! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/mom/termbal.F subroutine utb1 (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) !======================================================================= ! accumulate terms in the momentum equations over the ! volume of the specified regions ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! n = velocity component !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, k, j, n, jrow, js, je, joff, is, ie, nreg real adv_ux, adv_uy, adv_uz, adv_metric, diff_ux, diff_uz real diff_uy, diff_metric, coriolis, fx, boxvol, term, dudx real dvdy, dwdz include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "diag.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "vmixc.h" include "fdifm.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set local constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fx = csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate terms for all regions within the current jrow !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km do i=is,ie nreg = nhreg*(mskvr(k)-1) + mskhr(i,jrow) if (nreg .gt. 0 .and. mskhr(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then boxvol = fx*dxu(i)*dzt(k) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pressure term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -umask(i,k,j)*grad_p(i,k,j,n) call addto (termbm(k,2,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zonal advection (flux form) of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -umask(i,k,j)*ADV_Ux(i,k,j) call addto (termbm(k,3,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure zonal advection of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - U(U)x = U(U)x - (UU)x (when n=1) ! - U(V)x = V(U)x - (UV)x (when n=2) dudx = (adv_veu(i,k,j)-adv_veu(i-1,k,j))*dxur(i) & *csur(jrow) term = umask(i,k,j)*(u(i,k,j,n,tau)*dudx - ADV_Ux(i,k,j)) call addto (termbm(k,14,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! advective metric term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = ADV_metric(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbm(k,13,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! meridional advection (flux form) of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -umask(i,k,j)*ADV_Uy(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbm(k,4,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure meridional advection of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - V(U)y = U(V)y - (VU)y (when n=1) ! - V(V)y = V(V)y - (VV)y (when n=2) dvdy = (adv_vnu(i,k,j)-adv_vnu(i,k,j-1))*dyur(jrow) & *csur(jrow) term = umask(i,k,j)*(u(i,k,j,n,tau)*dvdy & - ADV_Uy(i,k,j,jrow,n)) call addto (termbm(k,15,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! vertical advection (flux form) of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -umask(i,k,j)*ADV_Uz(i,k,j) call addto (termbm(k,5,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure vertical advection of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - W(U)z = U(W)z - (WU)z (when n=1) ! - W(V)z = V(W)z - (WV)z (when n=2) dwdz = (adv_vbu(i,k-1,j)-adv_vbu(i,k,j))*dztr(k) term = umask(i,k,j)*(u(i,k,j,n,tau)*dwdz - ADV_Uz(i,k,j)) call addto (termbm(k,16,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zonal diffusion of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Ux(i,k,j) call addto (termbm(k,6,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! meridional diffusion of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Uy(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbm(k,7,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diffusive metric term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*DIFF_metric(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbm(k,9,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! vertical diffusion of momentum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Uz(i,k,j) call addto (termbm(k,8,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! coriolis term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*CORIOLIS(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbm(k,10,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate the source term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*source(i,k,j) call addto (termbm(k,11,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate u, v, and w !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*u(i,k,j,n,tau) call addto (termbm(k,17,n,nreg), term*boxvol) if (n .eq. 2) then term = p5*(adv_vbu(i,k,j)+adv_vbu(i,k-1,j))*umask(i,k,j) call addto (avgw(nreg), term*boxvol) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate the surface momentum flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (k .eq. 1) then term = umask(i,k,j)*smf(i,j,n) call addto (smflx(n,nreg), term*fx*dxu(i)) endif endif enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine utb2 (joff, js, je, is, ie, c2dtuv, acor) !