Siren Rühs (November, 2017) Data access for “Eddy diffusivity estimates from Lagrangian trajectories simulated with ocean models and surface drifter data - a case study for the greater Agulhas system” by Rühs et al. (2017) published at JPO (doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0048.1) Summary: This repository provides the original set of simulated trajectories from the Lagrangian reference experiment (SIMeddy-5d) needed for reproducing all major results of the above mentioned study (by applying the methods thoroughly described in the manuscript). It further contains all inferred data necessary to repeat the production of Figures 2-5, which visualize the detailed evaluation of experiment SIMeddy-5d and its comparison with drifter derived diffusivities (OBS). All further data from additionally performed Lagrangian experiments, e.g., to assess the sensitivity of the diffusivity estimates to the resolution of the Eulerian model fields as well as to smoothing choices, can be provided on request from the corresponding author ( or File descriptions: / [1.7G] Set of simulated trajectories for the Lagrangian reference experiment SIMeddy-5d see attributes in netcdf data set for detailed information / [22K] 2D spatial pattern of the maximum and asymptotic near-surface eddy diffusivity estimates from Lagrangian reference experiment SIMeddy-5d in overlapping 5deg bins with 2deg offset. Variables: Kmax_dis: maximum diffusivity estimate obtained from the minor principal component of the half growth rate of the single-particle dispersion tensor [unit: 10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kasymptotic_dis: asymptotic diffusivity estimate from the minor principal component of the half growth rate of the single-particle dispersion tensor [unit: 10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kmax_dav: maximum diffusivity estimate obtained from the minor principal component of the symmetric part of the Davis diffusivity tensor [10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kasymptotic_dav: asymptotic diffusivity estimate from the minor principal component of the symmetric part of the Davis diffusivity tensor [10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kmax: maximum diffusivity estimate obtained from the combined lateral eddy diffusivity estimate [10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kasymptotic: asymptotic diffusivity estimate from the combined lateral eddy diffusivity estimate [10^3 m^2 s^-1] / [19K] 2D spatial pattern of the near-surface pseudo-Eulerian mean currents and eddy kinetic energy (EKE) from Lagrangian reference experiment SIMeddy-5d in overlapping 5deg bins with 2deg offset. Variables: CurrentVelocity: mean current speed [m s^-1] CurrentAngle: mean current vector angle [deg] EKE: mean EKE [m2 s-2] DrifterTimeStats: total number of recorded drifter counts (=drifter days) per bin DrifterStats: total number of recorded drifters (each drifter only counted once) per bin / [3K] / [3K] / [3K] / [3K] Time-lag dependent diffusivity and dispersion estimates for selected bins in the Agulhas Current (AC), the Agulhas Retroflection (AR), the Agulhas return Current (ARC), and the eastern South Atlantic Gyre (eSAG) from Lagrangian reference experiment SIMeddy-5d. Variables: Dxx: zonal component of the ensemble mean single-particle dispersion tensor [m^2] Dyy: meridional component of the ensemble mean single-particle dispersion tensor [m^2] Dp2: minor principal component of the ensemble mean single-particle dispersion tensor [m^2] Kdispers: minor principal component of the half growth rate of the single-particle dispersion tensor [10^3 m^2 s^-1] Kdavis: minor principal component of the symmetric part of the Davis diffusivity tensor [10^3 m^2 s^-1] Klat: combined lateral eddy diffusivity estimate defined as the semi-sum of the two diffusivity measures [10^3 m^2 s^-1] / [22K] 2D spatial pattern of the maximum and asymptotic near-surface eddy diffusivity estimates from observed GDP drifters (OBS) in overlapping 5deg bins with 2deg offset. same variables and format as in \ / [19K] 2D spatial pattern of the near-surface pseudo-Eulerian mean currents and eddy kinetic energy (EKE) from observed GDP drifters (OBS) in overlapping 5deg bins with 2deg offset. same variables and format as in \ / [7.2M] / [8.5 K] Additional masks needed to reproduce Figures 2 to 5 with the scripts in