! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/tmngr.F !======================================================================= ! T I M E M A N A G E R M O D U L E ! The time manager does three basic things for the model ! 1) It contains subroutines to keep, manipulate, and convert ! all times for the model in internal representations in ! arrays in "tmngr.h" ! 2) Subroutine increment_time updates times using the chosen ! time step "dt" and calendar type without any roundoff or ! drift for arbitrarily long integrations, even when using ! 32 bit arithmetic. ! 3) Subroutine set_time_switches sets switches in "switch.h" ! that trigger periodically recurring events in the model ! such as diagnostics and end-of-run. ! Times are kept internal to the time manager in the primary form ! of integer days (in the array "iday") and nonnegative integer ! milliseconds in a fractional day (in the array "msday"). A unique ! subscript for each time accesses all the arrays. (See "tmngr.h" ! for a list of predeclared time subscripts.) ! Times that have a calendar reference are called "full times" ! because in addition to the primary time fields "iday" and ! "msday", they also have integer secondary time fields "year", ! "month", "day", "hour", "minute", and "second", and a 32 ! character time stamp, "tstamp", in the form written and read ! by the model. They also have tertiary fields "dayofyear", ! "dayofweek", "daysinmon", and "daysinyear". For such times, ! the primary fields "iday" and "msday" represent days and ! fractional days since the calendar base, (0,0) = ! December 31, 1899 at the start of the day, 00:00:00. ! For differences of two calendar times, the secondary calendar ! fields make no sense, so these times are kept as "short times" ! with only the two primary fields "iday" and "msday". ! tmngr can keep track of time using either ! a) a leap-year corrected Gregorian calendar ! b) a constant 365-day year calendar ! c) a constant month calendar, 12 months/year, with an ! arbitrary number of days per month ! Although the model does not currently use this feature, the ! subroutine "tmngr" is designed to handle time increments, "dt", ! varying at every time step. ! Currently implemented switches include end-of-day, end-of- ! week, end-of-two-weeks, end-of-month, end-of-year, end-of- ! run, mid-month, and switches active at prespecified intervals ! from either start of run, initial conditions, or any other ! reference time the user chooses. It is relatively ! easy to add additional switches by following the models of ! switches already provided. ! Finally, this module provides a collection of utility ! subroutines to perform arithmetic on the internal representations ! of time, to convert between primary and secondary internal ! representations, and between internal representations and ! external representations such as real seconds or real days or ! calendar year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. ! The user who needs to work with time quantities, say to ! write time stamps on a data set prepared by a user-written ! program, might find some of them useful. !======================================================================= subroutine tmngri (icyear, icmonth, icday, ichour, icmin, icsec &, rfyear, rfmonth, rfday, rfhour, rfmin, rfsec &, idayrestart, msrestart &, runlen0, rununits0, rundays0, timestep) !======================================================================= ! initialize internal time variables and enter initial values ! for externally defined times (initial conditions, user reference ! and model time at start of run). !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: rununits0 integer icyear, icmonth, icday, ichour, icmin, icsec integer rfyear, rfmonth, rfday, rfhour, rfmin, rfsec integer idayrestart, msrestart, irefs, iddt, id, msdt, msec logical error, timeless real realdays, timestep, runlen0, rundays0 include "stdunits.h" include "switch.h" include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" write (stdout,'(//,10x,a,/)') 'Time manager initialization' call inittime call initswitch first = .true. error = .false. call calendari (eqyear, eqmon, monlen, & yrlen, daypm, msum, dayname, monname, error) if (error) then stop 'badcal' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! enter and print initial date and time and check bounds. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call getfulltime (initial) call setfulltime (initial, icyear, icmonth, icday, ichour, icmin &, icsec) write (stdout,9000) 'Initial Conditions: ', tstamp(initial) write (stdout,*) ' ' call ckdate (initial, error) if (error) then stop '=>tmngri' endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set model time counter. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call gettime (imodeltime) call settime2 (imodeltime, idayrestart, msrestart) write (stdout,'(a,1pg14.7,a/)') & ' Time since initial conditions =', & realdays(imodeltime), ' days' !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate y/m/d and h/m/s of start of run. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call getfulltime (irunstart) call addtime (initial, imodeltime, irunstart) call expandtime2 (irunstart) call getfulltime (itime) call copyfulltime (irunstart, itime) stamp = tstamp(itime) pstamp = stamp !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate real output quantities: ! relyr = years of model time since initial conditions ! dayoyr = days since start of current year !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dayoyr = dayofyear(itime) - 1 + (msday(itime)/(daylen*1000.0)) relyr = year(itime) - year(initial) + dayoyr/daysinyear(itime) & - (dayofyear(initial) - 1 & + (msday(initial)/(daylen*1000.0)))/daysinyear(initial) prelyr = relyr write (stdout,9000) 'Start of Run: ', tstamp(irunstart) write (stdout,'(a,i10/)') 'Corresponding to time step "itt" =',itt !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! select reference time for computing diagnostic switches !