! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/cembm.h !======================= include file "cembm.h" ======================== ! parameters for use in the energy balance model (also see atm.h) ! namix = time steps between mixing (set in atmos.in) ! lf = time step flag (1=>leapfrog, 2=>forward) ! niats = number of ice advection sub time steps ! nivts = time steps between recalculating ice velocities ! nivc = time step counter for nivts ! ns = number of subcycles for advection and diffusion ! pyear = default paleo calendar year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! dts = time step (2*dtatm=>leapfrog, dtatm=>forward) ! co2ccn = atmospheric CO2 concentration (ppmv) ! co2emit = atmospheric CO2 emissions flux (g cm-2 s-1) ! co2emit_fuel = emissions flux from fossil fuels (g cm-2 s-1) ! co2emit_land = emissions flux from land use change (g cm-2 s-1) ! anthro = radiative forcing by atmospheric CO2 ! co2for = atmospheric CO2 forcing term (in units of heat flux) ! c14ccn = atmospheric C14 concentration (ppmv) ! dc14ccn = atmospheric dC14 concentration (permil) ! dc14ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration ! dc14ccne = equatorial atmospheric dC14 concentration ! dc14ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric dC14 concentration ! c14prod = atmospheric C14 production (umol cm-2 s-1) ! cfc11ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration ! cfc11ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC11 concentration ! cfc12ccnn = northern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration ! cfc12ccns = southern hemisphere atmospheric CFC12 concentration ! scatter = proportion of solar scattered by the atmosphere ! solarconst = solar constant (g s-3) ! cssh = constant used in calculation of ssh (g g-1) ! cdatm = drag coefficient (dimensionless) ! cpatm = atmospheric heat capacity (cm**2 s-2 K-1) ! sht = scale height for temperature ! shq = scale height for specific humidity ! shc = scale height for carbon ! rhoatm = density of air at sea surface (g cm-3) ! esatm = atmosphere emissivity times Stefan's constant ! rhoocn = representative sea surface density ! esocn = ocean emissivity times Stefan's constant ! vlocn = latent heat of vapourization of water ! cdice = drag coefficient (dimensionless) ! dampice = time scale for freezing first layer under ice (days) ! rhoice = ice density (g cm-3) ! rhosno = snow density (g cm-3) ! esice = ice emissivity times Stefan's constant ! slice = latent heat of sublimation of ice ! flice = latent heat of fusion of ice (cm2 s-2) ! condice = ice conductivity (g*cm s-3 K-1) ! tsno = air temperature for accumulating snow ! hsno_max = maximum snow depth ! totaltime = total time for long term averages ! rlapse = lapse rate (K cm-1) ! soilmax = soil water field capacity (cm) ! eslnd = land emissivity time Stefan's constant ! pass = atmospheric transmission coefficient (%/100) ! ice_calb = ice coalbedo (%/100) ! sno_calb = snow coalbedo (%/100) ! pcfactor = precip - cloud correlation factor ( %/100) ! rf1 = factor used in calculating lapse rate reduction ! rf2 = factor used in calculating lapse rate reduction ! co2_yr = co2 forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! agric_yr = agricutural forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! landice_yr = ice sheet forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! solar_yr = solar forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! orbit_yr = orbital forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! volcano_yr = volcanic forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! sulph_yr = sulphate forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! aggfor_yr = additional greenhouse gas forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! cfcs_yr = cfc forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! c14_yr = c14 forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! ice_yr = redundant (same as landice_yr, kept for compatibility) ! dalt_v = dalton number over vegetation (no vegetation model) ! dalt_o = dalton number over ocean ! dalt_i = dalton number over ice ! rhmax = maximum