! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mom/mom.F subroutine mom !======================================================================= ! GFDL Modular Ocean Model ! A primitive equation ocean model developed by researchers at ! the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory /NOAA in ! Princeton, NJ. 08542. ! The model is based on the pioneering work of ! Kirk Bryan: A numerical method for the study of the of the ! circulation world ocean: 1969, J. Computat. Phys 4 347-376 ! and ! the invaluable work of Mike Cox & Bert Semtner on earlier ! fortran implementations. ! The GFDL Modular Ocean Model (acronym MOM) is a three ! dimensional primitive equation ocean model intended to be ! a flexible tool useful for ocean and coupled air-sea modeling ! applications over a wide range of space & time scales. ! It is also intended to run efficiently on scalar and vector ! architectures. The programming approach is modular and ! additions to this model are encouraged to follow this ! approach. Additional modules will be added with time and ! new versions will be released when ready. ! Documentation: ! For documentation refer to the postscript manual which is ! included along with this code. ! Requirements: ! Standard fortran 77 is used (except for namelist which is ! fortran 90 compliant, do enddo, use of "max" function in ! parameter statements and variable names > than 6 characters) ! The preprocessor "cpp" (available on systems using "c" or UNIX) ! Disclaimer: ! MOM is an ocean modeling research tool developed at GFDL. ! Others may use it freely but we assume no responsibility ! for problems or incorrect use of MOM. It is left to the user to ! satisfy (him/her)self that a particular configuration is ! working correctly. To this end, many of the included ! diagnostics will be helpful. !======================================================================= implicit none character (120) :: fname integer jrow, i, num_mw, mw, js, joff, je, is, ie, jscalc integer jecalc, jstrac, jetrac, ntaux logical first_mw include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "emode.h" include "iounit.h" include "mw.h" include "csbc.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integrate one time step !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update timestep counter, set corresponding model time, and set ! time dependent logical switches which determine program flow. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- itt = itt + 1 call increment_time (dtts) call set_time_switches !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize diagnostic variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diagi !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! adjust various quantities for leapfrog/mixing timesteps ! leapfrog----------> h(tau+1) = h(tau-1) + 2dt*F(tau) ! forward-----------> tau-1 <= tau ! h(tau+1) = h(tau-1) + dt*F(tau) ! euler backward: tau-1 <= tau ! euler1----------> h(tau` ) = h(tau-1) + dt*F(tau) ! euler2----------> h(tau+1) = h(tau-1) + dt*F(tau`) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (leapfrog) then ! normal leapfrog time step nots = nots + 1 euler1 = .false. euler2 = .false. forward = .false. eots = .true. c2dtts = c2*dtts c2dtuv = c2*dtuv c2dtsf = c2*dtsf else nots = 1 ! mixing time step (forward step or euler backward step) if (eb) then euler1 = .true. euler2 = .false. forward = .false. eots = .false. else euler1 = .false. euler2 = .false. forward = .true. eots = .true. endif c2dtts = dtts c2dtuv = dtuv c2dtsf = dtsf do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt psi(i,jrow,2) = psi(i,jrow,1) enddo enddo endif ! determine if this is a flux summing time step addflxo = .true. if (mod(nots,2) .ne. 0) addflxo = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set time centering "gcor" for coriolis term !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (acor .eq. c0) then gcor = c1 elseif (acor .ne. c0) then gcor = c0 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update pointers to tau-1, tau, & tau+1 data on disk. ! for latitude rows they point to latdisk ! for 2D fields they point to records on kflds !----------------------------------------------------------------------- taum1disk = mod(itt+1,2) + 1 taudisk = mod(itt ,2) + 1 taup1disk = taum1disk !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update pointers (indices) to tau-1, tau, & tau+1 data in the MW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wide_open_mw) then ! rotate time levels instead of moving data taum1 = mod(itt+0,3) - 1 tau = mod(itt+1,3) - 1 taup1 = mod(itt+2,3) - 1 else ! they are being held constant in time. endif !======================================================================= ! SOLVE THE BAROCLINIC AND TRACER EQUATIONS ! Since all latitude rows may not fit into central memory, a ! flexible MW (memory window) approach is used. The minimum MW ! holds 3 latitude rows and the maximum MW holds "jmt" latitude ! rows in central memory. Choose the size to fit into available ! central memory. The MW is loaded with variables from disk as ! many times as needed to solve latitude rows 2 through "jmt-2". ! Example using a MW with 3 rows (jmw=3) ! "loadmw" loads variables from the first 3 latitude jrows into ! rows js=1 through je=3 in the 1st MW (mw=1). Equations are ! computed for j=2 in the MW (corresponding to latitude jrow=2) ! then written to disk. For the second MW (mw=2), "loadmw" ! first copies variables from j=2 to j=1, then variables from ! j=3 to j=2 in the MW, before loading latitude jrow=4 variables ! into row js=je=3 in the MW. Equations are computed for j=2 in ! the MW (corresponding to latitude jrow=3) then written to disk. The ! process continues until latitude jrows 2 through jmt-1 are ! computed. ! Example using a MW with 5 rows (jmw=5) ! "loadmw" loads