! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/triffid.F subroutine TRIFFID (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, FORW, GAMMA, FRAC_VS &, FRAC_AGR, FRAC_MIN, FRAC_SEED, DENOM_MIN &, BF, G_LEAF, NPP, RESP_S, RESP_W, CS &, RESP_D, CS_D, DZ_GND, SCHDMIN, CS_PART &, SCHDMAX, DMIN_HOLD, PFCDENSE,TRACK_PFC &, SQU_PFC,FZN_SL &, ACTIVELT,KOVDIFF_P,KOVCON,KOVMAX,YEARKOV_SW &, ZBOT,PERMA,CS_P,RESP_P, V_SAT,KOVSAT &, AFp, AF_Ta, iAF, PREG_C &, FRAC, HT, LAI, C_VEG, CV, LIT_C, LIT_C_T) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Simulates changes in vegetation structure, areal ! coverage and the carbon contents of vegetation and soil. ! can be used to advance these variables dynamically ! (GAMMA=1/TIMESTEP) or to iterate toward equilibrium ! (GAMMA --> 0.0, FORW=1.0). !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "mtlm_data.h" include "pconst_triffid.h" ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Indices of land points on which TRIFFID may operate. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS) integer L, N, T ! FORW = IN Forward timestep weighting. ! FRAC_VS = IN Total fraction of gridbox covered by veg or soil. ! GAMMA = IN Inverse timestep (/360days). ! FRAC_AGR = IN Fraction of agriculture. ! FRAC_MIN = IN Minimum areal fraction for PFTs. ! FRAC_SEED = IN "Seed" fraction for PFTs. ! DENOM_MIN = IN Minimum value for the denominator of the update ! equation. Ensures that gradient descent does not lead ! to an unstable solution. ! BF = Burn fraction ! G_LEAF = IN Turnover rate for leaf and fine root biomass ! (/360days). ! NPP = INOUT Net primary productivity (kg C/m2/360days). ! RESP_S = INOUT Soil respiration (kg C/m2/360days). ! RESP_W = INOUT Wood maintenance respiration (kg C/m2/360days). ! CS = INOUT Soil carbon (kg C/m2). ! FRAC = INOUT Fractional cover of each Functional Type. ! HT = INOUT Vegetation height (m). ! LAI = INOUT Leaf area index. ! C_VEG = OUT Total carbon content of the vegetation (kg C/m2). ! CV = OUT Gridbox mean vegetation carbon (kg C/m2). ! LIT_C = OUT Carbon Litter (kg C/m2/360days). ! LIT_C_T = OUT Gridbox mean carbon litter (kg C/m2/360days). ! DCVEG = WORK Change in vegetation carbon during the timestep ! (kg C/m2/timestep). ! DFRAC = WORK Change in areal fraction during the timestep ! (/timestep). ! FRAC_FLUX = WORK PFT fraction to be used in the calculation of ! the gridbox mean fluxes. ! LAI_BAL = WORK Leaf area index in balanced growth state. ! LEAF = WORK Leaf biomass (kg C/m2). ! PC_S = WORK Net carbon flux available for spreading ! (kg C/m2/yr). ! PHEN = WORK Phenological state. ! ROOT = WORK Root biomass (kg C/m2). ! WOOD = WORK Woody biomass (kg C/m2). ! DFRAC_AGR = WORK Increment to areal fraction from agriculture. ! (/timestep). ! DFA = WORK Increment to areal fraction from agriculture that ! is not burnt. (/timestep). real FORW, FRAC_VS(POINTS), GAMMA, FRAC_AGR(POINTS), FRAC_MIN real FRAC_SEED, DENOM_MIN, BF, G_LEAF(POINTS,NPFT) real NPP(POINTS,NPFT), RESP_S(POINTS), RESP_W(POINTS,NPFT) real CS(POINTS), FRAC(POINTS,NTYPE), HT(POINTS,NPFT) real LAI(POINTS,NPFT), C_VEG(POINTS,NPFT), CV(POINTS) real LIT_C(POINTS,NPFT), LIT_C_T(POINTS), DCVEG(POINTS,NPFT) real DFRAC(POINTS,NPFT), FRAC_FLUX, LAI_BAL(POINTS,NPFT) real LEAF(POINTS,NPFT), PC_S(POINTS,NPFT), PHEN(POINTS,NPFT) real ROOT(POINTS,NPFT), WOOD(POINTS,NPFT) real DFRAC_AGR(POINTS,NPFT), DFA ! SCHDMAX = IN maximum depth of active soil carbon integer SCHDMAX ! DZ_GND = IN thickness of each ground layer (m) ! CS_PART = IN partitioning of Litter into subsurface layers ! SCHDMIN = IN active carbon depth tracer (layer #) ! PFCDENSE = IN permafrost carbon density (kg C/m3) ! FZN_SL = IN frozen soil layers (layer #) ! DMIN_HOLD = INOUT holds SCHDMIN from last triffid time-step ! SQU_PFC = INOUT sequestered permafrost carbon (kg C/m2) ! TRACK_PFC = INOUT tracks permafrost carbon (kg C/m2) ! RESP_D = INOUT Soil respiration at depth (kg C/m3/360days). ! CS_D = INOUT Soil carbon at depth (kg C/m3). real DZ_GND(NGND), RESP_D(POINTS,NGND), CS_D(POINTS,NGND) real SCHDMIN(POINTS), CS_PART(SCHDMAX+1,NGND) real DMIN_HOLD(POINTS), PFCDENSE, TRACK_PFC(POINTS) real