! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/common/switch.F subroutine set_time_switches !======================================================================= ! S E T T I M E S W I T C H E S ! Subroutine set_time_switches sets switches in "switch.h" ! that trigger periodically recurring events in the model ! such as diagnostics and end-of-run. ! Currently implemented switches include end-of-day, end-of- ! week, end-of-two-weeks, end-of-month, end-of-year, end-of- ! run, mid-month, and switches active at prespecified intervals ! from either start of run, initial conditions, or any other ! reference time the user chooses. It is relatively ! easy to add additional switches by following the models of ! switches already provided. ! input: ! a switch.h file with all switch intervals in units of days. ! outputs: ! a whole collection of useful logical switches in the ! switch.h file. !======================================================================= implicit none integer i logical alarm, avg_alarm, timeless real shortest_mon include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" include "calendar.h" !======================================================================= ! set all time dependent logical switches (except "first") !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! C A L E N D A R A N D C L O C K S W I T C H E S ! here are some examples of setting logicals based on the calendar ! and clock. "dayoyr" is time in days since the start of a year. ! alarms go off when current time + dt/2 is later then the alarm ! time. arguments of alarm routine: ! 1) index to the alarm setting time ! 2) index to the model time+dt/2 ! 3) interval of the alarm in real days ! 4) index to the reference time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the day ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eoday = alarm (ieoday, ihalfstep, 1.0, isunday) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the week ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eoweek = alarm (ieoweek, ihalfstep, 7.0, isunday) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the end of two weeks ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eo2wks = alarm (ieo2wks, ihalfstep, 14.0, isunday) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set initial alarm times in the first time step for the ! end of month, mid month, end of year, and end of run switches. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize end of month alarm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getswitch (ieomon) call getfulltime (ialarm(ieomon)) call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(ieomon)) month (ialarm(ieomon)) = month (ialarm(ieomon)) + 1 if (month(ialarm(ieomon)) .gt. 12) then month(ialarm(ieomon)) = 1 year (ialarm(ieomon)) = year(ialarm(ieomon)) + 1 endif day (ialarm(ieomon)) = 1 hour (ialarm(ieomon)) = 0 minute(ialarm(ieomon)) = 0 second(ialarm(ieomon)) = 0 call expandtime (ialarm(ieomon)) call gettime (iinterval(ieomon)) shortest_mon = daypm(1) do i=2,12 if (daypm(i) .lt. shortest_mon) shortest_mon = daypm(i) enddo call settime3 (iinterval(ieomon), shortest_mon) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize mid month alarm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getswitch (imidmon) call getfulltime (ialarm(imidmon)) call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(imidmon)) day (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1 hour (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon)) & ,2) minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon)) if (timeless (ialarm(imidmon), itime)) then month (ialarm(imidmon)) = month(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1 if (month(ialarm(imidmon)) .gt. 12) then month(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1 year (ialarm(imidmon)) = year(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1 endif day (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1 hour (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon)) & ,2) minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon)) endif call gettime (iinterval(imidmon)) call settime3 (iinterval(imidmon), shortest_mon) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize end of year alarm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getswitch (ieoyear) call getfulltime (ialarm(ieoyear)) call copyfulltime (itime, ialarm(ieoyear)) year (ialarm(ieoyear)) = year(ialarm(ieoyear)) + 1 month (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 1 day (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 1 hour (ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0 minute(ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0 second(ialarm(ieoyear)) = 0 call expandtime (ialarm(ieoyear)) call gettime (iinterval(ieoyear)) call settime3 (iinterval(ieoyear), real(yrlen)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the month ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eomon = timeless (ialarm(ieomon), ihalfstep) on(ieomon) = eomon if (eomon) then iday(ialarm(ieomon)) = iday(ialarm(ieomon)) + & daysinmon(ialarm(ieomon)) call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieomon)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the middle of the month ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- midmon = timeless (ialarm(imidmon), ihalfstep) on(imidmon) = midmon if (midmon) then day(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1 month(ialarm(imidmon)) = month(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1 if (month(ialarm(imidmon)) .gt. 12) then month(ialarm(imidmon)) = 1 year(ialarm(imidmon)) = year(ialarm(imidmon)) + 1 endif call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon)) day (ialarm(imidmon)) = daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon))/2 + 1 hour (ialarm(imidmon)) = 12*modulo(daysinmon(ialarm(imidmon)) & , 2) minute(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 second(ialarm(imidmon)) = 0 call expandtime (ialarm(imidmon)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it within 1/2 time step of the end of the year ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eoyear = timeless (ialarm(ieoyear), ihalfstep) on(ieoyear) = eoyear if (eoyear) then iday(ialarm(ieoyear)) = iday(ialarm(ieoyear)) + & daysinyear(ialarm(ieoyear)) call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieoyear)) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it the last time step of the run ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- eorun = timeless (ialarm(ieorun), ihalfstep) on(ieorun) = eorun !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is time mixing to be done now ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nmix .eq. 0 .or. nmix .eq. 1) then leapfrog = .true. else if (mod(itt,nmix) .eq. 1) then leapfrog = .false. else leapfrog = .true. endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it the first time step of an ocean segment? ! is it the last time step of an ocean segment? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (first) then osegs = .true. call getswitch (iosegs) call gettime (iinterval(iosegs)) call settime3 (iinterval(iosegs), segtim) else osegs = osege endif on(iosegs) = osegs osege = alarm (iosege, ihalfstep, segtim, irunstart) !======================================================================= ! S W I T C H E S B A S E D O N A N I N T E R V A L ! each interval switch needs three variables in common. The ! following naming convention is used. ! 1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output (e.g,. glenint) ! 2) a switch (logical) for the interval (e.g., glents ) ! the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager ! to support calculation of the logical switch ! 3) an index (integer) (e.g., iglenint) ! the user must specify the interval [e.g., glenint] for diagnostic ! output in units of days. set_time_switches sets the corresponding ! logical switch [e.g., glents] every time step. It is set to true ! when within half a time step of the requested interval, otherwise ! it is false. All decisions relating to the interval [e.g., glenint] ! are based on the logical switch [e.g., glents]. ! internal time structures ! The switch index [e.g., iglenint] is used to subscript into ! internal arrays maintained by tmngr.F. The switch index is ! allocated on the first call to function "alarm". ! The array entry [e.g., iinterval(iglenint)] is a time index to the ! internal representation of the interval [e.g., glenint]. ! The array entry [e.g., ialarm(iglenint)] is a time index to the ! next time the alarm will be true. !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! are regional tracer averages to be done at this time ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tavgts = alarm (itavgint, ihalfstep, tavgint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! are global energetics to be done at this time ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- glents = alarm (iglenint, ihalfstep, glenint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! are tracer & momentum term balances to be done at this time ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- trmbts = alarm (itrmbint, ihalfstep, trmbint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is time to write the vertical_meridional stream function? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- vmsfts = alarm (ivmsfint, ihalfstep, vmsfint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! are the gyre components to be done at this time ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- gyrets = alarm (igyreint, ihalfstep, gyreint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it time to do a stability diagnosis ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- stabts = alarm (istabint, ihalfstep, stabint, iref) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it time to save a restart ? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- restts = alarm (irestint, ihalfstep, restint, iref) !