! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10.backup/source/common/topog.F subroutine topog (kmt, kmu, map, xt, yt, zt, xu, yu, zw, imt2 &, jmt2, km2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the topographic mask "kmt" which determines the geometry ! and topography by defining the number of vertical levels on model ! "t" points. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! input: ! xt = longitudes of model grid "t" points (degrees) ! yt = latitudes of model grid "t" points (degrees) ! zt = depths of box "u/v" points on model grid (cm) ! xu = longitudes of model grid "u" points (degrees) ! yu = latitudes of model grid "u" points (degrees) ! zw = depths of box bottoms on model grid "t" boxes (cm) ! imt = number of model longitudes ! jmt = number of model latitudes ! km = maximum number of levels ! output: ! kmt = number of vertical levels on "t" points ! 0 is a land point. ! n implies n boxes between the surface and bottom ! where (n >= kmt_min) & (n <= km) ! map = array indicating land masses and their perimeters ! 0 is a mid ocean point ! n > 0 is a land mass ! n < 0 is the ocean perimeter of land mass |n| !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character(40) :: cktext character(120) :: iotext character(60) :: expnam character(32) :: stamp character(120) :: fname, new_file_name ! kmt_min is the minimum permitted number of levels at an ocean ! "T" cell. kmt_min must be at least 2. integer kmt_min, imt2, jmt2, km2, ncase, iou, j, i, n integer nerror, jrow, npass, k, nisle, linewidth parameter (kmt_min = 2) real c0, c1, cksum1, checksumi, cksum2 logical exists include "stdunits.h" include "size.h" include "isleperim.h" integer map(imt,jmt), iperm(maxipp), jperm(maxipp),nippts(mnisle) integer iofs(mnisle), kmt(imt,jmt), kmu(imt,jmt), ib(10), ic(10) real tmpij(imt-2,jmt-2) real xt(imt), yt(jmt), zt(km), xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km) ! the variable auto_kmt_changes tells whether any changes have been ! made to the kmt field as a result of define options. ! nchanges counts how many changes in each group. auto_kmt_changes = .false. nchanges = 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check that grid sizes in argument list and file "size.h" agree !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call size_check (imt2, jmt2, km2, 'topog', 'stop') ncase = 0 write (stdout,'(//,t37,a,/)') & 'T O P O G R A P H Y G E N E R A T I O N' write (stdout,'(a,i4,/)') 'kmt_min = ', kmt_min ncase = ncase + 1 c0 = 0. c1 = 1. fname = new_file_name ("G_kmt.nc") inquire (file=trim(fname), exist=exists) if (.not. exists) then print*, "Error => ", trim(fname), " does not exist." stop 'topog in topog.f' endif ib(:) = 1 ic(:) = imt-2 ic(2) = jmt-2 call openfile (fname, iou) if (.not. exists) then print*, "==> Warning: G_kmt data does not exist." else call getvara ('G_kmt', iou, ic(1)*ic(2), ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) endif kmt(2:imt-1,2:jmt-1) = tmpij(1:imt-2,1:jmt-2) nerror = 0 do i=1,imt do j=1,jmt if (kmt(i,j) .lt. 0 .or. kmt(i,j) .gt. km) then nerror = nerror + 1 endif enddo enddo if (nerror .gt. 0) then write (stdout,'(a,i4,a,a,i4,/)') & '==>ERROR: There are ', nerror, ' depth values in the file ' &, '"kmt.dta" that are outside the range 0 <= kmt(i,j) <= km = ' &, km stop '==>topog' endif write (stdout,'(/a/)') '==> The kmt field has been imported.' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! apply boundary conditions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) call area_volume (kmt, xu, yu, zw) cksum1 = checksumi (kmt, imt, jmt, 'Original "kmt" checksum =') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! iterate on changes to "kmt" until all are consistent !