! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/sed/sediment.F !======================================================================= subroutine bury (n_control, zsed, delz, pore, kmax, calgg, orggg &, sed_ml_mass, rain_cal_p, ttrcal, c_advect &, rain_clay_p, nyear, buried_mass, buried_calfrac &, depth_age, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, ibmax) implicit none integer n_control, ibmax, ip, ipmax, ipsed, k integer kmax, n_coretop, n_depth, nyear, nzmax, n_accum ! arguments real zsed(nzmax), delz(nzmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real calgg(nzmax,ipmax), orggg(nzmax,ipmax) real sed_ml_mass(ipmax), rain_cal_p(ipmax), ttrcal(ipmax) real c_advect(ipmax), rain_clay_p(ipmax) ! results real buried_mass(ibmax,ipmax), buried_calfrac(ibmax,ipmax) real depth_age(ibmax) ! internal variables (temporary) real buried_mass_step(ipmax), calgg_est(ipmax) real sed_ml_mass_new(ipmax), up_cal_frac, cal_total_new !! uncomment for debugging ! real calml(ipmax), calml_new(ipmax), calbur(ipmax) ! real calbur_new(ipmax), caltot(ipmax), caltot_new(ipmax), tmp !! uncomment for debugging, add up total calcite ! do ip=1,ipsed ! calml(ip) = sed_ml_mass(ip)*calgg(kmax,ip) ! calbur(ip) = 0. ! do k=1,ibmax ! calbur(ip) = calbur(ip) + buried_mass(k,ip) ! & *buried_calfrac(k,ip) ! enddo ! caltot(ip) = calml(ip) + calbur(ip) ! enddo ! ==> do burial ! estimate the change in calgg, then calculate new porosities do ip=1,ipsed calgg_est(ip) = (calgg(kmax,ip)*sed_ml_mass(ip) & + rain_cal_p(ip)*100. - ttrcal(ip)*100.) & /sed_ml_mass(ip) enddo call set_est_pore (calgg_est, zsed, pore, kmax, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call get_sed_ml_mass (delz, pore, sed_ml_mass_new, nzmax &, ipsed, ipmax, kmax) n_depth = 2 do k=ibmax-2,1,-1 if (float(nyear) - depth_age(k) .gt. -1.e-6) n_depth = k + 1 enddo ! calculate mass buried this time step ! units of g/cm2 per this time step do ip=1,ipsed buried_mass_step(ip) = rain_cal_p(ip)*100. & - ttrcal(ip)*100. + rain_clay_p(ip) & + sed_ml_mass(ip) - sed_ml_mass_new(ip) enddo ! now do some burial ! this loop won't parallelize very well. too bad. do ip=1,ipsed do k=1,n_depth if (buried_mass(k,ip) .gt. 0.) n_coretop = k enddo ! find the "latest" box with mass in it, one ip at a time if (buried_mass_step(ip) .gt. 0.) then ! then we're accumulating -- that's easy ! add buried calcite to the sediment record buried_calfrac(n_depth,ip) = (buried_mass(n_depth,ip) & *buried_calfrac(n_depth,ip) & + buried_mass_step(ip) & *calgg(kmax,ip)) & /(buried_mass(n_depth,ip) & + buried_mass_step(ip)) ! add buried mass to sediment record buried_mass(n_depth,ip) = buried_mass(n_depth,ip) & + buried_mass_step(ip) ! adjust calgg do k=1,kmax calgg(k,ip) = (calgg(k,ip)*sed_ml_mass(ip) ! [ g calcite (old) in ml ] & + rain_cal_p(ip)*100. - ttrcal(ip)*100. & - buried_mass_step(ip)*calgg(kmax,ip)) ! [ minus calcite buried ] & /sed_ml_mass_new(ip) enddo ! all business is complete at this point else ! or else there's chemical erosion -- bms < 0 if (-buried_mass_step(ip) .gt. buried_mass(n_coretop,ip)) & then ! then we're using up the entire coretop box by erosion ! assume that this can only happen once per year timestep. ! calculate the fraction of calcite in the upwelling ! material by combining the fractions of boxes n_coretop ! (until it's used up) and n_coretop - 1 (below top) ! write(6,*) "into box depletion in bury" up_cal_frac = (buried_mass(n_coretop,ip) & *buried_calfrac(n_coretop,ip) & + ((-buried_mass_step(ip) & - buried_mass(n_coretop,ip)) & *buried_calfrac(n_coretop-1,ip))) & /(-buried_mass_step(ip)) ! adjust the sediment record to reflect erosion buried_mass(n_coretop-1,ip) = buried_mass(n_coretop-1,ip) & + (buried_mass_step(ip) & + buried_mass(n_coretop, ip)) buried_mass(n_coretop,ip) = 0. n_coretop = n_coretop - 1 else ! or else erosion can come entirely out of the box ! n_coretop, and the upwelling calcite fraction is ! simply buried_calfrac(n_coretop,ip) up_cal_frac = buried_calfrac(n_coretop,ip) ! adjust the sediment record buried_mass(n_coretop,ip) = buried_mass(n_coretop,ip) & + buried_mass_step(ip) endif ! now gotta adjust calgg cal_total_new = sed_ml_mass(ip)*calgg(kmax,ip) & + rain_cal_p(ip)*100. - ttrcal(ip)*100. & - buried_mass_step(ip)*up_cal_frac do k=1,kmax calgg(k,ip) = cal_total_new/sed_ml_mass_new(ip) enddo endif ! end of the "erosion if" do k=1,kmax if (calgg(k,ip) .lt. 0.) then calgg(k,ip) = 1.e-6 write(6,*) "calgg reached 0 in ip", ip endif enddo !! uncomment for debugging, add up new total calcite ! calml_new(ip) = sed_ml_mass_new(ip)*calgg(kmax,ip) ! calbur_new(ip) = 0. ! do k=1,ibmax ! calbur_new(ip) = calbur_new(ip) + buried_mass(k,ip) ! & *buried_calfrac(k,ip) ! enddo ! caltot_new(ip) = calml_new(ip) + calbur_new(ip) enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! do ip=1,ipsed ! tmp = caltot(ip) + (rain_cal_p(ip) - ttrcal(ip))*100. ! & - caltot_new(ip) ! if (abs(tmp) .gt. 1.e-8) then ! write(6,*) "conservation error in bury ", ip ! &, caltot(ip), rain_cal_p(ip)*100., ttrcal(ip)*100. ! &, caltot_new(ip), calml_new(ip), calbur_new(ip) ! &, abs(tmp) ! endif ! enddo do ip=1,ipsed sed_ml_mass(ip) = sed_ml_mass_new(ip) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine set_pore (calgg, z, pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipmax, ipsed, k, kmax, nzmax real pore(nzmax,ipmax), calgg(nzmax,ipmax), z(nzmax), pore_max real exp_pore do ip=1,ipsed ! pore_max = 0.65*calgg(kmax,ip) + 0.85*(1. - calgg(kmax,ip)) pore_max = 1 - (0.483 + 0.45*calgg(kmax,ip))/2.5 exp_pore = 0.25*calgg(kmax,ip) + 3.*(1. - calgg(kmax,ip)) do k=2,kmax pore(k,ip) = exp(-z(k)/exp_pore)*(1.-pore_max) + pore_max enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine set_est_pore (calgg, z, pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax &, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipmax, ipsed, k, kmax, nzmax real pore (nzmax, ipmax), calgg(ipmax), z(nzmax), pore_max real exp_pore do ip=1,ipsed ! pore_max = 0.65*calgg(ip) + 0.85*(1. - calgg(ip)) pore_max = 1 - (0.483 + 0.45*calgg(ip))/2.5 exp_pore = 0.25*calgg(ip) + 3.*(1-calgg(ip)) do k=2,kmax pore(k,ip) = exp(-z(k)/exp_pore)*(1.-pore_max) + pore_max enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine get_sed_ml_mass (delz, pore, sed_ml_mass, nzmax, ipsed &, ipmax, kmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipmax, ipsed, k, kmax, nzmax real delz(nzmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), sed_ml_mass(ipmax) do ip=1,ipsed sed_ml_mass(ip) = 0. do k=1,kmax sed_ml_mass(ip) = sed_ml_mass(ip)+delz(k)*(1.