! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/timeinterp.F subroutine timeinterpi (nrec, stamp1, aprec, tdrec, isbcstart &, period) !======================================================================= ! initializes time centre of each data record based on the time ! stamp and average period. !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: stamp1 integer nrec, isbcend, m, isbcstart, isbcyear, isbcmon, isbcday integer isbchour, isbcmin, isbcsec logical period real sum include "tmngr.h" real aprec(nrec), tdrec(nrec) data isbcend /0/ save isbcend ! define each climatological data record to be at the centre of the ! month starting with month "isbcmonth" sum = 0.0 do m=1,nrec sum = sum + aprec(m) tdrec(m) = sum - 0.5*aprec(m) enddo ! calculate time at start of first record: "isbcstart" if (isbcend .eq. 0) call getfulltime (isbcend) call getfulltime (isbcstart) call rdstmp (stamp1, isbcyear, isbcmon, isbcday, isbchour &, isbcmin, isbcsec) call setfulltime (isbcend, isbcyear, isbcmon, isbcday, isbchour &, isbcmin, isbcsec) call inctime (isbcend, -aprec(1), isbcstart) ! check integrity of data record times. also when using datasets ! as periodic, add 0.2425 days to febuary and adjust subsequent ! months to account for this change when using the time manager ! with a leap year calendar. if (period) call checkinterp (nrec, tdrec, aprec) return end subroutine timeinterp (tm, n, tdrec, aprec, ndr, period, method &, ia, ib, wb, change, inext, iprev) !======================================================================= ! time interpolator ... constructs indices & weight needed for ! linearly interpolating data defined at arbitrary time intervals ! (midpoints of years, months, days or random intervals) to ! the time of the current model time step. ! inputs: ! tm = the time at which the data is desired (units of "tdrec") ! tdrec = the times at which the data records in the dataset are ! defined. times must be monotonically increasing and are ! assumed to be at the centres of the averaging periods. ! (eg: the centres of the months if using monthly averaged ! climatology. units are arbitrary) ! aprec = array of averaging periods for the data records ! (eg: the number of days per month) ! ndr = number of data records in the dataset. (eg: 12 if using ! monthly climatology) ! period = (true,false) if the dataset is to be treated as ! (perodic, not periodic). if periodic, then the model ! time is always mapped into the dataset. if not, then ! record 1 is used for all model time before the ! beginning of the dataset and record "ndr" is used for ! all model time after the end of the dataset. ! method = interpolation scheme desired. (0..3) ! 0 = no interpolation; the average value is used ! for all times in the entire averaging period. ! (preserves the integral over averaging periods, ! but is discontinuous at period boundaries.) ! 1 = linear interpolation between the middles of ! two adjacent averaging periods. ! (continuous but does not preserve integral for ! unequal periods.) ! 2 = equal linear interpolation. Assumes that the ! value on the boundary between two adjacent ! averaging periods is the unweighted average of ! the two average values. Linearly interpolates ! between the midperiod and period boundary. ! (continuous but does not preserve integral for ! unequal periods.) ! 3 = equal area (midperiod to midperiod) interpolation ! chooses a value for the boundary between two ! adjacent periods such that linear interpolation ! between the two midperiods and this value will ! preserve the integral midperiod to midperiod. ! Note that methods 1,2, and 3 are equivalent if ! all periods lengths are equal. ! n = a number denoting which dataset is being interpolated ! (each dataset should be referenced by a unique number ! starting with 1 for the 1st, 2 for the 2nd, ...etc) ! outputs: ! ia = index for pointing to the next data record which will be ! reached by the model. (eg: ahead of the model. "ia" would ! be 3 if "tm" was beyond the middle of {but still within} ! february) ! ib = index for pointing to the data record which was just ! passed by the model. (eg: behind the model. "ib" would ! be 2 if "tm" was beyond the middle of {but still within} ! february) ! inext = index to memory buffer containing data from "ia" ! iprev = index to memory buffer containing data from "ib" ! wb = interpolation weight for defining data at "tm" ! schematically the interpolation is defined by: ! data(iprev) <== disk data "ib" ! data(inext) <== disk data "ia" ! data(tm) = wb*data(iprev) + (1-wb)*data(inext) ! change = logical for sensing when "ia" and "ib" change. ! when change = T then it is time to read the disk ! and update "inext" and "iprev" !