! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mom/timeavgs.F subroutine avgset (xt, xu, yt, yu, zt, zw, imkmax &, cvxz, cvx, cvy, cvz, javgr, imav, jmav, levav) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup the "averaging" grid for use with option "time_averages" in ! MOM for accumulating and saving time averaged data. ! Warning: whenever the definition of this time averaging ! grid is changed below, it must be re-installed by ! running the "timeavgs.F" module. ! input: ! imt = number of longitudes in the MOM grid ! jmt = number of latitudes in the MOM grid ! km = number of levels in the MOM grid ! xt = longitudinal coordinates of "t" points (deg) ! xu = longitudinal coordinates of "u" points (deg) ! yt = latitudinal coordinates of "t" points (deg) ! yu = latitudinal coordinates of "u" points (deg) ! zt = depth of "t" points (cm) ! zw = depth of "w" points (bottom of "t" cells) (cm) ! imkmax= imt*km for dimensioning purposes ! output: ! cvxz = indicates points in (i,k) plane for time averaging data ! cvx = indicates points in longitude for time averaging data ! cvy = indicates points in latitude for time averaging data ! cvz = indicates points in depth for time averaging data ! javgr = number of the latitude row containing averaging points ! imav = number of longitudinal points for averaging data ! jmav = number of latitudinal points for averaging data ! levav = number of depth points for averaging data !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer imkmax, jrow, i, k, j, imav, jmav, levav, lcvxz integer lcvx, lcvy, lcvz real cksum, checksum include "size.h" include "stdunits.h" integer cvxz(imkmax), cvx(imt), cvy(jmt), cvz(km), javgr(jmt) logical savex(imt), savey(jmt), savez(km) real xt(imt), xu(imt), yt(jmt), yu(jmt), zt(km), zw(km) real xtav(imt), xuav(imt), ytav(jmt), yuav(jmt) real ztav(km), zwav(km) ! initialize all points as not being on the "averaging" grid ! savex(i) = (t,f) implies that the model grid point longitude ! corresponding to grid point index "i" (is, is not) ! on the "averaging" grid ! savey(j) = (t,f) implies that the model grid point latitude ! corresponding to grid point index "j" (is, is not) ! on the "averaging" grid ! savez(k) = (t,f) implies that the model grid point depth ! correspondingto grid point index "k" (is, is not) ! on the "averaging" grid ! a particular grid point with index (i,j,k) is on the "averaging" ! grid when "savex(i)", "savey(j)", & "savez(k)" are all true. do jrow=1,jmt savey(jrow) = .true. enddo do i=1,imt savex(i) = .true. enddo do k=1,km savez(k) = .true. enddo savey(1) = .false. savey(jmt) = .false. ! save indices for jrows which define the "averaging" grid j = 0 do jrow=1,jmt javgr(jrow) = 0 if (savey(jrow)) then j = j + 1 javgr(jrow) = j endif enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the size of the "averaging" grid !---------------------------------------------------------------------- imav = 0 do i=1,imt if (savex(i)) imav = imav+1 enddo jmav = 0 do jrow=1,jmt if (savey(jrow)) jmav = jmav + 1 enddo levav = 0 do k=1,km if (savez(k)) levav = levav + 1 enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! establish control vectors for gathering data from the MOM grid ! onto the "averaging" grid !---------------------------------------------------------------------- lcvxz = 0 do k=1,km if (savez(k)) then do i=1,imt if (savex(i)) then lcvxz = lcvxz + 1 cvxz(lcvxz) = (k-1)*imt + i endif enddo endif enddo lcvx = 0 do i=1,imt if (savex(i)) then lcvx = lcvx + 1 cvx(lcvx) = i endif enddo lcvy = 0 do jrow=1,jmt if (savey(jrow)) then lcvy = lcvy + 1 cvy(lcvy) = jrow endif enddo lcvz = 0 do k=1,km if (savez(k)) then lcvz = lcvz + 1 cvz(lcvz) = k endif enddo do i=1,imav xtav(i) = xt(cvx(i)) xuav(i) = xu(cvx(i)) enddo do j=1,jmav ytav(j) = yt(cvy(j)) yuav(j) = yu(cvy(j)) enddo do k=1,levav ztav(k) = zt(cvz(k)) zwav(k) = zw(cvz(k)) enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! show the "averaging" grid coordinates !