = Fraction of total soil organic content in a layer ! = used in weighting soil respiration in microbe.F ! CS_D = Volumetric density of soil carbon in each layer (kg C/m3) ! RESP_S_DD = Accumulated soil respiration rate ! = in each layer (kg C/m3/yr) ! DMIN_HOLD = holds SCHDMIN from last triffid time-step ! PFCDENSE = permafrost carbon density (kg C/m3) ! TRACK_PFC = tracks permafrost carbon (kg C/m2) ! SQU_PFC = sequestered permafrost carbon (kg C/m2) ! FZN_SL = frozen soil layers (layer #) integer SCHDMAX, SCHON, SCH_REST, SCH_COUNT real SCHDMIN, RESP_S_DD, RESP_SD real C_WEIGHT, CS_D, DMIN_HOLD, PFCDENSE real TRACK_PFC, SQU_PFC, FZN_SL common /land_r/ SCHDMIN(POINTS), SCHON, SCH_COUNT common /land_r/ CS_D(POINTS,NGND), C_WEIGHT(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ RESP_S_DD(POINTS,NGND), RESP_SD(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ DMIN_HOLD(POINTS), TRACK_PFC(POINTS) common /land_r/ SQU_PFC(POINTS), FZN_SL(POINTS) parameter (SCHDMAX = 6) parameter (SCH_REST = 36500, PFCDENSE = 21.0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Koven diffusion variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! KOVDIFF_P = Parameters for carbon diffusion (m-2) ! YEARKOV_SW = Swithch for year count ! KOVCON = Constant of diffution (m2a-1) ! KOVMAX = Maximum depth of mixing KOVMAX*active layer thickness ! ZMID = Depth of midpoint of soil layer ! KOVSAT = Controls permafrost carbon saturation ! KAPSp = Specific soil respiration rate at 25 deg and optimum soil ! moisture (/s) for permafrost carbon. integer YEARKOV_SW common /land_i/ YEARKOV_SW real KOVDIFF_P,KOVCON,KOVMAX,ZMID,KOVSAT, KAPSp common /land_r/ KOVDIFF_P(SCHDMAX,3),ZMID(NGND) common /land_r/ KOVCON,KOVSAT, KAPSp parameter(KOVMAX=4.0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Permafrost carbon pool variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CS_P = Depth varying permafrost carbon density (kg m-3) ! RESP_SP = Permafrost carbon respiration rate in each layer (kg C/m3/s). ! RESP_S_DP = Accumulated permafrost respiration rate ! PPtm = passive pool transmutation rate ! iAF = Initial available fraction ! AFp = Available fraction permafrost carbon ! AF_DTa = Available fraction transmutation accumulator ! AF_Ta = Available fraction transmutation rate ! PREG_C = Soil carbon in permafrost region both in permafrost and active layer real CS_P, RESP_SP, RESP_S_DP real PPtm, iAF, AFp, AF_Ta, AF_DTa,PREG_C common /land_r/ CS_P(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ RESP_S_DP(POINTS,NGND), RESP_SP(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ PPtm, iAF, AFp(POINTS,NGND),AF_Ta(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ AF_DTa(POINTS,NGND),PREG_C(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Soil carbon partitioning variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CS_PART = partitioning of Litter into different layers real CS_PART common /land_r/ CS_PART(SCHDMAX+1,NGND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Vegetation parameters and fluxes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! HT_S = Height variable for soil (0 everywhere) real HT_S common /land_r/ HT_S(POINTS) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Moisture parameters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FSMC_PFT = Moisture availability factor ! INFILFAC = Infiltration enhancement factor ! ROOTDEP = Vegetation rooting depth (m) real FSMC_PFT, INFILFAC, ROOTDEP common /land_r/ FSMC_PFT(POINTS,NPFT), INFILFAC(POINTS, NPFT) common /land_r/ ROOTDEP(POINTS, NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Carbon variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LIT_C = Carbon litter (kg C/m2/yr) real LIT_C common /land_r/ LIT_C(POINTS, NPFT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time averaged arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ntatsl = time step counter for time averaging ! ta_TS1 = time averaged TS1 ! ta_TSTAR = time averaged TSTAR ! ta_ALBLAND = time averaged ALBLAND ! ta_ET = time averaged ET ! ta_M = time averaged M ! ta_CS = time averaged CS ! ta_RESP_S = time averaged RESP_S ! ta_LIT_C_T = time averaged LIT_C_T ! ta_BURN = time averaged BURN ! ta_GPP = time averaged GPP ! ta_NPP = time averaged NPP ! ta_HT = time averaged HT ! ta_LAI = time averaged LAI ! ta_C_VEG = time averaged C_VEG ! ta_LYING_SNOW = time averaged LYING_SNOW ! ta_SURF_ROFF = time averaged SURF_ROFF ! ta_FRAC = time averaged FRAC integer ntatsl common /land_i/ ntatsl real ta_TS1, ta_TSTAR_GB, ta_ALBLAND, ta_ET, ta_M, ta_CS real ta_RESP_S, ta_LIT_C_T, ta_BURN, ta_GPP, ta_NPP, ta_HT real ta_LAI, ta_C_VEG, ta_LYING_SNOW, ta_SURF_ROFF, ta_FRAC common /land_r/ ta_TS1(POINTS), ta_TSTAR_GB(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_ALBLAND(POINTS), ta_ET(POINTS), ta_M(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_CS(POINTS), ta_RESP_S(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_LIT_C_T(POINTS), ta_BURN(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_GPP(POINTS,NPFT), ta_NPP(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ ta_HT(POINTS,NPFT), ta_LAI(POINTS,NPFT) common /land_r/ ta_C_VEG(POINTS,NPFT), ta_LYING_SNOW(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_SURF_ROFF(POINTS), ta_FRAC(POINTS,NTYPE) ! ta_TGND = time averaged TGND ! ta_SU = time averaged SU ! ta_SF = time averaged SF ! ta_PERMA = time averaged PERMA ! ta_ALBSOIL = time averaged ALBSOIL ! ta_PFTHICK = time averaged PFTHICK ! ta_FSMC_PFT = time averaged FSMC_PFT ! ta_MSLAB = time averaged ta_MSLAB ! ta_TSLAB = time averaged ta_TSLAB ! ta_CS_D = time averaged CS_D ! ta_RESP_SD = time averaged RESP_SD ! ta_WETMAP = time averaged ta_WETMAP ! ta_EXCOL = time averaged ta_EXCOL ! ta_LAYERICE = time averaged LAYERICE ! ta_FROZENMAP = time averaged ta_FROZENMAP ! ta_ANN_DWET = time averaged ta_ANN_DWET ! ta_ACTIVELT = time averaged ALT ! ta_TALIK = time averaged TALIK ! ta_SCHDMIN = time averaged SCHDMIN ! ta_TRACK_PFC = time averaged TRACK_PFC ! ta_SQU_PFC = time averaged SQU_PFC real ta_TGND, ta_SU, ta_SF, ta_PERMA, ta_ALBSOIL, ta_PFTHICK real ta_FSMC_PFT, ta_MSLAB, ta_TSLAB, ta_CS_D real ta_RESP_SD, ta_WETMAP, ta_EXCOL, ta_LAYERICE real ta_FROZENMAP, ta_ANN_DWET, ta_ACTIVELT, ta_TALIK, ta_SCHDMIN real ta_TRACK_PFC,ta_SQU_PFC common /land_r/ ta_TGND(POINTS,NGND), ta_SU(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ ta_SF(POINTS,NGND), ta_PERMA(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_ALBSOIL(POINTS), ta_PFTHICK(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_FSMC_PFT(POINTS,NPFT), ta_MSLAB(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_TSLAB(POINTS), ta_CS_D(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ ta_RESP_SD(POINTS,NGND), ta_WETMAP(POINTS,3) common /land_r/ ta_EXCOL(POINTS), ta_LAYERICE(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ ta_FROZENMAP(POINTS,7), ta_ANN_DWET(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_ACTIVELT(POINTS), ta_TALIK(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_SCHDMIN(POINTS), ta_TRACK_PFC(POINTS) common /land_r/ ta_SQU_PFC(POINTS) ! ta_CS_P = time averaged CS_P ! ta_RESP_SP = time averaged RESP_SP ! ta_AFp = time averaged AFp real ta_CS_P,ta_RESP_SP, ta_AFp common /land_r/ ta_CS_P(POINTS,NGND),ta_RESP_SP(POINTS,NGND) common /land_r/ ta_AFp(POINTS,NGND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! time average integrals !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ntatil = time step counter for time average integrals ! tai_CS = time averaged integral CS ! tai_RESP_S = time averaged integral RESP_S ! tai_LIT_C_T = time averaged integral LIT_C_T ! tai_BURN = time averaged integral BURN ! tai_CV = time averaged integral CV ! tai_NPP = time averaged integral NPP ! tai_GPP = time averaged integral GPP ! tai_HT = time averaged integral HT ! tai_LAI = time averaged integral LAI ! tai_LYING_SNOW = time averaged integral LYING_SNOW ! tai_TSOIL = time averaged integral TSOIL ! tai_TSTAR = time averaged integral TSTAR ! tai_M = time averaged integral M ! tai_ET = time averaged integral ET ! tai_clnd = average total carbon in land ! tai_cfa2l = average total flux atmosphere to land integer ntatil common /land_i/ ntatil real tai_CS, tai_RESP_S, tai_LIT_C_T, tai_BURN, tai_CV, tai_NPP real tai_GPP, tai_HT, tai_LAI, tai_LYING_SNOW, tai_TSOIL real tai_TSTAR, tai_M, tai_ET, tai_clnd, tai_cfa2l common /land_r/ tai_CS, tai_RESP_S, tai_LIT_C_T, tai_BURN, tai_CV common /land_r/ tai_NPP, tai_GPP, tai_HT, tai_LAI, tai_LYING_SNOW common /land_r/ tai_TSOIL, tai_TSTAR, tai_M, tai_ET, tai_clnd common /land_r/ tai_cfa2l ! tai_PF45 = time averaged integral PF area >= 45 N ! tai_PFNH = time averaged integral PF area in N. Hemisphere ! tai_PFGLOBAL = time averaged integral PF area globally ! tai_WETN45 = time averaged wetland area >= 45 N ! tai_WETNH45SE = time averaged seasonal wetland area >= 45 N ! tai_WETGLOBAL = time averaged wetland area globally ! tai_TRACK_PFC = time averaged integral TRACK_PFC ! tai_SQU_PFC = time averaged integral SQU_PFC real tai_PF45, tai_PFNH, tai_PFGLOBAL, tai_WET45, tai_WET45SE realtai_WETGLOBAL, tai_TRACK_PFC, tai_SQU_PFC common /land_r/ tai_PF45, tai_PFNH, tai_PFGLOBAL, tai_WET45 common /land_r/ tai_WET45SE, tai_WETGLOBAL, tai_TRACK_PFC common /land_r/ tai_SQU_PFC ! tai_PREG_C = time averaged integral PREG_C real tai_PREG_C common /land_r/ tai_PREG_C