relative humidity ! volcfor = anomalous volcanic forcing (g/s**3) ! aggfor = anomalous additional greenhouse gas forcing (g s-3) ! aggfor_os = additional greenhouse gas forcing offset (g s-3) ! atmsa = atmospheric surface area (cm 2) ! ocnsa = exposed ocean surface area (cm 2) ! sealev = anomalous sea level change (cm) ! dsealev = anomalous sea level change in segtim (cm) ! sealev_yr = sea level forcing year (-/+ = BC/AD) ! itrack_co2 = index for averaging co2 array ! ntrack_co2 = number of points for average co2 ! itrack_sat = index for averaging sat array ! ntrack_sat = number of points for average sat ! vcsref = climate sensitivity reference temperature (C) ! vcsfac = climate sensitivity factor (mW/m2/C) ! vcsyri = year to start changing the climate sensitivity (year) ! gtoppm = conversion from g cm-2 to ppmv ! carbemit = accumulated co2 emissions (Pg) ! adiff = anomolous diffusion factor (percent/100/C) ! dtbar = global average sat anomoly (C) ! cropf = scaler for crop area ! pastf = scaler for pasture area ! co2pi = pre-industrial co2 concentration ! aero_scal = scaler for aerosol forcing integer namix, lf, niats, nivts, nivc, ns, itrack_co2 integer ntrack_co2, itrack_sat, ntrack_sat common /cembm_i/ namix, lf, niats, nivts, nivc, ns, itrack_co2 common /cembm_i/ ntrack_co2, itrack_sat, ntrack_sat real pyear, dts, co2ccn, co2emit, co2emit_fuel, co2emit_land real anthro, co2for, c14ccn, dc14ccn, dc14ccnn, dc14ccne, dc14ccns real c14prod, cfc11ccnn, cfc11ccns, cfc12ccnn, cfc12ccns, scatter real solarconst, cssh, cdatm, cpatm, sht, shq, shc, rhoatm, esatm real rhoocn, esocn, vlocn, cdice, dampice, rhoice, rhosno, esice real slice, flice, condice, tsno, hsno_max, totaltime, rlapse real soilmax, eslnd, pass, ice_calb, sno_calb, pcfactor, rf1, rf2 real co2_yr, agric_yr, landice_yr, solar_yr, orbit_yr, volcano_yr real sulph_yr, aggfor_yr, cfcs_yr, c14_yr, ice_yr, dalt_v, dalt_o real dalt_i, rhmax, volcfor, aggfor, aggfor_os, atmsa, ocnsa real sealev, dsealev, sealev_yr, vcsref, vcsfac, vcsyri, gtoppm real carbemit, adiff, dtbar, cropf, pastf, anthro_srm real co2pi, aero_scal common /cembm_r/ pyear, dts, co2ccn, co2emit, co2emit_fuel common /cembm_r/ co2emit_land, anthro, co2for, c14ccn, dc14ccn common /cembm_r/ dc14ccnn, dc14ccne, dc14ccns, c14prod, cfc11ccnn common /cembm_r/ cfc11ccns, cfc12ccnn, cfc12ccns, cssh, cdatm common /cembm_r/ cpatm, sht, shq, shc, rhoatm, esatm, rhoocn common /cembm_r/ scatter, solarconst, esocn, dampice, rhoice common /cembm_r/ rhosno, esice, slice, flice, condice, vlocn common /cembm_r/ cdice, tsno, hsno_max, totaltime, rlapse, soilmax common /cembm_r/ eslnd, pass, ice_calb, sno_calb, pcfactor, rf1 common /cembm_r/ rf2, co2_yr, agric_yr, landice_yr, solar_yr common /cembm_r/ orbit_yr, volcano_yr, sulph_yr, aggfor_yr common /cembm_r/ cfcs_yr, c14_yr, ice_yr, dalt_v, dalt_o, dalt_i common /cembm_r/ rhmax, volcfor, aggfor, aggfor_os, atmsa, ocnsa common /cembm_r/ sealev, dsealev, sealev_yr, vcsref, vcsfac common /cembm_r/ vcsyri, gtoppm, carbemit, adiff, dtbar, cropf common /cembm_r/ pastf, co2pi, anthro_srm, aero_scal ! ntatsa = time step counter for time averaging ! ntatia = number of time averaged time step integrals ! tai_sat = average integrated elevated surface air temperature ! tai_shum = average integrated surface specific humidity ! tai_precip = average integrated precipitation ! tai_evap = average integrated evaporation ! tai_ohice = total integrated sea ice volume ! tai_oaice = total integrated sea ice area ! tai_hsno = total integrated snow volume ! tai_lhice = total integrated land ice volume ! tai_laice = total integrated land ice area ! tai_co2ccn = average integrated CO2 concentration ! tai_co2emit = average integrated CO2 emissions ! tai_dc14ccn = average integrated dC14 concentration ! tai_cfc11ccn = average integrated CFC11 concentration ! tai_cfc12ccn = average integrated CFC12 concentration ! tai_maxit = average maximum iterations for atmospheric solver ! tai_nsat = average northern hemisphere surface air temperature ! tai_ssat = average southern hemisphere surface air temperature ! tai_nshum = average northern hemisphere surface specific