! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/embm/veg.h !========================= include file "veg.h" ======================== ! variables for the vegetation data ! Vegetation types ! 1 = tropical forest ! 2 = temperate/boreal forest ! 3 = grass ! 4 = shrub ! 5 = tundra ! 6 = desert ! 7 = ice ! nveg = number of vegetation classes ! iveg = vegetation class ! veg_rl = roughness length ! veg_alb = albedo ! veg_rs = stomatal resistance ! veg_smd = snow masking depth (m) ! veg_dalt = dalton number over land ! idesert = index for desert ! iagric = index for agricultural land ! icrops = this variable is obsolete and its value ignored ! land use ("crop_data" "pasture_data" "agric_data") ! agric = agricultural extent as percentage of grid cell integer nveg, iveg, idesert, iagric, icrops, iice real veg_rl, veg_alb, veg_rs, veg_smd, veg_dalt, agric parameter (nveg=7) common /veg_i/ iveg(imt,jmt), idesert, iagric, icrops, iice common /veg_r/ veg_rl(nveg), veg_alb(nveg), veg_rs(nveg) common /veg_r/ veg_smd(nveg) common /veg_r/ veg_dalt(imt,jmt) common /veg_r/ agric(imt,jmt,1:3)