---------------------------------------------------------------------- irefs = 0 call getfulltime (iref) if (refrun) then irefs = irefs + 1 write (stdout,*) & ' "refrun = .true." selected.' write (stdout,'(a,a)') & ' intervals for diagnostic switches are referenced to ', & ' the beginning of each run.' call copyfulltime (irunstart, iref) endif if (refinit) then irefs = irefs + 1 write (stdout,*) & ' "refinit = .true." selected.' write (stdout,'(a,a)') & ' intervals for diagnostic switches are referenced to ', & ' the initial conditions time.' call copyfulltime (initial, iref) endif if (refuser) then irefs = irefs + 1 write (stdout,*) & ' "refuser = .true." selected.' write (stdout,'(a,a)') & ' intervals for diagnostic switches are referenced to ', & ' user specified date and time.' call getfulltime (iuser) call setfulltime (iuser, rfyear, rfmonth, rfday, rfhour, rfmin &, rfsec) call ckdate (iuser, error) if (error) then stop '=>tmngri' endif write (stdout,9000) ' Reference time: ', tstamp(iuser) write (stdout,*) ' ' call copyfulltime (iuser, iref) endif if (irefs .ne. 1) then write (stdout, *) 'You must choose exactly one of the' & // ' options: refrun, refinit, or refuser.' stop '=>tmngr' endif call gettime (idt) call gettime (idtd2) call gettime (iusertime) call gettime (ireftime) call gettime (iruntime) call gettime (ihalfstep) call getfulltime (itemptime) call getfulltime (itemptime2) call gettime (itmptime) call gettime (itmptime2) call gettime (itmptime3) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set a reference to Sunday Jan 0, 1900, 0:00:00, the base date ! or earier if necessary. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call gettime (isunday) call settime2 (isunday, 0, 0) if (timeless (initial, isunday)) then iday(isunday) = 14*int(iday(initial)/14) - 14 endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize idt as "timestep" rounded to the nearest millisecond !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iddt = id (timestep) msdt = msec (timestep) call settime2 (idt, iddt, msdt) call set_eorun (runlen0, rununits0, rundays0) write (stdout,'(/,10x,a,//)') 'Initialization completed' 9000 format (a,a) return end subroutine increment_time (dt) !======================================================================= ! I N C R E M E N T T I M E ! increment_time keeps track of model time using either ! a) leap-year corrected Gregorian calendar ! b) constant 365-day year calendar ! c) constant month calendar, 12 months/year, arbitrary ! number of days per month ! date and time are accurate to within one millisecond for arbitrary ! length time steps (even on computers with 32 bit word lengths!). ! julian base = Jan 0, 1900 at 00:00:00 ! For accuracy, all fundamental times are kept ! in the form: integer days (with Jan 1, 1900=1) ! non-negative integer milliseconds within the day ! input: ! dt = length of time step in seconds. (need not be constant) ! outputs: ! dt = dt rounded to nearest millisec if needed ! updated time fields: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ! tstamp, dayofyear, dayofweek, daysinmonth, ! daysinyear ! times updated: ! itime = "absolute" (y/m/d...) time after adding dt ! ihalfstep = dt/2 beyond itime ! imodeltime = time since initial conditions ! stamp = 32 character time stamp (m/d/y h:m:s) ! pstamp = stamp returned in previous call to increment_time ! relyr = model time in years since initial conditions ! dayoyr = days + fractional days since start of calendar year !======================================================================= implicit none integer iddt, id, msdt, msec, iddtd2, msdtd2 logical timeequal real dt, realsecs include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" include "switch.h" include "calendar.h" !======================================================================= ! date and time calculations (done every time step) !======================================================================= ! set flag "first" if first iteration of a run. ! this flag must be set BEFORE the time is incremented. first = timeequal (itime, irunstart) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! round dt to the nearest millisecond !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iddt = id (dt) msdt = msec (dt) call settime2 (idt, iddt, msdt) dt = realsecs(idt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate half time step !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iddtd2 = iddt/2 msdtd2 = msdt/2 + 43200000*modulo (iddt, 2) call settime2 (idtd2, iddtd2, msdtd2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! save previous values of stamp and relyr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- pstamp = tstamp(itime) prelyr = relyr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increment time counters !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call addtime (itime, idt, itime) call expandtime2 (itime) ! set current time stamp for MOM stamp = tstamp(itime) call addtime (itime, idtd2, ihalfstep) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate number of days since reference time and start of run ! all times are of form: (integer days, fractional day in millisec) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- call subtime (itime, irunstart, iruntime) call subtime (itime, initial, imodeltime) if (refuser) then call subtime (itime, iuser, iusertime) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate real output quantities: ! relyr = years of model time since initial conditions ! dayoyr = days since start of current year !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dayoyr = dayofyear(itime) - 1 + (msday(itime)/(daylen*1000.)) relyr = year(itime) - year(initial) + dayoyr/daysinyear(itime) & - (dayofyear(initial) - 1 & + (msday(initial)/(daylen*1000.)))/daysinyear(initial) return end subroutine calendari (eqyear, eqmon, monlen, & yrlen, daypm, msum, dayname, monname, error) !======================================================================= ! set up the calendar by choosing one of the following: ! a) fully leap-year corrected calendar (eqyear=F eqmon=F) ! b) equal 365-day years (variable months) (eqyear=T eqmon=F) ! c) 12 equal months of "monlen" days each (eqyear=T eqmon=T) ! inputs: ! eqyear, eqmon = logicals degined as in "a", "b", and "c" ! monlen = days per month when using option "c" ! outputs: ! yrlen = length of year in days ! daypm = days per month ! msum = accumulated days per month ! dayname = character day names ! monname = character month names ! error = .t. if something went wrong !