! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/mom/tropic.F subroutine tropic (c2dtsf, acor, f, itt, dtts) !======================================================================= ! S O L V E T H E B A R O T R O P I C E Q U A T I O N ! There are several significant changes made in MOM_2 in the ! calculation of the vertically averaged velocities. ! 1. Based on a 1994 rederivation of the finite difference equations ! for the stream function by Charles Goldberg (GFDL/Princeton ! University/Trenton State College), the coefficients in ! the Poisson equations for dpsi differ slighty from those ! used in MOM_1. Designed to reduce the residuals in the ! finite difference momentum equations, these new equations ! for dpsi seem to be less stiff. Tests on a variety of ! geometries and topographies indicate that the new equations ! converge more rapidly to the same tolerances in all solvers ! at all resolutions. ! 2. In all three Poisson solvers for stream function, the MOM_2 ! default mode is that the values of psi and dpsi are not held ! fixed at zero on the boundary of the "main continent". They ! are allowed to float in the same way that other "island ! boundary" values float. Although this requires an island ! integral to be computed on the boundary of every land mass, it ! also makes the iterative system less stiff, and again results ! in fewer iterations to converge to the same tolerances ! in all solvers at all resolutions. ! Tests indicate that except on architectures where island ! integrals are prohibitively expensive and the stream function ! formulation therefore computationally infeasible, the cost ! of the extra island integrals is small and the savings due ! to reduced numbers of iterations significant. ! The user may specify either a land mass on whose boundary the ! stream function is later normalized to zero or that no post ! solver normalization is to take place. Surface pressures are ! always normalized to have mean zero. Options are also provided ! for turning off the island integrals on the boundaries of ! selected land masses; however, this practice is not recommended. ! 3. The convergence criterion in all three solvers has been ! changed to the following: "stop when the predicted maximum error ! in the solved variable (dpsi or surface pressure) is less than ! the user specified tolerance." Convergence tolerances are now in ! the same units as the variable solved for, and tell the user how ! many digits of the answer are correct.Thus, if one expects a ! maximum dpsi of 1.0e12 and desires convergence to 5 significants ! digits, one chooses a tolerance of 1.0e7. Note that the tolerance ! used in MOM 2 is NOT the same as "crit" in MOM 1. ! The maximum error in the solution is predicted as follows: ! First, convergence of the solver is assumed to be "geometric" in ! the sense that the maximum absolute correction added to the ! solved variable in iteration k is modeled as ! step(k) = step(1)*(convergence_rate)**(k-1) ! The estimated maximum error in the solution after k iterations ! is then bounded by the sum of the missing terms in the geometric ! series truncated after k terms: ! sum {step(i)} = step(k)*convergence_rate/(1.0 - convergence_rate) ! i=k+1,infinity ! Experimental evidence indicates that the convergence rate ! of an iterative solver remains essentially stable over many ! iterations, and that the maximum errors when the solvers are ! stopped by this criterion as compared to solutions obtained ! by allowing the solvers to run to machine precision are indeed ! less than the stated tolerances. !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, jrow, itt, nconv, luptdb, luptd, npt real c2dtsf, dtts, acor, fxa, dpsi1, absmax include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "emode.h" include "grdvar.h" include "iounit.h" include "mw.h" include "switch.h" character(8) :: bc_symm real f(imt,jmt) data nconv /0/ save nconv if (eoyear) nconv = 0 call setbcx (zu(1,1,1), imt, jmt) call setbcx (zu(1,1,2), imt, jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the forcing for the stream function equation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call sfforc (zu, dxu, dyu, csu, ztd) ! filter forcing at high latitudes call filz (ztd, cf) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in solution from 2 previous timesteps for the ! purpose of computing an initial guess for the present solution. