! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/grdvar.h !====================== include file "grdvar.h" ======================== ! variables which are functions of the grid defined by "coord.h" ! dxt = longitudinal width of "t" grid box at the ! equator (in cm) ! dxtr = reciprocal of "dxt" ! dxt2r = reciprocal of "2*dxt" ! dxt4r = reciprocal of "4*dxt" ! dxu = longitudinal width of "u,v" grid box at the ! equator (in cm) ! dxur = reciprocal of "dxu" ! dxu2r = reciprocal of "2*dxu" ! dxu4r = reciprocal of "4*dxu" ! dxmetr = reciprocal of "(dxt(i)+dxt(i+1))" ! duw = xu(i) - xt(i) ! due = xt(i+1) - xu(i) ! dus = yu(jrow) - yt(jrow) ! dun = yt(jrow+1) - yu(jrow) ! dyt = latitudinal height of "t" grid box (in cm) ! dytr = reciprocal of "dyt" ! dyt2r = reciprocal of "2*dyt" ! dyt4r = reciprocal of "4*dyt" ! dyu = latitudinal height of "u,v" grid box (in cm) ! dyur = reciprocal of "dyu" ! dyu2r = reciprocal of "2*dyu" ! dyu4r = reciprocal of "4*dyu" ! csu = cosine of "u,v" grid point latitude ! csur = reciprocal of "csu" ! cst = cosine of "t" grid point latitude ! cstr = reciprocal of "cst" ! phi = latitude of "u,v" grid point in radians ! phit = latitude of "t" grid point in radians ! sine = sine of "u,v" grid point latitude ! tng = tan of "u,v" grid point latitude ! c2dzt(k)= "2*dzt" ! dztr(k) = reciprocal of dzt ("t" cell vertical resolution) ! dzt2r(k)= reciprocal of "2*dzt" ! dzwr(k) = reciprocal of dzw ("w" cell vertical resolution) ! dzw2r(k)= reciprocal of "2*dzw" ! dztur(k)= upper diffusion grid factor = 1.0/(dzw(k-1)*dzt(k)) ! dztlr(k)= lower diffusion grid factor = 1.0/(dzw(k)*dzt(k)) ! tlat = tracer grid geographic latitude (degrees) ! ulat = velocity grid geographic latitude (degrees) ! tlon = tracer grid geographic longitude (degrees) ! ulon = velocity grid geographic longitude (degrees) ! tgarea = tracer grid geographic area (cm2) ! ugarea = velocity grid geographic area (cm2) real dxt, dxtr, dxt2r, dxu, dxur, dxu2r, dxu4r, dxt4r real dyt, dytr, dyt2r, dyu, dyur, dyu2r, dyu4r, dyt4r real csu, csur, cst, cstr, cstdytr, cstdyt2r real csudyur, csudyu2r, cst_dytr, csu_dyur real phi, phit, sine, tng, c2dzt, dztr, dzt2r real dzwr, dzw2r, dxmetr, duw, due, dun, dus, dztur, dztlr real quick_x, curv_xp, curv_xn, quick_y, curv_yp, curv_yn real quick_z, curv_zp, curv_zn real tlat, tlon, ulat, ulon, tgarea, ugarea common /grdvar/ dxt(imt), dxtr(imt), dxt2r(imt), dxu(imt) common /grdvar/ dxur(imt), dxu2r(imt), dxu4r(imt), dxt4r(imt) common /grdvar/ dyt(jmt), dytr(jmt), dyt2r(jmt), dyu(jmt) common /grdvar/ dyur(jmt), dyu2r(jmt), dyu4r(jmt), dyt4r(jmt) common /grdvar/ csu(jmt), csur(jmt), cst(jmt), cstr(jmt) common /grdvar/ cstdytr(jmt), cstdyt2r(jmt) common /grdvar/ csudyur(jmt), csudyu2r(jmt) common /grdvar/ cst_dytr(jmt), csu_dyur(jmt) common /grdvar/ phi(jmt), phit(jmt), sine(jmt), tng(jmt) common /grdvar/ c2dzt(km), dztr(km), dzt2r(km) common /grdvar/ dzwr(0:km), dzw2r(0:km) common /grdvar/ dxmetr(imt), duw(imt), due(imt) common /grdvar/ dun(jmt), dus(jmt) common /grdvar/ dztur(km), dztlr(km) common /grdvar/ tlat(imt,jmt), tlon(imt,jmt), tgarea(imt,jmt) common /grdvar/ ulat(imt,jmt), ulon(imt,jmt), ugarea(imt,jmt) ! tcella = "t" cell surface area cm**2 (entire ocean) ! ucella = "u" cell surface area cm**2 (entire ocean) ! tcellv = "t" cell volume cm**3 (entire ocean) ! ucellv = "u" cell volume cm**3 (entire ocean) real tcellv, ucellv, tcella, ucella common /grdvar/ tcellv, ucellv, tcella(km), ucella(km)