! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/mom/tbt.h !====================== include file "tbt.h" =========================== ! ntbtts = number of tracer term balance time steps ! tbt = time averagred term balances of tracers ! (1) = total time rate of change for the tracer ! (2) = change due to zonal nonlinear term (UT)x ! (3) = change due to meridional nonlinear term (VT)y ! (4) = change due to vertical nonlinear term (WT)z ! (5) = change due to zonal diffusion: Ah*Txx ! (6) = change due to meridional diffusion: Ah*Tyy ! (7) = change due to vertical diffusion: kappa_h*Tzz ! (8) = change due to source term ! (9) = change due to explicit convection ! (10) = change due to filtering ! (11) = average tracer within volume (tracer units)