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- luptdb = nkflds - mod(itt,2) luptd = nkflds - 1 + mod(itt,2) call oget (kflds, nwds, luptdb, res) call oget (kflds, nwds, luptd, ptd) fxa=c1 if (.not. leapfrog) fxa=p5 do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt ptd(i,jrow) = fxa*(c2*ptd(i,jrow)-res(i,jrow)) enddo enddo do jrow=2,jmtm1 ptd(1,jrow) = ptd(imtm1,jrow) ptd(imt,jrow) = ptd(2,jrow) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! choose 5 or 9 point numerics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize coefficients using 5 point numerics call sfc5pt (acor, f, c2dtsf, dxu, dyu, csu, hr, cf) npt = 5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! choose a method for solving for the "tau+1" stream function change !----------------------------------------------------------------------- variable = 'dpsi' bc_symm = 't odd' call congr (npt, variable, bc_symm, ptd, ptd, ztd, res &, cf &, mxscan, mscan, tolrsf &, imask, iperm, jperm, iofs, nisle, nippts &, converged, esterr) ! correct for drifting dpsi on land mass "imain" if (imain .gt. 0) then dpsi1 = ptd(iperm(iofs(imain)+1), jperm(iofs(imain)+1)) call con_adjust (ptd, dpsi1, map) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! test accuracy of solving for change in stream function !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not.converged) then write (stdout,'(a,i5,3(a,1pe10.3))') & ' WARNING: SOLVER DID NOT CONVERGE in ',mscan &, ' scans. max(psi)=' &, absmax(psi(1,1,2)), ' max(dpsi)=',absmax(ptd) &, ' estimated max(err)=', esterr nconv = nconv + 1 if (nconv .gt. 50) stop 'nconv > 50 in tropic.f' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update the stream function based upon the solution !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (euler2) then do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt psi(i,jrow,1) = psi(i,jrow,2) + ptd(i,jrow) enddo enddo else do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt res(i,jrow) = psi(i,jrow,2) + ptd(i,jrow) psi(i,jrow,2) = psi(i,jrow,1) psi(i,jrow,1) = res(i,jrow) enddo enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! save ptd to compute 1st guess for relaxation next timestep ! (..note.. on 1st pass of euler backward timestep, bypass this ! save, since it will be done on the 2nd pass) ! (..note.. on a mixing timestep, alter ptd to be consistent with ! normal, leap-frog stepping) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. euler1) then if (.not. leapfrog) then do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt ptd(i,jrow)=c2*ptd(i,jrow) enddo enddo endif call oput (kflds, nwds, luptdb, ptd) endif return end subroutine sfforc (zu, dxu, dyu, csu, forc) !======================================================================= ! S T R E A M F U N C T I O N F O R C I N G !======================================================================= implicit none real cddxu(0:1,0:1), cddyu(0:1,0:1) real cddxt(-1:0,-1:0), cddyt(-1:0,-1:0), p5, c0 parameter (p5=0.5, c0=0.0) include "size.h" integer i, jrow, i1, j1 real zu(imt,jmt,2), dxu(imt), dyu(jmt), csu(jmt) real forc(imt,jmt), ustuff(imt,jmt), vstuff(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize the forcing !