-pore(k,ip))*2.5 enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine estimate_rc (rain_org, rc, ipsed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed real rain_org(ipsed), rc(ipsed) do ip=1,ipsed rc(ip) = 2.e-9 enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine setup_pw (co2, hco3, co3, o2_bw, carb, o2, csat, kmax &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipmax, ipsed, kmax, nzmax real co2(ipmax), hco3(ipmax), co3(ipmax), o2_bw(ipmax) real carb(nzmax,3,ipmax), o2(nzmax,ipmax), csat(ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR do ip=1,ipsed o2(1,ip) = o2_bw(ip) carb(1,1,ip) = co2(ip) carb(1,2,ip) = hco3(ip) carb(1,3,ip) = co3(ip) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine reset_pw (carb, csat, kmax, ip, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipmax, ipsed, k, kmax, nzmax real carb(nzmax,3,ipmax), csat(ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR carb(2,3,ip) = (2.*carb(1,3,ip) + (csat(ip) - 15.e-6))/3. carb(3,3,ip) = (carb(1,3,ip) + 2.*(csat(ip) - 15.e-6))/3. do k=4,kmax carb(k,3,ip) = csat(ip) - 10.e-6 enddo do k=2,kmax carb(k,1,ip) = carb(1,1,ip) carb(k,2,ip) = carb(1,2,ip) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine sed_ss (zsed, delz, form, pore, kmax, o2, zrct, carb &, orgml, orggg, calml, calgg, raincal, rainorg &, rainclay, r13or, r14or, r13ca, r14ca, rc &, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2, dopls, domin &, dcpls, dcmin, dbpls, dbmin, resp_c, cal_c &, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttrtc, ttral, diftc, difal &, c_advect, buried_mass, buried_calfrac &, n_buried_depths, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, ibmax &, n_control, n_debug) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! finds the steady state calcite concentration in the sediments !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ibmax, ipsed, ipmax, kmax, nzmax, n_control, n_debug ! arguments real zsed(nzmax),delz(nzmax), form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real o2(nzmax,ipmax), zrct(ipmax), carb(nzmax,3,ipmax) real orgml(nzmax,ipmax), calml(nzmax,ipmax), orggg(nzmax,ipmax) real calgg(nzmax,ipmax), raincal(ipmax), rainorg(ipmax) real rainclay(ipmax), r13or, r14or, r13ca, r14ca, rc(ipmax) real dissc, dissn, csat(ipmax), u1(ipmax), u2(ipmax) real dopls(nzmax,ipmax), domin(nzmax,ipmax), dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax) real dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax), dbpls(nzmax,ipmax), dbmin(nzmax,ipmax) real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), cal_c(nzmax,ipmax), expb, db, difo2 real difc(3) ! results real ttrorg(ipmax),ttrcal(ipmax), ttrtc(ipmax),ttral(ipmax) real difal(ipmax),diftc(ipmax), c_advect(ipmax) real buried_mass(ibmax,ipmax), buried_calfrac(ibmax,ipmax) integer n_buried_depths(ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR call o2org (rainorg, rc, kmax, zsed, delz, form, pore, dopls &, domin, dbpls, dbmin, o2, zrct, orgml, orggg, resp_c &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, n_control) call calss (raincal, rainorg, rainclay, resp_c, cal_c, dissc &, dissn, csat, u1, u2, dcpls, dcmin, zsed, delz, form &, pore, kmax, calml, calgg, carb, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttral &, ttrtc, difal, diftc, c_advect, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax &, n_control, n_debug) expb = 3.0 difo2 = 12.1e-6 difc(1) = 10.5e-6 difc(2) = 6.4e-6 difc(3) = 5.2e-6 db = 0.15 call set_pore (calgg, zsed, pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call pore_2_form (pore, form, kmax, expb, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_do2 (difo2, form, pore, delz, kmax, dopls, domin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_dc (difc, form, pore, delz, kmax, dcpls, dcmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_db (db, pore, zsed, delz, kmax, dbpls, dbmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) return end !======================================================================= subroutine sed_const_cal (zsed, delz, form, pore, kmax, o2, zrct &, carb, orgml, orggg, calml, calgg &, raincal, rainorg, rainclay, r13or &, r14or, r13ca, r14ca, rc, dissc, dissn &, csat, u1, u2, dopls, domin, dcpls &, dcmin, dbpls, dbmin, resp_c, cal_c &, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttrtc, ttral, diftc &, difal, c_advect, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax &, n_control, n_debug) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! finds the steady state pore water chemistry with const calcite !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer inner_loop_limit, ip, ipsed, ipmax, iter integer k, kmax, nzmax, n_control, n_debug ! arguments real zsed(nzmax),delz(nzmax), form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real o2(nzmax,ipmax), zrct(ipmax), carb(nzmax,3,ipmax) real orgml(nzmax,ipmax), calml(nzmax,ipmax), orggg(nzmax,ipmax) real calgg(nzmax,ipmax), raincal(ipmax),rainorg(ipmax) real rainclay(ipmax), r13or, r14or, r13ca, r14ca, rc(ipmax) real dissc, dissn, csat(ipmax), u1(ipmax), u2(ipmax) real dopls(nzmax,ipmax), domin(nzmax,ipmax), dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax) real dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax), dbpls(nzmax,ipmax), dbmin(nzmax,ipmax) real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), cal_c(nzmax,ipmax) real raincal_cutoff ! results real ttrorg(ipmax), ttrcal(ipmax), ttrtc(ipmax), ttral(ipmax) real difal(ipmax),diftc(ipmax), c_advect(ipmax) ! internal variables integer still_wrong(ipmax), sum_wrong real expb, db, difo2, difc(3) CDIR& NOVECTOR expb = 3.0 difo2 = 12.1e-6 difc(1) = 10.5e-6 difc(2) = 6.4e-6 difc(3) = 5.2e-6 db = 0.15 call set_pore (calgg, zsed, pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call pore_2_form (pore, form, kmax, expb, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_do2 (difo2, form, pore, delz, kmax, dopls, domin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_dc (difc, form, pore, delz, kmax, dcpls, dcmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call calc_db (db, pore, zsed, delz, kmax, dbpls, dbmin, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) call o2org (rainorg, rc, kmax, zsed, delz, form, pore, dopls &, domin, dbpls, dbmin, o2, zrct, orgml, orggg, resp_c &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, n_control) raincal_cutoff = 0.1e-6 sum_wrong = 0 do ip=1,ipsed if (raincal(ip) .gt. raincal_cutoff) then sum_wrong = sum_wrong + 1 still_wrong(sum_wrong) = ip else !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(6,*) "cutting off site ", ip ttrcal(ip) = raincal(ip) do k=2,kmax calgg(k,ip) = 0. enddo endif enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .gt. 2) write(6,*) "end" inner_loop_limit = 200 call co3ss (resp_c, cal_c, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2, zsed, delz &, form, pore, kmax, dcpls, dcmin, calml, calgg, carb &, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttral, ttrtc, difal, diftc, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax, inner_loop_limit, n_debug, still_wrong &, sum_wrong, ipmax, iter) do ip=1,ipsed if ((ttrcal(ip).gt.raincal(ip)) .and. (calgg(kmax,ip).lt.0.001)) & ttrcal(ip) = raincal(ip) c_advect(ip) = raincal(ip) - ttrcal(ip) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_k (temp, sal, z, k1, k2, kb, csat, ipsed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed real kprime, delv, rr, dk parameter (kprime = 4.75e-7) ! mol2 / kg2 parameter (delv = -44.) ! cm3 / mol parameter (rr = 83.14) ! cm3 bar / k mol parameter (dk = -.0133) ! cm3 / bar mol ! arguments real temp(ipsed), sal(ipsed), z(ipsed), k1(ipsed), k2(ipsed) real kb(ipsed), csat(ipsed) ! local variables real tk(ipsed), cp(ipsed), prat(ipsed), pres(ipsed), kpres(ipsed) CDIR& NOVECTOR do ip=1,ipsed tk(ip) = temp(ip) + 273.15 ! k1 and k2 (apparent), from mehrbach k1(ip) = 13.7201 - 0.031334*tk(ip) - 3235.76/tk(ip) & - 1.3e-5*sal(ip)*tk(ip) + 0.1032*sal(ip)**(0.5) k1(ip) = 10**(k1(ip)) cp(ip) = (z(ip)/10.)