---------------------------------------------------------------------- write (stdout,'(//,20x,a)') & 'T I M E A V E R A G E S G R I D I N I T I A L I Z E D' write (stdout,'(//1x,a,/)') & ' Time averages will be taken at the following grid points:' write (stdout,9900) imav,' grid "t" longitudes:' &, (xtav(i),i=1,imav) write (stdout,9900) imav,' grid "v" longitudes:' &, (xuav(i),i=1,imav) write (stdout,9900) jmav,' grid "t" latitudes:' &, (ytav(j),j=1,jmav) write (stdout,9900) jmav,' grid "v" latitudes:' &, (yuav(j),j=1,jmav) write (stdout,9900) levav,' "t" grid depths:' &, (ztav(k),k=1,levav) write (stdout,9900) levav,' "w" grid depths:' &, (zwav(k),k=1,levav) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute a grid checksum !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cksum = 0.0 cksum = cksum + checksum (xtav, imav, 1) cksum = cksum + checksum (ytav, jmav, 1) cksum = cksum + checksum (ztav, levav, 1) cksum = cksum + checksum (xuav, imav, 1) cksum = cksum + checksum (yuav, jmav, 1) cksum = cksum + checksum (zwav, levav, 1) write (stdout,'(/)') write (stdout,*) 'Time average grid checksum = ',cksum write (stdout,'(/)') return 9900 format (1x,i4,a,/ (1x,10f10.2)) end subroutine avgvar (j, jrow, w, varu, vart, stf, smf, mapt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! "avgvar" produces a four-dimensional dataset of time averaged ! quantities on a grid defined by the "timeavgs.F" module. ! this grid may be the entire MOM grid, a region of it, or any ! coarser subset of it. For example: ! if MOM uses a 2 deg x 2 deg grid, the "averaging" grid ! could be a 6 deg x 8 deg subset of part or the entire domain. ! spatial resolution of the "averaging" grid is controlled in ! the USER INPUT section of "avgset". ! how to use: ! 1) set up the "averaging" grid in "avgset" (in this module) ! 2) run this "timeavgs.F" module and follow its directions ! 3) enable the "time_averages" option !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character(120) :: fname character(32) :: nstamp integer ntrec, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec integer n3dvar, n3dtra, n3dvam, n2dvar, imkmav, imjmav, lenrow integer javgr, jrow, jav, n, i, j, nvel, navgts, jj, l, k, is integer ie, navgp, imav, jmav, levav, cvxz, cvx, cvy, cvz real spbuf, spbuf2, rnavgt, rnta_conv, rnta_sscar, rnta_botcar real avg3d, avg2d, time, ztav, xuav, ytav, zwav, xtav, yuav, tmp include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "levind.h" include "cregin.h" include "timeavgs.h" include "npzd.h" ! the following parameters are needed to define the workspace area ! n3dvar = # of 3d fields (# of prognostic variables + one for w) ! n2dvar = # of 2d fields ("stf(nt)","smf(2)", and "psi") parameter (n3dvar=nt+2+1, n3dtra=nt) parameter (n3dvam=n3dvar-1, n2dvar=nt+2+1) parameter (imkmav=imtav*kmav, imjmav=imtav*jmtav &, lenrow=imkmav*n3dvar+imtav*n2dvar) common /avgblk/ xtav(imtav), xuav(imtav), ytav(jmtav+2) common /avgblk/ yuav(jmtav+2), ztav(kmav), zwav(kmav) common /avgblk/ avg3d(imkmav,n3dvar), avg2d(imtav,n2dvar) common /avgblk/ spbuf(imkmav,n3dvar,jmtav) common /avgblk/ spbuf2(imtav,n2dvar,jmtav) character(12) :: name3d, name2d common /avgblc/ name3d(n3dvar), name2d(n2dvar+1) character(10) :: mapt(nt), mapta(nt) common /avgblc/ mapta ! imav = number of points in longitude on the "averaging" grid ! jmav = number of points in latitude on the "averaging" grid ! levav = number of points in depth on the "averaging" grid ! javgr = "averaging" grid "jrow" number. it maps "jrow" on the ! MOM grid into a "jrow" on the "averaging" grid. ! cvxz = control vector used in gathering data from array ! dimensioned (imt,km) into one dimensioned (imav,levav) ! cvx = control vector used in gathering data from array ! dimensioned (imt) into one dimensioned (imav) ! cvy = control vector used in gathering data from array ! dimensioned (jmt) into one dimensioned (jmav) ! cvz = control vector used in gathering data from array ! dimensioned (km) into one dimensioned (levav) ! navgts = a counter for tracking the number of time steps ! within an averaging period. ! navgp = a counter for tracking the number of averaging ! periods. common /avgbli/ cvxz(imtkm), cvx(imt), cvy(jmt), cvz(km) common /avgbli/ javgr(jmt), imav, jmav, levav, navgts, navgp include "coord.h" include "docnam.h" include "csbc.h" include "emode.h" include "grdvar.h" include "iounit.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" real varu(imtkm,jmw,2), w(imtkm) real vart(imtkm,jmw,n3dtra) real stf(imt,1:jmw,nt), smf(imt,1:jmw,2) real tmask(imt,km), umask(imt,km) mapta(:) = mapt(:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! only process those "jrows" that are on the "averaging" grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (javgr(jrow) .ne. 0) then jav = javgr(jrow) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integrate three dimensional data only on those longitudes ! that are included in the "averaging" grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,n3dtra do i=1,imkmav spbuf(i,n,jav) = spbuf(i,n,jav) + vart(cvxz(i),j,n) enddo enddo do n=1,2 do i=1,imkmav nvel = n + n3dtra spbuf(i,nvel,jav) = spbuf(i,nvel,jav) + varu(cvxz(i),j,n) enddo enddo n = n3dvar do i=1,imkmav spbuf(i,n,jav) = spbuf(i,n,jav) + w(cvxz(i)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integrate two dimensional fields only on those longitudes ! that are included in the "averaging" grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,n2dvar if (n .le. nt) then if (trim(mapt(n)).ne.'temp' .and. trim(mapt(n)).ne.'salt') & then do i=1,imtav spbuf2(i,n,jav) = spbuf2(i,n,jav) + stf(cvx(i),j,n) & - vflux(i,jrow)*gaost(n) enddo else do i=1,imtav spbuf2(i,n,jav) = spbuf2(i,n,jav) + stf(cvx(i),j,n) enddo endif elseif (n .lt. n2dvar) then do i=1,imtav spbuf2(i,n,jav) = spbuf2(i,n,jav) + smf(cvx(i),j,n-nt) enddo else do i=1,imtav spbuf2(i,n,jav) = spbuf2(i,n,jav) + psi(cvx(i),jrow,1) enddo endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update integration counter once per time step on the last row !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (jav .eq. jmtav) navgts = navgts + 1 endif return entry avgout !======================================================================= ! output all averaged quantities !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct time mean quantities on the "averaging" grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rnavgt = c1/navgts rnta_conv = 0. if (nta_conv .gt. 0) rnta_conv = c1/nta_conv rnta_sscar = 0. if (nta_sscar .gt. 0) rnta_sscar = c1/nta_sscar do jj=1,jmtav ! construct the time average do n=1,n3dvar do l=1,imkmav avg3d(l,n) = rnavgt*spbuf(l,n,jj) enddo enddo do n=1,n2dvar do l=1,imtav avg2d(l,n) = rnavgt*spbuf2(l,n,jj) enddo enddo do k=1,km do i=2,imtav ta_vetiso(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_vetiso(i,k,jj+1) ta_vntiso(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_vntiso(i,k,jj+1) ta_vbtiso(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_vbtiso(i,k,jj+1) enddo enddo do k=1,km do i=2,imtav ta_dc14(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_dc14(i,k,jj+1) enddo enddo do k=1,kpzd do i=2,imtav ta_rnpp(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rnpp(i,k,jj+1) ta_rgraz(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rgraz(i,k,jj+1) ta_rgraz_Z(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rgraz_Z(i,k,jj+1) ta_rgraz_Det(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rgraz_Det(i,k,jj+1) ta_rmorp(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rmorp(i,k,jj+1) ta_rmorpt(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rmorpt(i,k,jj+1) ta_rmorz(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rmorz(i,k,jj+1) ta_rexcr(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rexcr(i,k,jj+1) ta_rnpp_D(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rnpp_D(i,k,jj+1) ta_rgraz_D(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rgraz_D(i,k,jj+1) ta_rmorp_D(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rmorp_D(i,k,jj+1) ta_rnfix(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rnfix(i,k,jj+1) enddo