! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/ice/cpts.h !======================= include file "cpts.h" ========================= integer ncat ! ice categories (not counting open water) integer ntilay ! equal to the sum of the elements of nilay parameter(ncat=1) parameter(ntilay=4) integer itme ! number of time levels kept parameter(itme = 2) ! upper limit on the number of layers in a single category ! fine if bigger than necessary integer nmax parameter (nmax=10) ! these common blocks must be initialized at setup, see setembm.F real dtau ! time step (2*dtatm=>leapfrog, dtatm=>forward) common/tstep/dtau integer idx ! index for time step common/counters/idx real M_def ! area frac from cat i that goes into j real N_def ! volume frac from cat i that goes into j real HN_def ! H*volume frac from cat i that goes into j common /defmat/ M_def(ncat,ncat), N_def(ncat,ncat) common /defmat/ HN_def(ncat,ncat) integer nilay ! the number of layers integer layer1 ! position of the top layer integer layern ! position of the bottom layer integer ncrel ! helps remap layers when ridging common /layinf/ nilay(ncat), layer1(ncat), layern(ncat) common /layinf/ ncrel(ncat,ncat) real hstar ! category limits (m) real asmall ! minimum fract. area of allowed common /small/ asmall(0:ncat), hstar(0:ncat) real saltz ! salinity of each layer (ppm) real tmelz ! melting temperature of each layer (C) real salnew ! salinity of new ice common /salt/ saltz(nmax+1,ncat), tmelz(nmax,ncat), salnew ! default units are mks so use these factors to ! convert various parameters from mks to cgs ! set them equal to 1. if no conversion is desired real deci ! factor of 10. real centi ! factor of 100. real kilo ! factor of 1000. parameter ( deci=10., centi=100.0, kilo=1000.) ! parameter ( deci = 1., centi = 1., kilo = 1.) ! parameter for small things real TINY parameter( TINY=1.0e-10 ) ! if open water area > GSTAR then no mechanical redist. real GSTAR ! portion of itd that may partic. parameter ( GSTAR = 0.15 ) ! max ridged ice thickness is 2*sqrt(cK*Hi), Hi is orig thickness real cK ! used to determine max. ridged thickness (m) parameter ( cK = 1.e2*centi) ! if using Rothrock75 energetics argument for pressure real cpe ! coef. for potential energy term(N/m**3) parameter ( cpe = 450./deci) ! minimum allowable open water/ice fraction ! best if small as possible, can cause round off error if too small real a0small real aismall parameter ( a0small=0.0001, aismall=0.0005 ) ! minimum snow thickness allowed real hsstar parameter ( hsstar=0.00001*centi )