! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/size.h !======================= include file "size.h" ========================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USER INPUT: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! imt = number of grid points in the longitudinal direction ! (calculated points are from 2 through imt-1. End points ! are boundaries) ! jmt = number of grid points (latitude rows) in the latitudinal ! direction (calculated points are from 2 through jmt-1. ! End points are boundaries) ! km = number of grid points in the vertical direction ! (calculated points are from 1 through km) ! nt = number of tracers (temperature, salinity, ...) ! nsrc = number of tracer with sources ! kpzd = depth for limited npzd model ! jmz = size for "unrotated" zonal averages ! jmzm1 = jmz minus one ! mnisle = maximum number of islands (unconnected land masses) ! maxipp = maximum number of all island perimeter points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer imt, jmt, km, nt, nsrc, kpzd, nat, jmz, jmzm1, mnisle integer maxipp, jmw, jsmw, jemw parameter (imt= 102, jmt= 102, km= 19) parameter (nt=2 $ +1 $ +1 $ +2 $ +1 $ +1 $ +4 $ +2 $ ) parameter (nsrc=0 $ +1 $ +1 $ +1 $ +1 $ +4 $ +2 $ ) parameter (kpzd=km) parameter (nat=2 $, jmz=jmt, jmzm1=jmz-1) parameter (mnisle=50, maxipp=5000) parameter (jmw=jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set first and last calculated row within the MW. other rows ! are used as buffers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! jsmw = 1st calculated row within the MW ! jemw = last calculated row within the MW parameter (jsmw=2, jemw=jmw-1) ! Moses-Triffid land model ! POINTS = Maximum number of points in grid. ! STEPSM = Maximum number of timesteps in a day. ! klmax = maximum ocean depth levels over which the land model can exist integer POINTS, STEPSM, klmax parameter (POINTS=14300, STEPSM=24, klmax=0) ! NNVG = Number of non-vegetation surface types. ! NPFT = Number of plant functional types. ! NTYPE = Number of surface types. ! SOIL = Index of the surface type 'Soil' ! Land surface types : ! 1 - Broadleaf Tree ! 2 - Needleleaf Tree ! 3 - C3 Grass ! 4 - C4 Grass ! 5 - Shrub ! 6 - Soil integer NNVG, NPFT, NTYPE, SOIL parameter (NNVG=4, NPFT=5, NTYPE=6, SOIL=6) ! NGND = Number of subsurface layers (soil & rock) integer NSLOPE, NGND parameter (NSLOPE = 100, NGND = 14)