enddo do k=1,km do i=2,imtav ta_rremi(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rremi(i,k,jj+1) ta_rexpo(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rexpo(i,k,jj+1) ta_rexpocal(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rexpocal(i,k,jj+1) ta_rdeni(i,k,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rdeni(i,k,jj+1) enddo enddo do i=2,imtav ta_rprocal(i,jj+1) = rnavgt*ta_rprocal(i,jj+1) enddo do i=2,imtav ta_totalk(i,jj+1) = rnta_conv*ta_totalk(i,jj+1) ta_vdepth(i,jj+1) = rnta_conv*ta_vdepth(i,jj+1) ta_pe(i,jj+1) = rnta_conv*ta_pe(i,jj+1) enddo do i=2,imtav ! pH is really H+ until the final averaging if (ta_sspH(i,jj+1) .gt. 0.) & ta_sspH(i,jj+1) = -alog10(rnta_sscar*ta_sspH(i,jj+1)) ta_ssCO3(i,jj+1) = rnta_sscar*ta_ssCO3(i,jj+1) ta_ssOc(i,jj+1) = rnta_sscar*ta_ssOc(i,jj+1) ta_ssOa(i,jj+1) = rnta_sscar*ta_ssOa(i,jj+1) ta_sspCO2(i,jj+1) = rnta_sscar*ta_sspCO2(i,jj+1) enddo tmask(:,:) = c0 umask(:,:) = c0 do i=1,imtav if (kmt(i,jj+1) .gt. 0) tmask(i,1:kmt(i,jj+1)) = c1 if (kmu(i,jj+1) .gt. 0) umask(i,1:kmt(i,jj+1)) = c1 enddo if (jj .eq. 1) ntrec = 0 is = 1 ie = imt time = year0 + accel_yr0 + (relyr - accel_yr0)*accel call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) nyear = time call mkstmp (nstamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) avgtimtavg = time avgpertavg = dtts*navgts*secday if (avgpertavg .le. 1e-6) avgpertavg = 0. tmp = 0.5 avgtimtavg = avgtimtavg - tmp*avgpertavg/365. if (jj .eq. 1) call def_tavg call def_tavg_mom (fname) call mom_tavg_out (fname, is, ie, jj+1, jj+1, imt, jmt, km, nt &, xt, yt, zt, xu, yu, zw, dxt, dyt, dzt, dxu, dyu, dzw &, avgpertavg, avgtimtavg, nstamp, mapta, avg3d(1,1) &, avg3d(1,nt+1), avg3d(1,nt+2), avg3d(1,nt+3), avg2d(is,1) &, avg2d(is,nt+1), avg2d(is,nt+2), redctn &, ta_vetiso(is,1,jj+1), ta_vntiso(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_vbtiso(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_dc14(is,1,jj+1) &, kpzd, ta_rnpp(is,1,jj+1), ta_rgraz(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rmorp(is,1,jj+1), ta_rmorpt(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rmorz(is,1,jj+1), ta_rremi(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rexcr(is,1,jj+1), ta_rexpo(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rexpocal(is,1,jj+1), ta_rprocal(is,jj+1) &, ta_rgraz_Z(is,1,jj+1), ta_rgraz_Det(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rnpp_D(is,1,jj+1), ta_rgraz_D(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rmorp_D(is,1,jj+1), ta_rnfix(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_rdeni(is,1,jj+1) &, ta_totalk(is,jj+1), ta_vdepth(is,jj+1), ta_pe(is,jj+1) &, ta_sspH(is,jj+1), ta_ssCO3(is,jj+1), ta_ssOc(is,jj+1) &, ta_ssOa(is,jj+1), ta_sspCO2(is,jj+1) &, avg2d(is,nt+3) &, kmt(is,jj+1), mskhr(is,jj+1), tmask(is,1), umask(is,1) &, tlat(is,jj+1), tlon(is,jj+1), ulat(is,jj+1), ulon(is,jj+1) &, tgarea(is,jj+1), ugarea(is,jj+1), ntrec) if (jj .eq. 1) & write (stdout,'(a,i4,a,a,a,i10,a,a)') '=> Ocn time means # ' &, ntrec, ' written to ',trim(fname),' on ts = ',itt, ', ' &, stamp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero out the "averaging" data the for the next averaging period !