======================================================================= ! S W I T C H E S B A S E D O N A N I N T E R V A L ! A N D A V E R A G I N G P E R I O D ! each averaging period switch needs five variables in common. The ! following naming convention is used. ! 1) an interval (real) for diagnostic output (e.g. xbtint ) ! 2) a switch (logical) for the interval (e.g. xbtts ) ! 3) an averaging period (real) (e.g. xbtper ) ! 4) a switch (logical) for accumulating (e.g. xbtperts) ! the third is an internal variable needed by the time manager ! to support calculation of the logical switches ! 5) an index (integer) (e.g. ixbtint ) ! The user must specify the interval [e.g., xbtint] for diagnostic ! output in units of days and the averaging period [e.g., xbtper] ! in units of days. The averaging period may be less than or equal ! to the interval. For example, if the interval is 30.0 days and the ! averaging period is 5.0 days, results will be averaged over all ! time steps within days 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. ! The logical switch for writing output at the specified interval ! [e.g., xbtts] is set to true on the last time step of the ! averaging period. The logical switch for accumulating results ! [e.g., xbtperts] is true for all time steps within the averaging ! period, otherwise it is false. ! internal time structures ! The index [e.g., ixbtint] is allocated on the first call to ! function "avg_alarm". The array element iperiod(ixbtint) is an ! index to the time structure for the internal representation of ! "xbtper", and ilastsw(ixbtint) is the index of the switch that ! flags the last time step of the accumulation period. ! Depending on use, ilastsw(ixbtint) may either be the index ! of another "named" switch or the index of a new switch ! allocated on the first time step. ! In the latter case, iinterval(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of ! the time structure where "xbtint" is stored in internal form, ! and ialarm(ilastsw(ixbtint)) is the index of the time when an ! accumulation period will next end. ! The variable nextts(ixbtint) is true whenever the next ! time step will begin the accumulation period. !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it time to accumulate or "average and write" time mean ! integrated data? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tsits = avg_alarm(itsiint, ihalfstep, tsiint, tsiper, iref, 0) tsiperts = on(itsiint) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! is it time to accumulate or "average and write" time mean data ! on the "averaging" grid? !----------------------------------------------------------------------- timavgts = avg_alarm(itimavgint, ihalfstep, timavgint &, timavgper, iref, 0) timavgperts = on(itimavgint) return end function alarm (isw, ihalf, timeint, irefer) !======================================================================= ! inputs: ! isw = index to the switch number for this switch. isw is ! allocated on the first call to avg_alarm. ! ihalf = index to the time one half time step ahead of current ! time ! timeint = specified time interval of interest (in days. eg: 1.0 ! day, 36 hours (1.5 days), a week (7.0 days), two weeks ! (14.0 days), 365.0 days ... etc) ! irefer = index to the time to which the alarm is referenced ! outputs: ! alarm: ! if timeint > 0 then ! alarm = true when the current time + dt/2 is later than the ! alarm time. The alarm is then incremented ! if timeint = 0 then ! alarm = true (i.e., do this option every step) ! if timeint < 0 then ! alarm = false (i.e., this option is disabled) ! if first=.T. then alarm sets the initial alarm time ! output in common: ! on(isw) = true whenever alarm is true ! internal values in common: ! the user need not be concerned with these: ! iinterval(isw) = index of time field where timeint is stored in ! internal form. ! ialarm(isw) = index of time when alarm will next be true !======================================================================= implicit none integer isw, irefer, i, ihalf logical ltemp, alarm, timeless real timeint, realintervals, realdays include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" if (first) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize the alarm on first iteration !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getswitch (isw) call gettime (ialarm(isw)) call gettime (iinterval(isw)) call settime3 (iinterval(isw), timeint) if (timeint .gt. 0.0) then if (timeless (irunstart, irefer)) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if reference time is later than run start time then the ! initial alarm is set to reference time. (No alarms will ! go off until the time reaches the reference time.) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call copytime (irefer, ialarm(isw)) else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set alarm to first time of the form: reftime + i * timeint ! that is at least dt/2 after runstart. