! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/switch.h !====================== include file "switch.h" ======================== ! all time dependent decisions are made by time manager "tmngr.F" ! and communicated elsewhere to the model via logical switches. ! inputs: (defaulted in "blkdta.F", optionally reset via namelist) ! runlen = integration period (see rununits). note "runlen" should ! be an integral number of density time steps. if not, ! then "runlen" is automatically adjusted to insure this. ! fractional days are supported but not fractional months ! or years. ! rununits= units of "runlen". may be "days", "months", or "years". ! tmngr will convert "runlen" which is in "rununits" ! to "rundays" in units of days. ! segtim = the integration time "runlen" is broken into a number of ! segments each of length "segtim" days. updated surface ! boundary conditions are applied to MOM every "segtim" ! days. this is useful when coupling to atmospheric models ! in which case both models exchange surface boundary ! conditions every "segtim" days where "segtim" ! is 1/(coupling frequency). without an atmospheric model, ! when getting surface boundary conditions from data, ! "segtim" is set to the time step (in days) by mom.F. in ! either case, "runlen" (in days) should be an integral ! number of "segtim". ! nmix = number of time steps between mixing timesteps. used ! to damp timestep splitting due to centred leapfrog. ! init = (true,false) indicates that this run is a ! (start from initial conditions, restart) ! restrt = (true,false) = (do,don`t) write a restart at the end ! of the run ! eb = (true,false) configures for the use of a ! (euler backward,forward) type mixing timestep ! init_time = (true,false) sets restarts to initial time ! init_time_in = (true,false) sets input restart to initial time ! init_time_out = (true,false) sets output restart to initial time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! inputs to tmngr.F: diagnostic intervals !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! note: switches are used to control the interval between doing ! diagnostics. units for all switches are in days. ! setting a switch < 0.0 disables whatever the switch is ! controlling. setting it = 0.0 causes the diagnostic to be ! done every time step, and setting it > 0.0 causes the ! diagnostic to be done repeatedly on the specified interval. ! cmixint = number of days between writing estimated mixing coeffs ! on faces of T cells and U cells ! crossint = number of days between writing diapycnal and isopycnal ! components of flow ! fctint = number of days between writing difference between ! FCT and leapfrog advection ! densityint = number of days between writing density ! exconvint = number of days between writing temperature rate of ! change due to explicit convection ! glenint = number of days between global energetics integrals. ! trmbint = number of days between momentum and tracer term ! balances (global and regional). ! itrmb = (true,false) = (do,don`t) write regional mask info for ! the term balance diagnostic. Typically set true ! at the beginning of a run; otherwise false since it is ! not necessary to keep writing a time independent field ! particularly when it may be a significant part of the ! time dependent part of the diagnostic. ! gyreint = number of days between calculation of tracer northward ! transport. ! igyre = (true,false) = (do,don`t) write regional mask info for ! the gyre diagnostic. Typically set true ! at the beginning of a run; otherwise false since it is ! not necessary to keep writing a time independent field ! particularly when it may be a significant part of the ! time dependent part of the diagnostic. ! vmsfint = number of days between calculation of vertical and ! meridional stream function. ! tyzint = number of days between calculation of zonally averaged ! tracer components. ! prxzint = number of days between printouts of x-z data. ! extint = number of days between printouts of external mode. ! dspint = number of days between surface pressure calculation. ! Note: only when "diagnostic_surface_height" is enabled. ! dspper = averaging period for "diagnostic_surface_height" ! tavgint = number of days between regional tracer averages (under ! horizontal regions). ! itavg = (true,false) = (do,don`t) write regional mask info for ! the tracer average diagnostic. Typically set true ! at the beginning of a run; otherwise false since it is ! not necessary to keep writing a time independent field ! particularly when it may be a significant part of the ! time dependent part of the diagnostic. ! tmbint = number of days over which tracer equation in averaged ! in depth and longitude to determine the meridional ! balance among storage, divergence, dissipation and ! forcing. ! tmbper = averaging period for "meridional_tracer_balance" ! itmb = (true,false) = (do,don`t) write "msktmb" for tracer ! the meridional balance diagnostic. Typically set true ! at the beginning of a run; otherwise false since it is ! not necessary to keep writing a time independent field ! particularly when it