! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/mtlm_tsi.F subroutine mtlm_tsi_def (fname, calendar, expnam, runstamp) !======================================================================= ! output routine for land time step integrals ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! calendar = calendar ! expnam = experiment name ! runstamp = run stamp !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname, calendar, expnam, runstamp character(3) :: a3 integer id(1), id_time, iou, ntrec, n real c0, c1, c1e20 c0 = 0. c1 = 1. c1e20 = 1.e20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! start definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call redef (iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'Conventions', 'CF-1.0') call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'experiment_name', expnam) call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'run_stamp', runstamp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defdim ('time', iou, 0, id_time) id(1) = id_time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defvar ('time', iou, 1, id, c0, c0, 'T', 'D' &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 0-1-1') call putatttext (iou, 'time', 'calendar', calendar) call defvar ('T_avgper', iou, 1, id, c0, c0, ' ', 'F' &, 'averaging period', ' ','day') call defvar ('L_totcarb', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'F' &, 'global total land carbon', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('F_carba2l', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'F' &, 'global total atmopsphere to land carbon flux' &, ' ', 'Pg year-1') call defvar ('L_soilcarb', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total soil carbon', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('L_soilresp', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total soil respiration flux', ' ', 'Pg yr-1') call defvar ('L_veglit', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total leaf litter flux', ' ', 'Pg yr-1') call defvar ('L_vegburn', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total vegetation burning flux', ' ', 'Pg yr-1') call defvar ('L_vegcarb', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total vegetation carbon', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('L_vegnpp', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total net primary productivity', ' ', 'Pg yr-1') call defvar ('L_veggpp', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total gross primary productivity', ' ', 'Pg yr-1') call defvar ('L_veghgt', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average vegetation height', ' ', 'm') call defvar ('L_veglai', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global average leaf area index', ' ', '1') call defvar ('L_PFNS45', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Near surface permafrost area gt 45 N', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_PFNH', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Permafrost area NH', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_PFGLOBAL', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Permafrost area global', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_WETNH45', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Total wetlands area gt 45 N', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_WETNH45SE', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Seasonal wetlands area gt 45N', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_WETGLOBAL', iou, 1, id, c0, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'Total global wetlands area', ' ', 'km2') call defvar ('L_permacarb', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total permafrost carbon pool', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('L_squedcarb', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'global total sequestered (frozen) carbon', ' ', 'Pg') call defvar ('L_PFregcarb', iou, 1, id, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ' &, 'F', 'permafrost region total soil carbon', ' ', 'Pg') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call enddef (iou) return end subroutine mtlm_tsi_out (fname, avgper, time, stamp, CS, RESP_S &, LIT_C_T, BURN, CV, NPP, GPP, HT, LAI &, LYING_SNOW, TSOIL, TSTAR &, PF45, PFNH, PFGLOBAL, WETNH45, WETNH45SE &, WETGLOBAL, TRACK_PFC, SQU_PFC &, PREG_C &, clnd, cfa2l, ntrec) !======================================================================= ! output routine for land time step integrals ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! avgper = length of averaging period ! time = time in years ! stamp = time stamp ! CS, ... = data to be written ! outputs: ! ntrec = number of time record in file !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname, stamp character(3) :: a3 integer iou, ntrec, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec integer n real CS, RESP_S, LIT_C_T, BURN, CV, NPP, GPP, HT, LAI, LYING_SNOW real TSOIL, TSTAR, clnd, cfa2l, avgper, time, tmp real c0, c1, C2K, c1e12, kgsPgyr real TSTAR_SOIL, PF45, PFNH, PFGLOBAL, WETNH45, WETNH45SE real WETGLOBAL, TRACK_PFC, SQU_PFC, PREG_C c0 = 0. c1 = 1. C2K = 273.15 c1e12 = 1.e12 kgsPgyr = 1.e12/(86400.*365.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file and get latest record number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call opennext (fname, time, ntrec, iou) if (ntrec .le. 0) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putvars ('time', iou, ntrec, time, c1, c0) call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call putvars ('T_avgper', iou, ntrec, avgper, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_totcarb', iou, ntrec, clnd, c1, c0) call putvars ('F_carba2l', iou, ntrec, cfa2l, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_soilcarb', iou, ntrec, CS, c1e12, c0) call putvars ('L_soilresp', iou, ntrec, RESP_S, kgsPgyr, c0) call putvars ('L_veglit', iou, ntrec, LIT_C_T, kgsPgyr, c0) call putvars ('L_vegburn', iou, ntrec, BURN, kgsPgyr, c0) call putvars ('L_vegcarb', iou, ntrec, CV, c1e12, c0) call putvars ('L_vegnpp', iou, ntrec, NPP, kgsPgyr, c0) call putvars ('L_veggpp', iou, ntrec, GPP, kgsPgyr, c0) call putvars ('L_veghgt', iou, ntrec, HT, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_veglai', iou, ntrec, LAI, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_PFNS45', iou, ntrec, PF45, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_PFNH', iou, ntrec, PFNH, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_PFGLOBAL', iou, ntrec, PFGLOBAL, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_WETNH45', iou, ntrec, WETNH45, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_WETNH45SE', iou, ntrec, WETNH45SE, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_WETGLOBAL', iou, ntrec, WETGLOBAL, c1, c0) call putvars ('L_permacarb', iou, ntrec, TRACK_PFC, c1e12, c0) call putvars ('L_squedcarb', iou, ntrec, SQU_PFC, c1e12, c0) call putvars ('L_PFregcarb', iou, ntrec, PREG_C, c1e12, c0) return end