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, monlen, n, nmonth, nday, yrlen parameter (nmonth = 12, nday = 7) logical eqyear, eqmon, error include "stdunits.h" character(10) :: daynamei(nday) character(12) :: monnamei(nmonth) character(*) :: dayname(nday), monname(nmonth) integer daypm(nmonth), daypmi(nmonth), msum(nmonth) data daypmi/31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ data daynamei/'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', & 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'/ data monnamei /'january', 'febuary', 'march', 'april', 'may' &, 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october' &, 'november', 'december'/ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! first check that a valid combination of eqyear and eqmon ! has been specified !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (eqmon .and. (.not. eqyear)) then write (stdout,999) eqyear, eqmon stop 'badcal' endif if (.not. (eqyear .and. eqmon)) then do i = 1, nmonth daypm(i) = daypmi(i) enddo else error = error .or. (monlen .le. 0) do i = 1, nmonth daypm(i) = monlen enddo endif msum(1) = 0 do i = 2,nmonth msum(i) = msum(i-1) + daypm(i-1) enddo yrlen = msum(nmonth) + daypm(nmonth) ! initialize day and month names do n=1,nday dayname(n) = daynamei(n) enddo do n=1,nmonth monname(n) = monnamei(n) enddo write (stdout,'(a)') 'Calendar selection:' if (.not. eqyear) then print '(/,a)', ' leap year corrected calendar' else print '(/,a,i4,a)', ' equal years of ', yrlen, ' days' endif print '(a,12i3,/)', ' days per month =',daypm return 999 format(/' error => An inappropriate calendar type was selected ', & /' eqyear was set to ',l1,' eqmon was set to ',l1, & /' valid combinations are:', & /' fully leap-year corrected calendar (eqyear=F eqmon=F)' & /' equal 365-day years (eqyear=T eqmon=F)' & /' 12 equal months of monlen days each (eqyear=T eqmon=T)') end subroutine ckdate (i, error) !======================================================================= ! do bounds checking on clock parameters ! year is not checked since all years are ok. ! at present, one extra day is allowed in month 2, even if year is ! not a leap year or if there are no leap years. !======================================================================= implicit none integer i logical error include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" error = .false. if (month(i) .lt. 1 .or. month(i) .gt. 12) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: month is out of bounds' error = .true. endif if ((day(i) .lt. 1 .or. day(i) .gt. daypm(month(i))) .and. .not. & (month(i) .eq. 2 .and. day(i) .eq. daypm(2)+1)) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: day is out of bounds' error = .true. endif if (hour(i) .lt. 0 .or. hour(i) .gt. 23) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: hour is out of bounds' error = .true. endif if (minute(i) .lt. 0 .or. minute(i) .gt. 59) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: minute is out of bounds' error = .true. endif if (second(i) .lt. 0 .or. second(i) .gt. 59) then write (stdout,*) ' Error: second is out of bounds' error = .true. endif return end subroutine d2ymd (inday, & iyear, imonth, iday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) !====================================================================== ! d2ymd takes the number of days since Dec 31, 1899 and converts ! to year, month, day, and other defining quantities. ! ie. inday=1 yields Jan 1, 1900. ! if eqyear=.true. then calculation is done in subroutine d2ymdc ! inday = input days since Dec. 31, 1899 ! eqyear = .false. ==> use leap year corrected calendar ! eqyear = .true. ==> use constant length year calendar ! output: ! iyear = output year ! imonth = output month ! iday = output day of the month ! idoy = output day of the current year ! idow = output day of the week 1=sun - 7=sat ! ndim = number of days in the current month ! ndiy = number of days in the current year !====================================================================== implicit none integer inday, iyear, imonth, iday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy integer nday, ibasyr, nfh, nhund, nfour, nex, m logical leap include "calendar.h" ! define the number of days per month for a non leap year (daypmi) integer daypmi(12) data daypmi/31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31/ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! equal-year calculations are handled by d2ymdc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (eqyear) then call d2ymdc (inday, & iyear, imonth, iday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate day of the week (idow) ! inday = 0, i.e., Dec 31, 1899 was a Sunday. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- idow = modulo (inday, 7) + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! convert to days after january 1, 1601 using a virtual calendar ! consistent with current leap-year systems to extend backward. ! (ie. 1700, 1800, 1900 are not considered leap-years but 2000 ! is a leap-year) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nday = inday + 109206 ibasyr = 1601 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! make corrections for years before 1601 (assuming modern leap year ! conventions) note that 400 years does not affect the day of the ! week. 146097 days = 20871 weeks exactly. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nday .lt. 0) then nfh = 1 + (-nday - 1)/146097 ibasyr = ibasyr - 400*nfh nday = nday + 146097*nfh endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! peel off year. Accurate from before Jan 1, 1900 until the ! julian day overflows machine limitations. