! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/sf_stom.F subroutine SF_STOM (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, FT, CO2, FSMC, HT, IPAR &, LAI, PSTAR, Q1, RA, TSTAR, ZERODEGC, EPCO2 &, EPSILON, GPP, NPP, RESP_P, RESP_W, GC) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Routine to calculate the bulk stomatal resistance and the canopy ! CO2 fluxes !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "mtlm_data.h" ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of vegetated points. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Index of vegetated points. ! FT = IN Plant functional type. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), FT, J, K, L ! CO2 = IN Atmospheric CO2 concentration (kg CO2/kg air). ! FSMC = IN Soil water factor. ! HT = IN Canopy height (m). ! IPAR = IN Incident PAR (W/m2). ! LAI = IN Leaf area index. ! PSTAR = IN Surface pressure (Pa). ! Q1 = IN Specific humidity of level 1 (kg H2O/kg air). ! RA = IN Aerodynamic resistance (s/m). ! TSTAR = IN Surface temperature (K). ! ZERODEGC = IN Zero Celsius (K). ! EPCO2 = IN Ratio of molecular weights of CO2 and dry air. ! EPSILON = Ratio of molecular weights of water and dry air. ! GPP = OUT Gross Primary Productivity (kg C/m2/s). ! NPP = OUT Net Primary Productivity (kg C/m2/s). ! RESP_P = OUT Plant respiration rate (kg C/m2/sec). ! RESP_W = OUT Wood respiration rate (kg C/m2/sec). ! GC = INOUT Canopy resistance to H2O (m/s). ! ANETC = WORK Net canopy photosynthesis (mol CO2/m2/s). ! CI = WORK Internal CO2 pressure (Pa). ! DQ = WORK Specific humidity deficit (kg H2O/kg air). ! DQC = WORK Canopy level specific humidity deficit ! (kg H2O/kg air). ! FPAR = WORK PAR absorption factor. ! LAI_BAL = WORK Leaf area index in balanced growth state. ! NL = WORK Mean leaf nitrogen concentration (kg N/kg C). ! NL_BAL = WORK Mean leaf nitrogen concentration in balanced growth ! state (kg N/kg C). ! N_LEAF = WORK Nitrogen contents of the leaf and root (kg N/m2). ! N_STEM = WORK Nitrogen contents of the stem (kg N/m2). ! QS = WORK Saturated specific humidity(kg H2O/kg air). ! RA_RC = WORK Ratio of aerodynamic resistance to canopy resistance. ! RDC = WORK Canopy dark respiration, without soil water dependence ! (mol CO2/m2/s). ! RESP_P_G = WORK Plant growth respiration rate (kg C/m2/sec). ! RESP_P_M = WORK Plant maintenance respiration rate (kg C/m2/sec). ! ROOT = WORK Root carbon (kg C/m2). real CO2(POINTS), FSMC(POINTS), HT(POINTS), IPAR(POINTS) real LAI(POINTS), PSTAR(POINTS), Q1(POINTS), RA(POINTS) real TSTAR(POINTS), ZERODEGC, EPCO2, EPSILON, GPP(POINTS) real RESP_P(POINTS), RESP_W(POINTS), GC(POINTS), ANETC(POINTS) real NPP(POINTS), CI(POINTS), DQ(POINTS), DQC(POINTS) real FPAR(POINTS), LAI_BAL(POINTS), NL(POINTS), NL_BAL(POINTS) real N_LEAF(POINTS), N_ROOT(POINTS), N_STEM(POINTS), QS(POINTS) real RA_RC(POINTS), RDC(POINTS), RESP_P_G(POINTS) real RESP_P_M(POINTS), ROOT(POINTS) ! Local parameters ! ITER = Number of iterations to determine the canopy climate. integer ITER parameter (ITER=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the surface to level 1 humidity deficit and the surface ! density of the air !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call QSAT (POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, EPSILON, ZERODEGC &, QS, TSTAR, PSTAR) do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) DQ(L) = MAX(0.0,(QS(L) - Q1(L))) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the PAR absorption factor !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) FPAR(L) = (1 - EXP(-KPAR(FT)*LAI(L))) / KPAR(FT) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Iterate to ensure that the canopy humidity deficit is consistent with ! the H2O flux. Ignore the (small) difference between the canopy and ! reference level CO2 concentration. Initially set the canopy humidity ! deficit using the previous value of GC. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do K=1,ITER !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the canopy level humidity deficit !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) RA_RC(L) = RA(L) * GC(L) DQC(L) = DQ(L) / (1 + RA_RC(L)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call CANOPY to calculate the canopy resistance and photosynthesis !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call CANOPY (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, FT, DQC, IPAR, TSTAR, CO2 &, PSTAR, FPAR, FSMC, LAI, ZERODEGC, EPCO2, GC &, ANETC, CI, RDC) enddo do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Assume that root biomass is equal to balanced growth leaf biomass !----------------------------------------------------------------------- LAI_BAL(L) = (A_WS(FT)*ETA_SL(FT)*HT(L)/A_WL(FT)) & **(1.0/(B_WL(FT)-1)) ROOT(L) = SIGL(FT) * LAI_BAL(L) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the actual and balanced mean leaf nitrogen concentration ! assuming perfect light acclimation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- NL(L) = (FPAR(L) / LAI(L)) * NL0(FT) NL_BAL(L) = (1 - EXP(-KPAR(FT)*LAI_BAL(L))) & / (KPAR(FT)*LAI_BAL(L)) * NL0(FT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the total nitrogen content of the leaf, root and stem !----------------------------------------------------------------------- N_LEAF(L) = NL(L) * SIGL(FT) * LAI(L) N_ROOT(L) = NR_NL(FT) * NL_BAL(L) * ROOT(L) N_STEM(L) = NS_NL(FT) * NL_BAL(L) * ETA_SL(FT) * HT(L) * LAI(L) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the Gross Primary Productivity, the plant maintenance ! respiration rate, and the wood maintenance respiration rate ! in kg C/m2/sec !----------------------------------------------------------------------- GPP(L) = 12.0E-3 * (ANETC(L) + RDC(L)*FSMC(L)) RESP_P_M(L) = 12.0E-3 * RDC(L) & * (N_LEAF(L)*FSMC(L) + N_STEM(L) + N_ROOT(L)) / N_LEAF(L) RESP_W(L) = 12.0E-3 * RDC(L) * N_STEM(L) / N_LEAF(L) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the total plant respiration and the Net Primary Productivity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- RESP_P_G(L) = R_GROW(FT) * (GPP(L) - RESP_P_M(L)) RESP_P(L) = RESP_P_M(L) + RESP_P_G(L) NPP(L) = GPP(L) - RESP_P(L) enddo return end