! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/cregin.h !====================== include file "cregin.h" ======================== ! variables used for computing regional tracer averages (see ! "reg1st.F" & sub "diagt1" in "tracer.F") and for computing term ! balances for tracer and momentum equations (see "clinic.F", ! "tracer.F" and "diag2.F") ! mskhr = mask field defining regions in the horizontal ! (eg: mskhr(i,j) = n indicates point (i,j) is in the ! "nth" horizontal region where n=1..nhreg) ! The "mskhr" masks are used in "diagt1" when ! computing volume weighted tracer averages and in ! "clinic.F", "tracer.F" and "diag2.F" when computing ! term balances for tracers and momentum. ! mskvr = mask field defining regions in the vertical ! (eg: mskvr(k) = m indicates all points under a horizontal ! mask at level "k" are in the "mth" vertical region ! where m=1..nvreg) ! The "mskvr" masks are used in "diag.F", but not ! in "diagt1", where tracer averages are calculated ! for each k-level. ! hregnm = horizontal region name ! vregnm = vertical region name ! volbt = total volume under a given horizontal region ! volbk = volume contained in a horizontal region at level "k" ! volgt = total ocean volume ! volgk = total ocean volume at level "k" ! areab = total ocean surface area for a given horizontal region ! areag = total ocean surface area ! volt = ocean volume within a particular horizontal & vertical ! region (on the "t" grid) for tracer term balances ! volt(0) represents the sum of all regions ! rvolt = 1/volt ( 0.0 if volt = 0.0) ! areat = horizontal ocean surface area corresponding to "volt" ! areat(0) represents the sum of all regions ! rareat = 1/areat ( 0.0 if areat = 0.0) ! volu = ocean volume within a particular horizontal & vertical ! region (on the "u" grid) for momentum term balances ! volu(0) represents the sum of all regions ! rvolu = 1/volu ( 0.0 if volu = 0.0) ! areau = horizontal ocean area corresponding to "volu" ! areau(0) represents the sum of all regions ! rareau = 1/areau ( 0.0 if areau = 0.0) ! llvreg = level limits for defining vertical regions in term ! balance calculations (not used in computing volume ! weighted tracer averages) ! (eg: llvreg(3,1) = 4... means that starting level for ! the third region in the vertical is 4. similarly, ! llvreg(3,2) = 6 means the ending level is 6 for that ! region. note regions should not overlap.) character(40) :: hregnm character(20) :: vregnm common /cregn_c/ hregnm(nhreg), vregnm(nvreg) integer mskhr, mskvr, llvreg common /cregn_i/ mskhr(imt,jmt), mskvr(km), llvreg(numreg,2) real volbk, volbt, volgk, volgt, areab, areag, volt, volu real areat, areau, rvolt, rvolu, rareat, rareau common /cregn_r/ volbk(nhreg,km), volbt(nhreg), volgk(km) common /cregn_r/ volgt, areab(nhreg), areag, volt(0:numreg) common /cregn_r/ volu(0:numreg), areat(0:numreg), areau(0:numreg) common /cregn_r/ rvolt(0:numreg), rvolu(0:numreg) common /cregn_r/ rareat(0:numreg), rareau(0:numreg)