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- nfh = nday/146097 nday = modulo (nday, 146097) nhund = nday/36524 if (nhund .gt. 3) then nhund = 3 nday = 36524 else nday = modulo (nday, 36524) endif nfour = nday/1461 nday = modulo (nday, 1461) nex = nday/365 if (nex .gt. 3) then nex = 3 nday = 365 else nday = modulo (nday, 365) endif leap = (nex .eq. 3) .and. ((nfour .ne. 24) .or. (nhund .eq. 3)) if (leap) then ndiy = 366 else ndiy = 365 endif iyear = ibasyr + 400*nfh + 100*nhund + 4*nfour + nex idoy = nday + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! peel off month and day. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iday = idoy do m=1,12 if (leap .and. (m .eq. 2)) then if (iday .le. (daypmi(2)+1)) then imonth = 2 ndim = daypmi(2) + 1 goto 200 endif iday = iday - daypmi(2) - 1 else if (iday .le. daypmi(m)) then imonth = m ndim = daypmi(m) goto 200 endif iday = iday - daypmi(m) endif enddo 200 continue return end subroutine d2ymdc (inday, & iyear, imonth, iday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) !====================================================================== ! inverse of "ymd2dc" ! d2ymdc takes the number of days since Dec 31, 1899 (or the last ! day of December 1899 in case equal months of length < 31 days are ! used) and converts to year, month, day, and other defining ! quantities. ! eg: inday=1 yields Jan 1, 1900. ! equal length years are assumed (no leap years here) ! input: ! inday = days since Dec. 31, 1899 ! output: ! iyear = output year ! imonth = output month ! iday = output day of the month ! idoy = day of the current year ! idow = day of the week 1=sun - 7=sat ! ndim = number of days in the current month ! ndiy = number of days in the current year !====================================================================== implicit none integer idow, inday, iyr, iyear, idoy, iday, m, imonth, ndim, ndiy include "calendar.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate day of the week (sunday=1) ! inday = 0, i.e., Dec 31, 1899 was a Sunday. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- idow = modulo (inday, 7) + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! peel off the year !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (inday .le. 0) then iyr = (inday / yrlen) - 1 else iyr = (inday - 1) / yrlen endif iyear = iyr + 1900 idoy = inday - yrlen*iyr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! peel off the month and day. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iday = idoy do m=1,12 if (iday .le. daypm(m)) then imonth = m ndim = daypm(m) goto 200 endif iday = iday - daypm(m) enddo 200 continue ndiy = yrlen return end subroutine ymd2d (iyear, imonth, iday, & nday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) !======================================================================= ! inverse of "d2ymd" ! ymd2d takes a date in the year, month, day form and converts it ! to days since Dec 31. 1899 (nday). It also needs the ! cumulative sums of days from the beginning of the year to each ! month "msum". It returns the number of days in the ! specified year (ndiy). ! equal year calculations are passed on to subroutine ymd2dc ! input: ! iyear = input year ! imonth = input month ! iday = input day of the month ! output: ! nday = days since Dec. 31, 1899 ! idoy = day of the current year ! idow = day of the week 1=sun - 7=sat ! ndim = number of days in the current month ! ndiy = number of days in the current year !====================================================================== implicit none integer iyear, imonth, iday, nday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy, iyr integer nfh logical leap include "calendar.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! have subroutine ymd2dc do equal-year calculations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (eqyear) then call ymd2dc (iyear, imonth, iday, nday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) return endif if (mod (iyear, 400) .eq. 0) then leap = .true. elseif ((mod(iyear,4) .eq. 0) .and. (mod(iyear,100) .ne. 0)) then leap = .true. else leap = .false. endif if (leap) then ndiy = 366 else ndiy = 365 endif nday = iday + msum(imonth) if (leap .and. (imonth .gt. 2)) then nday = nday + 1 endif idoy = nday iyr = iyear - 1601 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! make corrections for years before 1601. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iyr .lt. 0) then nfh = 1 + (-iyr)/400 nday = nday - 146097*nfh iyr = iyr + 400*nfh endif nday = nday + 365*iyr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! correct for leap-years between 1601 and iyear-1. ! A virtual calendar consistent with current leap-year systems ! is used to extend backward. (ie. 1700, 1800, 1900 are not ! considered leap-year but 2000 is a leap-year) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- iyr = iyr/4 nday = nday + iyr iyr = iyr/25 nday = nday - iyr iyr = iyr/4 nday = nday + iyr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nday is now in days since Dec. 31, 1600. Convert to days since ! Dec 31, 1899. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nday = nday - 109207 idow = modulo (nday, 7) + 1 ndim = daypm(imonth) if (leap .and. (imonth .eq. 2)) then ndim = ndim + 1 endif return end subroutine ymd2dc (iyear, imonth, iday, & nday, idoy, idow, ndim, ndiy) !======================================================================= ! inverse of "d2ymdc" ! ymd2dc takes a date in the year, month, day form and converts ! to days since Dec 31. 1899 (nday). It also returns the number ! of days in the specified year (ndiy). ! ymd2dc uses a year of constant length with no leap years ! input: ! iyear = input year ! imonth = input month ! iday = input day of the month ! output: ! nday = days since Dec. 31, 1899 ! idoy = day of the current year ! idow = day of the week 1=sun - 7=sat ! ndim = number of days in the current month ! ndiy = number of days in the current year !======================================================================= implicit none integer idoy, iday, imonth, iyr, iyear, nday, idow, ndim, ndiy include "calendar.h" idoy = iday + msum(imonth) iyr = iyear - 1900 nday = idoy + yrlen*iyr idow = modulo (nday, 7) + 1 ndim = daypm(imonth) ndiy = yrlen return end subroutine mkstmp (stamp, year, month, day, hour, min, sec) !