! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/mom/bcest.F subroutine bcest (tlat, ulat, bcval) !======================================================================= ! this routine linearly interpolates global, zonal mean values of ! ocean model surface boundary conditions (SST, salinity, WSX, WSY) ! having 4.5 deg spacing, to the requested latitude. !======================================================================= implicit none integer nbc, nolat, nolatp, n, nn, i parameter (nbc=4, nolat=40, nolatp=nolat+1) real c1, c0, p5, phione, phitwo, phithree, phifour, pi, radulat real ulat, radtlat, tlat, dolat, rdolat, olatt, olatv, ylatt, d real ylatv parameter (c1=1.0, c0=0.0, p5=0.5) common /cbcest/ olatt(nolat), olatv(nolatp), dolat, rdolat real sstobs(nolat), salobs(nolat) real wsxobs(nolatp), wsyobs(nolatp) real bcval(nbc) ! bcval = estimated boundary condition values ( wsx, wsy,t,s) ! bcval(1) and bcval(2) units = dynes per square centimetre ! bcval(3) units = degrees C ! bcval(4) units = parts per thousand ! nbc = number of boundary conditions ! olatt = latitude points for observed data ! olatv = latitude points for observed data ! dolat = latitude spacing for observed data ! ylatt = latitude where t,s boundary conditions are desired ! ylatv = latitude where windstress boundary conditions are desired ! "observed" temperature and salinity data are based on global, ! annual mean zonally averaged values from the Levitus Atlas (1982). ! "observed" windstress data are based on global, annual mean, ! zonally averaged values from Hellerman and Rosenstein (1981). ! some smoothing was done. ! references: ! Hellerman, S, and M. Rosenstein, normal monthly wind stress ! over the world ocean with error estimates, J. Phys, Oceanogr., 13, ! 1093-1104,1983. ! Levitus, S., Climatological atlas of the world ocean, NOAA ! Prof. Paper 13, US Gov`t printing Office, Washington, DC, 1982. data sstobs / -1.75, -1.75, -1.50, -1.50, -1.28, & -0.55, 0.90, 2.92, 5.45, 8.62, & 12.27, 15.49, 18.30, 20.67, 22.64, & 24.14, 25.27, 26.37, 26.52, 26.16, & 26.85, 27.27, 26.82, 26.42, 25.53, & 24.03, 22.07, 19.73, 17.02, 12.77, & 8.93, 7.25, 6.22, 4.67, 4.57, & 3.03, -0.01, -1.05, -1.75, -1.75/ data salobs / 34.30, 34.30, 34.30, 34.13, 33.98, & 33.97, 33.97, 33.98, 34.03, 34.24, & 34.61, 35.02, 35.37, 35.61, 35.72, & 35.68, 35.51, 35.22, 35.05, 35.12, & 34.80, 34.56, 34.71, 34.90, 35.27, & 35.67, 35.56, 35.49, 35.23, 34.28, & 33.57, 33.57, 33.60, 33.80, 34.04, & 34.05, 32.65, 32.30, 32.10, 32.00/ data wsxobs / 0.00, & 0.00, 0.00, -0.02, 0.15, 0.31, & 0.50, 0.82, 1.08, 1.23, 1.16, & 0.84, 0.41, 0.02, -0.35, -0.55, & -0.67, -0.64, -0.46, -0.29, -0.19, & -0.16, -0.33, -0.52, -0.59, -0.55, & -0.32, 0.09, 0.42, 0.56, 0.76, & 0.81, 0.65, 0.29, 0.06, -0.10, & -0.05, -0.03, 0.05, 0.10, 0.01/ data wsyobs / .000, & .000, .009, .032, .005, -.023, & -.075, -.155, -.202, -.230, -.179, & -.049, .093, .214, .294, .344, & .383, .364, .269, .189, .178, & .125, -.122, -.213, -.251, -.259, & -.202, -.189, -.179, -.183, -.009, & .023, .053, -.048, -.185, -.225, & -.097, -.050, -.023, -.006, .000/ !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set latitudes of sst and salinity observations ! and set latitudes of windstress observations !--------------------------------------------------------------------- dolat = 180.0/nolat rdolat = c1/dolat do n=1,nolat olatt(n) = -90.0 + (n-p5)*dolat olatv(n) = -90.0 + (n-1.0)*dolat enddo olatv(nolatp) = -90.0 + (nolat)*dolat !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use linear interpolation to produce the estimated surface boundary ! condition values for temperature and salinity at t,s row j !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ylatt = tlat if (ylatt .le. olatt(1)) then nn = 1 d = c0 elseif (ylatt .ge. olatt(nolat)) then nn = nolat-1 d = dolat else do i=2,nolat if (ylatt .le. olatt(i)) then nn = i - 1 d = ylatt - olatt(nn) goto 201 endif enddo endif 201 continue bcval(3) = (sstobs(nn)*(dolat - d) + sstobs(nn+1)*d)*rdolat bcval(4) = (salobs(nn)*(dolat - d) + salobs(nn+1)*d)*rdolat !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use linear interpolation to produce the estimated surface boundary ! condition values for wind stress components at u,v row j !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ylatv = ulat if (ylatv .le. olatv(1)) then nn = 1 d = c0 elseif (ylatv .ge. olatv(nolatp)) then nn = nolatp - 1 d = dolat else do i=2,nolatp if (ylatv .le. olatv(i)) then nn = i - 1 d = ylatv - olatv(nn) goto 301 endif enddo endif 301 continue bcval(1) = (wsxobs(nn)*(dolat - d) + wsxobs(nn+1)*d) *rdolat bcval(2) = (wsyobs(nn)*(dolat - d) + wsyobs(nn+1)*d) *rdolat return end