! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/glsbc.F subroutine glsbc (is, ie, js, je) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get the boundary conditions for the land model. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cembm.h" include "csbc.h" include "calendar.h" include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" include "levind.h" include "mtlm.h" include "insolation.h" include "atm.h" integer ie, is, je, js integer i, j, L, n real calday, fc, fd, fe, ff, cosz(POINTS), dt, t, pi, degrad, C2K fc = 1.0/atatm fd = 1.e-2/atatm fe = 1.e-3/atatm ff = 10./atatm atlnd = 0. pi = 4.*atan(1.) degrad = pi/180. C2K = 273.15 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the diurnal cycle in the SW radiation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- calday = dayoyr*365.25/yrlen call decl (calday, eccen, obliq, mvelp, lambm0, sindec, eccf) dt = SEC_DAY/STEP_DAY do n=1,STEP_DAY t = real(n-1)*dt call zenith (POINTS, t, dt, SEC_DAY, LAT, LONG, sindec, cosz) SUN(:,n) = solarconst*eccf*cosz(:) enddo do j=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 L = land_map(i,j) if (L .ne. 0) then t = 0. do n=1,STEP_DAY t = t + SUN(L,n) enddo ! make sure the daily insolations agree SUN(L,:) = SUN(L,:)*solins(i,j)*STEP_DAY/(t + epsln) ! calculate downward shortwave at the surface SUN(L,:) = SUN(L,:)*1.e-3*sbc(i,j,iaca)*pass & *(sbc(i,j,isca) - sulph(i,j,2)) endif enddo enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the time of maximum temperature. Assume at local noon. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do L=1,POINTS TIME_MAX(L) = SEC_DAY*(0.5 + LONG(L)/360.) if (TIME_MAX(L) .lt. 0) then TIME_MAX(L) = TIME_MAX(L)+SEC_DAY*int(1.+TIME_MAX(L)/SEC_DAY) elseif (TIME_MAX(L) .gt. SEC_DAY) then TIME_MAX(L) = TIME_MAX(L)-SEC_DAY*int(TIME_MAX(L)/SEC_DAY) endif enddo !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set other boundary conditions and zero accumulators !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 L = land_map(i,j) if (L .ne. 0) then ! set boundary conditions for land RAIN(L) = ff*sbc(i,j,ipr) SNOW(L) = ff*sbc(i,j,ips) SW_C(L) = fe*sbc(i,j,iswr) T_C(L) = fc*sbc(i,j,iat) + C2K WIND(L) = fd*sbc(i,j,iaws) RH_C(L) = fc*sbc(i,j,irh) DTEMP_DAY(L) = sbc(i,j,idtr) TSTAR_P(L,:) = T_C(L) TSTAR_S(L) = T_C(L) CO2(L) = 1.0E-6*co2ccn*EPCO2 ! zero atmosphere accumulation variables sbc(i,j,iro) = 0. sbc(i,j,ievap) = 0. sbc(i,j,ilwr) = 0. sbc(i,j,isens) = 0. sbc(i,j,isca) = 0. sbc(i,j,inpp) = 0. sbc(i,j,isr) = 0. endif enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero time averages if not in an averaging period !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. timavgperts) call ta_mtlm_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 0) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! zero time step integrals if not in an averaging period !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (.not. tsiperts) call ta_mtlm_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 0) return end