C$Header: /Users/ikriest/CVS/mops/BGC_INI.F,v 1.3 2016/06/03 09:28:59 ikriest Exp $ C$Name: mops-2_0 $ C Initialization for P core of the Kiel BGC model (NPZD-DOP) framework. C Written by Iris Kriest (modified Aug-Nov 2010). C Iris Kriest added sediment+river runoff option #ifdef SEDIMENT (Dec 2010) C Iris Kriest skipped option #ifdef SEDIMENT and added N-cycle with N-fixation and denitrification (Apr 2011) C Iris Kriest modified and extended some comments (Jan 2015) C Iris Kriest added -DIMPRO option for use of implicit profiles, as in Kriest and Oschlies, 2011 (April 2015) C Iris Kriest modified slightly for use within optimization (May 2015) C Basis for air-sea gas exchange of O2: MIT source code, C modified by Samar Khatiwala, then by Iris Kriest (Aug-Nov 2010) C THIS FILE CONTAINS: C SR bgc_ini - calculate initilization of P core of BGC C INITIALIZE CALCULATE THE P CORE (BIOGEOCHEMISTRY) C INITIALIZE CALCULATE THE P CORE (BIOGEOCHEMISTRY) C INITIALIZE CALCULATE THE P CORE (BIOGEOCHEMISTRY) C INITIALIZE CALCULATE THE P CORE (BIOGEOCHEMISTRY) C INITIALIZE CALCULATE THE P CORE (BIOGEOCHEMISTRY) C PREPROCESSOR OPTIONS: C CALLED BY: mops_biogeochem_ini C CALLS: C INPUT/ARGUMENT LIST: C bgc_zu() depth of upper boundary of vertical layers C setDefaults switch for parameter reinitialization C INPUT/COMMON BLOCK: C bgc_kmax nominal number of vertical layers (by mops_biogeochem_ini) C OUTPUT/COMMON BLOCK: C biogeochemical parameters. See BGC_PARAMS.h and BGC_INI.F. C contants for air-sea gas exchange. See BGC_PARAMS.h and BGC_INI.F. SUBROUTINE BGC_INI(bgc_zu,setDefaults) implicit none #include "BGC_PARAMS.h" #include "BGC_CONTROL.h" real*8 bgc_zu(bgc_ktotal+1) #ifdef IMPRO real*8 anafacz, anafac0 #endif integer k,kk logical setDefaults if (setDefaults) then C AIR-SEA GAS EXCHANGE OF O2, taken from MIT model C define Schmidt no. coefficients for O2 C based on Keeling et al [GBC, 12, 141, (1998)] sox1 = 1638.0d0 sox2 = -81.83d0 sox3 = 1.483d0 sox4 = -0.008004d0 C coefficients for determining saturation O2 oA0= 2.00907d0 oA1= 3.22014d0 oA2= 4.05010d0 oA3= 4.94457d0 oA4= -2.56847d-1 oA5= 3.88767d0 oB0= -6.24523d-3 oB1= -7.37614d-3 oB2= -1.03410d-2 oB3= -8.17083d-3 oC0= -4.88682d-7 C NUMERICAL ISSUES RELATED TO BIOGEOCHEMISTRY vsafe = 1.0d-6 C BGC PARAMETERS FOR SURFACE OCEAN BIOLOGY ! Stoichiometry rcp=117.0d0 !redfield ratio C:P rnp=16.0d0 !redfield ratio N:P ro2ut = 170.0d0 !redfield -O2:P ratio subox = 1.0d0 !no oxic degradation below this level subdin = 4.0d0 !no denitrification below this level ! N2-Fixatioon ! Factors tf2, tf1 and tf0 are a polynomial (2nd order) ! approximation to the functional relationship by Breitbarth et al. (2007), ! for temperature dependence of Trichodesmium growth, ! their eq. (2), assuming that their powers relate to "e" (10^), and ! that the last but one sign has to be reversed. ! The relation will be scaled to their max. growth rate. ! Note that the second order approx. is basically similar to their ! function 2 for T-dependent nitrogen fixation multiplied by 4 ! (2 [N atoms per mole] * 12 [light hrs per day]/6 [C-atoms per N-atoms]) tf2 = -0.0042d0 tf1 = 0.2253d0 tf0 = -2.7819d0 tff = 0.2395d0 nfix = 2.0d-3 ![mmol N/m3/d]; if PO4>0 and DIN = 0 and T=26.82 this corresponds !to an integral over 100 m of ~ 200 umol N/m2/d, a !rather high value acc. to Mahaffey et al., 2005 !alternatively, 2 umol/m3/d = 0.08 nmol/L/hr, !a rather high value acc. to Mulholland (2007) ! Phytoplankton parameters TempB = 15.65d0 !ref. temperature for T-dependent growth ACmuphy = 0.6d0 !max. growth rate [1/day] ACik = 9.653d0 !Light half-saturation constant [W/m2] ACkpo4 = 0.4995d0 !half-saturation constant for PO4 uptake [mmol P/m3] ACkchl = 0.03d0*rnp !att. of Phy [1/(m*mmol P/m3)] ACkw = 0.04d0 !attenuation of water [1/m] AClambda = 0.03d0 !exudation rate [1/day] AComni = 0.0d0 !density dep. loss rate [m3/(mmol P * day)] plambda = 0.01d0 !phytoplankton mortality ! Zooplankton parameters ACmuzoo=1.893d0 !max. grazing rate [1/d] ACkphy=SQRT(ACmuzoo/1.0d0)/rnp !zoo half-saturation constant [mmol P] AClambdaz=0.03d0 !zooplankton excretion [1/d] AComniz=4.548d0 !zooplankton mortality [m3/(mmol P * day)] ACeff=0.75d0 !assimilation efficiency zlambda=0.01d0 !zooplankton mortality ! DOPparameters graztodop = 0.15d0 ! fraction grazing that goes into DOP dlambda = 0.17d0/360.0d0 !DOP remineralization rate [1/day] (SLOW recycling) c A minimum value for the degradation of PHY and DOP alimit = 1.0d-3 ! Detritus parameters detlambda = 0.05d0 !detritus remineralisation rate [1/d] detmartin = 0.8580d0 ! Exponent for Martin curve ! Parameters specific to MOPS: (Kriest and Oschlies 2013, 2015) burdige_fac = 1.6828d0 ! factor for sediment burial (see Kriest and Oschlies, 2013) burdige_exp = 0.799d0 ! exponent for sediment burial (see Kriest and Oschlies, 2013) ACkbaco2 = 2.0d0 !Half sat.-constant for oxic degradation (see Kriest and Oschlies, 2015) ACkbacdin = 8.0d0 !Half sat.-constant for suboxic degradation (see Kriest and Oschlies, 2015) endif !setDefaults; anything beyond this line will be affected during optimization C Derived parameters rhno3ut = 0.8d0*ro2ut - rnp ! -HNO3:P ratio for denitrification detwa = detlambda/detmartin !w = a*z+b for aphotic layers detwb = 0.0d0 !offset for detritus sinking C REMINERALISATION LENGTH SCALES do k=1,bgc_kmax wdet(k) = detwb + (bgc_zu(k)+bgc_zu(k+1))*0.5d0*detwa enddo #ifdef IMPRO C Use implicit profiles for particle sinking to overcome numerical diffusion, C as explained in Kriest and Oschlies, 2011, Ocean Model., 39, 275-283. C Only do this for deeper layers, as many other processes (physical and biological) C beside sinking and remineralization might play a role in the euphotic zone. anafac0 = (1.0d0+detwa*bgc_dt)**(detlambda/detwa)-1.0d0 do k=bgc_keuph+1,bgc_kmax anafacz = (bgc_zu(k)/bgc_zu(k+1))**(detlambda/detwa) wdet(k) = ((bgc_zu(k+1)-bgc_zu(k))*anafac0* & anafacz/(1.0d0-anafacz))/bgc_dt enddo #endif return end