======================================================================= implicit none integer maxsets, iflag parameter (maxsets=15, iflag=-99999) integer ndr, n, method, ib, indp, ia, ic, io, itemp, iprev, inext integer iaold(maxsets), imethod(maxsets) logical change, period real dstart, dend, dlen, tm, d, f, time, startaft, dtmid, dtbnd real dtomid, wc, wb, tdrec(ndr), aprec(ndr) data iaold /maxsets*iflag/ save iaold, imethod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! statement function !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (n .gt. maxsets) then write (*,'(a,i10,a,i10)') 'Error: n=', n, ' maxsets=',maxsets stop '=>timeinterp' endif if (iaold(n) .eq. iflag) then write (*,'(/1x,a,i2,a,i3/)') & 'Assigning interpolation method ',method, ' to dataset # ',n imethod(n) = method endif if (method .ne. imethod(n)) then write (*,'(/a,i2,a,i3/a,i2,a/)') & 'Error: trying to use method ',method, ' on dataset # ',n &, 'originally, method ',imethod(n),' was used in timeinterp' stop endif if (period) then ! define the position of the dataset in time dstart = tdrec(1) - 0.5*aprec(1) dend = tdrec(ndr) + 0.5*aprec(ndr) dlen = dend - dstart ! map the model time into the dataset assuming dataset periodicity if (tm .lt. dstart) then d = dstart - tm f = d/dlen - int(d/dlen) time = dend - f*dlen elseif (tm .gt. dend) then d = tm - dend f = d/dlen - int(d/dlen) time = dstart + f*dlen else time = tm endif else ! define the position of the dataset in time. no periodicity dstart = tdrec(1) dend = tdrec(ndr) dlen = dend - dstart ! map the model time into the dataset. assume data is constant ! before the beginning and after the end of the dataset if (tm .lt. dstart) then time = dstart elseif (tm .gt. dend) then time = dend else time = tm endif endif ! calculate record pointers and weighting for interpolation of ! dataset records to the model time step. ib = indp (time, tdrec, ndr) if (tdrec(ib) .gt. time) ib = ib - 1 if (period) then ia = mod(ib, ndr) + 1 if (ib .lt. 1) ib = ndr else ia = ib + 1 if (ia .gt. ndr) ia = ib if (ib .lt. 1) ib = ia endif ! find whether "time" is closer to midpoint of record "ia" or ib" ! ic is the index of the closest midpoint ! io is the index of the other midpoint startaft = tdrec(ia) - 0.5*aprec(ia) if (time .ge. startaft .and. time .le. tdrec(ia)) then ic = ia io = ib else ic = ib io = ia endif ! dtmid = distance from "time" to midpoint of closer record ! dtbnd = distance from "time" to boundary of closer record ! dtomid = distance from "time" to midpoint of other record dtmid = abs(time - tdrec(ic)) dtbnd = 0.5*aprec(ic) - dtmid dtomid = 0.5*aprec(io) + dtbnd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 3) equal area (midperiod to midperiod) interpolation formula !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (method .eq. 3) then wc = 2.0*dtbnd/aprec(ic) + 2.0*dtmid/(aprec(ic) + aprec(io)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2) equal linear interpolation ! value on period boundary assumed to be average of values ! on the two adjacent periods. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (method .eq. 2) then wc = (2.0*dtbnd + dtmid)/aprec(ic) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1) linear interpolation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (method .eq. 1) then wc = dtomid/(dtmid + dtomid) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 0) no interpolation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (method .eq. 0) then wc = 1.0 else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! anything else is not allowed for (unless you want to add one!) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- print *,'=>Error: method = ',method,' not allowed in timeinterp' stop endif if (ib .eq. ic) then wb = wc else wb = 1.0 - wc endif if (wc .lt. 0.0 .or. wc .gt. 1.0) then print *,' ic=',ic,' io=',io, ' dtmid=',dtmid,' dtbnd=',dtbnd &,' dtomid=',dtomid, ' time=',time, ' ia=',ia,' ib=',ib &, ' wc=',wc print *,' =>Error: bad interpolation weight in timeinterp' stop endif ! refresh pointers to memory buffers when reading disk data if (iaold(n) .ne. ia) then change = .true. itemp = iprev iprev = inext inext = itemp else change = .false. endif iaold(n) = ia return end subroutine checkinterp (ntdrec, tdrec, aprec) !