! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mtlm/leaf_lit.F subroutine LEAF_LIT (LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, N, FSMC, TSTAR, G_LEAF) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculates the leaf turnover rate as a function of temperature and ! soil water availability !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none include "size.h" include "mtlm_data.h" ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of vegetated points. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Index of vegetated points. ! N = IN Plant functional type. integer LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), N, J, L ! FSMC = IN Soil moisture availability factor. ! TSTAR = IN Surface temperature (K). ! G_LEAF = OUT Rate of leaf turnover (/360days). ! FM,FT = WORK Soil moisture and leaf temperature amplifiers of leaf ! turnover. real FSMC(POINTS), TSTAR(POINTS), G_LEAF(POINTS), FM, FT !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate the leaf turnover rate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do J=1,LAND_PTS L = LAND_INDEX(J) FT = 1.0 FM = 1.0 if (TSTAR(L) .lt. TLEAF_OF(N)) then FT = 1.0 + DGL_DT(N)*(TLEAF_OF(N)-TSTAR(L)) elseif (TSTAR(L) .gt. TUPP_OF(N)) then FT = 1.0 + DGL_DT(N)*(TSTAR(L) - TUPP_OF(N)) endif if (FSMC(L) .lt. FSMC_OF(N)) then FM = 1.0 + DGL_DM(N)*(FSMC_OF(N)-FSMC(L)) endif G_LEAF(L) = G_LEAF_0(N)*FT*FM enddo return end