Simulations performed and data sets made available for "Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10)". Total Size: 43 GB The data may be used and distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC-BY-NC-ND).For questions please contact: Nadine Mengis, GEOMAR-Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel, Each folder contains a and a file, which describes the model option and physical and biogeochemical parameterisations applied. Model output is given as global mean aggregates (tsi.) and spatially resolved variables (tavg.). 1_spinup_10000yrs: To follow the spin-up protocol for CMIP6 from Eyring et al. (2016), in this simulation the "pyear" in the was set to 1849, which is the year for which the input data was set to CMIP6 protocols. 2_4xCO2 and 3_2xCO2: To diagnose the transient climate response (TCR), equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS), the ocean heat uptake efficiency (𝜅_4x), and the transient climate response to cumulative emissions (TCRE), as given in Table 1) we ran 1,000 year simulations starting with a 1% per year increase in CO2 concentrations until a doubling (2xCO2) and quadrupling (4xCO2) was reached after which the concentration was kept constant. 4_esm_piControl: For emission-driven simulations we performed a drift run for more than 2500 years. Realising that the model drift was small, we decided to take a 1500 year restart file to run transient climate change simulations. 5_2p10_co2emit: The historical simulation is forced with fossil CO2 emissions, dynamically diagnosed land-use change emission, non-CO2 GHG forcing, sulphate aerosol forcing, volcanic anomalies forcing and solar forcing, following CMIP6 protocol. 6_2p10_seasonality: To diagnose seasonal model behaviour we ran the model in the same set up as for 5_2p10_co2emit, with a higher temporal resolution for the years 2000-2020. Three restart files are provided: restart file for CO2 concentration driven simulations. Restart is from the end of the 10.000 year spin-up. restart file for CO2 emission driven simulations. Restart is from the end of the 1500 years drift simulation. restart file for CO2 emission driven CMIP6 forcing simulations. Restart is from the year 2000 from the emissions driven simulation.