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt do jrow=1,jmt forc(i,jrow) = c0 enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct coefficients for partial differences. a partial ! difference in "x" is defined as an "x" difference of a quantity ! which is averaged in "y". (and symmetrically for "y" differences). ! Note that this is an x difference and NOT an x derivitive. ! partial differences of quantities on the "t" grid are defined on ! the "u" grid and visa versa. ! therefore partial differences at: ! u/v points (i,j), involve nearby t/s points with subscripts: ! (i ,j+1) (i+1,j+1) ! (i ,j ) (i+1,j ) ! t/s points (i,j), involve nearby u/v points with subscripts: ! (i-1,j ) (i ,j ) ! (i-1,j-1) (i ,j-1) ! thus if qu(i,j) is defined on u/v points, its partial ! difference ddxqt = ddxt(qu) is defined on t/s points and has the ! value ! ddxqt(i,j) = cddxt(-1,-1)*qu(i-1,j-1) + cddxt(-1,0)*qu(i-1,j+0) ! + cddxt( 0,-1)*qu(i+0,j-1) + cddxt( 0,0)*qu(i+0,j+0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cddxu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddxu( 0, 1) = -p5 cddxu( 1, 0) = p5 cddxu( 1, 1) = p5 cddxt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddxt(-1, 0) = -p5 cddxt( 0,-1) = p5 cddxt( 0, 0) = p5 cddyu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 0, 1) = p5 cddyu( 1, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 1, 1) = p5 cddyt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddyt(-1, 0) = p5 cddyt( 0,-1) = -p5 cddyt( 0, 0) = p5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! multiply the u eqn by dx*cos, the v eqn by dy, then subtract their ! partial differences to eliminate the unknown surface pressure from ! the resulting equation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt-1 do jrow=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,jrow) = zu(i,jrow,1)*dxu(i)*csu(jrow) vstuff(i,jrow) = zu(i,jrow,2)*dyu(jrow) enddo enddo do i1=-1,0 do j1=-1,0 do jrow=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 forc(i,jrow) = forc(i,jrow) & - cddyt(i1,j1)*ustuff(i+i1,jrow+j1) & + cddxt(i1,j1)*vstuff(i+i1,jrow+j1) enddo enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine sfc5pt (acor, f, c2dtsf, dxu, dyu, csu, hr, coef) !======================================================================= ! 5 P T C O E F F I C I E N T I N I T I A L I A Z A T I O N ! coefficient initialization for 5 point elliptic solvers ! inputs: ! acor = implicit coriolis factor (0.0 => 1.0) ! f = 2*omega*sin(phi(j)) ! c2dtsf = twice the time step (seconds) ! dxu = width of "u" grid cell (cm) ! dyu = height of "u" grid cell (cm) ! csu = cosine of "u" grid cell ! hr = 1/depth at "u" cells (cm) ! outputs: ! coeff = 3 x 3 array of coefficients at each (i,j) point !======================================================================= implicit none integer jj, ii, j, i, i1, j1, i2, j2 real p5, c0, c2dtsf, acor parameter (p5=0.5, c0=0.0) real cddxu(0:1,0:1), cddyu(0:1,0:1) real cddxt(-1:0,-1:0), cddyt(-1:0,-1:0) include "size.h" real csu(jmt), dxu(imt), dyu(jmt), hr(imt,jmt) real f(imt,jmt), coef(imt,jmt,-1:1,-1:1) real ustuff(imt,jmt), vstuff(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize the coefficients !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do jj=-1,1 do ii=-1,1 do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt coef(i,j,ii,jj) = c0 enddo enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct coefficients for partial differences. a partial ! difference in "x" is defined as an "x" difference of a quantity ! which is averaged in "y". (and symmetrically for "y" differences). ! Note that this is an x difference and NOT an x derivitive. ! partial differences of quantities on the "t" grid are defined on ! the "u" grid and visa versa. ! therefore partial differences at: ! u/v points (i,j), involve nearby t/s points with subscripts: ! (i ,j+1) (i+1,j+1) ! (i ,j ) (i+1,j ) ! t/s points (i,j), involve nearby u/v points with subscripts: ! (i-1,j ) (i ,j ) ! (i-1,j-1) (i ,j-1) ! thus if qu(i,j) is defined on u/v points, its partial ! difference ddxqt = ddxt(qu) is defined on t/s points and has the ! value ! ddxqt(i,j) = cddxt(-1,-1)*qu(i-1,j-1) + cddxt(-1,0)*qu(i-1,j+0) ! + cddxt( 0,-1)*qu(i+0,j-1) + cddxt( 0,0)*qu(i+0,j+0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cddxu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddxu( 0, 1) = -p5 cddxu( 1, 0) = p5 cddxu( 1, 1) = p5 cddxt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddxt(-1, 0) = -p5 cddxt( 0,-1) = p5 cddxt( 0, 0) = p5 cddyu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 0, 1) = p5 cddyu( 1, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 1, 1) = p5 cddyt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddyt(-1, 0) = p5 cddyt( 0,-1) = -p5 cddyt( 0, 0) = p5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute coefficients for all points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = dxu(i)*csu(j)*hr(i,j) / (c2dtsf*dyu(j)) vstuff(i,j) = dyu(j)*hr(i,j) / (c2dtsf*dxu(i)*csu(j)) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate 5 point coefficients ! note that ne [and nw] coefficient adds to n coefficient in ! ustuff term, but ne [and se] coefficient adds to e coefficient in ! vstuff term for the 5 point operator. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i1=0,1 do j1=0,1 do i2=-1,0 do j2=-1,0 do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 coef(i,j,0,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,0,j1+j2) + & cddyu(i1,j1)*cddyt(i2,j2)*ustuff(i+i2,j+j2) coef(i,j,i1+i2,0) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,0) + & cddxu(i1,j1)*cddxt(i2,j2)*vstuff(i+i2,j+j2) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! augment coefficients for implicit treatment of coriolis term ! all coefficients are calculated, but corner ones are zero. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (acor .ne. 0.0) then do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = acor*hr(i,j)*(-f(i,j)) vstuff(i,j) = acor*hr(i,j)*( f(i,j)) enddo enddo do i1=0,1 do j1=0,1 do i2=-1,0 do j2=-1,0 do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) & - cddxu(i1,j1)*cddyt(i2,j2)*ustuff(i+i2,j+j2) coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) & - cddyu(i1,j1)*cddxt(i2,j2)*vstuff(i+i2,j+j2) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo endif return end subroutine sfc9pt (acor, f, c2dtsf, dxu, dyu, csu, hr, coef) !======================================================================= ! 9 P T C O E F F I C I E N T I N I T I A L I A Z A T I O N ! coefficient initialization for 9 point elliptic solvers ! inputs: ! acor = implicit coriolis factor (0.0 => 1.0) ! f = 2*omega*sin(phi(j)) ! c2dtsf = twice the time step (seconds) ! dxu = width of "u" grid cell (cm) ! dyu = height of "u" grid cell (cm) ! csu = cosine of "u" grid cell ! hr = 1/depth at "u" cells (cm) ! outputs: ! coeff = 3 x 3 array of coefficients at each (i,j) point !======================================================================= implicit none integer jj, ii, j, i, i1, j1, i2, j2 real c0, p5, c2dtsf, acor parameter (c0=0.0, p5=0.5) real cddxu(0:1,0:1), cddyu(0:1,0:1) real cddxt(-1:0,-1:0), cddyt(-1:0,-1:0) include "size.h" real csu(jmt), dxu(imt), dyu(jmt), hr(imt,jmt) real f(imt,jmt) real coef(imt,jmt,-1:1,-1:1) real ustuff(imt,jmt), vstuff(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize the work area !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do jj=-1,1 do ii=-1,1 do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt coef(i,j,ii,jj) = c0 enddo enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! generate arrays of coefficients ! construct coefficients for partial differences. a partial ! difference in "x" is defined as an "x" difference of a quantity ! which is averaged in "y". (and symmetrically for "y" differences). ! Note that this is an x difference and NOT an x derivitive. ! partial differences of quantities on the "t" grid are defined on ! the "u" grid and visa versa. ! therefore partial differences at: ! u/v points (i,j), involve nearby t/s points with subscripts: ! (i ,j+1) (i+1,j+1) ! (i ,j ) (i+1,j ) ! t/s points (i,j), involve nearby u/v points with subscripts: ! (i-1,j ) (i ,j ) ! (i-1,j-1) (i ,j-1) ! thus if qu(i,j) is defined on u/v points, its partial ! difference ddxqt = ddxt(qu) is defined on t/s points and has the ! value ! ddxqt(i,j) = cddxt(-1,-1)*qu(i-1,j-1) + cddxt(-1,0)*qu(i-1,j+0) ! + cddxt( 0,-1)*qu(i+0,j-1) + cddxt( 0,0)*qu(i+0,j+0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cddxu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddxu( 0, 1) = -p5 cddxu( 1, 0) = p5 cddxu( 1, 1) = p5 cddxt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddxt(-1, 0) = -p5 cddxt( 0,-1) = p5 cddxt( 0, 0) = p5 cddyu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 0, 1) = p5 cddyu( 1, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 1, 1) = p5 cddyt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddyt(-1, 0) = p5 cddyt( 0,-1) = -p5 cddyt( 0, 0) = p5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute coefficients for all points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = dxu(i)*csu(j)*hr(i,j) / (c2dtsf*dyu(j)) vstuff(i,j) = dyu(j)*hr(i,j) / (c2dtsf*dxu(i)*csu(j)) enddo enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate 9 point coefficients !