----------------------------------------------------------------------- npass = 0 n_del_kmt = 0 1000 continue npass = npass + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fill isolated cells or potholes at all levels in kmt ! filled kmt array is just the maximum of the surrounding kmu levels ! symmetry conditions are automatic, if set on kmu !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,imt-1 do j=1,jmt-1 kmu(i,j) = min(kmt(i,j), kmt(i+1,j), kmt(i,j+1), kmt(i+1,j+1)) enddo enddo n = 0 write (*,'(/a)') 'Searching for isolated T cells...' do i=2,imt-1 do j=2,jmt-1 k = max (kmu(i,j), kmu(i-1,j), kmu(i,j-1), kmu(i-1,j-1)) if (kmt(i,j) .ne. k) n = n + 1 kmt(i,j) = k enddo enddo if (n .gt. 0) then write (*,*) '-> Found ',n,' and filled them in.' else write (*,*) '-> None Found.' endif call kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USER INPUT ! other changes to "kmt" may be made here. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ALL USER MODIFICATIONS MUST PRECEDE THESE FINAL CHECKS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! limit the minimum number of levels. kmt_min should be >= 2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call min_depth (kmt, kmt_min, xu, yu, zw) call kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! test for "island perimeter violations" ! channels between different land masses must be at least 2 ocean ! cells wide to prevent conflicting values of the stream function ! on these island perimeter points. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write (stdout,'(/a/)') & 'Searching for and correcting island PERIMETER VIOLATIONS...' call isleperim (kmt, map, iperm, jperm, iofs, nippts, nisle &, imt, jmt, km, mnisle, maxipp, xu, yu, zw) call kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) call area_volume (kmt, xu, yu, zw) write (cktext,'(a,i2,a)') 'Pass # ',npass &, ' complete. kmt checksum =' cksum2 = checksumi (kmt, imt, jmt, cktext) if (cksum1 .ne. cksum2) then cksum1 = cksum2 if (npass .gt. 15) then print *,'=>Error: changes to "kmt" may be incompatible' print *,' arbitrarily stopping after 15 passes' stop endif go to 1000 endif print '(/a/)', 'All changes have now been made to kmt' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end of iteration on "kmt" changes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call showmap (map, imt, jmt, linewidth) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! show the kmt field !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write (stdout,'(/,20x,a/)') ' The "kmt" field follows:' call iplot (kmt, imt, imt, jmt) call area_volume (kmt, xu, yu, zw) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute a topography checksum !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cksum1 = checksumi (kmt, imt, jmt, 'Final "kmt" checksum =') ! construct depth arrays associated with "u" cells do j=1,jmt kmu(imt,j) = 0 enddo do i=1,imt kmu(i,jmt) = 0 enddo do j=1,jmt-1 do i=1,imt-1 kmu(i,j) = min (kmt(i,j), kmt(i+1,j), kmt(i,j+1) &, kmt(i+1,j+1)) enddo enddo do j=1,jmt kmu(imt,j) = kmu(2,j) enddo return end function checksumi (kmt, im, jm, text) implicit none integer i, im, jm, jrow, kmt(im,jm) character(*) :: text real checksumi, cksum cksum = 0.0 do jrow=1,jm do i=1,im cksum = cksum + i*jrow*kmt(i,jrow) enddo enddo print *, text, cksum checksumi = cksum return end subroutine area_volume(kmt, xu, yu, zw) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute surface area and volume of ocean ("t" cells and "u" cells) ! (note that areas are defined at each level) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer k, i, jrow real ocnp, tcellv, degrad include "size.h" include "scalar.h" integer kmt(imt,jmt) real xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km), tcella(km), cst(jmt), dxt(imt) real dyt(jmt) do k=1,km tcella(k) = 0 enddo ocnp = 0 tcellv = 0 pi = 4.0 * atan(1.0) degrad = pi / 180.0 do i=2,imt-1 dxt(i) = radius * degrad * (xu(i) - xu(i-1)) enddo do jrow = 2,jmt-1 