/83.143/tk(ip) prat(ip) = (24.2 - 0.085*temp(ip))*cp(ip) prat(ip) = exp(prat(ip)) k1(ip) = k1(ip)*prat(ip) k2(ip) = - 5371.9645 - 1.671221*tk(ip) + 128375.28/tk(ip) & + 2194.3055*log(tk(ip))/2.30259 - 0.22913*sal(ip) & - 18.3802*log(sal(ip))/2.30259 + 8.0944e-4*sal(ip)*tk(ip) & + 5617.11*log(sal(ip))/tk(ip)/2.30259 & - 2.136*sal(ip)/tk(ip) k2(ip) = 10**(k2(ip)) prat(ip) = (16.4 - 0.04*temp(ip))*cp(ip) prat(ip) = exp(prat(ip)) k2(ip) = k2(ip)*prat(ip) ! lyman's kb kb(ip) = 2291.9/(temp(ip) + 273) + 0.01756*(temp(ip) + 273) & - 3.385 - .32051*(sal(ip)/1.80655)**(1./3.) kb(ip) = 10**(-kb(ip)) prat(ip) = (27.5 - 0.095*temp(ip))*cp(ip) prat(ip) = exp(prat(ip)) kb(ip) = kb(ip)*prat(ip) ! calculate sayles calcite saturation state pres(ip) = z(ip)/10 ! bar kpres(ip) = LOG(4.75e-7) - delv/(rr*(temp(ip)+273.))*(pres(ip)) & + 0.5*dk/(rr*(temp(ip) + 273.))*(pres(ip))**2 kpres(ip) = eXP(kpres(ip)) csat(ip) = kpres(ip)/0.01 enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_buff (alk, tco2, sal, k1, k2, kb, co2, hco3, co3 &, ipsed) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer icnt, ip, ipsed real alk(ipsed), tco2(ipsed), sal(ipsed), k1(ipsed), k2(ipsed) real kb(ipsed), co2(ipsed), hco3(ipsed), co3(ipsed) real tbor(ipsed), tkt(ipsed), tk(ipsed), c1(ipsed), c2(ipsed) real c4(ipsed), a(ipsed), x(ipsed), ah1(ipsed), aht(ipsed) ! all units of moles/l CDIR& NOVECTOR do ip=1,ipsed tbor(ip) = 4.106e-4*sal(ip)/35. c1(ip) = k1(ip)/2.0 c2(ip) = 1.0 - 4.0*k2(ip)/k1(ip) c4(ip) = tbor(ip)*kb(ip) aht(ip) = 0.74e-8 enddo do icnt=1,100 do ip=1,ipsed a(ip) = alk(ip) - c4(ip)/(kb(ip) + aht(ip)) x(ip) = a(ip)/tco2(ip) ah1(ip) = c1(ip)/x(ip)*(1. - x(ip) & + sqrt(1. + c2(ip)*x(ip)*(-2. + x(ip)))) aht(ip)=ah1(ip) enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed co3(ip) = (a(ip) - tco2(ip)) & /(1.0 - (ah1(ip)*ah1(ip))/(k1(ip)*k2(ip))) hco3(ip) = tco2(ip)/(1. + ah1(ip)/k1(ip) + k2(ip)/ah1(ip)) co2(ip) = tco2(ip)/(1. + k1(ip)/ah1(ip) & + k1(ip)*k2(ip)/(ah1(ip)*ah1(ip))) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine o2org (rainorg, rc, kmax, zsed, delz, form, pore &, dopls, domin, dbpls, dbmin, o2, zrct, orgml &, orggg, resp_c, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, n_control) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipmax, ipsed, kmax, loop_limit, m integer nzmax, n_control ! arguments real rainorg(ipmax), rc(ipmax), zsed(kmax), delz(kmax) real form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), dopls(nzmax,ipmax) real domin(nzmax,ipmax), dbpls(nzmax,ipmax), dbmin(nzmax,ipmax) real o2(nzmax,ipmax),zrct(ipmax), orgml(nzmax,ipmax) real orggg(nzmax,ipmax) ! results real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax) ! local variables -- for diagnostics real rct_c(ipmax), rms_c(ipmax), rct_o2(ipmax), rms_o2(ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR if (n_control .eq. 1) then loop_limit = 25 else loop_limit = 3 endif do m=1,loop_limit call orgc (rainorg, rc, zsed, dbpls, dbmin, pore, zrct, delz &, orggg, orgml, rct_c, rms_c, kmax, ipsed, ipmax &, nzmax) call o2ss (zsed, delz, orgml, pore, dopls, domin, rc, kmax &, zrct, o2, rct_o2, rms_o2, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) do ip=1,ipsed zrct(ip) = min(zsed(kmax), zrct(ip)*o2(1,ip)/(o2(1,ip) & - o2(kmax,ip) + 1.e-20)) if (zrct(ip) .lt. 0.1) zrct(ip) = 0.1 enddo enddo call get_resp (rc, orgml, kmax, zrct, zsed, delz, resp_c, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) return end !======================================================================= subroutine get_resp (rc, orgml, kmax, zrct, zsed, delz, resp_c &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipmax, ipsed, kmax, nzmax ! arguments real rc(ipmax), orgml(nzmax,ipmax), zrct(ipmax), zsed(kmax) real delz(kmax) ! results real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR do i=1,kmax do ip=1,ipsed if (zsed(i) .le. zrct(ip)) then resp_c(i,1,ip) = rc(ip)*orgml(i,ip) elseif (zsed(i-1) .le. zrct(ip)) then resp_c(i,1,ip) = rc(ip)*orgml(i,ip) & *(zrct(ip) - zsed(i-1))/delz(i) elseif (zsed(i-1) .gt. zrct(ip)) then resp_c(i,1,ip) = 0. endif resp_c(i,2,ip) = 0. resp_c(i,3,ip) = 0. enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine orgc (rainorg, rc, zsed, dbpls, dbmin, pore, zrct &, delz, orggg, orgml, smrct, rmserr, kmax, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipsed, ipmax, kmax, nzmax ! arguments real rainorg(ipmax), rc(ipmax), zrct(ipmax), dbpls(nzmax,ipmax) real dbmin(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), zsed(kmax), delz(kmax) ! results real orggg(nzmax,ipmax), orgml(nzmax,ipmax), smrct(ipmax) real rmserr(ipmax) ! local variables real res(kmax,ipmax), dres(kmax,3,ipmax), react(kmax,ipmax) real dreac(kmax,ipmax) ! arrays for tridiag real a(kmax,ipmax), b(kmax,ipmax), c(kmax,ipmax), r(kmax,ipmax) real u(kmax,ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR smrct(1:ipsed) = 0. do i=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed if (zsed(i) .le. zrct(ip) .and. orggg(i,ip) .gt. 0) then react(i,ip) = - rc(ip)*orggg(i,ip)* 3.15e7 dreac(i,ip) = - rc(ip)*3.15e7 elseif (zsed(i-1) .le. zrct(ip)) then react(i,ip) = - rc(ip)*orggg(i,ip)*3.15e7 & *(zrct(ip) - zsed(i-1))/delz(i) dreac(i,ip) = - rc(ip)*3.15e7*(zrct(ip) - zsed(i-1))/delz(i) elseif (zsed(i-1) .gt. zrct(ip)) then react(i,ip) = 0. dreac(i,ip) = 0. endif enddo enddo do i=3,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed ! residual(i,ip) res(i,ip) = dbpls(i,ip)*(orggg(i+1,ip) - orggg(i,ip)) & - dbmin(i,ip)*(orggg(i,ip) - orggg(i-1,ip)) & + react(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i+1,ip) dres(i,1,ip) = dbpls(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i,ip) dres(i,2,ip) = -dbpls(i,ip) - dbmin(i,ip) + dreac(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i-1,ip) dres(i,3,ip) = dbmin(i,ip) enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed i=2 ! residual(2,ip) res(i,ip) = dbpls(i,ip)*(orggg(i+1,ip) - orggg(i,ip)) & + react(i,ip) + rainorg(ip)*12./delz(i) & /(1. - pore(i,ip))/2.5 ! dr/dx(i+1,ip) dres(i,1,ip) = dbpls(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i,ip) dres(i,2,ip) = -dbpls(i,ip) + dreac(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i-1,ip) (not defined anyway for i=2) i = kmax ! residual(kmax,ip) res(i,ip) = -dbmin(i,ip)*(orggg(i,ip) - orggg(i-1,ip)) . + react(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i+1) (not defined