Siren Rühs (, first upload: April 2019 # Data and code access for 'Cold vs. warm water route — sources for the upper limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning circulation revisited in a high-resolution ocean model' (Rühs et al., OS 2019, doi:10.5194/os-2018-134) **Summary:** This repository provides the original REF sets of quantitative trajectories (simulated with the ARIANE software, version 2.2.6, freely available at, last accessed 10.04.2019) needed for reproducing all major results of the above mentioned study by applying the methods thoroughly described in the paper. It further contains all scripts necessary to eventually reproduce the Lagrangian simulations with the ARIANE software (however, not in its original, but in an exemplary simplified version avoiding specific adoptions to the computing environment). Eulerian OGCM data can be provided on request from the corresponding author. **Reference:** Rühs, S., Schwarzkopf, F. U., Speich, S., and Biastoch, A.: Cold vs. warm water route – sources for the upper limb of the AMOC revisited in a high-resolution ocean model, Ocean Sci. Discuss.,, in review, 2018. Please feel free to use and distribute the data and scripts of this repository, but mind the MIT license (/RuehsOD2019_Scripts/LICENSE) and always cite the original paper and add the link to this repository ( Of course, the corresponding autor would also greatly appreciate a short notice in case the here provided data and scripts contribute to publications. **Content:** The repository consists of a data folder **/RuehsOD2019_Data** and a script folder **/RuehsOD2019_Scripts** with the following content: **/RuehsOD2019_Data** Quantitative Lagrangian trajectories simulated with the ARIANE software - whole reference set / [64M] / [71M] / [68M] / [70M] / [61M] / [58M] / [61M] / [64M] / [65M] / [71M] - subsample of reference set: AC contribution (with and without mixed layer as samling section) / [13M] / [15M] / [15M] / [16M] / [14M] / [14M] / [16M] / [16M] / [16M] / [18M] / [13M] / [15M] / [15M] / [16M] / [14M] / [14M] / [16M] / [16M] / [16M] / [18M] - subsample of reference set: DP contribution (with and without mixed layer as samling section) / [11M] / [11M] / [13M] / [11M] / [12M] / [11M] / [12M] / [11M] / [11M] / [11M] / [11M] / [11M] / [13M] / [11M] / [12M] / [11M] / [12M] / [11M] / [11M] / [11M] **/RuehsOD2019_Scripts** Scripts necessary to repeat the simulation of the (quantitative) backward trajectories with ARIANE software - modified mod_criter1.f90 code for ensuring that all trajectories are only integrated for exactly 40 years /ariane_mod_criter1_40yrs.f90 - modified mod_criter1.f90 code for sampling first (in backward sense) entry into mixed layer /ariane_mod_criter1_mld.f90 - scripts needed for definition of release and sampling sections /ariane_namelist_MKSEG /ariane_segrid_copy /ariane_sections_modified.txt /ariane_region_limits - namelist for preliminary REF experiment /ariane_namelist_REFpreliminary.GENERIC - script to create list of subsets of trajectories based on sampling sections / - namelist for subset experiments (REF, AC, DP, AC_MLD,AC_DP) /ariane_namelist_REFsubset.GENERIC - exemplary job scripts /ariane_job_REFpreliminary.ksh /ariane_job_subsets.ksh