cst(jrow) = cos(0.5*(yu(jrow)+yu(jrow-1))*degrad) dyt(jrow) = radius * degrad * (yu(jrow) - yu(jrow-1)) enddo do jrow=2,jmt-1 do i=2,imt-1 if (kmt(i,jrow) .gt. 0) then do k=1,kmt(i,jrow) tcella(k) = tcella(k) + & cst(jrow)*dxt(i)*dyt(jrow) enddo tcellv = tcellv + cst(jrow)*dxt(i)*dyt(jrow)*zw(kmt(i,jrow)) ocnp = ocnp + float(kmt(i,jrow)) endif enddo enddo print '(/)' print '(a,f8.0)', 'number of ocean T cells =', ocnp print '(a,e15.6,a)','surface area (T cells) =',tcella(1),' cm**2' print '(a,e15.6,a)', 'ocean volume (T cells) =', tcellv,' cm**3' print '(/)' return end subroutine kmtbc (kmt, imt, jmt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set lateral boundary conditions on kmt ! set cyclic, solid wall and symmetry conditions on "t" grid !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer kmt(imt,jmt), imt, jmt, jrow, i ! set cyclic conditions on eastern and western boundary do jrow=1,jmt kmt(1,jrow) = kmt(imt-1,jrow) kmt(imt,jrow) = kmt(2,jrow) enddo ! close the domain at the northernmost row do i=1,imt kmt(i,jmt) = 0 enddo ! close the domain at the southernmost row do i=1,imt kmt(i,1) = 0 enddo return end subroutine setkmt (kmt, xt, yt, imt, jmt, alat1, slon1, elon1 &, alat2, slon2, elon2, num) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set the topography mask "kmt(i,j)" = "num" within the area of ! the parallelogram bounded by vertices: ! (alat1,slon1), (alat1,elon1), (alat2,slon2), & (alat2,elon2) ! inputs: ! xt = longitudes of "t" points in degrees ! yt = latitudes of "t" points in degrees ! imt = number of model longitudes ! jmt = number of model latitudes ! alat1 = southern latitude of parallelogram (degrees) ! slon1 = starting longitude of southern edge of parallelogram (deg) ! elon1 = ending longitude of southern edge of parallelogram (deg) ! alat2 = northern latitude of parallelogram (degrees) ! slon2 = starting longitude of northern edge of parallelogram (deg) ! elon2 = ending longitude of northern edge of parallelogram (deg) ! num = number of vertical levels ! outputs: ! kmt = mask of vertical levels on model "t" points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer imt, jmt, j1, indp, j2, js, je, i1, i2, is1, ie1 integer is2, ie2, is, ie, jrow, i, num, kmt(imt,jmt) real alat1, alat2, slon1, elon1, slon2, elon2, c1, rdj real xt(imt), yt(jmt) ! convert the four vertices into model indices ! (js,is1), (js,ie1), (je,is2), (je,ie2) j1 = indp (alat1, yt, jmt) j2 = indp (alat2, yt, jmt) js = min (j1,j2) je = max (j1,j2) i1 = indp (slon1, xt, imt) i2 = indp (elon1, xt, imt) is1 = min (i1,i2) ie1 = max (i1,i2) i1 = indp (slon2, xt, imt) i2 = indp (elon2, xt, imt) is2 = min (i1,i2) ie2 = max (i1,i2) is = is1 ie = ie1 ! fill in the area bounded by (js,is1), (js,ie1), (je,is2), (je,ie2) ! the nudging of 1.e-5 is to insure that the test case resolution ! generates the same topography and geometry on various computers. c1 = 1.0 if (js .eq. je) then rdj = c1 else rdj = c1/(je-js) endif do jrow=js,je do i=is,ie kmt(i,jrow) = num enddo is = nint(rdj*((jrow-js)*is2 + (je-jrow)*is1) + 1.0e-5) ie = nint(rdj*((jrow-js)*ie2 + (je-jrow)*ie1) + 1.0e-5) enddo return end subroutine min_depth (kmt, kmt_min, xu, yu, zw) ! limit the minimum number of levels. kmt_min should be >= 2 implicit none integer n, i, jrow, kmt_min, kmt_shallow include "size.h" include "stdunits.h" integer kmt(imt,jmt) real xu(imt), yu(jmt), zw(km) write (stdout,'(/a/)') & 'Searching for and correcting minimum level violations' n = 0 do i=2,imt-1 do jrow=jmt-1,2,-1 if (kmt(i,jrow) .ne. 0 .and. kmt(i,jrow) .lt. kmt_min) then n = n + 1 kmt_shallow = kmt(i,jrow) if (zw(kmt(i,jrow)) .lt. 0.5*zw(kmt_min)) then kmt(i,jrow) = 0 else kmt(i,jrow) = kmt_min endif endif enddo enddo if (n .gt. 0) then write (stdout,'(a,i5,a/)') '->Modified', n,' shallow cells' else write (stdout,'(a/)') '->No modifications needed' endif return end