! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/mtlm/vegcarb.F subroutine VEGCARB (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, N, FORW, GAMMA &, DENOM_MIN, G_LEAF, NPP, RESP_W, LEAF, ROOT &, WOOD, DCVEG, PC_S) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Updates carbon contents of the vegetation. !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "mtlm_data.h" ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Indices of land points on which TRIFFID may operate. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS) integer L, N, T ! FORW = IN Forward timestep weighting. ! GAMMA = IN Inverse timestep (/360days). ! DENOM_MIN = IN Minimum value for the denominator of the update ! equation. Ensures that gradient descent does not lead ! to an unstable solution. ! G_LEAF = IN Turnover rate for leaf and fine root biomass ! (/360days). ! NPP = INOUT Net primary productivity (kg C/m2/360days). ! RESP_W = INOUT Wood maintenance respiration (kg C/m2/360days). ! LEAF = INOUT Leaf biomass (kg C/m2). ! ROOT = INOUT Root biomass (kg C/m2). ! WOOD = INOUT Woody biomass (kg C/m2). ! DCVEG = OUT Change in vegetation carbon during the timestep ! (kg C/m2/timestep). ! PC_S = OUT Net carbon flux available for spreading ! (kg C/m2/360days). ! DFPAR_DLAI = WORK Rate of change of FPAR with leaf area index. ! DLAI = WORK Increment to the leaf area index. ! DLAMG_DLAI = WORK Required for calculation of equilibrium increments. ! DLIT_DLAI = WORK Required for calculation of equilibrium increments. ! DNPP_DLAI = WORK Rate of change of NPP with leaf area index ! (kg C/m2/360days/LAI). ! DPC_DLAI = WORK Rate of change of PC with leaf area index ! (kg C/m2/360days/LAI). ! DPCG_DLAI = WORK Rate of change of PC_G with leaf area index ! (kg C/m2/360days/LAI). ! DRESPW_DLAI = WORK Rate of change of RESP_W with leaf area index ! FPAR = WORK PAR interception factor. ! LAI = WORK Leaf area index. ! LAMBDA_G = WORK Fraction of NPP available for spreading. ! LIT_C_L = WORK Local rate of Carbon Litter production ! (kg C/m2/360days). ! PC = WORK Net carbon flux available to vegetation ! (kg C/m2/360days) ! PC_G = WORK Net carbon flux available for growth ! (kg C/m2/360days). real FORW, GAMMA, DENOM_MIN, G_LEAF(POINTS), NPP(POINTS) real RESP_W(POINTS), LEAF(POINTS), ROOT(POINTS), WOOD(POINTS) real DCVEG(POINTS), PC_S(POINTS), DFPAR_DLAI, DLAI, DLAMG_DLAI real DLIT_DLAI, DNPP_DLAI(POINTS), DPC_DLAI(POINTS) real DPCG_DLAI(POINTS), DRESPW_DLAI, FPAR, LAI(POINTS), LAMBDA_G real LIT_C_L(POINTS), PC(POINTS), PC_G(POINTS) do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) LAI(L) = LEAF(L)/SIGL(N) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the local production rate for carbon litter !---------------------------------------------------------------------- LIT_C_L(L) = G_LEAF(L)*LEAF(L)+G_ROOT(N)*ROOT(L) & + G_WOOD(N)*WOOD(L) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the net local carbon flux into the vegetation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- PC(L) = NPP(L) - LIT_C_L(L) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Variables required for the implicit and equilibrium calculations !---------------------------------------------------------------------- DLIT_DLAI = (G_LEAF(L)*LEAF(L)+G_ROOT(N)*ROOT(L))/LAI(L) & + B_WL(N)*G_WOOD(N)*WOOD(L)/LAI(L) FPAR = (1 - EXP(-KPAR(N)*LAI(L)))/KPAR(N) DFPAR_DLAI = EXP(-KPAR(N)*LAI(L)) DNPP_DLAI(L) = NPP(L)*DFPAR_DLAI/FPAR & + (1-R_GROW(N))*RESP_W(L) & *(DFPAR_DLAI/FPAR-B_WL(N)/LAI(L)) LAMBDA_G = 1 - (LAI(L) - LAI_MIN(N)) & /(LAI_MAX(N) - LAI_MIN(N)) DLAMG_DLAI = -1.0/(LAI_MAX(N) - LAI_MIN(N)) PC_G(L) = LAMBDA_G * NPP(L) - LIT_C_L(L) DPCG_DLAI(L) = LAMBDA_G*DNPP_DLAI(L) & + DLAMG_DLAI*NPP(L) & - DLIT_DLAI DPC_DLAI(L) = DNPP_DLAI(L) - DLIT_DLAI enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update vegetation carbon contents !