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,n3dvar do l=1,imkmav spbuf(l,n,jj) = c0 enddo enddo do n=1,n2dvar do l=1,imtav spbuf2(l,n,jj) = c0 enddo enddo enddo ta_vetiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_vntiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_vbtiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_dc14(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rnpp(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_Z(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_Det(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorp(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorpt(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorz(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexcr(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rremi(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexpo(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexpocal(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rprocal(:,:) = c0 ta_rnpp_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorp_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rdeni(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rnfix(:,:,:) = c0 ta_totalk(:,:) = c0 ta_vdepth(:,:) = c0 ta_pe(:,:) = c0 ta_sspH(:,:) = c0 ta_ssCO3(:,:) = c0 ta_ssOc(:,:) = c0 ta_ssOa(:,:) = c0 ta_sspCO2(:,:) = c0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero out the "averaging" counter for the next averaging period !----------------------------------------------------------------------- navgts = 0 nta_conv = 0 nta_sscar = 0 return entry avgi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize counters for tracking number of time steps within ! an averaging period and the number of averaging periods. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- navgts = 0 navgp = 0 nta_conv = 0 nta_sscar = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! setup the "averaging" grid (data will be time averaged only on ! these grid cells) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call avgset (xt, xu, yt, yu, zt, zw, imtkm &, cvxz, cvx, cvy, cvz, javgr, imav, jmav, levav) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! verify that the "averaging" grid size matches parameters set ! in "timeavgs.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (imav .ne. imtav .or. jmav .ne. jmtav .or. levav .ne. kmav)then write (stdout,*) '=> Error: number of grid points in averaging' &,' grid does not match the parameter setting in timeavgs.h' write (stdout,*) ' imtav=',imtav, ': avgset returns', imav write (stdout,*) ' jmtav=',jmtav, ': avgset returns', jmav write (stdout,*) ' kmav=',kmav, ': avgset returns', levav stop '=>avgi' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize time mean averages to "zero" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do jj=1,jmtav do n=1,n3dvar do l=1,imkmav spbuf(l,n,jj) = c0 enddo enddo do n=1,n2dvar do l=1,imtav spbuf2(l,n,jj) = c0 enddo enddo enddo ta_vetiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_vntiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_vbtiso(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rnpp(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_Z(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_Det(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorp(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorpt(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorz(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexcr(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rremi(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexpo(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rexpocal(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rprocal(:,:) = c0 ta_rnpp_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rgraz_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rmorp_D(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rnfix(:,:,:) = c0 ta_rdeni(:,:,:) = c0 ta_totalk(:,:) = c0 ta_vdepth(:,:) = c0 ta_pe(:,:) = c0 ta_sspH(:,:) = c0 ta_ssCO3(:,:) = c0 ta_ssOc(:,:) = c0 ta_ssOa(:,:) = c0 ta_sspCO2(:,:) = c0 return end