! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/setcom.F subroutine setcom (is, ie, js, je) !======================================================================= ! set up everything which must be done only once per run !======================================================================= implicit none character (120) :: fname, new_file_name, logfile integer ie, is, je, js, i, indp, iormsk, iou, jrow, k, ke, ks, n integer ib(10), ic(10) logical exists real fx, fxa, fxb, tarea, uarea, ocnp, ej, ek include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "scalar.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" include "grdvar.h" include "index.h" include "iounit.h" include "levind.h" include "csbc.h" real dmsk(imt,jmt), tmpij(imtm2,jmtm2) include "cpolar.h" ! set latitudes used in filtering of tracer and velocity fields rjfrst = -87.3 rjft0 = -67.5 rjft1 = -69.3 rjft2 = 69.3 rjfu0 = -68.4 rjfu1 = -70.2 rjfu2 = 70.2 ! default average surface salinity socn = 0.03475 ! compute sin and cos values for vector correction before filtering fx = 1.0e-10 fxa = dxt(1)/radius do i=2,imtm1 fxb = fxa*float(i-2) spsin(i) = sin(fxb) spcos(i) = cos(fxb) if (abs(spsin(i)) .lt. fx) spsin(i) = c0 if (abs(spcos(i)) .lt. fx) spcos(i) = c0 enddo spsin(1) = c0 spcos(1) = c0 spsin(imt) = c0 spcos(imt) = c0 ! set up model indices for filtering high latitudes jfrst = indp (rjfrst, yt, jmt) jft0 = indp (rjft0, yt, jmt) jft1 = indp (rjft1, yt, jmt) jft2 = indp (rjft2, yt, jmt) jfu0 = indp (rjfu0, yu, jmt) jfu1 = indp (rjfu1, yu, jmt) jfu2 = indp (rjfu2, yu, jmt) jskpt = jft2-jft1 jskpu = jfu2-jfu1 njtbft = (jft1-jfrst+1)+(jmtm1-jft2+1) njtbfu = (jfu1-jfrst+1)+(jmtm1-jfu2+1) if (njtbft .gt. jmtfil .or. njtbfu .gt. jmtfil) then write (stdout,9599) njtbft, njtbfu write (stderr,9599) njtbft, njtbfu stop '>ocean 1' endif 9551 format (/' ==== start and end indices for Fourier filtering ====') 9552 format (' only 11 sets of indices fit across the page.', & ' others will not be printed.'/) 9553 format (/,' == filtering indices for t,s ==') 9554 format (/,' == filtering indices for u,v ==') 9555 format (/,' == filtering indices for stream function ==') 9599 format (/,' error => jmtfil must be >= max(njtbft,njtbfu)', & /,' njtbft=',i8,' njtbfu=',i8) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute surface area and volume of ocean ("t" cells and "u" cells) ! (note that areas are defined at each level) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,km tcella(k) = c0 ucella(k) = c0 enddo ocnp = c0 tcellv = c0 ucellv = c0 ! this comment directive turns off autotasking on the YMP ! for the following loop tgarea(:,:) = 0. ugarea(:,:) = 0. do jrow=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 tarea = cst(jrow)*dxt(i)*dyt(jrow) uarea = csu(jrow)*dxu(i)*dyu(jrow) tgarea(i,jrow) = tarea ugarea(i,jrow) = uarea if (kmt(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then do k=1,kmt(i,jrow) tcella(k) = tcella(k) + tarea enddo tcellv = tcellv + tarea*zw(kmt(i,jrow)) ocnp = ocnp + float(kmt(i,jrow)) endif if (kmu(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then do k=1,kmu(i,jrow) ucella(k) = ucella(k) + uarea enddo ucellv = ucellv + uarea*zw(kmu(i,jrow)) endif enddo enddo write (stdout,9341) tcella(1), tcellv, ucella(1), ucellv 9341 format (//,' Global ocean statistics:' &,/,' the total ocean surface area (t cells) =',1pe15.8,'cm**2' &,/,' the total ocean volume (t cells) =',1pe15.8,'cm**3' &,/,' the total ocean surface area (u cells) =',1pe15.8,'cm**2' &,/,' the total ocean volume (u cells) =',1pe15.8,'cm**3') !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set the horizontal regional masks and names to be used when ! computing averages on the "t" grid in subroutine "region.F". ! also set the vertical regional masks and names for use (along ! with the horizontal ones) in term balance calculations for ! tracers & momentum. For term balance calculations the number ! of masks is the product of horizontal & vertical regions. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- mskhr(:,:) = 0 fname = new_file_name ("G_mskhreg.nc") inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (exists) then call openfile (fname, iou) ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = 1 ic(1) = imtm2 ic(2) = jmtm2 if (exists) then call getvara ('G_mskhreg', iou, imtm2*jmtm2, ib, ic &, tmpij, c1, c0) mskhr(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1) = tmpij(1:imtm2,1:jmtm2) endif endif ! set up the vertical regions: ! specify "mskvr" and "vregnm" values. also the starting & ending ! levels for the vertical regions (arbitrarily defaulted for two ! vertical regions). Note: there must be "nvreg" calls... one for ! each vertical region. ! The form is: ! call setvr (region number, starting depth, ending depth) ! where the depth limits are for the edges of the "t" cells ! "setvr" will fit the region using the nearest model grid points ek = 0.0 do n=1, nvreg ek = ek + float(km)/float(nvreg) ke = min(km, nint(ek)) if (n .eq. 1) then call setvr (n, 0.0, zw(ke)) else call setvr (n, zw(ks), zw(ke)) endif ks = ke enddo do k=1,km mskvr(k) = 0 enddo do n=1,nvreg ks = llvreg(n,1) ke = llvreg(n,2) do k=ks,ke mskvr(k) = n enddo enddo return end subroutine setvr (nr, zstart, zend) !======================================================================= ! discretizes the vertical region to nearest model grid points ! nr = the vertical region number ! zstart = starting depth at edge of "t" box region in cm. ! zend = ending depth at edge of "t" box region in cm. !======================================================================= implicit none integer ker, ksr, nr, indp real tmin, tmax, reflat, zstart, ztopb, zend include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "cregin.h" ! find the nearest "t" box indices within the region if (zstart .lt. p5*zw(1)) then ksr = 1 ztopb = 0.0 else ksr = min(indp (zstart, zw, km)+1, km) ztopb = zw(ksr-1)*0.01 endif ker = indp (zend, zw, km) llvreg(nr,1) = ksr llvreg(nr,2) = ker write (vregnm(nr),9000) ztopb, zw(ker)*0.01 write (stdout,*) ' Defining vertical region # ',nr &, ' as "t" cells within ', vregnm(nr) if (ksr .gt. ker) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: ksr=',ksr,' > ker=',ker, 'in setvr' stop '=>setvr' endif 9000 format (' dpt:',f6.1, '=>',f6.1, 'm') return end