#!/bin/ksh #============================================================= #============================================================= # Script to repeat ARIANE subset experiments # from Rühs et al. (2019) #============================================================= #============================================================= # to be adjusted to computing environment (here: HLRN) #============================================================= #PBS -N ariane_EXPe1 #PBS -j oe #PBS -q specialm2_longq #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24 #PBS -l walltime=96:00:00 #PBS -l feature=mpp2 #PBS -M sruehs@geomar.de #PBS -m e #============================================================= # to be adjusted to the experiment of interest # # EXP: experiment name relating to release year # LMINVAR: first time step of particle release period # LMAXVAR: last time step of particle release period # subset: b (REF), c (AC), or d (DP) # # note: LMINVAR and LMAXVAR, EXP, and PROJ_DIR have to be set # identical to corresponding preliminary REF experiment # # note2: make sure to use an ARIANE version with active # mod_criter1 restricting the integration length or # mod_criter1 sampling MLD # # note3: subsets must have been created before, be stored in # folder of original preliminary REF experiment, and named # according to subset${EXP}${subset}.txt # # example: for creating the final REF experiment (including only # particles that left domain within 40 yrs of integration) for # release year 2004 chose subset=a and ARIANE version with active # mod_criter1 40yrs restriction #============================================================= PROJ_DIR=/gfs1/work/shkifmsr/ARIANE/ColdVsWarm EXP=EXP2004 LMINVAR=3357 LMAXVAR=3430 subset=b export PATH=/home/h/shkifmsr/bin/ariane-2.2.6_01_ColdWarmRoute_40yrint/bin:${PATH} #============================================================= # main part #============================================================= if [[ $subset = "b" ]] ; then EXPs=${EXP}b_exitdomain elif [[ $subset = "c" ]] ; then EXPs=${EXP}c_exitAC elif [[ $subset = "d" ]] ; then EXPs=${EXP}d_exitDP else echo no valid definition of a subset - choose b,c,or d exit fi cd ${PROJ_DIR}/${EXP} mkdir -p ${EXPs} cd ${EXPs} LOG_FILE=${EXPs}.log date > ${LOG_FILE} sed -e "s/START/$LMINVAR/" -e "s/STOP/$LMAXVAR/" ../../ariane_namelist_subset.GENERIC > namelist ln -s -v ../sections.txt . >> ${LOG_FILE} ln -s -v ../region_limits . >> ${LOG_FILE} ln -s -v ../segrid_copy . >> ${LOG_FILE} ln -s -v ../ariane_positions_quantitative.nc ./ariane_initial.nc >> ${LOG_FILE} ln -s -v ../subset${EXP}${subset}.txt ./subset.txt which ariane >> ${LOG_FILE} ariane 2>&1 >> ${LOG_FILE} date >> ${LOG_FILE} #============================================================= exit