anyway) ! dr/dx(i,ip) dres(i,2,ip) = -dbmin(i,ip) + dreac(i,ip) ! dr/dx(i-1,ip) dres(i,3,ip) = dbmin(i,ip) enddo ! set up the residual array do i=1,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed ! b(i,1,ip) = - res(i+1,ip) ! wanted res(2) into b(1), res(3) into b(2) etc. r(i,ip) = -res(i+1,ip) ! want res(2) into r(1), etc enddo enddo ! lower off-diagonal, dri/dxi-1 do i=1,kmax-2 do ip=1,ipsed ! a(i+1,i,ip) = dres(i+2,3,ip) ! wanted dres(3,3) in a(2,1), dres(4,3) in a(3,2) etc a(i+1,ip) = dres(i+2,3,ip) ! now want dres(3,3) in a(2), dres(4,3) in a(3), etc enddo enddo ! diagonal, dri/dxi do i=1,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed ! a(i,i,ip) = dres(i+1,2,ip) ! wanted dres(2,2) in a(1,1), dres(3,2) in a(2,2) etc b(i,ip) = dres(i+1,2,ip) ! now want dres(2,2) in b(1), dres(3,2) in b(2), etc enddo enddo ! upper off-diagonal, dri/dxi+1 do i=1,kmax-2 do ip=1,ipsed ! a(i,i+1,ip) = dres(i+1,1,ip) ! want dres(2,1) in a(1,2), dres(3,1) in a(2,3) etc c(i,ip) = dres(i+1,1,ip) ! now want dres(2,1) in c(1), dres(3,1) in c(2) etc enddo enddo call tridiag (a, b, c, r, u, kmax-1, ipsed, ipmax, kmax) ! update the concentration array do ip=1,ipsed rmserr(ip) = 0 enddo do i=1,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed orggg(i+1,ip) = orggg(i+1,ip) + u(i,ip) rmserr(ip) = rmserr(ip) + res(i+1,ip)**2 enddo enddo call sldcon (orgml, orggg, 12., pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) do i=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed if (zsed(i) .le. zrct(ip)) then react(i,ip) = -rc(ip)*orggg(i,ip)*3.15e7 elseif (zsed(i-1) .le. zrct(ip)) then react(i,ip) = -rc(ip)*orggg(i,ip)*3.15e7/pore(i,ip) & *(zrct(ip) - zsed(i-1))/delz(i) elseif (zsed(i-1) .gt. zrct(ip)) then react(i,ip) = 0. endif smrct(ip) = smrct(ip) + react(i,ip)*2.5*(1. - pore(i,ip)) & *delz(i) enddo enddo ! into units of moles / cm2 yr do ip=1,ipsed smrct(ip) = -smrct(ip)/12. enddo do i=3,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed ! residual(i) res(i,ip) = dbpls(i,ip)*(orggg(i+1,ip) - orggg(i,ip)) & - dbmin(i,ip)*(orggg(i,ip) - orggg(i-1,ip)) & + react(i,ip) enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed i = 2 ! residual(2) res(i,ip) = dbpls(i,ip)*(orggg(i+1,ip) - orggg(i,ip)) & + react(i,ip) + rainorg(ip)*12./delz(i) & /(1. - pore(i,ip))/2.5 i = kmax ! residual(kmax,ip) res(i,ip) = -dbmin(i,ip)*(orggg(i,ip) - orggg(i-1,ip)) & + react(i,ip) enddo do ip=1,ipsed rmserr(ip) = 0. enddo do i=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed rmserr(ip) = rmserr(ip) + res(i,ip)**2 if (orggg(i,ip) .gt. 1) orggg(i,ip) = 1. if (orggg(i,ip) .lt. 0) orggg(i,ip) = 0. enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed rmserr(ip) = rmserr(ip)**(0.5) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine o2ss (zsed, delz, orgml, pore, dopls, domin, rate &, kmax, zrct, o2, smrct, rmserr, ipsed, ipmax &, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, j, kmax, nzmax ! arguments real zsed(kmax), delz(kmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real orgml(nzmax,ipmax), dopls(nzmax,ipmax) real domin(nzmax,ipmax), rate(ipmax), zrct(ipmax) ! results real o2(nzmax,ipmax), smrct(ipmax),rmserr(ipmax) ! internal arrays real dfplus(kmax,ipmax), dfzero(kmax,ipmax), dfmins(kmax,ipmax) real res(kmax,ipmax) ! arrays for tridiag real a(kmax,ipmax), b(kmax,ipmax), c(kmax,ipmax), r(kmax,ipmax) real u(kmax,ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR do j=2,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed res(j,ip) = (dopls(j,ip)*(o2(j+1,ip) - o2(j,ip)) & - domin(j,ip)*(o2(j,ip) - o2(j-1,ip))) ! units of m / cm2 (total) s if (zsed(j) .le. zrct(ip)) then res(j,ip) = res(j,ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip)/pore(j,ip) elseif (zsed(j-1) .le. zrct(ip)) then res(j,ip) = res(j,ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip)/pore(j,ip) & *(zrct(ip) - zsed(j-1))/delz(j) endif ! units of m / cm2 (total) s dfplus(j,ip) = dopls(j,ip) dfzero(j,ip) = -dopls(j,ip) - domin(j,ip) dfmins(j,ip) = domin(j,ip) ! appropriate to units of m / cm2 s enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed j=kmax res(j,ip) = (-domin(j,ip)*(o2(j,ip) - o2(j-1,ip))) if (zsed(j) .lt. zrct(ip)) then res(j,ip) = res(j,ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip)/pore(j,ip) elseif (zsed(j-1) .lt. zrct(ip)) then res(j,ip) = res(j,ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip) & *(zrct(ip) - zsed(j-1))/delz(j) endif dfplus(j,ip) = 0. dfzero(j,ip) = -domin(j,ip) dfmins(j,ip) = domin(j,ip) enddo do j=1,kmax-2 do ip=1,ipsed a(j+1,ip) = dfmins(j+2,ip) ! want dr3/dx2 in a2, dr4/dx3 in a3, etc b(j,ip) = dfzero(j+1,ip) ! want dr2/dx2 in b1, dr3dx3 in b2, etc c(j,ip) = dfplus(j+1,ip) ! want dr2/dx3 in c1, dr3/dx4 in c2, etc enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed b(kmax-1,ip) = dfzero(kmax,ip) + dfplus(kmax,ip) enddo do j=1,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed r(j,ip) = -res(j+1,ip) ! want res(2) into r(1), etc enddo enddo call tridiag (a, b, c, r, u, kmax-1, ipsed, ipmax, kmax) do ip=1,ipsed smrct(ip) = 0. enddo do j=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed o2(j,ip) = o2(j,ip) + u(j-1,ip) if (zsed(j) .le. zrct(ip)) then ! convert from [moles O2/l total second] to [moles O2 / cm2 yr] smrct(ip) = smrct(ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip) & *3.15e7/1000.*delz(j) elseif (zsed(j-1) .le. zrct(ip)) then smrct(ip) = smrct(ip) - 1.3*rate(ip)*orgml(j,ip) & *(zrct(ip)-zsed(j-1))/delz(j)*3.15e7/1000.*delz(j) endif enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_do2 (difo2, form, pore, delz, kmax, dopls, domin &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipsed, ipmax, kmax, nzmax real difo2, form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real dopls(nzmax,ipmax), domin(nzmax,ipmax), delz(kmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR difo2 = 12.e-6 do i=3,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed dopls(i,ip) = difo2*((form(i+1,ip) + form(i,ip))*0.5) & *1./pore(i,ip)*2./((delz(i+1) + delz(i))*delz(i)) domin(i,ip) = difo2*((form(i-1,ip) + form(i,ip))*0.5) & *1./pore(i,ip)*2./((delz(i-1) + delz(i))*delz(i)) enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed i=kmax dopls(i,ip) = 0. domin(i,ip) = difo2*((form(i-1,ip) + form(i,ip))*0.5) & *1./pore(i,ip)*2./((delz(i-1) + delz(i))*delz(i)) i=2 dopls(i,ip) = difo2*((form(i+1,ip) + form(i,ip))*0.5) & *1./pore(i,ip)*2./((delz(i+1) + delz(i))*delz(i)) domin(i,ip) = difo2*(form(i,ip) + 1)*0.5*1./pore(i,ip) & *1./delz(i)**2 enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine calss (raincal, rainorg, rainclay, resp_c, cal_c &, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2, dcpls, dcmin, zsed &, delz, form, pore, kmax, calml, calgg, carb &, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttral, ttrtc, difal, diftc &, c_advect, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, n_control &, n_debug) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i_loop, i_p, ip, ipsed, ipmax, iter, k, kmax, l integer loop_limit, nzmax, n_control, n_debug ! arguments real raincal(ipmax),rainorg(ipmax), rainclay(ipmax) real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), cal_c(nzmax,ipmax) real csat(ipmax), u1(ipmax), u2(ipmax), dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax) real dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax), zsed(kmax),delz(kmax) real form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), raincal_cutoff real dissc, dissn ! results real calml(nzmax,ipmax), calgg(nzmax,ipmax), carb(nzmax,3,ipmax) real ttrorg(ipmax), ttrcal(ipmax), ttral(ipmax), ttrtc(ipmax) real difal(ipmax), diftc(ipmax), c_advect(ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR ! internal variables integer still_wrong(ipmax), sum_wrong logical done loop_limit = 100 raincal_cutoff = 0.1e-6 sum_wrong = 0 do ip=1,ipsed if (raincal(ip) .gt. raincal_cutoff) then sum_wrong = sum_wrong + 1 still_wrong(sum_wrong) = ip else !