! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/embm/mgrid.F subroutine mgrid (phi, ap, an, as, ae, aw, b, ib, ie, jb, je, & id, jd, sweepin, levelin, epsin, sweepout, & levelout, epsout) !======================================================================= ! uvic multigrid solver ! implementation of a structured multigrid solver. ! this file contains 11 routines, mgrid, ptr, sumcf, sumrsd, ! sumdel, pgs, ctdma, tdma, resid, new_ctdma and new_tdma, !======================================================================= ! subroutine to update the interior phi field by making ntimes ! sweeps of the v cycle additive correction multigrid algorithm. ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae,as,an: active coefficients for p,w,e,s,n nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! sweepin: maximum number of mgrid sweeps ! levelin: desired number of mgrid levels (>= levelout) ! epsin: desired epsilon ! ib,ie,jb,je: first and last interior indices in i and j ! id,jd: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi ! sweepout: actual number of mgrid sweeps ! levelout: actual number of mgrid levels ! epsout: actual epsilon !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib, ie, jb, je, id, idl, jd, jdl, ld, l, lstart integer sweepin, sweepout, levelin, levelout real(kind=8) ap(id,jd), aw(id,jd), ae(id,jd), as(id,jd), an(id,jd) real(kind=8) b(id,jd), phi(id,jd), rsd(id,jd), avrsd, avrsdl real(kind=8) epsin, epsout, l2rsd0, l2rsd, l2rsdl ! setup the work arrays and pointers integer ibl(levelin), iel(levelin), jbl(levelin), jel(levelin) real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: apl, awl, ael, asl real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: anl, bl, rsdl, phil ! generate indices of all grid levels levelout = levelin call ptr (ibl, iel, jbl, jel, levelout, ib, ie, jb, je, levelin) jdl = jd + levelout idl = (id/2)*2 + 1 ! allocate work arrays allocate (apl(idl,jdl)) allocate (awl(idl,jdl)) allocate (ael(idl,jdl)) allocate (asl(idl,jdl)) allocate (anl(idl,jdl)) allocate (bl(idl,jdl)) allocate (rsdl(idl,jdl)) allocate (phil(idl,jdl)) apl(:,:) = 0. awl(:,:) = 0. ael(:,:) = 0. asl(:,:) = 0. anl(:,:) = 0. bl(:,:) = 0. ! get initial residuals call resid (rsd,l2rsd0,phi,ap,aw,ae,as,an,b,ib,ie,jb,je,id,jd) ! calculate the coefficients of the coarse grid equations do l=2,levelout if (l .eq. 2) then call sumcf (apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,ap,aw,ae,as,an,ibl(l),iel(l), & jbl(l),jel(l),ib,ie,jb,je,idl,jdl,id,jd) else call sumcf (apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,ibl(l), & iel(l),jbl(l),jel(l),ibl(l-1),iel(l-1),jbl(l-1), & jel(l-1),idl,jdl,idl,jdl) endif enddo do sweepout=1,sweepin bl(:,:) = 0.0 rsdl(:,:) = 0.0 phil(:,:) = 0.0 ! sweep from fine grid to coarse grid call pgs (phi, ap, aw, ae, as, an, b, ib, ie, jb, je, id, jd) call resid (rsd,l2rsd,phi,ap,aw,ae,as,an,b,ib,ie,jb,je,id,jd) do l=2,levelout if (l .eq. 2) then call sumrsd (bl,rsd,ibl(l),iel(l),jbl(l),jel(l),ib,ie,jb, & je,idl,jdl,id,jd) else call sumrsd (bl,rsdl,ibl(l),iel(l),jbl(l),jel(l),ibl(l-1), & iel(l-1),jbl(l-1),jel(l-1),idl,jdl,idl,jdl) endif call pgs (phil,apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,bl,ibl(l),iel(l),jbl(l), & jel(l),idl,jdl) call resid (rsdl,l2rsdl,phil,apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,bl,ibl(l), & iel(l),jbl(l),jel(l),idl,jdl) enddo ! sweep from coarse grid to finest grid lstart = max0 (1, levelout-1) do l=lstart,1,-1 if (l .eq. 1) then call sumdel (phi,phil,ib,ie,jb,je,ibl(l+1),iel(l+1), & jbl(l+1),jel(l+1),id,jd,idl,jdl) call pgs (phi,ap,aw,ae,as,an,b,ib,ie,jb,je,id,jd) else call sumdel (phil,phil,ibl(l),iel(l),jbl(l),jel(l),ibl(l+1), & iel(l+1),jbl(l+1),jel(l+1),idl,jdl,idl,jdl) call pgs (phil,apl,awl,ael,asl,anl,bl,ibl(l),iel(l),jbl(l), & jel(l),idl,jdl) endif enddo ! exit if converged call resid (rsd,l2rsd,phi,ap,aw,ae,as,an,b,ib,ie,jb,je,id,jd) epsout = l2rsd/l2rsd0 if (epsout .le. epsin) then ! deallocate work arrays deallocate (apl) deallocate (awl) deallocate (ael) deallocate (asl) deallocate (anl) deallocate (bl) deallocate (rsdl) deallocate (phil) return endif enddo ! deallocate work arrays deallocate (apl) deallocate (awl) deallocate (ael) deallocate (asl) deallocate (anl) deallocate (bl) deallocate (rsdl) deallocate (phil) return end subroutine ptr (ibl, iel, jbl, jel, lmax, ib, ie, jb, je, ld) !======================================================================= ! routine to calculate the array pointers to appropriate space in ! the work arrays for each level of iteration. ! input: ! lmax: guess for lmax ! ib,ie,jb,je: first and last interior indices in i and j ! ld: array dimensions ! output: ! lmax: number of levels from finest grid to single grid ! ibl,iel,jbl,jel: first and last index in i and j for l level !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib, ie, jb, je, ld, lmaxin integer lmax, l, ncv integer ibl(ld), iel(ld), jbl(ld), jel(ld) if (lmax .lt. 2) return lmaxin = lmax lmax = 1 if (((ie-ib) .lt. 2) .and. ((je-jb) .lt. 2)) return lmax = 2 ibl(lmax) = ib iel(lmax) = ie jbl(lmax) = jb jel(lmax) = jbl(lmax) + (je - jb + 2)/2 - 1 ncv = (iel(lmax) - ibl(lmax) + 1)*(jel(lmax) - jbl(lmax) + 1) if (ncv .eq. (ie - ib + 1)) return do l=3,lmaxin ibl(l) = ib iel(l) = ie jbl(l) = jel(l-1) + 1 jel(l) = jbl(l) + (jel(l-1) - jbl(l-1) + 2)/2 - 1 ncv = (iel(l) - ibl(l) + 1)*(jel(l) - jbl(l) + 1) lmax = l if (ncv .eq. (ie - ib + 1)) return enddo return end subroutine sumcf (ap2, aw2, ae2, as2, an2, ap1, aw1, ae1, as1, & an1, ib2, ie2, jb2, je2, ib1, ie1, jb1, je1, & id2, jd2, id1, jd1) !======================================================================= ! routine to sum the fine grid (level 1) coefficients onto the ! coarse grid (level 2). ! input: ! ap1,aw1,ae1,as1,an1: level 1 coefficients for p,w,e,s,n nodes ! ib1,ie1,jb1,je1,ib2,ie2,jb2,je2: indices for level 1 and 2 grid ! id1,jd1,id2,jd2: dimensions for level 1 and 2 arrays ! output ! ap2,aw2,ae2,as2,an2: level 2 coefficients for p,w,e,s,n nodes !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib2, ie2, jb2, je2, ib1, ie1,jb1, je1, id1, id2, jd1, jd2 integer i1, j1, i2, j2, iwait, jwait real(kind=8) ap2(id2,jd2), aw2(id2,jd2), ae2(id2,jd2) real(kind=8) as2(id2,jd2), an2(id2,jd2) real(kind=8) ap1(id1,jd1), aw1(id1,jd1), ae1(id1,jd1) real(kind=8) as1(id1,jd1), an1(id1,jd1) do j1=jb1,je1 if ((j1-jb1+1)/2*2 .ne. (j1-jb1+1)) then jwait = 0 else jwait = 1 endif j2 = jb2+(j1-jb1+2)/2-1 do i1=ib1,ie1 i2 = i1 aw2(i2,j2) = aw2(i2,j2) + aw1(i1,j1) ae2(i2,j2) = ae2(i2,j2) + ae1(i1,j1) as2(i2,j2) = as2(i2,j2) + (1 - jwait)*as1(i1,j1) an2(i2,j2) = an2(i2,j2) + (0 + jwait)*an1(i1,j1) ap2(i2,j2) = ap2(i2,j2) + ap1(i1,j1) - (0 + jwait)*as1(i1,j1) & - (1 - jwait)*an1(i1,j1) enddo enddo return end subroutine sumrsd (bl2, rsd1, ib2, ie2, jb2, je2, ib1, ie1, jb1, & je1, id2, jd2, id1, jd1) !