======================================================================= ! accumulate external mode parts of d/dt and the implicit coriolis ! term in the momentum equations over the volume in the specified ! regions ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! c2dtuv = (2*dtuv,dtuv) on (lpfrod,mixing) time steps ! acor = implicit factor !======================================================================= implicit none integer j, js, je, jrow, joff, n, k, i, is, ie, nreg real r2dt, c2dtuv, fx, boxvol, term, acor include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "diag.h" include "grdvar.h" include "mw.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- r2dt = c1/c2dtuv do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fx = csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow) do n=1,2 do k=1,km do i=is,ie nreg = nhreg*(mskvr(k)-1) + mskhr(i,jrow) if (nreg .gt. 0 .and. mskhr(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then boxvol = fx*dxu(i)*dzt(k) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! d/dt of velocity (external mode part of tau+1 will be ! added later when the external mode is solved) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = umask(i,k,j)*(u(i,k,j,n,taup1) - & u(i,k,j,n,taum1))*r2dt call addto (termbm(k,1,n,nreg), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit coriolis term (external mode part will be added ! later when external mode is solved) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (acor .ne. c0) then term = umask(i,k,j)*acor*cori(i,jrow,n)* & (u(i,k,j,3-n,taup1) - u(i,k,j,3-n,taum1)) call addto (termbm(k,10,n,nreg), term*boxvol) endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine utb3 !======================================================================= ! accumulate external mode parts of d/dt, the implicit coriolis ! term and the surface pressure gradientsover the volume in the ! specified regions. !======================================================================= implicit none integer is, ie, js, je, jrow, i, kz, k, n real fddt, fspr, atosp, f1, uext, vext, boxfac, boxspr, boxacr include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "grdvar.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "diag.h" parameter (is=1, ie=1, js=1, je=1) real psgrad(is:ie,js:je,2) do jrow=1,jmt-1 fddt = csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow)/c2dtuv fspr = csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow) do i=2,imtm1 atosp = acor*cori(i,jrow,1) f1 = atosp*csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow) kz = kmu(i,jrow) if (kz .ne. 0) then do k=1,kz n = nhreg*(mskvr(k)-1) + mskhr(i,jrow) if (n .gt. 0 .and. mskhr(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then ! construct the surface pressure gradients for pt (i,jrow) if (k .eq. 1) then call calc_psgrad(psgrad, uext, vext, jrow, jrow, i, i) endif boxfac = fddt*dxu(i)*dzt(k) boxspr = fspr*dxu(i)*dzt(k) termbm(k,1,1,n) = termbm(k,1,1,n) + uext*boxfac termbm(k,1,2,n) = termbm(k,1,2,n) + vext*boxfac termbm(k,12,1,n) = termbm(k,12,1,n) - & psgrad(is,js,1)*boxspr termbm(k,12,2,n) = termbm(k,12,2,n) - & psgrad(is,js,2)*boxspr boxacr = f1*dxu(i)*dzt(k) termbm(k,10,1,n) = termbm(k,10,1,n) + vext*boxacr termbm(k,10,2,n) = termbm(k,10,2,n) - uext*boxacr endif enddo endif enddo enddo return end subroutine ttb1 (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) !======================================================================= ! accumulate terms in the tracer equations over the volume in the ! specified regions ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! n = tracer component !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, k, j, ip, kr, jq, n, jp, jrow, istrt, is, iend, ie, js integer je, joff, nreg real t_i, t_j, dz_t2r, dz_tr, dz_wtr, dx_t2r, dx_tr, dy_t2r real dy_tr, adv_tx, adv_ty, adv_tz, adv_txiso, adv_tyiso real adv_tziso, diff_tx, diff_ty, diff_tz, fx, area, boxvol real term, r2dt, dudx, dvdy, dwdz include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "accel.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "diag.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "vmixc.h" include "isopyc.h" include "fdift.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! limit the longitude indices !----------------------------------------------------------------------- istrt = max(2,is) iend = min(imt-1,ie) do j=js,je jrow = j + joff !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set local constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fx = cst(jrow)*dyt(jrow) do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend nreg = nhreg*(mskvr(k)-1) + mskhr(i,jrow) if (nreg .gt. 0 .and. mskhr(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then area = fx*dxt(i) boxvol = area*dzt(k) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*t(i,k,j,n,tau) call addto (termbt(k,15,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,15,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! d(tracer)/dt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- r2dt = c1/(c2dtts*dtxcel(k)) term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,taup1) - & t(i,k,j,n,taum1))*r2dt call addto (termbt(k,9,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,9,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zonal advection (flux form) of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -tmask(i,k,j)*ADV_Tx(i,k,j) call addto (termbt(k,2,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,2,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure zonal advection of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - U(T)x = T(U)x - (UT)x dudx = (adv_vet(i,k,j)-adv_vet(i-1,k,j))*dxtr(i) & *cstr(jrow) term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,tau)*dudx - ADV_Tx(i,k,j)) call addto (termbt(k,11,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,11,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! meridional advection (flux form) of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -tmask(i,k,j)*ADV_Ty(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbt(k,3,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,3,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure meridional advection of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - V(T)y = T(V)y - (VT)y dvdy = (adv_vnt(i,k,j)-adv_vnt(i,k,j-1))*dytr(jrow) & *cstr(jrow) term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,tau)*dvdy & - ADV_Ty(i,k,j,jrow,n)) call addto (termbt(k,12,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,12,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! vertical advection (flux form) of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = -tmask(i,k,j)*ADV_Tz(i,k,j) call addto (termbt(k,4,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,4,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure vertical advection of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - W(T)z = T(W)z - (WT)z dwdz = (adv_vbt(i,k-1,j)-adv_vbt(i,k,j))*dztr(k) term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,tau)*dwdz - ADV_Tz(i,k,j)) call addto (termbt(k,13,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,13,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zonal diffusion of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Tx(i,k,j) call addto (termbt(k,5,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,5,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! meridional diffusion of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Ty(i,k,j,jrow,n) call addto (termbt(k,6,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,6,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! vertical diffusion of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*DIFF_Tz(i,k,j) & + tmask(i,k,j)*zzi(i,k,j) call addto (termbt(k,7,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,7,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! tracer source term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*source(i,k,j) call addto (termbt(k,8,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,8,n,0), term*boxvol) if (k .eq. 1) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! surface tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*t(i,k,j,n,tau) call addto (asst(n,nreg), term*area) call addto (asst(n,0), term*area) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! surface tracer flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*stf(i,j,n) call addto (stflx(n,nreg), term*area) call addto (stflx(n,0), term*area) endif endif enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine ttb2 (joff, js, je, is, ie, iterm) !======================================================================= ! accumulate d/dt and change in tracer in the tracer equations over ! the volume in the specified regions ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! iterm = 1 => total change ! iterm = 10 => change due to filtering !======================================================================= implicit none integer iterm, j, js, je, jrow, joff, n, k, i, is, ie, nreg real fx, r2dt, area, boxvol, term include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "accel.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "diag.h" include "grdvar.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" if (iterm .ne. 1 .and. iterm .ne. 10) then write (stdout,*) '=>Error: iterm=',iterm,' in ttb2' stop '=>ttb2' endif do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fx = cst(jrow)*dyt(jrow) do n=1,nt do k=1,km r2dt = c1/(c2dtts*dtxcel(k)) do i=is,ie nreg = nhreg*(mskvr(k)-1) + mskhr(i,jrow) if (nreg .gt. 0 .and. mskhr(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then area = fx*dxt(i) boxvol = area*dzt(k) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! d/dt(tracer) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,taup1) - & t(i,k,j,n,taum1))*r2dt call addto (termbt(k,iterm,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,iterm,n,0), term*boxvol) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! change in variance of tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iterm .eq. 1) then term = tmask(i,k,j)*(t(i,k,j,n,taup1)**2- & t(i,k,j,n,taum1)**2) call addto (termbt(k,14,n,nreg), term*boxvol) call addto (termbt(k,14,n,0), term*boxvol) endif endif enddo enddo enddo enddo return end