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(6,*) "cutting off site ", ip ttrcal(ip) = raincal(ip) do k=2,kmax calgg(k,ip) = 0. enddo endif enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(6,*) "end" l = 1 done = .false. do while (l .le. 2000 .and. .not. done) l = l + 1 call co3ss (resp_c, cal_c, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2, zsed &, delz, form, pore, kmax, dcpls, dcmin, calml, calgg &, carb, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttral, ttrtc, difal, diftc &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax, loop_limit, n_debug &, still_wrong, sum_wrong, ipmax, iter) do ip=1,ipsed ! [g / cm2 yr] c_advect(ip) = (raincal(ip) + rainclay(ip)*0.01 - ttrcal(ip)) & *calgg(kmax,ip) ! moles calcite / cm2 yr buried enddo sum_wrong = 0 do ip=1,ipsed if ((calgg(kmax,ip) .gt. .001) .and. (raincal(ip) .gt. & raincal_cutoff)) then if (abs(1. - abs((ttrcal(ip) + c_advect(ip))/raincal(ip))) & .gt. 0.001) then ! then the system is out of whack ! outputs = inputs to 0.1% ! 0.05 for quick and dirty runs sum_wrong = sum_wrong + 1 still_wrong(sum_wrong) = ip endif endif enddo if (sum_wrong .ne. 0) then !! uncomment for debugging, extensive diagnostic output ! if (n_debug .ge. 1) then ! write(6,*) 'still', sum_wrong,' wrong in calss' ! if (sum_wrong .lt. 10) then ! do ip=1,sum_wrong ! write(6,*) still_wrong(ip), ttrcal(still_wrong(ip)) ! $, c_advect(still_wrong(ip)), raincal(still_wrong(ip)) ! enddo ! endif ! endif do k=2,kmax do i_loop=1,sum_wrong i_p = still_wrong(i_loop) if (ttrcal(i_p) .lt. 1e-3) then calgg(k,i_p) = calgg(kmax,i_p)*raincal(i_p) & /(ttrcal(i_p) + c_advect(i_p)) endif enddo enddo ! sometimes get huge initial reaction rates which throw the ! solution into a wierd mode. ! calcite = calcite * f rain / (reac+advec) ! c_advect = (gtotin-greact)*cal(z) call sldcon (calml, calgg, 100., pore, kmax, ipsed, ipmax &, nzmax) else done = .true. endif ! end of do while loop enddo !! uncomment for debugging, extensive diagnostic output ! write(6,*) 'Finishing calss after iterations ', l, iter do ip=1,ipsed if (ttrcal(ip) .gt. raincal(ip)) ttrcal(ip) = raincal(ip) c_advect(ip) = raincal(ip) - ttrcal(ip) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine co3ss (resp_c, cal_c, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2 &, zsed, delz, form, pore, kmax, dcpls, dcmin &, calml, calgg, carb, ttrorg, ttrcal, ttral &, ttrtc, difal, diftc, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax &, loop_limit, n_debug, still_wrong, sum_wrong &, ipcmax, l) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, i_l, i_loop, ip, ipcmax, ipsed, ipmax integer j, k, kmax, l, loop_limit, nzmax, n_debug ! arguments real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), csat(ipmax),u1(ipmax), u2(ipmax) real zsed(kmax),delz(kmax), form(nzmax,ipmax) real pore(nzmax,ipmax), dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax) real dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax), dissc, dissn integer still_wrong(ipcmax), sum_wrong ! results real cal_c(nzmax,ipmax), calml(nzmax,ipmax), calgg(nzmax,ipmax) real carb(nzmax,3,ipmax), ttrorg(ipmax), ttrcal(ipmax) real ttral(ipmax),ttrtc(ipmax), difal(ipmax), diftc(ipmax) real ttral_o(ipmax), ttrtc_o(ipmax), difal_o(ipmax) real diftc_o(ipmax), ttrcal_o(ipmax), ttrorg_o(ipmax) real alkbal, tcbal ! internals integer still_wrong_new(ipmax), sum_wrong_new logical done CDIR& NOVECTOR l = 1 done = .false. do while (l .le. loop_limit .and. .not. done) l = l + 1 !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(6,*) 'going into co3' call co3 (resp_c, dissc, dissn, csat, u1, u2, dcpls, dcmin &, form, pore, kmax, calml, calgg, carb, cal_c, ipsed &, ipmax, n_debug, nzmax, still_wrong, sum_wrong &, ipcmax) call sed_diag (ttral, difal, ttrtc, diftc, ttrcal, ttrorg &, resp_c, cal_c, carb, pore, delz, dcmin, kmax &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(6,'(a12,i4)') 'co3ss pass ',l ! if (n_debug .gt. 3) then ! write(6,'(a20,2g15.5)') "profile for location", ttral(3) ! &, calgg(kmax,3) ! do k=1,kmax ! write(6,'(a8,6g15.5)') "profile ", carb(k,1,n_debug) ! &, carb(k,2,n_debug), carb(k,3,n_debug), csat(n_debug) ! &, resp_c(k,1,n_debug), cal_c(k,n_debug) ! enddo ! endif sum_wrong_new = 0 do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) tcbal = abs(1. - abs(ttrtc(ip)/(diftc(ip) + 1.e-20))) alkbal = abs(1. - abs(ttral(ip)/(difal(ip) + 1.e-20))) if (((alkbal .gt. 0.01) .and. (ttral(ip) .gt. 1.e-12)) & .or. (tcbal .gt. 0.01)) then ! then it's out of whack !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 3) then ! write(6,'(a6,3i5,3g15.5)') "rxn", i_loop, ip, l ! &, ttral(ip)*1.e6, difal(ip)*1.e6, alkbal ! endif sum_wrong_new = sum_wrong_new + 1 still_wrong_new(sum_wrong_new) = ip endif !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 1) then ! if (ttral(ip) .lt. 0.) ! & write(6,*) 'ttral < 0. in pass,ip ',l,ip ! if (carb(kmax,3,ip) .lt. 0.) ! & write(6,*) 'co3-- < 0. in pass,ip ',l,ip ! if (carb(kmax,3,ip) .gt. 500.e-6) ! & write(6,*) 'co3-- too high in pass,ip ',l,ip ! endif if (ttral(ip) .lt. 0.) then call reset_pw (carb, csat, kmax, ip, ipmax, nzmax) elseif (carb(kmax,3,ip) .lt. 0.) then call reset_pw (carb, csat, kmax, ip, ipmax, nzmax) elseif (carb(kmax,3,ip) .gt. 500.e-6) then call reset_pw (carb, csat, kmax, ip, ipmax, nzmax) endif enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 3) write(6,*) "end" ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) write(7,*) 'done with loop 30 in co3ss' do i_loop=1,sum_wrong_new still_wrong(i_loop) = still_wrong_new(i_loop) enddo sum_wrong = sum_wrong_new !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) then ! write(7,*) 'old loop 40 in co3ss' ! write(6,*) 'still ', sum_wrong, ' out of whack in co3ss' ! endif if (sum_wrong .eq. 0) done = .true. ! end of do while enddo if (sum_wrong .gt. 0) then do i_l=1,sum_wrong ttrcal(still_wrong(i_l)) = 0. !