! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/embm/solve.h !======================== include file "solve.h" ======================== ! variables needed for solving atmospheric advection and diffusion ! newcoef = logical flag for calculating new coefficients logical newcoef(2,nat) common /solver_l/ newcoef integer iimtm2, jjmtm2, nord, nelm parameter (iimtm2 = imtm2) parameter (jjmtm2 = jmtm2) parameter (nord = iimtm2*jjmtm2) ! itin = requested maximum iterations ! itout = actual iterations ! newcoef = logical flag for calculating new coefficients ! bv = right hand side vector (b) ! xv = left hand side vector (x) ! epsin = requested maximum error ! epsout = actual error integer itin(nat), itout(nat) common /solver_i/ itin, itout ! for mgrid routine storage is by compass coefficient ! ap, an, as, ae, aw = centre, north, south, east, and west coef ! ie. ap*xp = an*xn + as*xs + ae*xe + aw*xw + bp integer levelin, levelout common /solver_i/ levelin, levelout real(kind=8) bv, xv, epsin, epsout, an, as, ae, aw, ap common /solver_r/ bv(nord), xv(nord), epsin(nat), epsout(nat) common /solver_r/ an(nord,2,nat), as(nord,2,nat), ae(nord,2,nat) common /solver_r/ aw(nord,2,nat), ap(nord,2,nat) ! grid terms for the atmospheric solver real dwgrd, degrd, azgrd, dsgrd, dngrd, asgrd, angrd common /solve_r/ dwgrd(2:imtm1), degrd(2:imtm1), azgrd(2:imtm1) common /solve_r/ dsgrd(2:jmtm1), dngrd(2:jmtm1), asgrd(2:jmtm1) common /solve_r/ angrd(2:jmtm1)