! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/ctdbc.h !======================= include file "ctdbc.h" ======================== ! time dependent S.B.C. data for UVic_ESCM ! ntdbc = number of ocean S.B.C. ! 1 is for taux (dynes/cm**2) ! 2 is for tauy (dynes/cm**2) ! 3 is sst (converted to heat flux in "atmos.F") ! 4 is sss (converted to fresh water flux in "atmos.F") ! for generality in data assimilation situations, each ! S.B.C. is treated separately. the default case assumes, ! however, that all S.B.C. are monthly. ! ntdrec = number of time dependent records on disk. ! note: default case assumes 12 monthly S.B.C. records ! (defined at the centres of the months) from ! the MOM climatological database. ! tdrec = times at which the data records are defined. ! times are assumed to define the centres of the records. ! (ie: when using monthly climatological data and the ! first record is January, "tdrec(1)" is defined in days ! as day 15.5) ! aprec = period lengths for the data records. (number of days ! per month) ! isbcstart= index to time at beginning of first S.B.C. data record ! method = interpolation method = (0,1,2,3) = (none, linear, ! equal linear, equal area) see timeinterp for details. ! dstamp = time stamps marking the end of each S.B.C. data record ! period = (true,false) if the data records are to be treated as ! (periodic, not periodic). if periodic, then the model ! time is always mapped into the data records. if not, ! then record 1 is used for all model time before the ! beginning of the dataset and record "ntdrec" is used ! for all model time after the end of the dataset. ! daysbc = model time in days after start of S.B.C. ! iprevd = index for pointing to the nearest S.B.C. data on disk ! which the current model time has passed. ! inextd = index for pointing to the nearest S.B.C. data on disk ! which the current model time has not yet reached. ! iprevm = index for pointing to the nearest S.B.C. data in memory ! which the current model time has passed. ! inextm = index for pointing to the nearest S.B.C. data in memory ! which the current model time has not yet reached. ! wprev = interpolation factor for defining data at the current ! time step (the weight attributed to the data from the ! "iprevd" time interval) ! schematically the interpolation is defined at the time ! step by: ! data = wprev*data(iprevd) + (1-wprev)*data(inextd) ! obc = ocean S.B.C. ! iotdbc = units for time dependent monthly boundary conditions ! based on hellerman stress and levitus temperature and ! salt from the MOM database. integer maxbcr, ntdbc parameter (maxbcr=12) parameter (ntdbc = 8 & + 1 & ) character(32) :: rstamp1, rstamp2, dstamp common /ctdbc_c/ rstamp1, rstamp2, dstamp(maxbcr,ntdbc) integer ntdrec, iprevd, inextd integer iprevm, inextm, iotdbc integer isbcstart, method common /ctdbc_i/ ntdrec(ntdbc), iprevd(ntdbc), inextd(ntdbc) common /ctdbc_i/ iprevm(ntdbc), inextm(ntdbc), iotdbc(ntdbc) common /ctdbc_i/ isbcstart(ntdbc), method logical period, rdtdbc common /ctdbc_l/ period(ntdbc), rdtdbc(ntdbc) real wprev, aprec, tdrec, avgper, daysbc, obc common /ctdbc_r/ wprev(ntdbc), aprec(maxbcr,ntdbc) common /ctdbc_r/ tdrec(maxbcr,ntdbc), avgper(maxbcr) common /ctdbc_r/ daysbc(ntdbc) ! this is set up only for monthly data. common /ctdbc_r/ obc(imt,jmt,ntdbc,12)