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) ! & write(6,*) 'zeroing fluxes in site ', still_wrong(i_l) enddo endif !! uncomment for debugging, extensive diagnostic output ! if (n_debug .ge. 2) then ! & write (6,'(a20, i4)') 'iterations in co3ss ',l !, still_wrong(1) return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_dc (difc, form, pore, delz, kmax, dcpls, dcmin &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipsed, ipmax, j, kmax, nzmax real difc(3), form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), delz(kmax) real dcpls(nzmax,3,ipmax), dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR difc(1) = 10.5e-6 difc(2) = 6.4e-6 difc(3) = 5.2e-6 do i=3,kmax-1 do j=1,3 do ip=1,ipsed dcpls(i,j,ip) = difc(j)*(delz(i)*form(i+1,ip) + delz(i+1) & *form(i,ip))/(delz(i)+delz(i+1))*1./pore(i,ip) & *(2./((delz(i+1) + delz(i))*delz(i))) dcmin(i,j,ip) = difc(j)*(delz(i)*form(i-1,ip) + delz(i-1) & *form(i,ip))/(delz(i)+delz(i-1))*1./pore(i,ip) & *(2./((delz(i-1) + delz(i))*delz(i))) enddo enddo enddo do j=1,3 do ip=1,ipsed i = kmax dcpls(i,j,ip) = 0. dcmin(i,j,ip) = difc(j)*(delz(i)*form(i-1,ip) + delz(i-1) & *form(i,ip))/(delz(i) + delz(i-1))*1./pore(i,ip) & *(2./((delz(i-1) + delz(i))*delz(i))) i = 2 dcpls(i,j,ip) = difc(j)*(delz(i)*form(i+1,ip) + delz(i+1) & *form(i,ip))/(delz(i) + delz(i+1))*1./pore(i,ip) & *(2./((delz(i+1) + delz(i))*delz(i))) dcmin(i,j,ip) = difc(j)*(form(i,ip)+1)*0.5*1./pore(i,ip) & *(1./(delz(i)**2)) enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine sed_diag (ttral, difal, ttrtc, diftc, ttrcal, ttrorg &, resp_c, cal_c, carb, pore, delz, dcmin, kmax &, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! file 'diag.for', which calculates the diffusive fluxes of ! o2, total co2, and alkalinity at the sediment-water ! interface, and also the integrated reaction rates of ! those quantities. used by co3main to determine when to ! stop repeating the co3 subroutine. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, j, k, kmax, nzmax ! arguments real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), cal_c(nzmax,ipmax) real carb(nzmax,3,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), delz(kmax) real dcmin(nzmax,3,ipmax) ! results real ttral(ipmax), difal(ipmax), ttrtc(ipmax), diftc(ipmax) real ttrcal(ipmax),ttrorg(ipmax) ! internal arrays real ttreac(3,ipmax), difflx(3,ipmax) CDIR& NOVECTOR ! zero the diagnostics variables, ttreac and flux do j=1,3 do ip=1,ipsed ttreac(j,ip) = 0. difflx(j,ip) = 0. ttrcal(ip) = 0. ttrorg(ip) = 0. enddo enddo ! reaction rates are in units of mol species/cm2 (total) y do k=1,kmax do ip=1,ipsed ! replaced 3.15e7/1e3 with 3.15e4 ttreac(1,ip) = ttreac(1,ip) + resp_c(k,1,ip)*delz(k)*3.15e4 ttreac(2,ip) = ttreac(2,ip) + resp_c(k,2,ip)*delz(k)*3.15e4 ttreac(3,ip) = ttreac(3,ip) + (resp_c(k,3,ip) + cal_c(k,ip)) & *delz(k)*3.15e4 ttrcal(ip) = ttrcal(ip) + cal_c(k,ip)*delz(k)*3.15e4 ttrorg(ip) = ttrorg(ip) + (resp_c(k,1,ip) + resp_c(k,2,ip) & + resp_c(k,3,ip))*delz(k)*3.15e4 enddo enddo ! the diffusive fluxes do ip=1,ipsed ! replaced 3.15e7/1e3 with 3.15e4 difflx(1,ip) = dcmin(2,1,ip)*(carb(1,1,ip) - carb(2,1,ip)) & *pore(2,ip)*delz(2)*3.15e4 difflx(2,ip) = dcmin(2,2,ip)*(carb(1,2,ip) - carb(2,2,ip)) & *pore(2,ip)*delz(2)*3.15e4 difflx(3,ip) = dcmin(2,3,ip)*(carb(1,3,ip) - carb(2,3,ip)) & *pore(2,ip)*delz(2)*3.15e4 ttrtc(ip) = ttreac(1,ip) + ttreac(3,ip) ttral(ip) = ttreac(3,ip)*2. diftc(ip) = difflx(1,ip) + difflx(2,ip) + difflx(3,ip) difal(ip) = difflx(2,ip) + difflx(3,ip)*2. enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine tridiag (a, b, c, r, u, n, ipsed, i_size, n_size) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! from numerical recipes, page 40, adapted for parallel !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, i_size, ipsed, j, k, n, nmax, n_size ! arguments real a(n_size,i_size), b(n_size,i_size), c(n_size,i_size) real r(n_size,i_size), u(n_size,i_size) ! local variables real gam(n,ipsed), bet(ipsed) CDIR& NOVECTOR do ip=1,ipsed bet(ip) = b(1,ip) u(1,ip) = r(1,ip)/bet(ip) enddo do j=2,n do ip=1,ipsed gam(j,ip) = c(j-1,ip)/bet(ip) bet(ip) = b(j,ip) - a(j,ip)*gam(j,ip) u(j,ip) =(r(j,ip) - a(j,ip)*u(j-1,ip))/bet(ip) enddo enddo do j=n-1,1,-1 do ip=1,ipsed u(j,ip) = u(j,ip) - gam(j+1,ip)*u(j+1,ip) enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_db (db, pore, zsed, delz, kmax, dbpls, dbmin, & ipsed, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, k, kmax, nzmax ! external input variables real pore(nzmax,ipmax), zsed(kmax+1), delz(kmax) ! results; external variables real dbpls(nzmax,ipmax), dbmin(nzmax,ipmax) real db CDIR& NOVECTOR db = 0.15 zsed(kmax+1) = zsed(kmax) + 1. do k=3,kmax-1 do ip=1,ipsed dbpls(k,ip) = db*2./((delz(k) + delz(k+1))*delz(k)) & *(1.-pore(k,ip)+1.-pore(k+1,ip))/(1.-pore(k,ip)) dbmin(k,ip) = db*2./((delz(k) + delz(k-1))*delz(k) ) & *(1.-pore(k,ip)+1.-pore(k-1,ip))/(1.-pore(k,ip)) enddo enddo do ip=1,ipsed k = 2 dbpls(k,ip) = db*2./((delz(k) + delz(k+1))*delz(k)) & *(2. - pore(k,ip) - pore(k+1,ip))/(1. - pore(k,ip)) dbmin(k,ip) = 0. k = kmax dbpls(k,ip) = 0. dbmin(k,ip) = db*2./((delz(k) + delz(k-1))*delz(k)) & *(2. - pore(k,ip) - pore(k-1,ip))/(1. - pore(k,ip)) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine pore_2_form (pore, form, kmax, expb, ipsed, ipmax &, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, k, kmax, nzmax real form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), expb do k=1,kmax do ip=1,ipsed form(k,ip) = pore(k,ip)**expb enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine sldcon (temp_ml, temp_gg, molwt, pore, kmax, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update the solid concentration accounts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, k, kmax, nzmax real temp_ml(nzmax,ipmax), temp_gg(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real molwt do k=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed temp_ml(k,ip) = temp_gg(k,ip)*2.5*(1.-pore(k,ip))*1000./molwt enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine sldfrc (temp_ml, temp_gg, molwt, pore, kmax, ipsed &, ipmax, nzmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the solid wt. pct. accounts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ip, ipsed, ipmax, kmax, nzmax real temp_gg(nzmax,ipmax), temp_ml(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real molwt do i=2,kmax do ip=1,ipsed temp_gg(i,ip) = temp_ml(i,ip)*molwt & /(2.5*(1. - pore(i,ip))*1000.) enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine co3 (resp_c, dissc, dissn, csat, disoc1, disoc2, dplus &, dminus, form, pore, kmax, calml, calgg, carb &, cal_c, ipsed, ipmax, n_debug, nzmax, still_wrong &, sum_wrong, ipcmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! routine co3, which calculates a single iteration ! of the carbonate system chemistry. must be run ! several times because of the non-linearity of ! calcite dissolution kinetics. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, ib, i_loop, ip, ipsed, ipmax, ipcmax, m, info, i_row integer i_col, im, k, kmax, l, lda, nzmax, n_debug parameter (lda = 16) ! arguments real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), csat(ipmax), disoc1(ipmax) real disoc2(ipmax), dplus(nzmax,3,ipmax), dminus(nzmax,3,ipmax) real form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax), calml(nzmax,ipmax) real calgg(nzmax,ipmax), dissc, dissn integer still_wrong(ipcmax), sum_wrong ! results real cal_c(nzmax,ipmax), carb(nzmax,3,ipmax) ! local variables real r(kmax,3,ipmax), dr(3,3,3,kmax,ipmax) real rmstc(ipmax), rmsal(ipmax), rmsph(ipmax), weight(ipmax) real trialw integer weight_diag(ipmax) ! linpack variables integer ipvt(3*kmax) real bbd(ipmax,3*kmax), abd(ipmax,lda,3*kmax) do i=1,3 do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ! for the bottom boundary condition, no flux carb(kmax+1,i,still_wrong(i_loop)) = & carb(kmax,i,still_wrong(i_loop)) enddo enddo ! the residual terms: array (depth; tc, alk, ph) do k=2,kmax do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) ! total co2 equation r(k-1,1,ip) = (dplus(k,1,ip)*(carb(k+1,1,ip) - carb(k,1,ip)) & - dminus(k,1,ip)*(carb(k,1,ip) - carb(k-1,1,ip))) & + (dplus(k,2,ip)*(carb(k+1,2,ip) - carb(k,2,ip)) & - dminus(k,2,ip)*(carb(k,2,ip) - carb(k-1,2,ip))) & + (dplus(k,3,ip)*(carb(k+1,3,ip) - carb(k,3,ip)) & - dminus(k,3,ip)*(carb(k,3,ip) - carb(k-1,3,ip))) ! units of moles / l *porewater* sec r(k-1,1,ip) = r(k-1,1,ip) + resp_c(k,1,ip)/pore(k,ip) & + resp_c(k,2,ip)/pore(k,ip) & + resp_c(k,3,ip)/pore(k,ip) ! units of moles / l *porewater* sec if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) then r(k-1,1,ip) = r(k-1,1,ip) + dissc & *((1. - (carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**dissn) & *(1. - pore(k,ip))/pore(k,ip)*calgg(k,ip) & *(2.5*1000)/(100) endif ! alkalinity equation r(k-1,2,ip) = dplus(k,3,ip)*(carb(k+1,3,ip)-carb(k,3,ip)) & - dminus(k,3,ip)*(carb(k,3,ip)-carb(k-1,3,ip)) & + 0.5*dplus(k,2,ip)*(carb(k+1,2,ip)-carb(k,2,ip)) & - 0.5*dminus(k,2,ip)*(carb(k,2,ip)-carb(k-1,2,ip)) r(k-1,2,ip) = r(k-1,2,ip) + resp_c(k,3,ip)/pore(k,ip) & + 0.5*resp_c(k,2,ip)/pore(k,ip) if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) then r(k-1,2,ip) = r(k-1,2,ip) + dissc & *((1. - (carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**dissn) & *(1. - pore(k,ip))/pore(k,ip)*calgg(k,ip) & *(2.5*1000)/(100) endif r(k-1,3,ip) = carb(k,1,ip)*carb(k,3,ip)/carb(k,2,ip)**2 & - disoc2(ip)/disoc1(ip) enddo enddo ! the derivitive terms: array (function, variable, ! 'k+'= 3 to 'k-' = 1, and depth level k) do k=2,kmax-1 do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) dr(1,1,3,k-1,ip) = dplus(k,1,ip) dr(1,1,2,k-1,ip) = -dplus(k,1,ip) - dminus(k,1,ip) dr(1,1,1,k-1,ip) = dminus(k,1,ip) dr(1,2,3,k-1,ip) = dplus(k,2,ip) dr(1,2,2,k-1,ip) = -dplus(k,2,ip) - dminus(k,2,ip) dr(1,2,1,k-1,ip) = dminus(k,2,ip) dr(1,3,3,k-1,ip) = dplus(k,3,ip) dr(1,3,2,k-1,ip) = -dplus(k,3,ip) - dminus(k,3,ip) if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) & dr(1,3,2,k-1,ip) = dr(1,3,2,k-1,ip) - dissc*dissn & *(1-pore(k,ip))/pore(k,ip)*calgg(k,ip) & *(2.5*1000)/100/csat(ip) & *((1-(carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**(dissn-1.)) dr(1,3,1,k-1,ip) = dminus(k,3,ip) dr(2,1,3,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(2,1,2,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(2,1,1,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(2,2,3,k-1,ip) = 0.5*dplus(k,2,ip) dr(2,2,2,k-1,ip) = -0.5*dplus(k,2,ip) - 0.5*dminus(k,2,ip) dr(2,2,1,k-1,ip) = 0.5*dminus(k,2,ip) dr(2,3,3,k-1,ip) = dplus(k,3,ip) dr(2,3,2,k-1,ip) = -dplus(k,3,ip) - dminus(k,3,ip) if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) then dr(2,3,2,k-1,ip) = dr(2,3,2,k-1,ip) - dissc*dissn & *(1.-pore(k,ip))/pore(k,ip)*calgg(k,ip) & *(2.5*1000)/100/csat(ip) & *((1.-(carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**(dissn-1.)) endif dr(2,3,1,k-1,ip) = dminus(k,3,ip) dr(3,1,3,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(3,1,2,k-1,ip) = carb(k,3,ip)/carb(k,2,ip)**2 dr(3,1,1,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(3,2,3,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(3,2,2,k-1,ip) = -0.5*carb(k,1,ip)*carb(k,3,ip) & /carb(k,2,ip)**3 dr(3,2,1,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(3,3,3,k-1,ip) = 0. dr(3,3,2,k-1,ip) = carb(k,1,ip)/carb(k,2,ip)**2 dr(3,3,1,k-1,ip) = 0. enddo enddo ! bottom special conditions do l=1,3 ! function do i=1,3 ! variable do m=1,3 ! above, below do i_loop = 1, sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) dr(l,i,m,kmax-1,ip) = dr(l,i,m,kmax-2,ip) enddo enddo enddo enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .gt. 3) then ! do ip=1,ipsed ! if (still_wrong(ip) .eq. 3) then ! write(6,*) "residuals" ! i_loop = ip ! do i=1,3 ! do k=2,kmax ! write(6,*) r(k-1,1,ip), r(k-1,2,ip), r(k-1,3,ip) ! enddo ! write(6,*) ! enddo ! endif ! enddo ! endif ! load the big array do k=1,3*kmax do l=1,lda do ip=1,ipmax abd(ip,l,k) = 0. enddo enddo enddo do k=2,kmax ! depth level do l=1,3 ! function do m=1,3 ! up, down do i=1,3 !variable i_row = (k-2)*3 + l ! row number i_col = (m+k-4)*3 + i ! column number im = 11 ib = i_row - i_col + im do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) if ((i_col .gt. 0.) .and. (i_col .le. (kmax-1)*3)) then abd(i_loop,ib,i_col) = dr(l,i,m,k-1,ip) if (k .eq. kmax) then if (m .eq. 2) then abd(i_loop,ib,i_col) = abd(i_loop,ib,i_col) & + dr(l,i,m+1,k-1,ip) endif endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo ! load the residual array do k=2,kmax do l=1,3 do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) i_row = (k-2)*3 + l bbd(i_loop,i_row) = -r(k-1,l,ip) enddo enddo enddo call my_sgbfa (abd, lda, (kmax-1)*3, 5, 5, ipvt, info, sum_wrong &, ipmax, 3*kmax) call my_sgbsl (abd, lda, (kmax-1)*3, 5, 5, ipvt, bbd, sum_wrong &, ipmax) do i_loop=1,sum_wrong weight(still_wrong(i_loop)) = 1.0 weight_diag(still_wrong(i_loop)) = 0 enddo if (sum_wrong .eq. 1) then weight(still_wrong(1)) = 0.5 endif do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) do k=2,kmax i_row = (k-2)*3 + 3 ! CO3= can't go up more than 75% trialw = -0.75*carb(k,3,ip)/(bbd(i_loop,i_row) + 1.e-20) if ((trialw .gt. 0.) .and. (trialw .lt. weight(ip))) then weight(ip) = trialw weight_diag(ip) = 1 endif i_row = (k-2)*3 + 1 ! CO3= can't go up more than 75% trialw = -0.75*carb(k,1,ip)/(bbd(i_loop,i_row) + 1.e-20) if ((trialw .gt. 0.) .and. (trialw .lt. weight(ip))) then weight(ip) = trialw weight_diag(ip) = 2 endif enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 3) ! & write(6,*) "weight", ip, weight(ip), weight_diag(ip) enddo !! uncomment for debugging ! if (n_debug .ge. 3) write(6,*) "end" ! if (n_debug .gt. 3) then ! do ip=1,ipsed ! if (still_wrong(ip) .eq. n_debug) then ! write(6,*) "weight criterium" ! i_loop = ip ! do i=1,3 ! do k=2,kmax ! i_row = (k-2)*3 + i ! write(6,*) carb(k,i,n_debug), carb(k,i,n_debug) ! & + bbd(i_loop,i_row) ! enddo ! write(6,*) ! enddo ! endif ! enddo ! endif do k=2,kmax do i=1,3 do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) i_row = (k-2)*3 + i carb(k,i,ip) = carb(k,i,ip) + bbd(i_loop,i_row)*weight(ip) enddo enddo enddo ! write(6,*) 'adjusted co3 values' do k=1,kmax do i_loop=1,sum_wrong ip = still_wrong(i_loop) if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) then cal_c(k,ip) = dissc*((1. - (carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**dissn) & *(1. - pore(k,ip))*calgg(k,ip)*(2.5*1000)/(100) else cal_c(k,ip) = 0. endif enddo enddo ! write(6,*) 'calculated cal_c terms' return end !