This archive collects the (PyFerret) scripts necessary to repeat the production of Figures 2 to 5 of the manuscript “Eddy diffusivity estimates from Lagrangian trajectories simulated with ocean models and surface drifter data - a case study for the greater Agulhas system” by Rühs et al. (2017) published at JPO (doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0048.1) The original manuscript can be found at Further information is also available at To run the scripts at your machine you need a PyFerret installation as well as the data provided at Running Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure2.jnl with PyFerret will make additional use of myred.spk and outputs Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure2.pdf. Running Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure2.jnl with PyFerret will make additional use of mycolbar.spk and outputs Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure3.pdf, Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure4.pdf, and Plot_Ruehs2017_Figure5.pdf. Feel free to use and distribute these scripts under the MIT License. Siren Ruehs (November, 2017)