! source file: /Users/nmengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/embm/fluxes.F subroutine fluxes (is, ie, js, je) !======================================================================= ! calculate energy and moisture fluxes ! Note: evaporation and precipitation are in g cm-2 s-1 ! and humidities are in g g-1 ! for Thompson and Warren outgoing radiation (see: Thompson S.J., ! and S.G. Warren 'parameterization of outgoing ...'J. Atmos. Sci., ! 39, 2667-2680, 1982. !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, ie, iem1, imax, is, isp1, iter integer j, je, jem1, jmax, js, jsp1, maxit, n logical track real b00, b10, b20, b01, b11, b21, b02, b12, b22, b03, b13, b23 real delta, df, dt, dultnt, dulwr, dusens, emax, f, fb, ff, fg real fh, fl, fm, qair, qlnd, rhrh, sr, scrit, ssh, tair, teff real telev, tlnd, tlold, tol, tol2, ultnt, ulwr, usens, wspd real vcs, avg_sat, C2K include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" include "csbc.h" include "ice.h" include "veg.h" isp1 = is + 1 iem1 = ie - 1 jsp1 = js + 1 jem1 = je - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set appropriate constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fb = 0.94*rhoatm*cpatm maxit = 10 tol = 0.01 emax = 0.0 imax = 0 jmax = 0 scrit = 0.75*soilmax ff = rhoatm*vlocn C2K = 273.15 ! Thomson and Warren constants b00 = 2.3829382e2 b10 = -3.47968e1 b20 = 1.02790e1 b01 = 2.60065 b11 = -1.62064 b21 = 6.34856e-1 b02 = 4.40272e-3 b12 = -2.26092e-2 b22 = 1.12265e-2 b03 = -2.05237e-5 b13 = -9.67e-5 b23 = 5.62925e-5 tol2 = tol*2.0 do j=jsp1,jem1 do i=isp1,iem1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set the incoming short wave !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dnswr(i,j) = solins(i,j)*sbc(i,j,iaca)*pass & *max(c0, sbc(i,j,isca) - sulph(i,j,2)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set wind speed and effective elevated air temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- wspd = sbc(i,j,iws) telev = elev(i,j) & + hicel(i,j,2) teff = at(i,j,2,isat) & - telev*rlapse*rf1*exp(max(-1.,-telev/rf2)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate outgoing longwave radiation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rhrh = rh(i,j)*rh(i,j) outlwr(i,j) = 1.0e3*(b00 + b10*rh(i,j) + b20*rhrh & + (b01 + b11*rh(i,j) + b21*rhrh)*teff & + (b02 + b12*rh(i,j) + b22*rhrh)*teff**2 & + (b03 + b13*rh(i,j) + b23*rhrh)*teff**3) & - anthro & - aggfor + aggfor_os tair = at(i,j,2,isat) - telev*rlapse if (tmsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculations only for ocean points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- dt = sbc(i,j,isst) - tair fg = dalt_o*wspd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate evaporation or sublimation (ensure it is positive) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ssh = cssh*exp(17.67*sbc(i,j,isst)/(sbc(i,j,isst) + 243.5)) evap(i,j) = max(c0, rhoatm*fg*(ssh - at(i,j,2,ishum))) upltnt(i,j) = vlocn*evap(i,j) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate upward sensible heat flux !----------------------------------------------------------------------- upsens(i,j) = fb*fg*(dt) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate upward longwave re-radiation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- uplwr(i,j) = esocn*(sbc(i,j,isst) + C2K)**4 & - esatm*(tair + C2K)**4 elseif (land_map(i,j) .ne. 0) then !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set fluxes over land from the land model !--------------------------------------------------------------------- upltnt(i,j) = 0.0 evap(i,j) = sbc(i,j,ievap) upsens(i,j) = sbc(i,j,isens) uplwr(i,j) = sbc(i,j,ilwr) else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculations only for land points ! find land temperature by balancing the surface heat budget ! dwsr = ultnt + usens + ulwr ! using Newton's method: ! t(i+1) = t(i) - f(t(i))/df(t(i)) ! where: ! f(t(i)) = dwsr - ultnt - usens - ulwr ! -df(t(i)) = dultnt - dusens - dulwr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- tlnd = surf(i,j) tlold = tlnd fm = esatm*(tair + C2K)**4 fg = rhoatm ! calculate stomatal resistance sr = (1.-agric(i,j,2))*veg_rs(iveg(i,j)) & + agric(i,j,2)*veg_rs(iagric) dalt_v = veg_dalt(i,j) ! add in aerodynamic resistance sr = sr + 1.0/(dalt_v*wspd + epsln) ! set beta parameter for calculating actual evaporation fh = min(max(c0+epsln, (soilm(i,j,lf)/soilmax)**(0.25)),c1) ! set coefficients for latent heat (fl) and evaporation (fg) fl = fh*ff/(sr) fg = fh*fg/(sr) dusens = fb*dalt_v*wspd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! start loop for all land grid points !----------------------------------------------------------------------- qair = rh(i,j)*cssh*exp(17.67*tair/(tair + 243.5)) iter = 0 delta = tol2 do while (abs(delta) .gt. tol .and. iter .le. maxit) iter = iter + 1 qlnd = cssh*exp(17.67*tlnd/(tlnd + 243.5)) if (qlnd .gt. qair) then ultnt = fl*(qlnd - qair) dultnt = fl*qlnd*17.67*243.5/(tlnd + 243.5)**2 else ultnt = 0.0 dultnt = 0.0 endif usens = dusens*(tlnd - tair) ulwr = eslnd*(tlnd + C2K)**4 - fm dulwr = 4.0*eslnd*(tlnd + C2K)**3 f = dnswr(i,j) - ultnt - usens - ulwr df = dultnt + dusens + dulwr delta = f/df tlnd = tlnd + delta enddo if (iter .gt. maxit) then ! if not converged, set to last converged temperature if (abs(delta) .gt. emax) then emax = abs(delta) imax = i jmax = j tlnd = tlold endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate fluxes on land !