! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/reg1st.F subroutine reg1st (nunit, wrform, wrvol, wrk, wrmask, rmask) !======================================================================= ! Subroutine reg1st is i/o routine for the user defined horizontal ! and vertical regional masks used in MOM. ! It is also the i/o routine that can be used to write volume ! information for the horizontal regions used in calculating ! volume weighted averages of tracers and surface tracer fluxes. ! Both formatted and unformatted i/o is supported. ! (see "cregin.h" for more details on variables). !======================================================================= implicit none ! nunit = unit to be written to or read from ! wrform= true(false) switch for formatted(unformatted) writes ! wrvol = switch to write volume & area information ! wrk = switch to write k-level volume information ! wrmask= switch to write horizontal region masks field ! rmask = switch to read horizontal region masks field from specified ! unit ! settop, setbot are used in defining level limits for vertical regions integer nunit, mask, k, i, linemx, linel, line, nwr, n, ia, ib integer jj, jjj, jr, kk logical wrform, wrvol, wrk, wrmask, rmask logical settop, setbot include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "cregin.h" include "iounit.h" integer ncol(imt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write out regional volume information !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wrvol) then if (wrform) then write(nunit,9000) if (wrk) then write(nunit,9001) (mask,mask=1,nhreg) do 700 k=1,km write(nunit,9002) k, volgk(k), $ (volbk(mask,k),mask=1,nhreg) 700 continue endif write(nunit,9003) volgt, (volbt(mask),mask=1,nhreg) write(nunit,9004) areag, (areab(mask),mask=1,nhreg) else iotext ='read (iotavg) km, nhreg, volgt, areag' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam write (nunit) km, nhreg, volgt, areag iotext ='read (iotavg) (volgk(k),k=1,km)' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam call wrufio (nunit, volgk, km) iotext ='read (iotavg) ((volbk(l,k),l=1,nhreg),k=1,km)' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam call wrufio (nunit, volbk, nhreg*km) iotext ='read (iotavg) (volbt(l),l=1,nhreg)' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam call wrufio (nunit, volbt, nhreg) iotext ='read (iotavg) (areab(l),l=1,nhreg)' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam call wrufio (nunit, areab, nhreg) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read in (write out) horizontal & vertical region masks ! set linel to length of desired formatted printout line !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (wrmask .or. rmask) then if (wrform) then if (wrmask) write(nunit,9011) if (wrmask) write(nunit,9012) $ (' domain for hor mask # ',i,'=',hregnm(i),i=1,nhreg) if ( rmask) then read (nunit,9099) read (nunit,9099) endif if ( rmask) read (nunit,9013) (hregnm(i),i=1,nhreg) if (nunit .eq. stdout) then call iplot (mskhr, imt, imt, jmt) else linemx = 100 linel = 105 line = linel - 5 if (line .gt. linemx) line = linemx nwr = (imt/line) + 1 do 900 i=1,imt ncol(i) = mod(i,10) 900 continue do 1000 n=1,nwr ia = 1 + (line*(n-1)) ib = ia + line - 1 if (ib .gt. imt) ib = imt if (wrmask) write(nunit,9021) (ncol(i),i=ia,ib) if ( rmask) read (nunit,9099) do 990 jj=1,jmt jjj = jmt - jj + 1 if (wrmask)write(nunit,9022)jjj,(mskhr(i,jjj),i=ia,ib) if ( rmask) then read (nunit,9022) jr , (mskhr(i,jjj),i=ia,ib) if (jr .ne. jjj) then write (stdout,999) nunit, jjj, jr write (stderr,999) nunit, jjj, jr stop '=>reg1st' endif endif 990 continue 1000 continue endif if (wrmask) write(nunit,9031) if (wrmask) write(nunit,9032) $ (' domain for ver mask # ',i,'=',vregnm(i),i=1,nvreg) if (wrmask) write(nunit,9034) mskvr if ( rmask) then read (nunit,9099) read (nunit,9099) endif if ( rmask) read (nunit,9033) (vregnm(i),i=1,nvreg) if ( rmask) read (nunit,9034) mskvr else if (wrmask) then iotext = ' read (nunit) mskhr, mskvr' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam write(nunit) mskhr, mskvr iotext = ' read (nunit) hregnm, vregnm' write (nunit) 'no stamp available in reg1st ', iotext $, expnam write(nunit) hregnm, vregnm endif if (rmask) then read (nunit) read (nunit) mskhr, mskvr read (nunit) read (nunit) hregnm, vregnm endif endif endif ! if vertical masks were read in, set level limits for defining ! vertical regions in term balance calculations if (rmask) then do 1100 i=1,nvreg settop = .false. setbot = .false. do 1090 k=1,km kk = km-k+1 if (mskvr(k) .eq. i .and. .not. settop) then llvreg(i,1) = k settop = .true. endif if (mskvr(kk) .eq. i .and. .not. setbot) then llvreg(i,2) = kk setbot = .true. endif 1090 continue 1100 continue endif 999 format(/' error => bad j-row when reading regionmasks from unit ', $ i3,/' expected',i4,' read in',i4) 9000 format(/' Horizontal regional volumes [cubic m] and areas [sq m]') 9001 format(' k',' All Regions ',9(1x,i7,5x)) 9002 format(1x,i4,10(1x,e12.6)) 9003 format(' SUM',10(1x,e12.6)) 9004 format(/' AREA',10(1x,e12.6)) 9011 format(/' Horizontal regional mask names & domains:') 9012 format(a22,i4,a1,a40) 9013 format(27x,a40) 9021 format(' i=>',100(i1)) 9022 format(1x,i3,1x,100(i1)) 9031 format(/' Vertical regional mask names & domains:') 9032 format(a22,i4,a1,a20) 9033 format(27x,a20) 9034 format (1x, 42i3) 9099 format(1x) return end