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do i1=0,1 do j1=0,1 do i2=-1,0 do j2=-1,0 do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) + & cddyu(i1,j1)*cddyt(i2,j2)*ustuff(i+i2,j+j2) + & cddxu(i1,j1)*cddxt(i2,j2)*vstuff(i+i2,j+j2) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! augment coefficients for implicit treatment of coriolis term ! all coefficients are calculated, but corner ones are zero. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (acor .ne. 0.0) then do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = acor*hr(i,j)*(-f(i,j)) vstuff(i,j) = acor*hr(i,j)*( f(i,j)) enddo enddo do i1=0,1 do j1=0,1 do i2=-1,0 do j2=-1,0 do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) & - cddxu(i1,j1)*cddyt(i2,j2)*ustuff(i+i2,j+j2) & - cddyu(i1,j1)*cddxt(i2,j2)*vstuff(i+i2,j+j2) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo endif return end subroutine spforc (zu, dxu, dyu, csu, h, forc) !======================================================================= ! S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E F O R C I N G !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, j, i1, j1 real p5 parameter (p5=0.5) real cddxu(0:1,0:1), cddyu(0:1,0:1) real cddxt(-1:0,-1:0), cddyt(-1:0,-1:0) include "size.h" real zu(imt,jmt,2), dxu(imt), dyu(jmt), csu(jmt), h(imt,jmt) real forc(imt,jmt), ustuff(imt,jmt), vstuff(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! generate arrays of coefficients ! construct coefficients for partial differences. a partial ! difference in "x" is defined as an "x" difference of a quantity ! which is averaged in "y". (and symmetrically for "y" differences). ! Note that this is an x difference and NOT an x derivitive. ! partial differences of quantities on the "t" grid are defined on ! the "u" grid and visa versa. ! therefore partial differences at: ! u/v points (i,j), involve nearby t/s points with subscripts: ! (i ,j+1) (i+1,j+1) ! (i ,j ) (i+1,j ) ! t/s points (i,j), involve nearby u/v points with subscripts: ! (i-1,j ) (i ,j ) ! (i-1,j-1) (i ,j-1) ! thus if qu(i,j) is defined on u/v points, its partial ! difference ddxqt = ddxt(qu) is defined on t/s points and has the ! value ! ddxqt(i,j) = cddxt(-1,-1)*qu(i-1,j-1) + cddxt(-1,0)*qu(i-1,j+0) ! + cddxt( 0,-1)*qu(i+0,j-1) + cddxt( 0,0)*qu(i+0,j+0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cddxu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddxu( 0, 1) = -p5 cddxu( 1, 0) = p5 cddxu( 1, 1) = p5 cddxt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddxt(-1, 0) = -p5 cddxt( 0,-1) = p5 cddxt( 0, 0) = p5 cddyu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 0, 1) = p5 cddyu( 1, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 1, 1) = p5 cddyt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddyt(-1, 0) = p5 cddyt( 0,-1) = -p5 cddyt( 0, 0) = p5 ! weight "zu" and "zv" by the cell area and take the divergence do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = h(i,j)*zu(i,j,1)*dyu(j) vstuff(i,j) = h(i,j)*zu(i,j,2)*dxu(i)*csu(j) enddo enddo do i=1,imt do j=1,jmt forc(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo do i1=-1,0 do j1=-1,0 do i=2,imt-1 do j=2,jmt-1 forc(i,j) = forc(i,j) + cddxt(i1,j1)*ustuff(i+i1,j+j1) & + cddyt(i1,j1)*vstuff(i+i1,j+j1) enddo enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine spc9pt (dxu, dyu, csu, h, coef) !======================================================================= ! S U R F A C E P R E S S U R E C O E F F I C I E N T ! I N I T I A L I A Z A T I O N ! inputs: ! dxu = width of "u" grid cell (cm) ! dyu = height of "u" grid cell (cm) ! csu = cosine of "u" grid cell ! h = depth at "u,v" cells (cm) ! outputs: ! coeff = 3 x 3 array of coefficients at each (i,j) point !