======================================================================= ! make a 32 character time stamp from day,month,year,sec,min,hour ! writes an i5 or i9 year in y/m/d, d/m/y or m/d/y format !======================================================================= implicit none character(32) :: stamp integer year, month, day, hour, min, sec, y, yr yr = year ! eliminate the leading digits of year if it is too large if (yr .gt. 0) then y = mod(yr,1000000000) else y = mod(yr,100000000) endif if (y .ne. yr) write (*,*) & '==>Warning: in mkstmp, year=',yr,'is modified to year=',y if (y .gt. -10000 .and. y .lt. 100000) then write (stamp,'(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i5,a7,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') 'd/m/y=' &, day,'/',month,'/',y,',h:m:s=', hour,':', min,':', sec else write (stamp,'(a4,i2,a1,i2,a1,i9,a5,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') 'dmy=' &, day,'/',month,'/',y,',hms=', hour,':', min,':', sec endif return end subroutine rdstmp (stamp, year, month, day, hour, min, sec) !======================================================================= ! convert 32 character time stamp into day,month,year,sec,min,hour ! reads stamp of form y/m/d, d/m/y or m/d/y (for many year lengths) !======================================================================= implicit none character(32) :: stamp integer year, month, day, hour, min, sec character(1) :: skip1 character(4) :: skip4 character(5) :: skip5 character(6) :: skip6 character(7) :: skip7 character(8) :: skip8 ! old MOM2 and MOM3 short year stamp (year=i4) if (stamp(18:18) .eq. ' ') then if (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'y') then read (stamp, '(a6,i4,a1,i2,a1,i2,a8,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, year, skip1, month, skip1, day, skip8, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec elseif (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'd') then read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i4,a8,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, day, skip1, month, skip1, year, skip8, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec else read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i4,a8,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, month, skip1, day, skip1, year, skip8, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec endif ! new MOM3 short year stamp (year=i5) elseif (stamp(18:18) .eq. ',') then if (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'y') then read (stamp, '(a6,i5,a1,i2,a1,i2,a7,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, year, skip1, month, skip1, day, skip7, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec elseif (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'd') then read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i5,a7,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, day, skip1, month, skip1, year, skip7, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec else read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i5,a7,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, month, skip1, day, skip1, year, skip7, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec endif ! old MOM3 long year stamp (year=i6) elseif (stamp(2:2) .eq. "/") then if (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'y') then read (stamp, '(a6,i6,a1,i2,a1,i2,a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, year, skip1, month, skip1, day, skip6, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec elseif (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'd') then read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i6,a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, day, skip1, month, skip1, year, skip6, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec else read (stamp, '(a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i6,a6,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip6, month, skip1, day, skip1, year, skip6, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec endif ! new MOM3 long year stamp (year=i9) else if (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'y') then read (stamp, '(a4,i9,a1,i2,a1,i2,a5,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip4, year, skip1, month, skip1, day, skip5, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec elseif (stamp(1:1) .eq. 'd') then read (stamp, '(a4,i2,a1,i2,a1,i9,a5,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip4, day, skip1, month, skip1, year, skip5, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec else read (stamp, '(a4,i2,a1,i2,a1,i9,a5,i2,a1,i2,a1,i2)') & skip4, month, skip1, day, skip1, year, skip5, hour &, skip1, min, skip1, sec endif endif return end function file_stamp (fname, stamp, suffix) !======================================================================= ! add day, month and year information from "stamp" to "fname" ! writes year as 5 or 9 characters padded with zeros. !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: fname, stamp, suffix character(3) :: dd(1:31) character(3) :: mm(1:12) character(10) :: yy character(120) :: file_stamp integer year, month, day, hour, min, sec, i save dd, mm data (dd(i),i=1,7) /'.01','.02','.03','.04','.05','.06','.07'/ data (dd(i),i=8,14) /'.08','.09','.10','.11','.12','.13','.14'/ data (dd(i),i=15,21) /'.15','.16','.17','.18','.19','.20','.21'/ data (dd(i),i=22,28) /'.22','.23','.24','.25','.26','.27','.28'/ data (dd(i),i=29,31) /'.29','.30','.31'/ data (mm(i),i=1,7) /'.01','.02','.03','.04','.05','.06','.07'/ data (mm(i),i=8,12) /'.08','.09','.10','.11','.12'/ call rdstmp (stamp, year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if (year .ge. 0) yy = '.00000 ' if (year .ge. 100000) yy = '.000000000' if (year .lt. 0) yy = '.-0000 ' if (year .le. -10000) yy = '.