Shallow water model runs used in Kloewer et al, 2018, Ocean Modelling. An explanation on the runs stored in this folder: The resolution is fixed to dx=30km, 128x128 grid points. The backscatter diffusion nu_e is 540m^2/s^2 unless otherwise stated. The variable backscatter strength Rdiss is described in the manuscript. The comments contain either the name of this model run as described in the manuscript or runs have not been mentioned in the manuscript but were performed for supplementary analysis. Run id Rdiss nu_e comment 0000 1 LR + weak backscatter 0001 2 not used in the manuscript 0002 6 not used in the manuscript 0003 8 LR + moderate backscatter 0004 infinity not used in the manuscript 0005 8 5400m^2/s^2 only mentioned in Chapter 3.2 0006 16 not used in the manuscript 0007 32 not used in the manuscript 0008 64 LR + strong backscatter