! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/iounit.h !====================== include file "iounit.h" ======================== ! i/o units and related variables ! taum1disk = disk pointer for tau-1 latitude rows ! taudisk = disk pointer for tau latitude rows ! taup1disk = disk pointer for tau+1 latitude rows ! kflds = disk unit used for two dimensional fields ! latdisk = disk units for latitude rows (alternately pointed to ! by taum1disk, taudisk, and taup1disk) ! wide_open_mw = logical to indicate that the MW is fully opened. ! if .true. then jmw = jmt and there are no latitude rows ! on disk. Instead, they are all in the MW. ! if .false. then jmw < jmt and all latitude rows are on ! disk so they must be transferred between the MW and disk. ! iodoc = unit for documentation ! iostab = unit for stability testing ! iotim = unit for time means ! iotim1 = scratch disk (SSD) unit for accumulating time means ! for the following, a control # < 0 implies that unformatted data ! will be written to a unit selected by the i/o manager "iomngr.F" ! and given a hardwired name (grep getunit *.F to see names) ! and formatted data (to stdout) will be written. if a # > 0 and ! # <> stdout, only unformatted data will be written. ! iotavg = control # for tracer averages ! iotmb = control # for writing tracer meridional budget. ! iotrmb = control # for term balances for tracer and momentum ! ioglen = control # for writing global energetics integrals ! iovmsf = control # for writing meridional stream function ! iogyre = control # for writing gyre transport. ! ioprxz = control # for writing x-z sections from latitudes ! ioext = control # for writing external mode (stream function) ! iodsp = control # for writing diagnostic surface pressure ! iotsi = control # for writing time step integrals ! ioxbt = control # for writing time averaged xbt data ! iozmbc = control # for writing zonal mean surf boundary conditions ! iotext = 120 character text string for describing the details ! of the next unformatted data record. ! expnam = 60 character text string for the experiment name ! runstamp = 120 character text string for the run stamp ! when writing unformatted data records in MOM, each data record is ! proceeded by a header record which was written as: ! write(unit) stamp, iotext, expnam ! where stamp is a 32 character specification of the model date & ! time corresponding to the time step when the data was written and ! iotext is a 120 character description of what is in the ! data record and how it is to be read. expnam is a 60 character ! experiment name which shows which experiment wrote the data. ! this makes it easy to decipher any unformatted output from the ! model by using a program similar to the following: ! program decifr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! decipher an unformatted file from MOM by showing the header ! records. the file needs to copied to file "fort.21" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! character*32 stamp ! character*120 iotext ! character*60 expnam ! iounit = 21 ! rewind iounit ! do n=1,100000 ! read the header record ! read (iounit, end=110) stamp, iotext, expnam ! write (*,'(1x,a32,1x,a80)') stamp, iotext ! skip the data record ! read (iounit) ! enddo !110 continue ! write (*,*) " => end of file on fort.",iounit ! stop ! end ! note: all unformatted diagnostic MOM data is handled this way. ! to insure that data is read properly, verify that arrays are ! dimensioned correctly by comparing the listed variables against ! those in the *.h files. (grep -i -n "variable" *.h) Also, most ! data from MOM is written IEEE 32bit so it is read directly by ! most workstations. However, when trying to read these IEEE files ! on the CRAY, they must be assigned IEEE before being read. ! Some diagnostic data is averaged over time before being written. ! In these cases, the time "stamp" refers to the last time step ! at the end of the averaging period. An averaging interval is ! also written as part of the data. Averaging periods = zero ! indicate instantaneous data. character iotext*120, expnam*60, runstamp*120 common /iounit_c/ iotext, expnam, runstamp integer taum1disk, taudisk, taup1disk, latdisk, kflds integer iodoc, iostab, iotavg, iotmb, iotrmb, iotim, iotim1 integer ioglen, iovmsf, iogyre, ioprxz, ioext, iodsp integer iotsi, iozmbc, ioxbt common /iounit_i/ taum1disk, taudisk, taup1disk, latdisk(2), kflds common /iounit_i/ iodoc, iostab, iotavg, iotmb, iotrmb, iotim common /iounit_i/ iotim1, ioglen, iovmsf, iogyre, ioprxz, ioext common /iounit_i/ iodsp, iotsi, iozmbc, ioxbt logical wide_open_mw common /iounit_l/ wide_open_mw