! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/cprnts.h !====================== include file "cprnts.h" ======================= ! variables used for controlling matrix printouts during diagnostic ! timesteps: ! nlatpr = maximum number of latitudes for matrix printouts ! on diagnostic time steps ! prlat = latitudes (deg) at which (x,z) printouts are desired ! start & end coordinates for matrix printouts of (x,z) sections ! prslon = starting longitudes (deg) ! prelon = ending longitudes (deg) ! prsdpt = starting depths (cm) ! predpt = ending depths (cm) ! start & end coordinates for matrix printouts of (x,y) sections ! slonxy = starting longitude (deg) ! elonxy = ending longitude (deg) ! slatxy = starting latitude (deg) ! elatxy = ending latitude (deg) ! matrix printouts of (y,z) sections will use above coordinates real prlat, prslon, prelon, prsdpt, predpt, slatxy, elatxy real slonxy, elonxy common /cprnts/ prlat(nlatpr), prslon(nlatpr), prelon(nlatpr) common /cprnts/ prsdpt(nlatpr), predpt(nlatpr) common /cprnts/ slatxy, elatxy, slonxy, elonxy