-00000000' ! use long year form (9 characters) if (abs(year) .ge. 100000000) then write (yy(2:10),'(i9)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 10000000) then write (yy(3:10),'(i8)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 1000000) then write (yy(4:10),'(i7)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 100000) then write (yy(5:10),'(i6)') abs(year) elseif (year .le. -10000) then write (yy(6:10),'(i5)') abs(year) ! switch to short year form (5 characters) elseif (year .ge. 10000) then write (yy(2:6),'(i5)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 1000) then write (yy(3:6),'(i4)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 100) then write (yy(4:6),'(i3)') abs(year) elseif (abs(year) .ge. 10) then write (yy(5:6),'(i2)') abs(year) else write (yy(6:6),'(i1)') abs(year) endif file_stamp=trim(fname)//trim(yy)//mm(month)//dd(day)//trim(suffix) return end subroutine incstamp (stamp1, days, stamp2) !======================================================================= ! increment a time stamp by a real number of days ! input: ! stamp1 = character date and time stamp ! days = days to increment stamp (may be negative) ! output: ! stamp2 = stamp1 incremented by days !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: stamp1, stamp2 integer id, msec real days include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" call settimefromstamp (stamp1, itemptime) call settime2 (itemptime2, id(days*daylen), msec(days*daylen)) call addtime (itemptime, itemptime2, itemptime) call expandtime2 (itemptime) stamp2 = tstamp(itemptime) return end subroutine inctime (index1, days, index2) !======================================================================= ! increment a full time by a real number of days ! input: ! index1 = subscript of a full time ! days = days to increment full time (may be negative) ! index2 = subscript of the answer ! output: ! time arrays for index2 (year, month, day, etc) in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer id, msec, index1, index2 real days include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" call settime2 (itemptime, id(days*daylen), msec(days*daylen)) call addtime (index1, itemptime, index2) call expandtime2 (index2) return end subroutine settimefromstamp (stamp, index) !======================================================================= ! input: ! stamp = character dat and time stamp ! index = subscript of the answer ! output: ! time arrays for index (year, month, day, etc) in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: stamp integer iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec, index call rdstmp (stamp, iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec) call setfulltime (index, iyear, imonth, iday, ihour, imin, isec) return end subroutine addtime (index1, index2, index) !======================================================================= ! add two times given in (integer day, nonneg integer ms) form ! input: ! index1 = subscript of the first time into time arrays in tmngr.h ! index2 = subscript of the second time ! index = subscript of the answer ! output: ! iday(index) = integer day number of answer in tmngr.h ! msday(index)= millisec fractional day of answer in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer mst, index1, index2, it, index include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" mst = msday(index1) + msday(index2) it = iday(index1) + iday(index2) if (mst .ge. int(daylen*1000.)) then mst = mst - int(daylen*1000.) it = it + 1 endif iday(index) = it msday(index) = mst return end subroutine subtime (index1, index2, index) !======================================================================= ! subtract two times given in (integer day, nonneg integer ms) form ! input: ! index1 = subscript of the first time into time arrays in tmngr.h ! index2 = subscript of the second time ! index = subscript of the answer ! output: ! iday(index) = integer day number of answer in tmngr.h ! msday(index)= millisec fractional day of answer in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer mst, index1, index2, it, index include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" mst = msday(index1) - msday(index2) it = iday(index1) - iday(index2) if (mst .lt. 0) then mst = mst + int(daylen*1000.) it = it - 1 endif iday(index) = it msday(index) = mst return end subroutine multime (n, index1, index) !======================================================================= ! multiply time (integer day, nonneg integer ms) by an integer ! input: ! n = integer multiple ! index1 = subscript of the time ! index = subscript of the answer ! output: ! iday(index) = integer day number of answer in tmngr.h ! msday(index)= millisec fractional day of answer in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer n, index1, it, mst, index double precision dmst, dayl include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" dayl = daylen*1000. dmst = n*dble(msday(index1)) it = n*iday(index1) it = it + int(dmst/dayl) mst = nint(mod (dmst, dayl)) iday(index) = it msday(index) = mst return end subroutine ms2hms (ms, hour, min, sec) !======================================================================= ! converts fraction of a day in milliseconds to hour/min/sec !======================================================================= implicit none integer ms, hour, min, sec, msrem hour = ms / 3600000 msrem = ms - hour * 3600000 min = msrem / 60000 sec = (msrem - min * 60000) / 1000 return end function hms2ms (hour, min, sec) !======================================================================= ! converts fraction of a day in hour/min/sec to milliseconds !======================================================================= implicit none integer hms2ms, hour, min, sec hms2ms = hour*3600000 + min*60000 + sec*1000 return end function ifloor (realvalue) !======================================================================= ! f90 intrinsic "floor" ! largest integer less than or equal to realvalue !======================================================================= implicit none integer iflr, ifloor real realvalue iflr = int(realvalue) -1 ifloor = iflr + int(realvalue - iflr) return end function id (realsec) !======================================================================= ! converts time in real seconds to the integer day part ! see also "msec" !