! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/sed.h ! sed include file ! ipmax = maximum number of sediment points ! nzmax = maximum number of mixed layers ! ibmax = maximum number of buried layers integer ipmax, nzmax, ibmax, imap, jmap, map_sed, ipsed, kmax integer kmin parameter (ipmax=imt*jmt, nzmax=8, ibmax=20) ! imap = 1d maping index for 2d map (i index) ! jmap = 1d maping index for 2d map (j index) ! map_sed = 2d map of sediment indices ! ipsed = number of sediment points (must be >= to ipmax) ! kmax = number of mixed layers (must be less than nzmax) ! kmin = minimum kmt level for sediments common /sed_i/ imap(ipmax), jmap(ipmax), map_sed(imt,jmt) common /sed_i/ ipsed, kmax, kmin ! mixed layer fields ! carb = forms of carbon, 1=co2,2=hco3,3=co3 (mol l-1) ! dcpls = diffusion coefficient above, 1=co2,2=hco3,3=co3 ! dcmin = diffusion coefficient below, 1=co2,2=hco3,3=co3 ! pore = porosity ! form = pore**3. ! o2 = bottom water oxygen (mol l-1) ! orggg = organic carbon fraction ! orgml = organic carbon mass (g cm-2) ! calgg = calcite fraction ! calml = calcite mass (g CaCO3 cm-2) ! dopls = diffusion coefficient for oxygen above ! domin = diffusion coefficient for oxygen below ! dbpls = diffusion coefficient for organic carbon above ! dbmin = diffusion coefficient for organic carbon below ! buried layer fields ! buried_mass = buried mass (g CaCO3 cm-2) ! buried_calfrac = buried calcite fraction ! depth_age = age of buried level (years) ! sediment surface or integrated fields ! zrct = maximum respiration depth (cm) ! water_z_p = ocean depth (m) ! k1 = first dissociation constant for carbonic acid ! k2 = second dissociation constant for carbonic acid ! k3 = dissociation constant for boric acid ! csat = carbonate saturation at sediment surface (mol l-1) ! rc = respiration coefficient ! sed_ml_mass = mixed layer mass (g cm-2) ! ttrorg = dissolution rate organic carbon (mol cm-2 dtsed-1) ! ttrcal = dissolution rate of calcite (mol cm-2 dtsed-1) ! c_advect = burial flux [mol cm-2 dtsed-1] ! zsed = mixed layer grid depth (cm) ! delz = mixed layer grid layer thickness (cm) ! rain_org_p = rain rate of organic carbon (mol cm-2 dtsed-1) ! rain_cal_p = rain rate of calcite (mol cm-2 dtsed-1) ! co3_p = carbonate at sediment surface (mol l-1) ! scalars ! dissc = calcite dissolution constant ! dissn = calcite dissolution constant ! weath = weathering flux (kg s-1) ! weathflx = weathering flux (umol s-1) ! sed_year = year for sediment profile ! sedsa = surface area of potential deep sediments (cm2) ! carblith = change in lithosphere carbon (umol) ! set to zero if time is initialized real carb, dcpls, dcmin, pore, form, o2, orggg, orgml, calgg real calml, dopls, domin, dbpls, dbmin, buried_mass real buried_calfrac, depth_age, zrct, water_z_p, k1, k2, k3, csat real rc, sed_ml_mass, ttrorg, ttrcal, c_advect, zsed, delz real rain_org_p, rain_cal_p, co3_p, dissc, dissn, weath, weathflx real dicwflx, sed_year, sedsa, carblith common /sed_r/ carb(nzmax,3,ipmax), dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax) common /sed_r/ dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax) common /sed_r/ pore(nzmax,ipmax), form(nzmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ o2(nzmax,ipmax), orggg(nzmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ orgml(nzmax,ipmax), calgg(nzmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ calml(nzmax,ipmax), dopls(nzmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ domin(nzmax,ipmax), dbpls(nzmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ dbmin(nzmax,ipmax), buried_mass(ibmax,ipmax) common /sed_r/ buried_calfrac(ibmax,ipmax), depth_age(ibmax) common /sed_r/ zrct(ipmax), water_z_p(ipmax), k1(ipmax), k2(ipmax) common /sed_r/ k3(ipmax), csat(ipmax), rc(ipmax), ttrorg(ipmax) common /sed_r/ ttrcal(ipmax), sed_ml_mass(ipmax), c_advect(ipmax) common /sed_r/ zsed(nzmax), delz(nzmax), rain_org_p(ipmax) common /sed_r/ rain_cal_p(ipmax), co3_p(ipmax) common /sed_r/ dissc, dissn, weath, weathflx, dicwflx, sed_year common /sed_r/ sedsa, carblith ! ntatss = time step counter for time averaging ! ta_ttrcal = time average dissolution rate of calcite ! ta_rain_cal = time average rain rate of calcite ! ta_cal = time average mixed layer calcite fraction ! ta_calmass = time average mixed layer calcite mass ! ta_calmass_bur = time average buried calcite mass ! ta_co3 = time average carbonate at sediment surface ! ta_co3sat = time average carbonate saturation at surface ! ta_rainr = time average rain ratio integer ntatss common /sed_i/ ntatss real ta_ttrcal, ta_rain_cal, ta_cal, ta_calmass, ta_calmass_bur real ta_co3, ta_co3sat, ta_rainr common /sed_r/ ta_ttrcal(imt,jmt), ta_rain_cal(imt,jmt) common /sed_r/ ta_cal(imt,jmt), ta_calmass(imt,jmt) common /sed_r/ ta_calmass_bur(imt,jmt), ta_co3(imt,jmt) common /sed_r/ ta_co3sat(imt,jmt), ta_rainr(imt,jmt) ! ntatis = number of time averaged time step integrals ! tai_ttrcal = time step integral of ttrcal ! tai_rain_cal = time step integral of rain_cal ! tai_cal = time step integral of cal ! tai_weathflx = time step integral of weathflx ! tai_calmass = time step integral of mixed layer calcite mass ! tai_calmass_bur = time step integral of buried calcite mass ! tai_co3 = time step integral of co3 ! tai_co3sat = time step integral of co3sat ! tai_rainr = time step integral of rain ratio ! tai_carblith = time step integral of carblith ! tai_cfo2s = average total flux ocean to sediments ! tai_cfl2o = average total flux land to ocean (weathering) integer ntatis common /sed_i/ ntatis real tai_ttrcal, tai_rain_cal, tai_cal, tai_weathflx, tai_calmass real tai_calmass_bur, tai_co3, tai_co3sat, tai_rainr, tai_carblith real tai_cfo2s, tai_cfl2o common /sed_r/ tai_ttrcal, tai_rain_cal, tai_cal, tai_weathflx common /sed_r/ tai_calmass, tai_calmass_bur, tai_co3, tai_co3sat common /sed_r/ tai_rainr, tai_carblith, tai_cfo2s, tai_cfl2o