! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/fwa.h !======================== include file "fwa.h" ========================= ! parameters for adding anomalous fresh water pulses ! isfwa1 = starting i index of section 1 for freshwater ! iefwa1 = ending i index of section 1 for freshwater ! isfwa2 = starting i index of section 2 for freshwater ! iefwa2 = ending i index of section 2 for freshwater ! jsfwa = starting j index for freshwater ! jefwa = ending j index for freshwater ! mrfwa = regional mask region for freshwater ! fwaflxi = initial fresh water flux (Sv) ! fwayri = year to start fresh water flux ! fwayrf = year to end fresh water flux ! fwarate = rate of increase in flux (Sv year-1) ! areafwa = area of fresh water anomaly ! areafwc = area of fresh water compensation ! compensate = flag to compensate for flux everywhere else ! fwawt = weighting for fresh water anomaly area ! fwcwt = weighting for fresh water compensation area integer isfwa1, iefwa1, isfwa2, iefwa2, jsfwa, jefwa, mrfwa common /fwa_i/ isfwa1, iefwa1, isfwa2, iefwa2, jsfwa, jefwa common /fwa_i/ mrfwa logical compensate common /fwa_l/ compensate real fwaflxi, fwayri, fwayrf, fwarate, areafwa, areafwc real fwawt, fwcwt common /fwa_r/ fwaflxi, fwayri, fwayrf, fwarate, areafwa, areafwc common /fwa_r/ fwawt(imt,jmt), fwcwt(imt,jmt)