! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/embm/rivmodel.F subroutine rivmodel !======================================================================= ! river model for energy-moisture balance model ! calculates river runoff from precipitation over land !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, j, n, m include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "riv.h" include "atm.h" include "cembm.h" include "grdvar.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! sum (area integral) the precip over each basin !----------------------------------------------------------------------- psum(:) = 0.0 do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 n = nriv(i,j) if (n .ne. 0) then psum(n) = sbc(i,j,iro)*dxt(i)*cst(j)*dyt(j) + psum(n) endif enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate discharge for each discharge point in each basin ! and add it to the fresh water flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 n = ndis(i,j) if (n .ne. 0) then disch(i,j) = psum(n)*wdar(i,j) sbc(i,j,isflx) = sbc(i,j,isflx) -socn*psum(n)*wdar(i,j) endif enddo enddo call setbcx (sbc(1,1,isflx), imt, jmt) return end subroutine rivinit !======================================================================= ! read river model basin and discharge points !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, new_file_name logical exists integer i, ios, iou, j, k, m, n, ib(10), ic(10) real wt include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "atm.h" include "riv.h" include "grdvar.h" character(1) :: line(imt) real tmpij(imtm2,jmtm2) wdar(:,:) = 0. nriv(:,:) = 0 ndis(:,:) = 0 where (tmsk(:,:) .eq. 0.) nriv(:,:) = 1 ! read the netcdf river file. fname = new_file_name ("L_rivers.nc") inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "Warning => ", trim(fname), " does not exist." else ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = imtm2 ic(2) = jmtm2 call openfile (fname, iou) call getvara ('L_rivers', iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) wdar(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1) = tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) call embmbc (wdar) nriv(:,:) = wdar(:,:) call getvara ('L_rivdis', iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) wdar(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1) = tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) call embmbc (wdar) ndis(:,:) = wdar(:,:) call getvara ('L_rivdiswt', iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) wdar(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1) = tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) call embmbc (wdar) endif call expand_basins call init_discharge return end subroutine expand_basins !======================================================================= ! expand basins out over the ocean in case of land boundary charges ! or areas without discharge points !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, j, n, nmax logical done include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "riv.h" done = .false. n = 0 nmax = max (imt,jmt) + 1 do while (.not. done .and. n .le. nmax) nrfill(:,:) = nriv(:,:) done = .true. do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 if (nrfill(i,j) .eq. 0) then if (nriv(i-1,j+1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i-1,j+1) elseif (nriv(i,j+1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i,j+1) elseif (nriv(i+1,j+1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i+1,j+1) elseif (nriv(i-1,j) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i-1,j) elseif (nriv(i+1,j) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i+1,j) elseif (nriv(i-1,j-1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i-1,j-1) elseif (nriv(i,j-1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i,j-1) elseif (nriv(i+1,j-1) .ne. 0) then nrfill(i,j) = nriv(i+1,j-1) endif if (nrfill(i,j) .eq. 0) done = .false. endif enddo nrfill(1,j) = nrfill(imtm1,j) nrfill(imt,j) = nrfill(2,j) enddo nriv(:,:) = nrfill(:,:) n = n + 1 enddo if (n .ge. nmax) stop 'rivinit nmax' return end subroutine init_discharge !======================================================================= ! sets river model basin and discharge points !======================================================================= implicit none character(120) :: fname, new_file_name integer i, ios, iou, j, k, m, n logical done include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "atm.h" include "riv.h" include "grdvar.h" character(1) :: line(imt) real wp(maxnb), wt(maxnb) nriv(:,:) = nrfill(:,:) call basin_perimeter ! check each basin has discharge done = .true. do n=1,nb if (nbp(n) .ne. 0 .and. ndp(n) .eq. 0) done = .false. enddo ! if no discharge points expand other basins to fill this one if (.not. done) then do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 if (nriv(i,j) .ne. 0) then n = nriv(i,j) if (nbp(n) .ne. 0 .and. ndp(n) .eq. 0) nriv(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo call expand_basins call basin_perimeter endif ! find total specified weight for discharge points for each basin wt(:) = 0. do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 if (wdar(i,j) .ne. 0.0 .and. ndis(i,j) .ne. 0.) then wt(ndis(i,j)) = wt(ndis(i,j)) + wdar(i,j) endif enddo enddo ! calculate discharge weight to perimeter points do n=1,nb wp(n) = 0. if (nbp(n) .ne. 0) then if (wt(n) .lt. 1. .and. ndp(n) .gt. 0) then wp(n) = (1. - wt(n))/ndp(n) wt(n) = 1. endif endif enddo ! calculate normalized weight over area for all discharge points do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 n = ndis(i,j) if (n .ne. 0) then if (nbp(n) .ne. 0) then if (wt(n)*dxt(i)*cst(j)*dyt(j) .eq. 0.) stop 'rivmodel wt' wdar(i,j) = (wdar(i,j)+wp(n))/(wt(n)*dxt(i)*cst(j)*dyt(j)) endif endif enddo enddo return end subroutine basin_perimeter !======================================================================= ! sets basin perimeters !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, j, n, nmax logical done include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "atm.h" include "riv.h" ! find perimeter points nb = 0 nbp(:) = 0 ndp(:) = 0 do j=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 if (nriv(i,j) .gt. nb) nb = nriv(i,j) if (nb .gt. maxnb) stop "basin_perimeter maxnb" if (tmsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then if (ndis(i,j) .ne. 0) then ndp(ndis(i,j)) = ndp(ndis(i,j)) + 1 elseif (tmsk(i-1,j+1) .lt. 0.5 .or. tmsk(i,j+1) .lt. 0.5 & .or. tmsk(i+1,j+1) .lt. 0.5 .or. tmsk(i-1,j) .lt. 0.5 & .or. tmsk(i+1,j) .lt. 0.5 .or. tmsk(i-1,j-1) .lt. 0.5 & .or. tmsk(i,j-1) .lt. 0.5 .or. tmsk(i+1,j-1) .lt. 0.5) & then ndis(i,j) = nriv(i,j) ndp(ndis(i,j)) = ndp(ndis(i,j)) + 1 endif nriv(i,j) = 0 else if (nriv(i,j) .eq. 0) stop "basin_perimeter zero nriv" nbp(nriv(i,j)) = nbp(nriv(i,j)) + 1 ndis(i,j) = 0 endif enddo enddo nriv(1,:) = 0 nriv(imt,:) = 0 nriv(:,1) = 0 nriv(:,jmt) = 0 ndis(1,:) = 0 ndis(imt,:) = 0 ndis(:,1) = 0 ndis(:,jmt) = 0 return end