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call subtime (irunstart, irefer, ireftime) call addtime (ireftime, idtd2, ireftime) realintervals = realdays(ireftime)/timeint !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! i = least integer greater than realintervals (ceiling) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- i = int(realintervals) + 1 i = i - int(i - realintervals) call multime (i, iinterval(isw), ialarm(isw)) call addtime (ialarm(isw), irefer, ialarm(isw)) endif else call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw)) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check alarm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (timeint .gt. 0.0) then ltemp = timeless (ialarm(isw), ihalf) if (ltemp) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increment the alarm time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 continue call addtime (ialarm(isw), iinterval(isw), ialarm(isw)) if (timeless (ialarm(isw), ihalf)) goto 100 endif elseif (timeint .lt. 0.0) then ltemp = .false. call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw)) else ltemp = .true. call addtime (itime, idt, ialarm(isw)) endif alarm = ltemp on(isw) = ltemp return end function avg_alarm(isw, ihalf, swinterval, period, irefer &, ilastswitch) !======================================================================= ! inputs: ! isw = index to the switch number for this switch. isw is ! allocated on the first call to avg_alarm. ! ihalf = index to the time one half time step ahead of current ! time ! swinterval = specified time interval of the switch (in days. ! eg: 1.0 day, 36 hours (1.5 days), a week (7.0 days), ! two weeks (14.0 days), 365.0 days ... etc) ! period = period of the averaging or accumulation part of the ! interval (in days). ! It is permissible for period and interval to be equal, ! in which case, the logical on(isw) is always true, and ! the logical lastts(isw) and the function value are ! true become true once every interval days. ! irefer = index to the time to which the alarm is referenced ! ilastswitch = index of switch which signals the last timestep of ! the interval. If ilastswitch = 0, then a new, ! unnamed switch is allocated which turns on every ! interval days after the reference time. If ! ilastswitch is nonzero, the argument interval is ! ignored and the "named" switch indexed by ! ilastswitch is used to signal the last time step ! of the interval. Note that ilastswitch need not ! be a simple interval switch; it may be a calendar ! switch such as imidmon (mid month) or ieoyear ! (end of year). ! outputs: ! avg_alarm = true only on the last time step of the interval. ! isw = index to switch is allocated on first time step ! outputs in common: ! on(isw) = true whenever current time step is within accumula- ! tion part of the interval. ! lastts(isw) = true only on last time step of interval. ! The alarm is then incremented ! internal values in common: ! the user need not be concerned with these: ! nextts(isw) = true when next time step will be first of interval. ! (i.e., on the time step nearest to period days ! before lastts(isw) will be true.) ! iperiod(isw) = index of time field where length of the averaging ! period is stored in internal form. ! ilastsw(isw) = index of switch which signals the last time step ! of the interval. if ilastsw(isw) is a "named" ! switch, be sure to update it before isw is updated ! in the subroutine set_time_switches. !======================================================================= implicit none integer isw, irefer, ihalf, ilastswitch logical avg_alarm, timeless, alarm, named_lastswitch real realdays, swinterval, period include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" named_lastswitch = (ilastswitch .ne. 0) if (first) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate a new switch !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getswitch(isw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check for invalid user input !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (named_lastswitch) then ilastsw(isw) = ilastswitch swinterval = realdays(iinterval(ilastswitch)) endif if (period .gt. swinterval) then print *, 'ERROR: switch period exceeds its interval' print *, ' period = ',period print *, ' interval = ',swinterval stop '==>avgalarm' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize internal switch variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call gettime (iperiod(isw)) call settime3 (iperiod(isw), period) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize switches lastts and nextts !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (named_lastswitch) then lastts(isw) = on(ilastsw(isw)) else call getswitch(ilastsw(isw)) lastts(isw) = alarm (ilastsw(isw), ihalf, swinterval, irefer) endif call subtime (ialarm(ilastsw(isw)), iperiod(isw), itmptime) call subtime (ihalf, idt, itmptime2) nextts(isw) = timeless (itmptime2, itmptime) .and. & timeless (itmptime, ihalf) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set on(isw) only if start of averaging interval is within a half ! time step of runstart. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call subtime (itmptime2, idt, itmptime3) on(isw) = timeless (itmptime3, itmptime) .and. & timeless (itmptime, itmptime2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! turn lastts(isw) off if on(isw) is false !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .and. on(isw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! this is not the first time step. ! reset on(isw) based on events in previous call to increment_time !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (lastts(isw)) on(isw) = .false. if (nextts(isw)) on(isw) = .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set lastts based on current call to increment_time. ! end of run turns lastts(isw) on; however lastts(isw) must ! never be true unless on(isw) is also true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (named_lastswitch) then lastts(isw) = on(ilastsw(isw)) else lastts(isw) = alarm (ilastsw(isw), ihalf, swinterval, irefer) endif lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .or. eorun lastts(isw) = lastts(isw) .and. on(isw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set nextts based on current call to increment_time. ! these tests must follow the setting of lastts so that in the ! case that the averaging period is equal to the entire interval, ! the alarm setting for lastts will already be pushed ahead. ! a period of 0 really means average over one time step. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call subtime (ialarm(ilastsw(isw)), iperiod(isw), itmptime) if (period .eq. 0) then call subtime (itmptime, idt, itmptime) endif call subtime (ihalf, idt, itmptime2) nextts(isw) = timeless (itmptime2, itmptime) .and. & timeless (itmptime, ihalf) endif avg_alarm = lastts(isw) return end subroutine getswitch (isw) implicit none integer isw include "switch.h" nsw = nsw + 1 if (nsw .gt. maxsw) then print *, 'ERROR: not enough switches.' print *, ' increase maxsw = ',maxsw,' in switch.h' stop '==>getsw' endif isw = nsw return end subroutine set_eorun (runlen0, rununits0, rundays0) !======================================================================= ! initialize end of run alarm. ! place dummy arguments in corresponding variables in "switch.h" ! inputs: ! runlen0 = length of run [see rununits for units] ! rununits0 = time units ('days', 'months', or 'years' for runlen0 ! output: ! rundays0 = length of run converted to (real) days ! at present, arbitrary real run lengths in 'days' are handled. ! run lengths in real 'months' or 'years' are rounded to the ! nearest integral number of months or years before use. !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: rununits0 real runlen0, rundays0, realdays include "switch.h" include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" ! copy inputs to common in "switch.h" runlen = runlen0 rununits = rununits0 ! calculate end of run based on rununits0 call getswitch (ieorun) call getfulltime (ialarm(ieorun)) call copyfulltime (irunstart, ialarm(ieorun)) if (rununits0 .eq. 'years') then year(ialarm(ieorun)) = year(ialarm(ieorun)) + nint(runlen0) call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun)) day (ialarm(ieorun)) = min (day(irunstart), & daysinmon(ialarm(ieorun))) call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun)) if (real(nint(runlen0)) .ne. runlen0) then print '(/,a,1pg14.7,a,i3,a,/)', & 'WARNING: run length ',runlen0,' years rounded to ', & nint(runlen0), ' years' runlen0 = real(nint(runlen0)) runlen = runlen0 endif elseif (rununits0 .eq. 'months') then month(ialarm(ieorun)) = month(ialarm(ieorun)) + nint(runlen0) & - 1 year (ialarm(ieorun)) = year (ialarm(ieorun)) + month(ieorun)/12 month(ialarm(ieorun)) = modulo (month(ialarm(ieorun)), 12) + 1 day (ialarm(ieorun)) = 1 call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun)) if (real(nint(runlen0)) .ne. runlen0) then print '(/,a,1pg14.7,a,i3,a,/)', & 'WARNING: run length ',runlen0,' months rounded to ', & nint(runlen0), ' months' runlen0 = real(nint(runlen0)) runlen = runlen0 endif day (ialarm(ieorun)) = min (day(irunstart), & daysinmon(ialarm(ieorun))) call expandtime (ialarm(ieorun)) elseif (rununits0 .eq. 'days') then call settime3 (itemptime, runlen0) call addtime (irunstart, itemptime, ialarm(ieorun)) call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieorun)) else write (stdout, *) & 'Warning: No units given for run length--days assumed' call settime3 (itemptime, runlen0) call addtime (irunstart, itemptime, ialarm(ieorun)) call expandtime2 (ialarm(ieorun)) endif call subtime (ialarm(ieorun), irunstart, itemptime) rundays0 = realdays (itemptime) rundays = rundays0 return end subroutine initswitch !======================================================================= ! initialize switch indices for getswitch. !======================================================================= implicit none include "switch.h" nsw = 0 return end