may be a significant part of the ! time dependent part of the diagnostic. ! tsiint = number of days between printing of time step integrals. ! tsiper = averaging period for "time_step_monitor" ! stabint = number of days between sampling for various stability ! criteria. ! timavgint= interval (days) for writing time mean data from ! the "averaging" grid (only when "time_averages" is ! enabled). if "timavgint" is not an integral number of ! density time steps,"timavgint" is automatically adjusted ! to insure this. if the number of days to integrate is ! not an integral number of "timavgint" then the last ! averaging period will be less than "timavgint" days.this ! may lead to one more averaging period than expected. ! see "iounit.h" for more details. ! timavgper= averaging period for "time_averages" ! xbtint = averaging period (days) for writing XBT data (only when ! "xbts" is enabled). if "xbtint" is not an integral ! number of density time steps, "xbtint" is automatically ! adjusted to insure this. if the number of days to ! integrate is not an integral number of "xbtint" then the ! last averaging period will be less than "xbtint" days. ! this may lead to one more averaging period than ! expected. see "iounit.h" for more details. ! xbtper = averaging period for "xbts" ! zmbcint = number of days between calculation of zonal mean ! surface boundary conditions (and related quantities) ! restint = number of days between saving restarts ! tbtint = averaging period (days) for writing term balances ! tbtper = averaging period for tracer term balances !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! outputs from tmngr.F: logical switches !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! rundays = integration time in days (from "runlen") ! the following are logical counterparts to the above switches are ! set within "tmngr" every time step. logical switches control all ! decisions about when to do things in MOM. ! cmixts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do write estimated mixing ! coefficients on this time step. ! based on "cmixint". ! crossts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write diapycnal and ! isopycnal components of flow on this time step. ! based on "crossint". ! fctts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write difference between ! FCT and leapfrog advection on this time step. ! based on "fctint". ! densityts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write density on this time ! step. based on "densityint". ! exconvts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do write temperature change ! due to explicit convection on this time step. ! based on "exconvint". ! glents = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of global ! energy integrals on this time step. based on "glenint". ! trmbts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of momentum & ! tracer term balance on this timestep. based on "trmbint" ! gyrets = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of tracer ! northward transport on this timestep. based on "gyreint" ! vmsfts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of vertical ! and meridional stream function on this time step. ! based on "vmsfint" ! tyzts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of zonally ! averaged tracer components on this time step. ! based on "tyzint" ! prxzts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do printouts of x-z data ! on this time step. based on "prxzint" ! extts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do printout of external mode ! on this time step. based on "extint" ! dspts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) do calculation of diagnostic ! surface pressure on this time step. based on "dspint" ! stabts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) test for stability on this ! time step. based on "stabint" ! tavgts = (false,true) = (don`t do) do tracer averages on this ! time step. based on "tavgint" ! tmbts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write out tracer meridional . ! balance on this time step. based on "tmbint" ! tsits = (false,true) = (don`t, do) print time step integrals ! on this time step. based on "tsiint" ! zmbcts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) print zonal mean boundary ! conditions on this time step. based on "zmbcint" ! timavgts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write time mean data ! on this time step. based on "timavgint" ! xbtts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write averaged XBT data on ! this time step based on "xbtint" ! restts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) save a restart on this time ! step based on "restint" ! tbtts = (false,true) = (don`t, do) write averaged tracer term ! balance data on this time step based on "tbint" ! leapfrog= (false,true) on a (mixing, normal leapfrog) time step ! based on "nmix" ! euler1 = true on the 1st pass of an euler backward time step ! otherwise false. (applies when "eb" = true) ! euler2 = true on the 2nd pass of an euler backward time step ! otherwise