variables from the first 5 latitude jrows into ! rows js=1 through je=5 in the 1st MW (mw=1). Equations are ! computed for j=2,3,4 in the MW (latitude jrows=2,3,4) ! and written to disk. For the second MW (mw=2), ! "loadmw" first moves variables from j=2 to j=1, then moves ! variables from j=3 to j=2 in the MW, before loading jrow 6,7,8 ! variables into rows js=3 to je=5 in the MW. Equations ! are computed for j=2,3,4 in the MW (latitude jrows=5,6,7) ! then written to disk. The process continues until latitude ! jrows 2 through jmt-1 are computed. Note that "je" for the last ! MW may be less than "jmw" (depending on the size of ! "jmw" and "jmt") and there may be fewer than 3 calculated rows. ! On the last MW, "je" will correspond to latitude row "jmt". ! Note: ! When the MW is fully opened (jmw=jmt), all latitude rows ! reside in the MW (none on disk). Instead of reading/writing ! from MW to disk, data is moved between time levels within the ! MW. !======================================================================= 1000 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solve equations for rows within each MW ! MW size is controlled by parameter "jmw" in file size.h !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! num_mw = number of MW`s needed to solve rows 2 -> jmt-1 num_mw = (jmt-2)/ncrows + (jmt-3)/(ncrows*((jmt-2)/ncrows)) do mw = 1,num_mw first_mw = (mw .eq. 1) ! define starting and ending rows for each MW if (first_mw) then js = 1 else js = jmw - ncrows + 1 endif joff = (mw-1)*ncrows je = min(jmw,jmt-joff) is = 2 ie = imt - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! load prognostic and related variables into the MW ! joff = offset relating row "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row within the MW for LOADING latitude rows ! je = ending row within the MW for LOADING latitude rows ! is = starting index for longitude ! ie = ending index for longitude ! typically, for a 2nd order window (schemes needing to access ! one cell in all directions). ! first MW : load latitude data into rows js=1 ... je=jmw ! 1 < MW < last: load latitude data into rows js=3 ... je=jmw ! last MW : load latitude data into rows js=3 ... je<=jmw ! On last MW, row "je" corresponds to latitude ! row "jmt" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call loadmw (joff, js, je, is, ie, latdisk(taum1disk) &, latdisk(taudisk), first_mw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate advection velocities for momentum and tracers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call adv_vel (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate isopycnal diffusion tensor components (and ! gent_mcwilliams advective velocities) for use with tracers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call isopyc (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set vertical mixing coefficients for momentum and tracers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call vmixc (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set horizontal mixing coefficients for momentum and tracers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call hmixc (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set vertical boundary conditions for momentum and tracers !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call setvbc (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set which MW rows to calculate: "jscalc" through "jecalc" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jscalc = 2 jecalc = min(jsmw+ncrows-1,jmt-1-joff) jstrac = jscalc jetrac = jecalc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute tracers and internal mode velocities !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call tracer (joff, jstrac, jetrac, is, ie) call clinic (joff, jscalc, jecalc, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diag (joff, jscalc, jecalc, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write prognostic variables from the MW to disk "tau+1" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wide_open_mw) then ! do nothing since variables are already in "tau+1" MW else call putmw (joff, jscalc, jecalc, latdisk(taup1disk)) endif enddo !======================================================================= ! SOLVE THE BAROTROPIC EQUATION !======================================================================= call tropic (c2dtsf, acor, cori, itt, dtts) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if this is the 1st pass of an euler backward timestep, set the ! disk pointers so the proper time levels are read on the 2nd pass ! and go back to do the 2nd pass. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (euler1) then eots = .true. euler1 = .false. euler2 = .true. ntaux = taum1disk taum1disk = taudisk taudisk = taup1disk taup1disk = ntaux go to 1000 endif if (wide_open_mw .and. euler2) then ! shuffle "tau" and "tau+1" after euler backward to ! insure data is in the right place for the next timestep call euler_shuffle ! re-establish correct pointers for this timestep taum1 = mod(itt+0,3) - 1 tau = mod(itt+1,3) - 1 taup1 = mod(itt+2,3) - 1 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output all remaining diagnostics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diago !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! save restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (restrt .and. eoseg) then if (restts) then call def_rest (0) call def_rest_mom (0, fname) call mom_rest_out (fname, 1, imt, 1, jmt) endif if (eorun) then call def_rest (1) call def_rest_mom (1, fname) call mom_rest_out (fname, 1, imt, 1, jmt) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if it`s the last timestep then clean things up otherwise return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (eorun) write (stdout,'(1x,a)') 'MOMdone' return end