======================================================================= subroutine calc_cal_c (resp_c, dissc, dissn, csat, disoc1, disoc2 &, dplus, dminus, form, pore, kmax, calml &, calgg, carb, cal_c, ipsed, ipmax, nzmax &, still_wrong, sum_wrong, ipcmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer ip, ipsed, ipmax, ipcmax, k, kmax, nzmax ! arguments real resp_c(nzmax,3,ipmax), csat(ipmax), disoc1(ipmax) real disoc2(ipmax), dplus(nzmax,3,ipmax) real dminus(nzmax,3,ipmax), form(nzmax,ipmax), pore(nzmax,ipmax) real calml(nzmax,ipmax), calgg(nzmax,ipmax), dissc, dissn integer still_wrong(ipcmax), sum_wrong ! results real cal_c(nzmax,ipmax), carb(nzmax,3,ipmax) ! local variables real rmstc(ipmax), rmsal(ipmax), rmsph(ipmax), weight(ipmax) do k=1,kmax do ip=1,ipsed if (carb(k,3,ip) .lt. csat(ip)) then cal_c(k,ip) = dissc*((1. - (carb(k,3,ip)/csat(ip)))**dissn) & *(1. - pore(k,ip))*calgg(k,ip)*(2.5*1000)/(100) else cal_c(k,ip) = 0. endif enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine my_sgbfa (abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, info, n_matrices &, ipmax, ncolmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! modified by archer, Oct 92, for vectorized co3 solution ! no pivoting. operates in vector form on entire array of ! similar matrices. ! expects abd to be filled continuously to first index = n_matrices ! sgbfa factors a real band matrix by elimination. ! sgbfa is usually called by sgbco, but it can be called ! directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed. ! on entry ! abd real(lda, n) ! contains the matrix in band storage. the columns ! of the matrix are stored in the columns of abd and ! the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows ! ml+1 through 2*ml+mu+1 of abd . ! see the comments below for details. ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! lda must be .ge. 2*ml + mu + 1 . ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! 0 .le. ml .lt. n . ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! 0 .le. mu .lt. n . ! more efficient if ml .le. mu . ! on return ! abd an upper triangular matrix in band storage and ! the multipliers which were used to obtain it. ! the factorization can be written a = l*u where ! l is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. ! ipvt integer(n) ! an integer vector of pivot indices. ! info integer ! = 0 normal value. ! = k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . this is not an error ! condition for this subroutine, but it does ! indicate that sgbsl will divide by zero if ! called. use rcond in sgbco for a reliable ! indication of singularity. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt(*), info, nmat, ipmax, n_matrices integer ncolmax real abd(ipmax,lda,ncolmax), t(ipmax) integer i, isamax, i0, j, ju, jz, j0, j1, k, kp1, l, lm, m, mm integer nm1 m = ml + mu + 1 info = 0 ! zero initial fill-in columns j0 = mu + 2 j1 = min0(n,m) - 1 if (j1 .gt. j0) then do jz=j0,j1 i0 = m + 1 - jz do i=i0,ml do nmat=1,n_matrices abd(nmat,i,jz) = 0. enddo enddo enddo endif jz = j1 ju = 0 ! gaussian elimination with partial pivoting nm1 = n - 1 if (nm1 .ge. 1) then do k=1,nm1 kp1 = k + 1 ! zero next fill-in column jz = jz + 1 if ((jz .le. n) .and. (ml .ge. 1)) then do i=1,ml do nmat=1,n_matrices abd(nmat,i,jz) = 0. enddo enddo endif ! hardwire l = pivot index to no pivoting lm = min0(ml,n-k) l = m ipvt(k) = k ! zero pivot implies this column already triangularized ! do test on just one element if (abd(1,l,k) .ne. 0.) then ! compute multipliers do nmat=1,n_matrices if (abd(nmat,m,k) .eq. 0.) write(6,*) 'div by 0' &, nmat, m, k t(nmat) = -1./abd(nmat,m,k) enddo call my_sscal (lm, t(1), abd(1,m+1,k), n_matrices, ipmax) ! row elimination with column indexing ju = min0(max0(ju,mu+ipvt(k)),n) mm = m if (ju .ge. kp1) then do j=kp1,ju l = l - 1 mm = mm - 1 do nmat=1,n_matrices t(nmat) = abd(nmat,l,j) enddo if (l .ne. mm) then do nmat=1,n_matrices abd(nmat,l,j) = abd(nmat,mm,j) abd(nmat,mm,j) = t(nmat) enddo endif call my_saxpy (lm, t(1), abd(1,m+1,k), abd(1,mm+1,j) &, n_matrices, ipmax) enddo endif else info = k endif enddo endif ipvt(n) = n if (abd(1,m,n) .eq. 0.) info = n return end !======================================================================= subroutine my_sgbsl (abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, b, n_matrices &, ipmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! sgbsl solves the real band system ! a * x = b or trans(a) * x = b ! using the factors computed by sgbco or sgbfa. ! modified by archer for carbonate solver, Oct 92 ! only job = 0 (solve a*x = b) has been kept ! on entry ! abd real(lda, n) ! the output from sgbco or sgbfa. ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! ipvt integer(n) ! the pivot vector from sgbco or sgbfa. ! b real(n) ! the right hand side vector. ! job integer ! = 0 to solve a*x = b , ! = nonzero to solve trans(a)*x = b , where ! trans(a) is the transpose. ! on return ! b the solution vector x . !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt(*), job, nmat, n_matrices, ipmax real abd(ipmax,lda,*), b(ipmax,*), t(ipmax) integer k, kb, l, la, lb, lm, m, nm1 m = mu + ml + 1 nm1 = n - 1 ! job = 0 , solve a * x = b ! first solve l*y = b if ((ml .ne. 0) .and. (nm1 .ge. 1)) then do k=1,nm1 lm = min0(ml,n-k) l = ipvt(k) do nmat=1,n_matrices t(nmat) = b(nmat,l) enddo if (l .ne. k) then do nmat=1,n_matrices b(nmat,l) = b(nmat,k) b(nmat,k) = t(nmat) enddo endif call my_saxpy (lm, t(1), abd(1,m+1,k), b(1,k+1) &, n_matrices, ipmax) enddo endif ! now solve u*x = y do kb=1,n k = n + 1 - kb do nmat=1,n_matrices b(nmat,k) = b(nmat,k)/abd(nmat,m,k) enddo lm = min0(k,m) - 1 la = m - lm lb = k - lm do nmat=1,n_matrices t(nmat) = -b(nmat,k) enddo call my_saxpy (lm, t(1), abd(1,la,k), b(1,lb) &, n_matrices, ipmax) enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine my_sscal (n, sa, sx, n_elements, n_elem_max) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! scales a vector by a constant. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, n, nelem, n_elements, n_elem_max real sa(*), sx(n_elem_max,*) if (n .le. 0)return do i=1,n do nelem=1,n_elements sx(nelem,i) = sa(nelem)*sx(nelem,i) enddo enddo return end !======================================================================= subroutine my_saxpy (n, sa, sx, sy, n_matrices, ipmax) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! constant times a vector plus a vector. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer i, n, n_matrices, nmat, ipmax real sx(ipmax,*), sy(ipmax,*), sa(*) if (n .le. 0) return do i=1,n do nmat=1,n_matrices sy(nmat,i) = sy(nmat,i) + sa(nmat)*sx(nmat,i) enddo enddo return end