----------------------------------------------------------------------- surf(i,j) = tlnd qlnd = cssh*exp(17.67*tlnd/(tlnd + 243.5)) evap(i,j) = max(c0, fg*(qlnd - qair)) evap(i,j) = max(c0, min(soilm(i,j,lf)/dts, evap(i,j))) flux(i,j,ishum) = evap(i,j)*(1.0 - aice(i,j,2)) upltnt(i,j) = vlocn*evap(i,j) upsens(i,j) = dusens*(tlnd - tair) uplwr(i,j) = eslnd*(tlnd + C2K)**4 - fm ! ensure fluxes are balanced since land can't absorb error upsens(i,j) = dnswr(i,j) - upltnt(i,j) - uplwr(i,j) endif enddo enddo if (emax .gt. 0.0) write (stdout,*) & '==> Warning: land surface temperature not converging: ' &, 'emax, i, j, soilm:', emax, imax, jmax, soilm(imax,jmax,2) return end subroutine precipitate (is, ie, js, je) !======================================================================= ! calculate precipitation explicitly and update humidity !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, ie, iem1, is, isp1, j, je, jem1, js, jsp1, k, n, negq real fb, fc, qmax, rate, tair, teff, telev, soiltemp, pson, psot real ssh, tmp include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "scalar.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" include "switch.h" include "csbc.h" include "ice.h" include "mtlm.h" real hs(imt,jmt) data negq /0/ save negq if (eoyear) negq = 0 isp1 = is + 1 iem1 = ie - 1 jsp1 = js + 1 jem1 = je - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set appropriate constants !----------------------------------------------------------------------- fb = rhoatm*shq/dts fc = dts/rhosno ! maximum relative humidity after rain call unloadland (POINTS, LYING_SNOW, imt, jmt, land_map, hs) ! convert from kg/m2 to cm hs(:,:) = hs(:,:)*0.1/rhosno precip(:,:) = 0. rh(:,:) = 0. k = 0 do j=jsp1,jem1 do i=isp1,iem1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check if specific humidity is greater than rhmax of saturation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- telev = elev(i,j) & + hicel(i,j,2) teff = at(i,j,2,isat) & - telev*rlapse*rf1*exp(max(-1.,-telev/rf2)) ssh = cssh*exp(17.67*teff/(teff + 243.5)) qmax = rhmax*ssh if (at(i,j,2,ishum) .gt. qmax) then tmp = fb*(at(i,j,2,ishum) - qmax) precip(i,j) = precip(i,j) + tmp at(i,j,2,ishum) = at(i,j,2,ishum) - tmp/fb rh(i,j) = rhmax endif rh(i,j) = at(i,j,2,ishum)/(ssh + epsln) rh(i,j) = max(c0, min(c1, rh(i,j))) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate snowfall (hsno at tau was set in the ice model) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! tair may be adjusted by a snowfall offset temperature tsno tair = at(i,j,2,isat) - tsno - telev*rlapse psno(i,j) = 0.0 if (land_map(i,j) .eq. 0) hs(i,j) = hsno(i,j,2) if (tair .le. c0 .and. hs(i,j) .lt. hsno_max) & psno(i,j) = min((hsno_max - hs(i,j))/fc, precip(i,j)) if (tmsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then ! only allow snow where there is sea ice psno(i,j) = psno(i,j)*aice(i,j,2) hsno(i,j,2) = hsno(i,j,2) + fc*psno(i,j) if (addflxa) flux(i,j,ishum) = flux(i,j,ishum) & - dts*psno(i,j) elseif (land_map(i,j) .eq. 0) then hsno(i,j,2) = hsno(i,j,2) + fc*psno(i,j) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update soilm and allocate surplus soil moisture to runoff !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tmsk(i,j) .lt. 0.5 .and. land_map(i,j) .eq. 0) then flux(i,j,ishum) = flux(i,j,ishum) - precip(i,j) + psno(i,j) soiltemp = soilm(i,j,2) soilm(i,j,2) = soilm(i,j,lf) - dts*flux(i,j,ishum) soilm(i,j,2) = max(c0, soilm(i,j,2)) soilm(i,j,1) = soiltemp if (soilm(i,j,2) .gt. soilmax) then runoff(i,j) = (soilm(i,j,2) - soilmax)/dts soilm(i,j,2) = soilmax else runoff(i,j) = c0 endif endif enddo enddo call embmbc (psno) call embmbc (hsno(1,1,2)) return end subroutine co2forc !======================================================================= ! calculate global average CO2 forcing !======================================================================= implicit none real yr, p24e7, p72e4, p105e4, p536 include "cembm.h" include "stdunits.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! relative forcing from 280 ppmv (anthro) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CMIP5/2.9 ESCM 02 formulation ! anthro = co2for*alog(co2ccn/co2pi) ! [g/(s^3)] ! ! New calculation source: Etminan et al. (2016); Smith et al. (2018) ! ! accouting for the band overlap with n2o ! include co2pi as pre-industrial co2ccn !----------------------------------------------------------------------- p24e7 = 2.4e-7 p72e4 = 7.2e-4 p105e4 = 1.04e-4 p536 = 5.36 anthro = (-p24e7*((co2ccn-co2pi)**2) + p72e4*abs(co2ccn-co2pi) ! & - p105e4*(n2occn+n2opi) & + p536)*alog(co2ccn/co2pi)*1000 ! write(stdout,*) 'fluxes anthro (co2for)=', anthro ! write(stdout,*) 'fluxes co2ccn =', co2ccn return end