======================================================================= implicit none integer id, ifloor real realsec include "calendar.h" id = ifloor(realsec/daylen) return end function msec (realsec) !======================================================================= ! extracts integer milliseconds from time in real seconds ! see also "id" !======================================================================= implicit none integer id, msec real realsec include "calendar.h" msec = nint (1000.0*(realsec-daylen*id(realsec))) return end function realsecs (index) !======================================================================= ! converts integer days and milliseconds to real seconds ! input: ! index = index of any time in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index real realsecs include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" realsecs = daylen*iday(index) + msday(index)/1000.0 return end function realdays (index) !======================================================================= ! converts integer days and milliseconds to real days ! input: ! index = index of any time in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index real realdays include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" realdays = iday(index) + msday(index)/(daylen*1000.) return end function modulo (m, n) !======================================================================= ! Fortran 90 intrinsic ! similar to mod, but remainder has sign of n. ! always gives positive remainder when n .gt. 0, even if m .lt. 0 !======================================================================= implicit none integer m, modulo, n if (m .ge. 0) then modulo = mod(m,n) else modulo = abs(n) - mod(-m-1,n) - 1 endif return end subroutine inittime !======================================================================= ! initialize time indices for gettime and getfulltime. !======================================================================= implicit none include "tmngr.h" nextfulltime = 1 nexttime = nfulltimes + 1 return end subroutine getfulltime (index) !======================================================================= ! allocates and returns an index for a full time and increments the ! next available full time index counter. ! output: ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (nextfulltime .gt. nfulltimes) then write (stdout, "(a,a,i4,a)") ' Too many full times.', & ' Increase nfulltimes = ', nfulltimes, & ' in tmngr.h' stop 'getfulltime' endif index = nextfulltime nextfulltime = nextfulltime + 1 return end subroutine gettime (index) !======================================================================= ! returns an index for a time and increments the next available ! time index counter. ! output: ! index = index of a short time (iday, msday only) in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (nexttime .gt. ntimes) then write (stdout, "(a,a,i4,a)") ' Too many times.', & ' Increase ntimes = ', ntimes, & ' in tmngr.h' stop 'gettime' endif index = nexttime nexttime = nexttime + 1 return end subroutine copyfulltime (index1, index) !======================================================================= ! copy all fields of a full time structure from one index to ! another. ! input: ! index1 = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! output: ! full time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, index1 logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index1, 'full')) stop 'copyfulltime' if (badindex (index, 'full')) stop 'copyfulltime' iday (index) = iday (index1) msday (index) = msday (index1) year (index) = year (index1) month (index) = month (index1) day (index) = day (index1) hour (index) = hour (index1) minute(index) = minute(index1) second(index) = second(index1) tstamp (index) = tstamp (index1) dayofyear (index) = dayofyear (index1) dayofweek (index) = dayofweek (index1) daysinmon (index) = daysinmon (index1) daysinyear(index) = daysinyear(index1) return end subroutine copytime (index1, index) !======================================================================= ! copy both fields of a short time structure from one index to ! another. ! input: ! index1 = index of a time in tmngr.h ! index = index of a short time in tmngr.h ! output: ! short time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, index1 logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index1, 'short')) stop 'copytime' if (badindex (index, 'short')) stop 'copytime' iday (index) = iday (index1) msday(index) = msday(index1) return end subroutine settime2 (index, it, mst) !======================================================================= ! set a time by placing given day and millisecond information in ! a time structure array indexed by index. ! input: ! index = index of a short time in tmngr.h ! it = integer day part ! mst = fractional part of day in millisec ! output: ! short time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, it, mst logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" if (mst .ge. int(daylen*1000.) .or. mst .lt. 0) then write (stdout, *) ' Invalid millisecond designation' stop 'settime2' endif if (badindex (index, 'short')) stop 'settime2' iday(index) = it msday(index) = mst return end subroutine settime3 (index, rd) !======================================================================= ! set a time structure given a time in real days ! input: ! index = index of a short time in tmngr.h ! rd = time in real days ! output: ! short time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, id, msec logical badindex real rd include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" include "calendar.h" if (badindex (index, 'short')) stop 'settime3' iday(index) = id(rd*daylen) msday(index) = msec(rd*daylen) return end subroutine setfulltime2 (index, it, mst) !