humidity ! tai_sshum = average southern hemisphere surface specific humidity ! tai_nprecip = average northern hemisphere precipitation ! tai_sprecip = average southern hemisphere precipitation ! tai_nevap = average northern hemisphere evaporation ! tai_sevap = average southern hemisphere evaporation ! tai_nohice = total northern hemisphere sea ice volume ! tai_sohice = total southern hemisphere sea ice volume ! tai_noaice = total northern hemisphere sea ice area ! tai_soaice = total southern hemisphere sea ice area ! tai_nhsno = total northern hemisphere snow volume ! tai_shsno = total southern hemisphere snow volume ! tai_nlhice = total northern hemisphere land ice volume ! tai_slhice = total southern hemisphere land ice volume ! tai_nlaice = total northern hemisphere land ice area ! tai_slaice = total southern hemisphere land ice area ! tai_lsat = average sat over land ! tai_osat = average sat over ocean ! tai_lprecip = average precip over land ! tai_oprecip = average precip over ocean ! tai_levap = average evap over land ! tai_oevap = average evap over ocean ! tai_solins = average incoming solar ! tai_upsens = average surface sensible heat ! tai_uplwr = average surface upward longwave radiation ! tai_outlwr = average outgoing longwave radiation ! tai_dnswr = average downward (absorbed) shortwave ! tai_absswr = net absorbed shortwave radiation ! tai_netrad = net radiation at the top of the atmosphere ! tai_palb = average planetary albedo ! tai_aalb = average atmospheric albedo ! tai_salb = average surface albedo ! tai_lsalb = average surface albedo over land ! tai_osalb = average surface albedo over ocean ! tai_sst = average sea surface temperature ! tai_sss = average sea surface salinity ! tai_ssdic = average sea surface dic ! tai_ssc14 = average sea surface c14 ! tai_ssalk = average sea surface alkalinity ! tai_sso2 = average sea surface o2 ! tai_sspo4 = average sea surface po4 ! tai_ssno3 = average sea surface no3 ! tai_sscfc11 = average sea surface cfc11 ! tai_sscfc12 = average sea surface cfc12 ! tai_sulph = average tropospheric sulphate forcing ! tai_volc = average volcanic forcing ! tai_agg = average additional greenhouse gas forcing ! tai_catm = average total carbon in atmosphere ! tai_carbemit = average taccumulated co2 emissions integer ntatsa, ntatia common /cembm_i/ ntatsa, ntatia real tai_sat, tai_shum, tai_precip, tai_evap, tai_ohice, tai_oaice real tai_hsno, tai_lhice, tai_laice, tai_co2ccn, tai_co2emit real tai_dc14ccn, tai_cfc11ccn, tai_cfc12ccn, tai_maxit, tai_nsat real tai_ssat, tai_nshum, tai_sshum, tai_nprecip, tai_sprecip real tai_nevap, tai_sevap, tai_nohice, tai_sohice, tai_noaice real tai_soaice, tai_nhsno, tai_shsno, tai_nlhice, tai_slhice real tai_nlaice, tai_slaice, tai_lsat, tai_osat, tai_lprecip real tai_oprecip, tai_levap, tai_oevap, tai_solins, tai_upsens real tai_uplwr, tai_outlwr, tai_dnswr, tai_absswr, tai_netrad real tai_palb, tai_aalb, tai_salb, tai_lsalb, tai_osalb, tai_sst real tai_sss, tai_ssdic, tai_ssc14, tai_ssalk, tai_sso2, tai_sspo4 real tai_ssno3, tai_sscfc11, tai_sscfc12, tai_sulph, tai_volc real tai_agg, tai_catm, tai_carbemit common /cembm_r/ tai_sat, tai_shum, tai_precip, tai_evap common /cembm_r/ tai_ohice, tai_oaice, tai_hsno, tai_lhice common /cembm_r/ tai_laice, tai_co2ccn, tai_co2emit, tai_dc14ccn common /cembm_r/ tai_cfc11ccn, tai_cfc12ccn, tai_maxit, tai_nsat common /cembm_r/ tai_ssat, tai_nshum, tai_sshum, tai_nprecip common /cembm_r/ tai_sprecip, tai_nevap, tai_sevap, tai_nohice common /cembm_r/ tai_sohice, tai_noaice, tai_soaice, tai_nhsno common /cembm_r/ tai_shsno, tai_nlhice, tai_slhice, tai_nlaice common /cembm_r/ tai_slaice, tai_lsat, tai_osat, tai_lprecip common /cembm_r/ tai_oprecip, tai_levap, tai_oevap, tai_solins common /cembm_r/ tai_upsens, tai_uplwr, tai_outlwr, tai_dnswr common /cembm_r/ tai_absswr, tai_netrad, tai_palb, tai_aalb common /cembm_r/ tai_salb, tai_lsalb, tai_osalb, tai_sst common /cembm_r/ tai_sss, tai_ssdic, tai_ssc14, tai_ssalk common /cembm_r/ tai_sso2, tai_sspo4, tai_ssno3, tai_sscfc11 common /cembm_r/ tai_sscfc12, tai_sulph, tai_volc, tai_agg common /cembm_r/ tai_catm, tai_carbemit