======================================================================= ! check for consistency between interpolation period centres "tdrec" ! and period lengths "aprec". ! adjust tdrec and aprec for leap years ! check for and compensate for some mismatches between data and ! calendar !======================================================================= implicit none integer ntdrec, m logical febdone, monthly, error real dlen, sum, time include "calendar.h" include "stdunits.h" real tdrec(ntdrec), aprec(ntdrec) ! test for consistency of tdrec and aprec times monthly = .true. error = .false. sum = 0.5*aprec(1) do m=2,ntdrec sum = sum + 0.5*(aprec(m) + aprec(m-1)) if (abs(tdrec(m) - sum) .gt. 0.01*tdrec(m)) then error = .true. write (stdout,*) 'Error in time interpolation data' write (stdout,*) 'Date for middle of record ',m &, ' is not centred' endif if (.not.(28.0 .le. aprec(m) .and. aprec(m) .le. 32)) then monthly = .false. endif enddo if (error) then write (stdout,*) 'STOP in checkinterp' ! stop endif dlen = (tdrec(ntdrec) + 0.5*aprec(ntdrec)) - & (tdrec(1) - 0.5*aprec(1)) ! if using leap years, add 1/4 day to feburary (or last record in ! feb if data is other than monthly. eg: daily) if (.not.eqyear) then if (mod(dlen, real(yrlen)) .lt. 0.01) then ! calendar has leap years but data does not, add 1/4 day to ! feburary (or last record in feb if data is other than monthly. ! eg: daily) write (stdout, '(/,a,a)') & 'Checkinterp: Modifying equal year interpolation' &, ' data for use with leap year calendar' febdone = .false. time = 0.0 do m=1,ntdrec time = time + aprec(m) if (time .ge. yrlen) then time = time - yrlen febdone = .false. endif if (time .ge. msum(3)) then if (.not. febdone) then aprec(m) = aprec(m) + 0.2425 write (stdout, '(a,i4)') & 'Checkinterp: Adding 0.2425 days to record ',m febdone = .true. endif endif enddo sum = tdrec(1) - 0.5*aprec(1) do m=1,ntdrec sum = sum + aprec(m) tdrec(m) = sum - 0.5*aprec(m) ! print *,' m=',m,' tdrec=',tdrec(m), ' aprec=',aprec(m) enddo elseif (mod(dlen, real(yrlen)) - 0.2425*nint(dlen/yrlen) & .le. 0.01) then ! calendar has leap years and data is leap year corrected by adding ! 0.2425 days per year. interpolation data is consistent. else ! calendar has leap years but data is neither leap year ! compensated nor an exact number of years, it is not clear ! what user wants. write (stdout,*) 'Problem in checkinterp' write (stdout,*) 'Calendar uses leap years, but interpolation' &, ' data is neither an integer number of years or leap year' &, ' corrected by adding 0.2425 days per year.' stop endif else if (mod(dlen, real(yrlen)) .lt. 0.01) then ! calendar uses equal years and data is an integral number of these ! years. interpolation data is consistent. elseif (mod(dlen, real(yrlen)) - 0.2425*nint(dlen/yrlen) & .le. 0.01) then ! calendar uses equal years, but data is leap year corrected. ! subtract 1/4 day from feburary (or last record in feb if data is other ! than monthly. eg: daily) write (stdout, '(/,a,a)') & 'Checkinterp: Modifying leap year corrected' &, ' interpolation data for use with equal years' febdone = .false. time = 0.0 do m=1,ntdrec time = time + aprec(m) if (time .ge. yrlen + 0.2425) then time = time - yrlen - 0.2425 febdone = .false. endif if (time .ge. msum(3)+0.2425) then if (.not. febdone) then aprec(m) = aprec(m) - 0.2425 write (stdout, '(a,i4)') & 'Checkinterp: Subtracting 0.2425 days from record ',m febdone = .true. endif endif enddo sum = tdrec(1) - 0.5*aprec(1) do m=1,ntdrec sum = sum + aprec(m) tdrec(m) = sum - 0.5*aprec(m) ! print *,' m=',m,' tdrec=',tdrec(m), ' aprec=',aprec(m) enddo else ! calendar has equal years but data is neither leap year ! compensated nor an exact number of years, it is not clear ! what user wants. write (stdout,*) 'Problem in checkinterp' write (stdout,*) 'Calendar uses equal years, but' &, ' interpolation data is neither an integer number of years' &, ' or leap year corrected by adding 0.2425 days per year.' stop endif endif return end