======================================================================= implicit none integer i1, j1, i, j, i2, j2 real c0, p5 parameter (c0=0.0, p5=0.5) real cddxu(0:1,0:1), cddyu(0:1,0:1) real cddxt(-1:0,-1:0), cddyt(-1:0,-1:0) include "size.h" real csu(jmt), dxu(imt), dyu(jmt), h(imt,jmt) real coef(imt,jmt,-1:1,-1:1) real ustuff(imt,jmt), vstuff(imt,jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! generate arrays of coefficients ! construct coefficients for partial differences. a partial ! difference in "x" is defined as an "x" difference of a quantity ! which is averaged in "y". (and symmetrically for "y" differences). ! Note that this is an x difference and NOT an x derivitive. ! partial differences of quantities on the "t" grid are defined on ! the "u" grid and visa versa. ! therefore partial differences at: ! u/v points (i,j), involve nearby t/s points with subscripts: ! (i ,j+1) (i+1,j+1) ! (i ,j ) (i+1,j ) ! t/s points (i,j), involve nearby u/v points with subscripts: ! (i-1,j ) (i ,j ) ! (i-1,j-1) (i ,j-1) ! thus if qu(i,j) is defined on u/v points, its partial ! difference ddxqt = ddxt(qu) is defined on t/s points and has the ! value ! ddxqt(i,j) = cddxt(-1,-1)*qu(i-1,j-1) + cddxt(-1,0)*qu(i-1,j+0) ! + cddxt( 0,-1)*qu(i+0,j-1) + cddxt( 0,0)*qu(i+0,j+0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- cddxu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddxu( 0, 1) = -p5 cddxu( 1, 0) = p5 cddxu( 1, 1) = p5 cddxt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddxt(-1, 0) = -p5 cddxt( 0,-1) = p5 cddxt( 0, 0) = p5 cddyu( 0, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 0, 1) = p5 cddyu( 1, 0) = -p5 cddyu( 1, 1) = p5 cddyt(-1,-1) = -p5 cddyt(-1, 0) = p5 cddyt( 0,-1) = -p5 cddyt( 0, 0) = p5 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute coefficients for all points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize all 9 coefficients to zero do i1=-1,1 do j1=-1,1 do i=1,imt do j=1,jmt coef(i,j,i1,j1) = c0 enddo enddo enddo enddo do j=1,jmt do i=1,imt ustuff(i,j) = 0.0 vstuff(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 ustuff(i,j) = h(i,j)*dyu(j)/(dxu(i)*csu(j)) vstuff(i,j) = h(i,j)*dxu(i)*csu(j)/dyu(j) enddo enddo ! calculate divergence = ddx (ddx (ustuff)) + ddy( ddy (vstuff)) do i1=0,1 do j1=0,1 do i2=-1,0 do j2=-1,0 do i=2,imt-1 do j=2,jmt-1 coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) = coef(i,j,i1+i2,j1+j2) & + cddxu(i1,j1) * cddxt(i2,j2) * ustuff(i+i2,j+j2) & + cddyu(i1,j1) * cddyt(i2,j2) * vstuff(i+i2,j+j2) enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine filz (fext, cf) !======================================================================= ! subroutine filz sets up input needed for fourier filtering ! (when the "fourfil" ifdef is defined) -or- symmetric finite ! impulse response filtering (when the "firfil" ifdef is defined) ! of "fext" at the specified high latitudes. "fext" is forcing for ! the external mode. !======================================================================= implicit none integer jrow, jj, l, is, ie, ii, i, im, m, n, isv, iev, j, num include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "emode.h" include "grdvar.h" include "index.h" include "levind.h" real fext(imt,jmt) real cf(imt,jmt,3) real temp(imt) !======================================================================= do jrow=jfrst,jmtm1 if (jrow.le.jft1 .or. jrow.ge.jft2) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fourier filter fext at high latitudes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- jj = jrow - jfrst + 1 if (jrow .ge. jft2) jj = jj - jskpt + 1 do l=1,lsegf is = iszf(jj,l) if (is .ne. 0) then ie = iezf(jj,l) do ii=is,ie i = mod(ii-2,imtm2) + 2 temp(ii+1-is) = fext(i,jrow) enddo im = ie-is+1 if (im .ne. imtm2) then m = 1 n = nint(im*cst(jrow)*cstr(jft0)) else m = 3 n = nint(im*cst(jrow)*cstr(jft0)*p5) endif call filtr (temp(1), im, m ,n, 0) do ii=is,ie i = mod(ii-2,imtm2)+2 fext(i,jrow) = temp(ii+1-is) enddo endif enddo endif enddo return end