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) DCVEG(L) = LEAF(L)+ROOT(L)+WOOD(L) enddo call GROWTH (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, N, DPCG_DLAI, FORW &, GAMMA, DENOM_MIN, PC_G, LEAF, ROOT, WOOD) do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) DCVEG(L) = LEAF(L)+ROOT(L)+WOOD(L)-DCVEG(L) enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the carbon available for spreading and apply implicit ! corrections to the driving fluxes. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do T=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(T) DLAI = LEAF(L)/SIGL(N) - LAI(L) PC_S(L) = PC(L) + FORW*DPC_DLAI(L)*DLAI - DCVEG(L)*GAMMA FPAR = (1 - EXP(-KPAR(N)*LAI(L)))/KPAR(N) DFPAR_DLAI = EXP(-KPAR(N)*LAI(L)) DRESPW_DLAI = RESP_W(L)*B_WL(N)/LAI(L) NPP(L) = NPP(L) + FORW*DNPP_DLAI(L)*DLAI RESP_W(L) = RESP_W(L) + FORW*DRESPW_DLAI*DLAI enddo return end subroutine GROWTH (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, N, DPCG_DLAI, FORW &, GAMMA, DENOM_MIN, PC_G, LEAF, ROOT,WOOD) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Increments leaf, root and wood carbon. !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "mtlm_data.h" ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Indices of land points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! N = IN Plant functional type. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), N, I, L ! DPCG_DLAI = IN Rate of change of PC_G with leaf area index ! (kg C/m2/360days/LAI). ! FORW = IN Forward timestep weighting. ! GAMMA = IN Inverse timestep (/360days). ! DENOM_MIN = IN Minimum value for the denominator of the update ! equation. Ensures that gradient descent does not lead ! to an unstable solution. ! PC_G = IN Net carbon flux available for growth ! (kg C/m2/360days). ! LEAF = INOUT Leaf biomass (kg C/m2). ! ROOT = INOUT Root biomass (kg C/m2). ! WOOD = INOUT Woody biomass (kg C/m2). ! DENOM = WORK Denominator of update equation. ! DLEAF = WORK Increments to leaf biomass (kg C/m2). ! DROOT = WORK Increments to root biomass (kg C/m2). ! DWOOD = WORK Increments to woody biomass (kg C/m2). ! DL_DW = WORK Rate of change of leaf carbon with wood carbon. ! DLAI_DW = WORK Rate of change of leaf area index with wood carbon ! (LAI m2/kg C). ! DR_DW = WORK Rate of change of root carbon with wood carbon. ! NUMER = WORK Numerator of the update equation. ! WOOD_MAX = WORK Maximum wood carbon (kg C/m2). ! WOOD_MIN = WORK Minimum wood carbon (kg C/m2). real DPCG_DLAI(POINTS), FORW, GAMMA, DENOM_MIN, PC_G(POINTS) real LEAF(POINTS), ROOT(POINTS), WOOD(POINTS), DENOM, DLEAF real DROOT, DWOOD, DL_DW, DLAI_DW, DR_DW, NUMER, WOOD_MAX real WOOD_MIN do I=1,LAND_PTS L=LAND_INDEX(I) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the increment to the wood carbon !---------------------------------------------------------------------- DL_DW = LEAF(L)/(B_WL(N)*WOOD(L)) DR_DW = DL_DW DLAI_DW = DL_DW/SIGL(N) NUMER = PC_G(L) DENOM = (1+DL_DW+DR_DW)*GAMMA-FORW*DLAI_DW*DPCG_DLAI(L) DENOM = MAX(DENOM,DENOM_MIN) DWOOD = NUMER/DENOM !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ensure that the local leaf area index does not drop below its ! minimum value or exceed its maximum value. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- WOOD_MIN = A_WL(N)*LAI_MIN(N)**B_WL(N) WOOD_MAX = A_WL(N)*LAI_MAX(N)**B_WL(N) DWOOD = MAX((WOOD_MIN-WOOD(L)),DWOOD) DWOOD = MIN((WOOD_MAX-WOOD(L)),DWOOD) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Diagnose the increments to leaf and root carbon !---------------------------------------------------------------------- DLEAF = SIGL(N)*((WOOD(L)+DWOOD)/A_WL(N))**(1.0/B_WL(N)) & -LEAF(L) DROOT = DLEAF !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update carbon contents !---------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAF(L) = LEAF(L)+DLEAF ROOT(L) = ROOT(L)+DROOT WOOD(L) = WOOD(L)+DWOOD enddo return end