======================================================================= ! set a full time by placing given day and millisecond information ! in a time structure array indexed by index and expanding it ! using the d2ymd conversion and making a stamp. ! input: ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! it = integer day part ! mst = fractional part of day in millisec ! output: ! full time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, it, mst logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index, 'full')) stop 'setfulltime2' call settime2 (index, it, mst) call d2ymd (it, year(index), month(index), day(index), & dayofyear(index), dayofweek(index), daysinmon(index), & daysinyear(index)) call ms2hms(mst, hour(index), minute(index), second(index)) call mkstmp (tstamp(index), year(index), month(index), day(index), & hour(index), minute(index), second(index)) return end subroutine setfulltime (index, yr, mon, dy, hr, min, sec) !======================================================================= ! set a full time by specifying the y/m/d, h/m/s and expanding it ! using the ymd2d conversion and making a stamp. ! input: ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! yr = year to set ! mon = month to set ! dy = day to set ! hr = hour to set ! min = minute to set ! sec = second to set ! output: ! full time fields set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, yr, mon, dy, hr, min, sec, hms2ms logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index, 'full')) stop 'setfulltime' year (index) = yr month (index) = mon day (index) = dy hour (index) = hr minute(index) = min second(index) = sec call ymd2d (yr, mon, dy, iday(index), & dayofyear(index), dayofweek(index), & daysinmon(index), daysinyear(index)) msday(index) = hms2ms(hr, min, sec) call mkstmp (tstamp(index), yr, mon, dy, hr, min, sec) return end subroutine expandtime (index) !======================================================================= ! expand a full time specified by the y/m/d, h/m/s ! using the ymd2d conversion and making a stamp. ! input: ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! y/m/d, h/m/s must be set for time index ! output: ! full time fields (iday,msday, tstamp) set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index, hms2ms logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index, 'full')) stop 'expandtime' call ymd2d (year(index), month(index), day(index), & iday(index), dayofyear(index), dayofweek(index), & daysinmon(index), daysinyear(index)) msday(index) = hms2ms(hour(index), minute(index), second(index)) call mkstmp (tstamp(index), year(index), month(index), day(index), & hour(index), minute(index), second(index)) return end subroutine expandtime2 (index) !======================================================================= ! expand a full time specified by absolute day and millisecond ! information using d2ymd conversion and making a stamp. ! input: ! index = index of a full time in tmngr.h ! iday, msday must be set for time index ! output: ! full time fields (year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tstamp) ! set for index in tmngr.h !======================================================================= implicit none integer index logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index, 'full')) stop 'expandtime2' call d2ymd (iday(index), year(index), month(index), & day(index), dayofyear(index), dayofweek(index), & daysinmon(index), daysinyear(index)) call ms2hms(msday(index), hour(index), minute(index), & second(index)) call mkstmp (tstamp(index), year(index), month(index), day(index), & hour(index), minute(index), second(index)) return end function timeless (index1, index2) !======================================================================= ! compare times referenced by index1 and index2. timeless is ! true if time1 is less than time2. !======================================================================= implicit none integer index1, index2 logical timeless, badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index1, 'short')) stop 'timeless' if (badindex (index2, 'short')) stop 'timeless' if (iday(index1) .lt. iday(index2)) then timeless = .true. elseif ((iday (index1) .eq. iday (index2)) .and. & (msday(index1) .lt. msday(index2))) then timeless = .true. else timeless = .false. endif return end function timeequal (index1, index2) !======================================================================= ! compare times referenced by index1 and index2. timeequal is ! true if time1 is equal to time2. !======================================================================= implicit none integer index1, index2 logical timeequal, badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index1, 'short')) stop 'timeequal' if (badindex (index2, 'short')) stop 'timeequal' if (iday(index1) .eq. iday(index2) .and. & msday(index1) .eq. msday(index2)) then timeequal = .true. else timeequal = .false. endif return end function timemore (index1, index2) !======================================================================= ! compare times referenced by index1 and index2. timemore is ! true if time1 is more than time2. !======================================================================= implicit none integer index1, index2 logical timemore, badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (badindex (index1, 'short')) stop 'timemore' if (badindex (index2, 'short')) stop 'timemore' if (iday(index1) .gt. iday(index2)) then timemore = .true. elseif ((iday (index1) .eq. iday (index2)) .and. & (msday(index1) .gt. msday(index2))) then timemore = .true. else timemore = .false. endif return end function badindex (index, timetype) !======================================================================= ! check to see if a given index is in bounds in tmngr.h ! type = 'full' means a full time ! type = 'short' means a short time !======================================================================= implicit none character(*) :: timetype integer index logical badindex include "stdunits.h" include "tmngr.h" if (timetype .eq. 'full') then if (index .lt. 1 .or. index .gt. nfulltimes) then badindex = .true. print *, ' Invalid full time index = ',index else badindex = .false. endif else if (index .lt. 1 .or. index .gt. ntimes) then badindex = .true. print *, ' Invalid time index = ',index else badindex = .false. endif endif return end