SQU_PFC(POINTS), FZN_SL(POINTS) ! KOVDIFF_P = IN Parameters for carbon diffusion (m-2) ! KOVCON = IN Constant of diffution (m2a-1) ! KOVMAX = IN Maximum depth of mixing KOVMAX*active layer thickness ! YEARKOV_SW = INOUT Swithch for year count ! CS_P = INOUT Depth varying permafrost carbon density (kg m-3) ! RESP_P = INOUT permafrost carbon respiration at depth (kg C/m3/360days). ! V_SAT = IN Saturated soil porosity ! AFp = INOUT Available fraction permafrost carbon ! AF_Ta = INOUT Available fraction transmutation accumulator ! iAF = Initial available fraction ! PREG_C = Soil carbon in permafrost region both in permafrost and active layer integer YEARKOV_SW real KOVDIFF_P(SCHDMAX,3),KOVCON,KOVMAX,ZBOT(NGND) real ACTIVELT(POINTS),PERMA(POINTS),CS_P(POINTS,NGND) real RESP_P(POINTS,NGND), V_SAT(POINTS,NGND),KOVSAT real AFp(POINTS,NGND),AF_Ta(POINTS,NGND),iAF,PREG_C(POINTS) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Loop through Functional Types !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do N=1,NPFT !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Loop through TRIFFID points !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the balanced-growth leaf area index and the associated leaf, ! wood, root and total vegetation carbon !---------------------------------------------------------------------- LAI_BAL(L,N) = (A_WS(N)*ETA_SL(N)*HT(L,N) & /A_WL(N))**(1.0/(B_WL(N)-1)) LEAF(L,N) = SIGL(N)*LAI_BAL(L,N) ROOT(L,N) = LEAF(L,N) WOOD(L,N) = A_WL(N)*(LAI_BAL(L,N)**B_WL(N)) C_VEG(L,N) = LEAF(L,N) + ROOT(L,N) + WOOD(L,N) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the phenological state !---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHEN(L,N) = LAI(L,N)/LAI_BAL(L,N) enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update vegetation carbon contents !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call VEGCARB (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, N, FORW, GAMMA, DENOM_MIN &, G_LEAF(1,N), NPP(1,N), RESP_W(1,N), LEAF(1,N) &, ROOT(1,N), WOOD(1,N), DCVEG(1,N), PC_S(1,N)) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the new value of Canopy Height, Leaf Area Index and Total ! Vegetation Carbon !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do N=1,NPFT do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) HT(L,N) = WOOD(L,N)/(A_WS(N)*ETA_SL(N)) & *(A_WL(N)/WOOD(L,N))**(1.0/B_WL(N)) LAI_BAL(L,N) = LEAF(L,N)/SIGL(N) LAI(L,N) = PHEN(L,N)*LAI_BAL(L,N) C_VEG(L,N) = LEAF(L,N) + ROOT(L,N) + WOOD(L,N) enddo enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update the areal coverage of each functional type !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call LOTKA (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, C_VEG, FORW, FRAC_VS &, FRAC_AGR, FRAC_MIN, FRAC_SEED, DENOM_MIN, GAMMA &, LAI_BAL, PC_S, FRAC, DFRAC, DFRAC_AGR) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the litter fall from the carbon balance of each vegetation ! type !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) LIT_C_T(L) = 0. do N=1,NPFT DFA = DFRAC_AGR(L,N)*(1. - BF) FRAC_FLUX = FRAC(L,N) - (1. - FORW)*(DFRAC(L,N) + DFA) LIT_C(L,N) = NPP(L,N) - GAMMA/FRAC_FLUX*(C_VEG(L,N)*FRAC(L,N) & - (C_VEG(L,N) - DCVEG(L,N))*(FRAC(L,N) & - DFRAC(L,N) - DFA)) ! NM 27.05.19 disable negative Litter fluxes LIT_C(L,N) = max(c0,LIT_C(L,N)) LIT_C_T(L) = LIT_C_T(L) + FRAC_FLUX*LIT_C(L,N) enddo enddo ! print*, "LIT_C_T = ", LIT_C_T !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call SOILCARB to update the soil carbon content !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call SOILCARB (POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, FORW, GAMMA &, RESP_D, CS_D, DZ_GND, NGND, SCHDMIN &, CS_PART, SCHDMAX, DMIN_HOLD, PFCDENSE &, TRACK_PFC, SQU_PFC, FZN_SL &, ACTIVELT,KOVDIFF_P,KOVCON,KOVMAX,YEARKOV_SW &, ZBOT,PERMA,CS_P,RESP_P,V_SAT,KOVSAT &, AFp, AF_Ta, iAF, PREG_C &, DENOM_MIN, LIT_C_T, RESP_S, CS) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the gridbox mean vegetation carbon !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) CV(L) = 0.0 do N=1,NPFT CV(L) = CV(L) + FRAC(L,N)*C_VEG(L,N) enddo enddo return end