======================================================================= ! routine to sum the fine grid (level 1) residuals onto the ! coarse grid (level 2) source coefficients. ! input: ! rsd1: level 1 residual for p node ! ib1,ie1,jb1,je1,ib2,ie2,jb2,je2: indices for level 1 and 2 grid ! id1,jd1,id2,jd2: dimensions for level 1 and 2 arrays ! output: ! bl2 level 2 source coefficients !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib2, ie2, jb2, je2, ib1, ie1, jb1, je1, id1, id2 integer jd1, jd2, i1, j1, i2, j2 real(kind=8) bl2(id2,jd2), rsd1(id1,jd1) do j1=jb1,je1 j2 = jb2 + (j1 - jb1 + 2)/2 - 1 do i1=ib1,ie1 bl2(i1,j2) = bl2(i1,j2) + rsd1(i1,j1) enddo enddo return end subroutine sumdel (phi1, phi2, ib1, ie1, jb1, je1, ib2, ie2, & jb2, je2, id1, jd1, id2, jd2) !======================================================================= ! routine to sum the coarse grid (level 2) corrections onto the ! fine grid (level 1) phi solution. ! input: ! phi2: level 2 corrections ! ib1,ie1,jb1,je1,ib2,ie2,jb2,je2: indices for level 1 and 2 grid ! id1,jd1,id2,jd2: dimensions for level 1 and 2 arrays ! output ! phi1: level 1 solution !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib2, ie2, jb2, je2, ib1, ie1, jb1, je1, id1, id2 integer jd1, jd2, i1, i2, j1, j2 real(kind=8) phi1(id1,jd1), phi2(id2,jd2) do j1=jb1,je1 j2 = jb2 + (j1 - jb1 + 2)/2 - 1 do i1=ib1,ie1 phi1(i1,j1) = phi1(i1,j1) + phi2(i1,j2) enddo enddo return end subroutine pgs (phi, ap, aw, ae, as, an, b, ib, ie, jb, je, & id, jd) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to update the interior phi field by making ntimes ! sweeps using a point gauss-seidel algorithm with a "cyclic" tdma ! line solver. ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae,as,an: active coefficients for p,w,e,s,n nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ib,ie,jb,je: first and last interior indices in i and j ! id,jd: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi !======================================================================= implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie, jb, je, id, jd real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ap real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: aw real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ae real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: as real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: an real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: b real(kind=8), intent(inout), dimension(id,jd) :: phi integer :: i, j real(kind=8), dimension(id,jd) :: bplus ! south boundary j = jb do i=ib,ie bplus(i,1) = b(i,j) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) enddo call ctdma (phi(1,j),aw(1,j),ap(1,j),ae(1,j),bplus,ib,ie,id) ! interior do j=jb+2,je-1,2 do i=ib,ie bplus(i,j) = b(i,j) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) enddo enddo call new_ctdma (phi,aw,ap,ae,bplus,ib,ie,id,jb+2,je-1,jd) do j=jb+1,je-1,2 do i=ib,ie bplus(i,j) = b(i,j) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) enddo enddo call new_ctdma (phi,aw,ap,ae,bplus,ib,ie,id,jb+1,je-1,jd) ! north boundary j = je do i=ib,ie bplus(i,1) = b(i,j) + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) enddo call ctdma (phi(1,j),aw(1,j),ap(1,j),ae(1,j),bplus,ib,ie,id) return end subroutine pgs subroutine ctdma (phi, aw, ap, ae, b, ib, ie, id) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to do a cyclic tridiagonal matrix solve ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae: active coefficients for p,w,e nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ib,ie: first and last interior indices in i ! id: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib, ie, id, i real(kind=8) phi(id), aw(id), ap(id), ae(id), b(id) real(kind=8) factor, alpha(id), beta(id), theta(id) alpha(ib) = 2*ap(ib) do i=ib+1,ie-1 alpha(i) = ap(i) enddo alpha(ie) = ap(ie) + ae(ie)*aw(ib)/ap(ib) call tdma (phi, aw, alpha, ae, b, ib, ie, id) beta(ib) = -ap(ib) do i=ib+1,ie-1 beta(i) = 0.0 enddo beta(ie) = -ae(ie) call tdma (theta, aw, alpha, ae, beta, ib, ie, id) factor = (phi(ib) + aw(ib)/ap(ib)*phi(ie))/ & (1.+theta(ib) + aw(ib)/ap(ib)*theta(ie)) do i=ib,ie phi(i) = phi(i) - factor*theta(i) enddo return end subroutine tdma (phi, aw, ap, ae, b, ib, ie, id) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to do a tridiagonal matrix solve for an east-west line ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae: active coefficients for p,w,e nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ib,ie: first and last interior indices in i ! id: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib, ie, id, i real(kind=8) phi(id), aw(id), ap(id), ae(id), b(id), alpha(id) real(kind=8) beta beta = ap(ib) phi(ib) = b(ib)/beta do i=ib+1,ie alpha(i) = -ae(i-1)/beta beta = ap(i) + aw(i)*alpha(i) phi(i) = (b(i) + aw(i)*phi(i-1))/beta enddo do i=ie-1,ib,-1 phi(i) = phi(i) - alpha(i+1)*phi(i+1) enddo return end subroutine resid (rsd, l2rsd, phi, ap, aw, ae, as, an, b, & ib, ie, jb, je, id, jd) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to calculate the residual at each interior c.v and ! the average of the absolute residuals over all interior c.v. ! input: ! phi: updated estimate of phi field ! ap,aw,ae,as,an: active coefficients for p,w,e,s,n nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ntimes: number of sweeps ! ib,ie,jb,je: first and last interior indices in i and j ! id,jd: array dimensions ! output: ! rsd: residual array for each interior control volume ! l2rsd: residual l2 norm for all interior control volume !======================================================================= implicit none integer ib, ie, jb, je, id, jd, i, j real(kind=8) rsd(id,jd), phi(id,jd), ap(id,jd), aw(id,jd) real(kind=8) ae(id,jd), as(id,jd), an(id,jd), b(id,jd) real(kind=8) l2rsd l2rsd = 0.0 j = jb ! south west boundary i = ib rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(ie,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) ! south boundary interior do i=ib+1,ie-1 rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) enddo ! south east boundary i = ie rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(ib,j) & + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) do j=jb+1,je-1 ! west boundary interior i = ib rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(ie,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) & + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd +rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) ! interior do i=ib+1,ie-1 rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) & + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) enddo ! east boundary interior i = ie rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(ib,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + an(i,j)*phi(i,j+1) & + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) enddo j = je ! north west boundary i = ib rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(ie,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) do i=ib+1,ie-1 ! north boundary interior rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(i+1,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) enddo ! north east boundary i = ie rsd(i,j) = aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j) + ae(i,j)*phi(ib,j) & + as(i,j)*phi(i,j-1) + b(i,j) - ap(i,j)*phi(i,j) l2rsd = l2rsd + rsd(i,j)*rsd(i,j) l2rsd = sqrt(l2rsd) return end subroutine new_ctdma (phi, aw, ap, ae, b, ib, ie, id, jb, je, jd) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to do a 1 tridiagonal matrix solve ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae: active coefficients for p,w,e nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ib,ie: first and last interior indices in i ! id: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi !======================================================================= implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie, id integer, intent(in) :: jb, je, jd real(kind=8), intent(inout), dimension(id,jd) :: phi real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: aw real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ap real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ae real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: b integer :: i, j real(kind=8) :: factor real(kind=8), dimension(id,jd):: alpha real(kind=8), dimension(id,jd):: beta real(kind=8), dimension(id,jd):: theta if ( je .lt. jb ) return alpha(ib,jb:je:2) = 2*ap(ib,jb:je:2) alpha(ib+1:ie-1,jb:je:2) = ap(ib+1:ie-1,jb:je:2) alpha(ie,jb:je:2) = ap(ie,jb:je:2) + & ae(ie,jb:je:2)*aw(ib,jb:je:2)/ap(ib,jb:je:2) call new_tdma (phi, aw, alpha, ae, b, ib, ie, id, jb, je, jd) beta(ib,jb:je:2) = -ap(ib,jb:je:2) beta(ib+1:ie-1,jb:je:2) = 0.0 beta(ie,jb:je:2) = -ae(ie,jb:je:2) call new_tdma (theta, aw, alpha, ae, beta, ib, ie, id, jb, je, jd) do j=jb,je,2 factor = (phi(ib,j) + aw(ib,j)/ap(ib,j)*phi(ie,j))/ & (1.+theta(ib,j) + aw(ib,j)/ap(ib,j)*theta(ie,j)) phi(ib:ie,j) = phi(ib:ie,j) - factor*theta(ib:ie,j) enddo return end subroutine new_ctdma subroutine new_tdma (phi, aw, ap, ae, b, ib, ie, id, jb, je, jd) !======================================================================= ! subroutine to do a tridiagonal matrix solve for an east-west line ! input: ! phi: initial guess for phi ! ap,aw,ae: active coefficients for p,w,e nodes ! b: accumulated fixed source term ! ib,ie: first and last interior indices in i ! id: array dimensions ! output: ! phi: updated estimate of phi !======================================================================= implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ib, ie, id integer, intent(in) :: jb, je, jd real(kind=8), intent(inout), dimension(id,jd) :: phi real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: aw real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ap real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: ae real(kind=8), intent(in), dimension(id,jd) :: b integer :: i, j real(kind=8), dimension(jd) :: beta real(kind=8), dimension(id,jd) :: alpha do j = jb,je,2 beta(j) = ap(ib,j) phi(ib,j) = b(ib,j)/beta(j) enddo do i=ib+1,ie !cdir altcode=loopcnt do j = jb,je,2 alpha(i,j) = -ae(i-1,j)/beta(j) beta(j) = ap(i,j) + aw(i,j)*alpha(i,j) phi(i,j) = (b(i,j) + aw(i,j)*phi(i-1,j))/beta(j) enddo enddo do j = jb,je,2 do i=ie-1,ib,-1 phi(i,j) = phi(i,j) - alpha(i+1,j)*phi(i+1,j) enddo enddo return end