Siren Rühs (November, 2017) Data and code access for “Eddy diffusivity estimates from Lagrangian trajectories simulated with ocean models and surface drifter data - a case study for the greater Agulhas system” by Rühs et al. (2017) published at JPO (doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0048.1) Summary: This repository provides the original set of simulated trajectories from the Lagrangian reference experiment (SIMeddy-5d) needed for reproducing all major results of the above mentioned study (by applying the methods thoroughly described in the manuscript). It further contains all inferred data as well as a bundle of scripts necessary to repeat the production of Figures 2-5, which visualize the detailed evaluation of experiment SIMeddy-5d and its comparison with drifter derived diffusivities (OBS). All further data from additionally performed Lagrangian experiments, e.g., to assess the sensitivity of the diffusivity estimates to the resolution of the Eulerian model fields as well as to smoothing choices, can be provided on request from the corresponding author ( or Repository content: /Ruehs2017_Data Data folder with: 1) Set of simulated trajectories for the Lagrangian reference experiment SIMeddy-5d / [1.7G] 2) Diffusivity estimates derived from the simulated drifter tracks 2D spatial pattern of maximum and asymptotic near-surface eddy diffusivities as well as pseudo-Eulerian mean currents and EKE (in overlapping 5deg bins): / [22K] / [19K] Time-lag dependent diffusivity and dispersion estimates for selected bins / [3K] / [3K] / [3K] / [3K] 3) Diffusivity estimates derived from observed drifter tracks 2D spatial pattern of maximum and asymptotic near-surface eddy diffusivities as well as pseudo-Eulerian mean currents and EKE (in overlapping 5deg bins): / [22K] / [19K] 4) Additional masks needed to reproduce Figures 2 to 5 with the data provided by this repository / [7.2M] / [8.5 K] Please refer to ./Ruehs2017_Data/ for more detailed information on the individual datasets. /Ruehs2017_Scripts Script folder with: 1) PyFerret script to replot Figure 2 /Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure2.jnl 2) PyFerret script to replot Figures 3 to 5 /Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure3to5.jnl 3) Customized colors/colorbars needed to reproduce Figures 2 to 5 /myred.spk /mycolbar.spk Please refer to ./Ruehs2017_Scripts/ for more detailed information on how to run the scripts. Feel free to use and distribute these scripts under the License agreement ./Ruehs2017_Scripts/LICENSE.