! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/stressfactor.F subroutine STRESSFACTOR(POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, NPFT &, NGND, NSOIL, F_ROOT, FSMC_PFT &, V_CRIT, V_WILT, DZ_GND, V_SAT, SU &, RD, PERMA, LAYER_EVAP, ZTOP,ZBOT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Routine to calculate the moisture stress factor for each PFT ! Code written by: Chris Avis !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !~ Spatial variables ~ ! LAND_PTS = Number of points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! LAND_INDEX = Indices of land points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! NPFT = Number of plant functional types ! NGND = Number of subsurface layers ! NSOIL = Number of soil layers ! POINTS = Total number of land points. ! I, L, P, N = Loop counters integer POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), I, L , P, N integer NPFT, NGND, CHECK, NSOIL(POINTS) !~Soil & PFT parameters~ ! DZ_GND = Soil layer thickness (m). ! EVAPSUM = Sum of evaporation fluxes in each layer (kg/m2/s) ! F_ROOT = Root fraction in layer n (dimensionless) ! FSMC = Soil moisture stress factor in a given layer ! FSMC_PFT = Soil moisture stress factor for each PFT ! LAYER_EVAP = Fraction of transpiration to come out of each layer for all PFTs ! PERMA = Permafrost active layer thickness (m) ! RD = PFT rooting depth (m) ! ROOTD = Modified rooting depth in the case of permafrost (m) ! V_CRIT = Gridcell critical volumetric soil moisture [ ] (m3/m3) ! V_SAT = Gridcell saturated volumetric soil moisture [ ] (m3/m3) ! V_WILT = Gridcell wilting volumentric soil moisture [ ] (m3/m3) ! SU = Unfrozen water concentration as a fraction of saturation ! ZTOP = Depth of top of soil layer (m) ! ZBOT = Depth of bottom of soil layer (m) real RD(POINTS, NPFT), ROOTD real FSMC_PFT(POINTS, NPFT) real LAYER_EVAP(POINTS, NPFT, NGND) real V_CRIT(POINTS, NGND), V_WILT(POINTS, NGND) real V_SAT(POINTS, NGND), PERMA(POINTS) real F_ROOT(POINTS,NGND,NPFT), FSMC(POINTS,NGND), EVAPSUM real SU(POINTS, NGND), DZ_GND(NGND) real ZTOP(NGND), ZBOT(NGND), F_PERMA(NGND) ! Land point loop do I = 1, LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(I) ! PFT loop do N = 1, NSOIL(L) if ((SU(L,N)*V_SAT(L,N)) .gt. V_CRIT(L,N)) then FSMC(L,N) = 1. else FSMC(L,N) = (SU(L,N)*V_SAT(L,N)) & / (V_CRIT(L,N)) endif enddo do P = 1, NPFT FSMC_PFT(L,P) = 0. CHECK = 0 do N = 1, NSOIL(L) LAYER_EVAP(L,P,N) = F_ROOT(L,N,P) * FSMC(L,N) FSMC_PFT(L,P) = FSMC_PFT(L,P) + LAYER_EVAP(L,P,N) enddo !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Even if FSMC_PFT = 0, the hydrology code will extract a small amount ! of water from the soil. To ensure conservation of moisture, this ! bit of code must be implemented !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (FSMC_PFT(L,P) .gt. 0) then LAYER_EVAP(L,P,:) = LAYER_EVAP(L,P,:) / FSMC_PFT(L,P) else LAYER_EVAP(L,P,:) = 0. LAYER_EVAP(L,P,1) = 1. endif ! PFT loop enddo ! Land points loop enddo ! Loop over land points return end