false. (applies when "eb" = true) ! forward = true on a forward time step. otherwise false ! (applies when "eb" = false) ! the following logical switches are based on the model time step. ! first = (true,false) = when it`s (the first, not the first) ! time step of a run ! eots = end of a time step. always true except for first ! pass of an euler backward time step ! eorun = last time step of a run. always false except during the ! last time step of the run. ! eoday = true when within 1/2 time step of the end of a day ! else ... false ! eoweek = true when within 1/2 time step of the end of a 7 day ! week (referenced to the start of a year) else ...false ! eo2wks = true when within 1/2 time step of the end of two weeks ! (referenced to the start of a year) else ... false ! midmon = true when within 1/2 time step of the middle of a month ! else ... false ! eomon = true when within 1/2 time step of the end of a month ! else ... false ! eoyear = true when within 1/2 time step of the end of a year ! else ... false ! osegs = true on the 1st time step of an ocean segment in mom.F ! otherwise false. ! osege = true on the last time step of an ocean segment in mom.F ! otherwise false. character(8) :: rununits common /switc_c/ rununits integer nmix, ieoday,ieoweek,ieo2wks integer ieomon,imidmon,ieoyear,ieorun common /switc_i/ nmix, ieoday,ieoweek,ieo2wks common /switc_i/ ieomon,imidmon,ieoyear,ieorun logical eb, leapfrog, euler1, euler2, forward, eots logical init, first, restrt, itavg, itmb, itrmb, igyre logical eoday, eoweek, eo2wks, eomon, midmon, eoyear, eorun common /switc_l/ eb, leapfrog, euler1, euler2, forward, eots common /switc_l/ init, first, restrt common /switc_l/ itavg, itmb, itrmb, igyre common /switc_l/ eoday, eoweek, eo2wks common /switc_l/ eomon, midmon, eoyear, eorun logical init_time, init_time_in, init_time_out common /switc_l/ init_time, init_time_in, init_time_out real runlen, rundays common /switc_r/ runlen, rundays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! S W I T C H E S B A S E D O N A N I N T E R V A L ! each interval switch needs three variables in common. The ! following naming convention is used. ! 1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output (e.g,. glenint) ! 2) a switch (logical) for the interval (e.g., glents ) ! the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager ! to support calculation of the logical switch ! 3) an index (integer) (e.g., iglenint) ! the user must specify the interval [e.g., glenint] for diagnostic ! output in units of days. tmngr sets the corresponding logical ! switch [e.g., glents] every time step. It is set to true when ! within half a time step of the requested interval, otherwise it is ! false. All decisions relating to the interval [e.g., glenint] ! are based on the logical switch [e.g., glents]. ! internal time structures ! The switch index [e.g., iglenint] is used to subsrcipt into ! internal arrays maintained by tmngr.F. The switch index is ! allocated on the first call to function "alarm". ! The array entry [e.g., iinterval(iglenint)] is a time index to the ! internal representation of the interval [e.g., glenint]. ! The array entry [e.g., ialarm(iglenint)] is a time index to the ! next time the alarm will be true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer itavgint, iglenint, itrmbint, iprxzint common /switc_i/ itavgint, iglenint, itrmbint, iprxzint logical tavgts, glents, trmbts, prxzts common /switc_l/ tavgts, glents, trmbts, prxzts real tavgint, glenint, trmbint, prxzint common /switc_r/ tavgint, glenint, trmbint, prxzint integer iextint, iexconvint, icmixint common /switc_i/ iextint, iexconvint, icmixint logical extts, exconvts, cmixts common /switc_l/ extts, exconvts, cmixts real extint, exconvint, cmixint common /switc_r/ extint, exconvint, cmixint integer ivmsfint, igyreint, ityzint, ifctint common /switc_i/ ivmsfint, igyreint, ityzint, ifctint logical vmsfts, gyrets, tyzts, fctts common /switc_l/ vmsfts, gyrets, tyzts, fctts real vmsfint, gyreint, tyzint, fctint common /switc_r/ vmsfint, gyreint, tyzint, fctint integer istabint, izmbcint, icrossint, idensityint common /switc_i/ istabint, izmbcint, icrossint, idensityint logical stabts, zmbcts, crossts, densityts common /switc_l/ stabts, zmbcts, crossts, densityts real stabint, zmbcint, crossint, densityint common /switc_r/ stabint, zmbcint, crossint, densityint integer iosegs, iosege common /switc_i/ iosegs, iosege logical osegs, osege common /switc_l/ osegs, osege real segtim common /switc_r/ segtim integer irestint common /switc_i/ irestint logical restts common /switcl/ restts real restint common /switcr/ restint !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! S W I T C H E S B A S E D O N A N I N T E R V A L ! A N D A V E R A G I N G P E R I O D ! each averaging period switch needs five variables in common. The ! following naming convention is used. ! 1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output (e.g. xbtint ) ! 2) a switch (logical) for the interval (e.g. xbtts ) ! 3) an averaging period (real) (e.g. xbtper ) ! 4) a switch (logical) for accumulating (e.g. xbtperts) ! the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager ! to support calculation of the logical switches ! 5) an index (integer) (e.g. ixbtint ) ! The user must specify the interval [e.g., xbtint] for diagnostic ! output in units of days and the averaging period [e.g., xbtper] ! in units of days. The averaging period may be less than or equal ! to the interval. For example, if the interval is 30.0 days and the ! averaging period is 5.0 days, results will be averaged over all ! time steps within days 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. An averaging period ! of 0.0 days averages over the last time step of the interval (as ! does xbtper = dt), and an averaging period less than zero turns ! the switches off for all time steps. ! The logical switch for writing output at the specified interval ! [e.g., xbtts] is set to true on the last time step of the ! averaging period. The logical switch for accumulating results ! [e.g., xbtperts] is true for all time steps within the averaging ! period, otherwise it is false. ! internal time structures ! The index [e.g., ixbtint] is allocated on the first call to ! function "avg_alarm". The array element iperiod(ixbtint) is an ! index to the time structure for the internal representation of ! "xbtper", and ilastsw(ixbtint) is the index of the switch that ! flags the last time step of the accumulation period. ! Depending on use, ilastsw(ixbtint) may either be the index ! of another "named" switch or the index of a new switch ! allocated on the first time step. ! In the latter case, iinterval(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of ! the time structure where "xbtint" is stored in internal form, ! and ialarm(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of the time when an ! accumulation period will next end. ! The variable nextts(ixbtint) is true whenever the next ! time step will begin the accumulation period. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer ixbtint, idspint, itmbint, itimavgint common /switc_i/ ixbtint, idspint, itmbint, itimavgint logical xbtts, dspts, tmbts, timavgts logical xbtperts, dspperts, tmbperts, timavgperts common /switc_l/ xbtts, dspts, tmbts, timavgts common /switc_l/ xbtperts, dspperts, tmbperts, timavgperts real xbtint, dspint, tmbint, timavgint real xbtper, dspper, tmbper, timavgper common /switc_r/ xbtint, dspint, tmbint, timavgint common /switc_r/ xbtper, dspper, tmbper, timavgper integer itbtint, itsiint common /switc_i/ itbtint, itsiint logical tbtts, tsits logical tbtperts, tsiperts common /switc_l/ tbtts, tsits common /switc_l/ tbtperts, tsiperts real tbtint, tsiint real tbtper, tsiper common /switc_r/ tbtint, tsiint common /switc_r/ tbtper, tsiper !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! S W I T C H E S B A S E D O N ! C A L E N D A R O R P R E V I O U S S W I T C H ! A N D A V E R A G I N G P E R I O D ! the following logical switches are based on any calendar or ! interval switch and an averaging period (in days). The averaging ! period must be less than or equal to the interval. The last ! time step of the averaging period is at the end of the interval. ! If the averaging period is set to zero, the averaging period ! consists only of the last time period of the interval. If ! the averaging period is less than zero, these switches are always ! false. ! each averaging period switch needs four variables in common. For ! example, if the averaging period is before the end of each month ! then the calendar switch (eomon), and index (ieomon) are presumed ! to exist in common and need not be added. ! Additionally, four items are needed. ! 1) an averaging period (real) (e.g. testper ) ! 2) a switch (logical) for accumulating results (e.g. testperts) ! 3) a switch (logical) for the end of interval (e.g. testts ) ! the fourth is an internal variable needed by the time manager ! to support calculation of the logical switch ! 4) an index (integer) (e.g. itestper ) ! Suppose it is required to produce averages over all time steps ! during the last 5 days of each month. Then "testper" = 5.0 and ! the following will calculate the accumulating switch. ! testts = avg_alarm(itestper, ihalfstep, 0, testper, iref, ieomon) ! testperts = on(itestper) ! Note the use of "ieomon" to key off the months. The switch ! "testts" will be true whenever "eomon" is true. ! Also note that when an averaging switch is keyed off another ! switch, the switch interval argument is not used, but is ! retained for consistency with the form of other averaging ! switches. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer maxsw parameter (maxsw=100) integer itestper, nsw, ialarm, iinterval, iperiod, ilastsw common /switc_i/ itestper, nsw, ialarm(maxsw), iinterval(maxsw) common /switc_i/ iperiod(maxsw), ilastsw(maxsw) logical testts, testperts, cplts, tsicpl, tavgcpl, on, lastts logical nextts, eoseg common /switc_l/ testts, testperts, cplts, tsicpl, tavgcpl, eoseg common /switc_l/ on(maxsw), lastts(maxsw), nextts(maxsw) real testint, testper common /switc_r/ testint, testper